Read Double Dare Online

Authors: Jeanne St. James

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica, #erotic, #Erotic Contemporary, #menage, #Multicultural

Double Dare (15 page)

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Ty closed his eyes, his lips parted, and let her wrists go before he bruised or broke them.

“Holy fuck, Lo—”

Logan continued his assault on Ty's ass, plunging deep and hard, never pausing, causing Ty to buck against him, to buck against Quinn.

She fell forward, capturing his nipple in her mouth, sucking hard, raking her teeth across the small, stiff tip.

“Jesus, I'm going… Ah fuck!”

He thrust upward and tensed, his cock jerking within her. She tensed also as she felt the ripples within her begin, holding Ty like a fist, milking him of his hot seed.

She collapsed on Ty's chest bonelessly until Logan smacked her ass lightly. He gripped her, pushing his fingers deep into the flesh of her hips, and he pumped. Even though he pumped into Ty's hole, it was almost as if he were fucking her from behind. She watched him over her shoulder with unfettered interest. His long hair partially covered his face, but she could see him tightening, his jaw, his neck, his chest muscles. His buttocks clenched and unclenched with each draw of his hips until he just stopped.

He squeezed his eyes shut and grimaced, and Quinn could imagine Logan's hot cum filling Ty's canal. One lover filling another.

Then it was over. Silence. Stillness.

They were still connected. Pieced together. No one wanting to move…

No one wanting to be the first to break their closeness.

Chapter Ten


Quinn shut the door of her town house with her foot, her arms full of groceries.

Silence greeted her. The house was quiet and empty.


She moved toward the back of her two-story townhome to the small kitchen, where she sat the brown paper bags stuffed full of necessities on the tiny kitchen island.

The kitchen at the farm was at least three times the size of hers. She didn't even have room for a table. Since she'd been home, she hadn't felt like cooking anyway.

She felt empty deep down in the pit of her stomach. Like something was missing.

Ignoring the groceries, she moved to the sliding-glass door, which led out to a small deck. A deck the size of a postage stamp that looked out to the back side of someone else's town house. No fields of grass here. No wide-open spaces.

No Logan. No Ty.

She already missed the boys. And it was only Monday.

She had left the farm Sunday night after they cooked up an unbelievable dinner. She had watched in amazement as they moved around the kitchen, snapping towels at each other, joking around, occasionally brushing against each other and pretending it was accidental.

After dinner, they had sat around the table, and the conversation had gotten serious.

Logan had asked her to stay. At least for a while.

She told him no. She had a job. A family. But really, it wasn't a good excuse.

The truth was that she worried what people would say. What people would think. Her coworkers, her friends? Her family? Argh.

She had to weigh her options. Was enjoying two men worth the price of possible censure? Before her weekend out on the farm, she would have said no. Now…

She couldn't say.

She had to remind herself she was a practical person. She was a financial analyst, for God's sake. Sleeping with two men wasn't practical. Especially when it was at the same time.

Logan finally let her leave with a parting suggestion: “
Think about it

She had been thinking about it. Nonstop. At work. And definitely at home, when she was at her loneliest.

One weekend. Two men. And she felt…she felt something had changed inside of her. Something that would never go back to normal.


Crap. What
normal? A relationship with Peter? Hardly.

Her cell phone vibrated across the kitchen counter, making her jump. It was probably Lana. Or Paula.

She picked it up and looked at the caller ID.
. Damn, how had he known she was thinking of him? Of Ty?

She flipped it open.

Before she could even say hello, he started talking. “Quinn. I miss you.”

Quinn moved out of the kitchen and into the adjoining living room. She sank into the leather recliner she loved, and tucked her feet under her legs.

“You miss me. Does Ty?”

“Ty's right here. He misses you too.”

“It was fun…”

“Was that all?”

Was it? No.

But before that reception two weekends ago, she had sworn off men. She had needed another man in her life like a hole in the head. And now? Now she was going to get involved with two?

She was crazy.

Okay. Maybe she
men. For certain functions. But she didn't need a relationship.

“It was a stupid dare…”

“You're fooling yourself. It had nothing to do with the dare. You didn't have to come back last weekend, but you did.”

Quinn couldn't disagree with what he was saying. She gripped the phone tighter.

“Do you regret it?”

“You know I don't.”

“So come back.” She could hear Ty in the background but couldn't make out his words. “Come back for the weekend.”

“I don't know…”

“What's one more weekend?”

“I have plans.” It was true, but stretching it.

“For the whole weekend?”

Quinn silently cursed. She should have known Logan wasn't going to back down, take a simple answer, and leave it at that.

“I promised my parents I'd meet them for dinner.”

He was a dominant. He was going to press until he got the answers he wanted. “When?”


He was in control. “So meet them. Leave Sunday morning after breakfast.”

She couldn't argue with that.

He knew what he wanted, when he wanted it, and how to get it. And that knowledge made her toes curl and her blood rush through her veins.

His voice got low, forceful. “We dare you.”

In the end, she agreed. She accepted their dare.

* * *

The anticipation of waiting four more days was killing her.

She was restless at work on Tuesday, and Paula and Lana showed up unexpectedly at her office on Wednesday. They plopped themselves in the chairs that sat across from her desk and dumped greasy bags of food on her formerly clean desktop.

“Fried chicken from Charlie's Chicken Shack,” Lana crowed, propping her feet on Quinn's desk.

“Your favorite.”

Quinn didn't agree. It was Paula's favorite, not hers. But it did smell good.

Paula started digging through the bags, dragging out cheap plastic utensils and a wad of napkins, scattering food and crumbs and plasticware all over her desk.

Quinn grimaced and squirmed in her chair. Not only didn't she like someone messing up her personal space, but her ass was still sore from last weekend's extracurricular activities.

She half listened to the girls chatter away about stuff that wasn't really important, but they were her friends, and she loved them. So she tried to pay attention.

“Where were you Saturday? I called your cell.
left a message. Which you didn't return, by the way.”

Quinn waved a hand carelessly. She glanced at Lana quickly, then away to papers on her desk, shuffling them around. “I, uh…”

Crap. She had never been good at making excuses on the fly.

“I forgot to charge my phone.”

Lame. So lame. But Lana didn't question it, because Paula was on to the next topic.

“What are your plans

Quinn's computer dinged, and she pulled up her in-box.

Distracted, she answered, “Parents.”

An e-mail from Ty.

She had already said yes. Did they really think she needed more convincing?

Paula crumpled up one of the brown bags and tossed it into Quinn's wastebasket. Quinn gritted her teeth. Just what she wanted: her office to smell like fried chicken for the rest of the day.

“You're going to your parents' house for the weekend?”

The subject of the e-mail was
and had a red exclamation point next to it. Crap, maybe something was wrong with Logan or Ty.


Lana cut into her thoughts. “Unreachable last weekend, gone this one. I think she has a secret lover.”

Both of the girls looked at each other and laughed. Quinn's eyebrows pinned together. They didn't think she could have a lover? She was tempted to tell them but knew better. She didn't want that can of worms opened. That would mean spending the rest of the night dodging questions. They would want
the details. Details she wasn't willing to spill.

Lana snorted. “Quinn, you don't even
your parents. Why would you go out there for the weekend?”

“Hey, I like my parents!”

“Yeah, all you do is bitch about how controlling they are—”

“How snobby—” Paula chimed in.

Lana made a face. “How highbrow. Should we go on?”

They forgot judgmental.

“I'm trying to make amends.”

Lana and Paula looked at each other and laughed. Again.

Jeez, the girls weren't giving her a break today. But then, they knew her. Too well. Crap. E-mail. E-mail. She turned her attention back to her computer.

She double-clicked, and when she did, a photo popped up in the body of the message. Two naked males stood in an embrace kissing, hands caressing each other's erections. The photo cut off just above their mouths, so she couldn't see their faces. But she recognized the muscular bodies, the beautiful colors of the coral snake wrapped around Logan's hips, his nipple ring, the deep dark coloring of Ty's skin and his recognizable tattoos. Under the photo it said,
Something to get you over hump day.

Her breath caught as she studied the photo again. She wanted to be there. She wanted to jump into her computer screen and be instantly there, touching them. Exploring them. Being caressed and held by them.

“What's the matter, Quinn?”

She moved the cursor away from the Delete button and just minimized the screen instead. She wanted to look at the picture again later. When she was alone.

“Nothing. Just some Nigerian scam e-mail.”

She crossed her legs under her desk and squeezed her thighs together.

That's it. She was calling the boys, taking a personal day on Friday, and heading out early.

Chapter Eleven


It was like déjà vu. Another Friday and another drive down the long, dusty stone lane to Logan and Ty's farm.

And Quinn was just as anxious this time as she had been the last.

Looking for a song that would calm her nerves, she switched back and forth from one radio station to another. She finally settled on a classic-rock station. When she lifted her eyes back to the lane, she let out a gasp and slammed her foot on the brake pedal. The Infiniti's ABS brakes brought the car to a grinding halt on the stones, a cloud of dust rising around it.

In the cloud sat a four-wheel all-terrain vehicle, parked diagonally in the lane. Blocking her path.

On the ATV sat a figure dressed all in black from head to toe: mask, long-sleeved shirt, gloves, cargo pants, and combat-style boots.

Thoughts spun in her head. Words like
highwayman, robber, hijacker. Sinister
. And a split second later she had another ridiculous thought: it was too hot out to be dressed like that.

Quinn gripped the steering wheel, unable to move. She just stared at the man, unable to look away. Her heart pounded in her chest as he lifted a hand and pointed at her. Her breath caught in her throat.

“What…the hell?”

Whoever it was, whatever game he was playing, whatever his intentions were…she needed to get out of there.


Her hand went to the shifter, ready to shove it into reverse, when a dark figure was at her door, ripping it open and pulling her out, while the first one came through the passenger side.

She should have locked her fucking doors!

The second person slammed her vehicle into park and unhooked her seat belt as the first dragged her out of the driver's seat. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them together behind her back.

Quinn screamed and kicked out with her heels, aiming for shins and higher. She was quickly blindfolded and gagged, her hands bound behind her with a soft rope. She was thrown onto her stomach and, from what she could tell, onto the backseat of her own car.

The attackers never said a word as they bound her ankles to stop her from kicking.

She gasped for breath, the gag making her panic. She forced herself to breathe out of her nose. Slow, steady. Until she heard the car door slam and felt the vehicle move forward. She held her breath, trying to see if she could tell if they continued down the lane or turned around. But between being frightened and blindfolded, her sense of direction was skewed.

She had no idea where they were taking her. She had no idea who they were.

She was fucked.

Quinn attempted to rub the blindfold off with her shoulder. She failed. She was able to push it up a little, but not enough to be able to see anything other than a splinter of light.

The car bounced underneath her, and even through the blood rushing in her ears, she heard the stones pinging off the bottom of her car. And suddenly her body was thrown forward and came to rest against the back of the bench seat. She let out a muffled “oof” around the awful-tasting cloth in her mouth.

She heard the whine of the ATV as it approached the stopped vehicle, and within seconds both back doors of her car were opened and hands were grabbing at her, pulling and tugging.

Above the sound of feet scrambling on stones, she heard an angel.


The dog circled them, barking excitedly. His deep shepherd bark was unmistakable. She was saved.

She heard a deep grunt to her right as the kidnapper grabbed her elbow.

She heard a squeal, Magnum crying out in pain.

“Shit! Magnum! Get out of the way!”

. It was Logan's voice to her right.

“Get that dog out from underfoot.”

She wanted to ask what was happening. What was going on? But the cotton in her mouth had sucked all the saliva from her mouth. Even if they removed it, she wasn't sure she would be able speak.

She heard a sharp whistle somewhere in front of her and the dog scrambling up the stairs. She could picture exactly where she was now.

Her pulse slowed a fraction, and her breathing calmed a bit.

What was their intention? Was this a game?

Shit. It
a game; they were role-playing.

At least she hoped so.

Because if they weren't, she was going back to idea number one: she was fucked.


Ty held open the front door for Logan, who had Quinn thrown over his shoulder as he struggled up the front steps, clearly trying not to lose his balance. Ty shook his head. He was stronger; he should have been the one to carry her into the house.

He was glad to remove the hot ski masks he and Logan had worn for the mock kidnapping.

He was the one who had thought of this. He hoped he didn't regret it.

He hoped she didn't get too mad.

At first he thought the idea would be fun, until he saw how scared Quinn was when they hijacked her car. And those nasty heels she had on. Jesus, she could have maimed them.

Logan moved past him, and Ty locked the door behind them. That was the last thing they needed: to have someone show up and just walk in unannounced. The cops would be up to their ears thinking they were kidnapping Quinn against her will.

Ty caught up to Logan and took Quinn from him. Logan was already showing fatigue, and Ty didn't want to risk them falling when they headed down the basement steps.

He was glad Quinn had stopped struggling, and hoped she realized this was all in fun. He slung her over his shoulder. She smelled so good. One of his arms gripped her thighs, holding her in place, leaving his other hand to support her ass. And her ass was so soft…

He brought his attention back to the basement steps. Another thing he needed to avoid was missing a step and having the two of them tumble down them. Logan had gone on ahead and was setting up the contraption Ty had built just in preparation for this.

Logan waited for him with an anxious, if not horny, look in his eyes.

Ty had to chuckle. Logan had gone along with his idea with great anticipation.

He felt Quinn relax even further when he laughed. He was now sure she knew it was them and not some crazy fiends.

He stepped up to the homemade St. Andrew's cross. He had worked all week on it. Logan had wanted to try it out and use it in their play during the week, but Ty had refused. He wanted Quinn on it first.

He had attached the X-shaped wooden frame onto the basement wall, making sure it was secure, making sure no one would get hurt. He had made it secure enough that it would be a permanent fixture in the basement and could be used for future play. Whether Quinn was a part of that or not.

Instead of shackles and cuffs, he had set it up with soft rope loops that would be used to restrain the wrists and ankles and even her waist, if needed. The soft rope he'd purchased was made of silk, soft enough not to cause chafing of her delicate skin. He didn't want to cause any pain or discomfort—just wanting and desire.

He leaned Quinn against the St. Andrew's cross, and she collapsed against it, her knees flexing slightly. Logan dropped to her ankles, released the temporary restraints, and placed her feet into the looped ropes, while Ty unbound her wrists from behind her back and placed them into the loops at the top of the cross.

Within minutes she was spread-eagle on the upright restraint system. Her wrists and ankles were bound and spread wide, giving them complete access to her. Now they just needed to get rid of her clothes. The high heels—something she would wear to her job—slipped easily off her feet. Logan took his time removing them, caressing her arches, slipping fingers between her toes until she curled them.

Logan slid his palms up her calves, taking his time, while Ty grabbed a sharp knife. He had no other way to undress her while she was restrained. He would have to cut off her clothes. As he slowly cut them off—first her skirt, then her blouse, leaving her in only panties and a bra—he promised himself he would replace them.

Her lingerie set looked fancy and expensive—well thought out. He hesitated before cutting them off.

Quinn was still blindfolded and gagged. He leaned in close to her ear as Logan stood and snagged the knife from his hand.

“We're going to replace everything we ruin.”

With that, Logan slipped the knife between her breasts, freeing them as he cut through the elastic holding the cups together. He cut both of the shoulder straps and tossed the now-useless bra across the room. Ty watched goose bumps break out over Quinn's skin as Logan returned to his knees and caressed the tight skin of her stomach and hips before slicing the black lacy fabric of her panties also.

Quinn's nipples were tight and tempting. Ty ran his tongue over one and then the other. Her back arched, and a moan escaped from around the cloth gag. She tasted sweet and wicked, and he loved her flavor. He was amazed at the contrast between the paleness of her skin and the dark pink color of her nipples. It reminded him of strawberry frosting.

Logan took his time after cutting off her panties; still crouched between Quinn's legs, he kissed along her thighs. He plunged his fingers into her pussy, and Quinn's hips began to rotate in the same rhythm as Logan's wrist.


Quinn gasped into the gag as fingers buried deep into her. She was wet and enjoying every second of the boys' attention. Now she knew this was definitely kinky play.

She had never been one for being tied up. She had never wanted it for herself and never wanted to do it to anyone else.

There was something to be said about being blindfolded, gagged, and restrained to some contraption. She had no idea what it was. She still couldn't see.

Hell, there could be an audience watching what the boys were doing to her and she wouldn't know. That thought alone sent hot lightning through her core.

But her hearing was a bit sharper, and she couldn't hear anything but Ty's and Logan's breathing. And a few murmurs against her skin.

Logan—it had to be Logan—spread her pussy lips with his fingers, separating her, exposing her to his mouth as he pressed it against her clit, sucking and circling it with his tongue.

Quinn whimpered helplessly. She couldn't reach for his long hair, couldn't hold him where she wanted him. She was completely under their control. Again.

This was a hell of a start to the weekend.

They continued to surprise her and open her eyes to the unexpected.

Ty's hands kneaded her breasts, squeezing and pinching one nipple, while he sucked the other into his mouth. Her nipples were aching, hard peaks. She wanted him to pinch her harder, twist them harder, but she couldn't tell him that. She just had to wait for him to decide to do it on his own.

The frustration was like an aphrodisiac. It made her squirm.

She tried pulling against the soft restraints, yanking her limbs with a jerk.

“Shh. Don't hurt yourself.” Ty's voice, so close to her ear, made her shiver.

She felt a warm, wet tongue against her lobe, down her neck. Then it stroked along her bottom lip. He kissed her against the gag, his tongue rubbing against the wet fabric.

Quinn's breath caught. She wanted to touch him with her tongue, touch him with her hands. She pulled against the ropes harder.

She didn't necessarily want to be released—at least from the restraints. She wanted release in a different way.

Logan's mouth still worked her clit, his teeth nipping against the sensitive nub, and his fingers played along her labia. He inserted one finger in her. One finger was only a tease! And then he…hummed. Oh God, he was humming against her clit. The vibrations drove her crazy, and she screamed into the cloth, which muffled it to a dull whimper.

She mentally cursed. They wanted to drive her batty. It had to be the plan. Ty bit down on her nipple as Logan continued his humming.


She came, her body convulsing against Logan's measly sole finger as he teased it in and out of her.

Before her last whimper, before her last wave of the orgasm, they were both gone. She felt suddenly alone; nothing but silence and emptiness remained. She sagged against the ropes.

BOOK: Double Dare
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