Double Doublecross

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Authors: James Saunders

BOOK: Double Doublecross
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Money, Deception and Violence End in a Deadly
Double Doublecross!

he economy is in recession. Rick Jacobs is a real estate broker and property owner who is practically bankrupt. He enjoys the good life despite his financial difficulties.

Sara Martin is a part-time model and actress. She meets Rick at an opera closing night party. Sara lives with a felon, Carl Regis, who launders money for a drug cartel. She is infatuated with Carl's partner, Phil Speed, a dangerous character who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

Sara is shocked when Carl tells her to leave him for awhile. She finds herself staying at Rick's house on a temporary, no strings attached relationship.

Suddenly she finds herself in possession of millions of dollars passed to her by Carl Regis for safekeeping. The money accidentally falls into the hands of Rick, who uses it to get out of his financial dilemma. The money leads them all on a twisted path of danger, deception, lies, threats, terror and murder from California to Florida.


Duchene Press is an imprint of:

Snow in Sarasota Publishing

P.O. Box 1360

Osprey, FL 34229-1360

Copyright © 2011 by James Saunders

To e-mail the author: [email protected]

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the authors, except for the inclusion of brief quotes in a review.

This novel is a product of fiction. All names, characters, places, events and occurrences are fictitious and a product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased, business establishments, or locations is strictly coincidental.

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ISBN: ePdf: 978-0-9837685-4-8

            ePub: 978-0-9837685-5-5

First Edition


Writing a novel is an intricate undertaking. It takes time to plan the twists and turns of the plot, alongside being a devoted husband. Therefore I am dedicating this book to my wife, Ann, who has patiently supported me with affection and coffee throughout the duration of completing this book.

In addition, I will be forever extremely grateful to Dr. Kevin Kremer for his editorial expertise, suggestions, enthusiastic support and guidance during the entire process of publishing this suspenseful thriller. Thanks a million, Kevin.


e sat staring at the bank notice that seemed to glare at him from his desk. His stomach churned, and his legs turned to spaghetti. It was impossible to think clearly. His brain was frozen with shock and disbelief. The bank was going to foreclose on his house if mortgage payments were not met.

Rick Jacobs realized he needed some help. He picked up the phone and punched in his partner's number.

“Hi, Stan. Got a moment?” he said quietly.

“Sure. I've always got time for my partner. Come on over.”

Rick walked quickly over to Stan Turner's office, went through the open door, closed it behind him and sat in a chair immediately in front of him.

Stan looked up at him. “You don't have to close the door. Don't forget. You're the one who insisted on an open door policy when we started this business.”

“I need to talk to you, Stan. It's about a personal problem.”

“Don't tell me. Let me guess. Your girlfriend is filing a paternity lawsuit against you? Somebody scratched your Porsche?”

“I don't have any paternity suit problems—and the Porsche's okay.”

“Okay! Okay! Unload your problem.”

“I need twenty big ones

big ones
for me.”

“I need twenty thousand dollars right now,” Rick said with a concerned look on his face.

“Holy shit! Well, don't look at me. I haven't got twenty grand to lend you. Even if I had, I wouldn't let you have it. You're too much of a bad risk.”

“I'm not asking for a personal loan.”

“So, where do you think the money's coming from, the Federal Reserve?” scowled Stan. “I can just see it now. Dear Mister Presi—”

Rick cut him short.

“This is not a laughing matter, Stan. I came in here for help, not a lesson in humor.”

“I'm sorry, Rick. We've been friends since you were in diapers. Been partners for a long time. Where do you think the money's coming from? Not the bank, that's for sure.”

“I thought maybe I could borrow it from our operating budget. I really need the cash fast,” Rick murmured.

Stan Turner leaned back in his chair with a thoughtful look on his face. He doodled on a pad in front of him and breathed a long sigh, puffing out his cheeks.

“Okay, let's see where you stand. Let's go over your assets. Let's start with the Land Rover. Sell it!”

“Can't do that.”

“Why not?” Stan said with a quizzical look on his face. “It's got to be worth something.”

“It's leased, for Christ's sake,” Rick Jacobs exclaimed between clenched teeth.

“Strike one. When's the lease finished?”

“In five months.”

“Strike two. What about the Porsche? Can you sell that expensive piece of machinery?”

“Let's get one thing straight, Stan. I worked hard for that machine. Okay?” Rick bellowed.

“Keep your shirt on, Rick. I'm trying to help. The real problem is you're a good-looking, likeable guy who's extravagant, with a complete disregard for fiscal control.”

“Okay, so you made your point. I'll sell it. There's a few thousand I owe on it, but it should clear about six grand. What next?” Rick said irritably.

“How about your credit cards? Is there a source of revenue there?”

“No. They're just about maxed out.”

A sympathetic expression appeared on Stan's face. His friend and partner was in a real jam.

“Strike three, you're out. Let's look at your other liabilities. Anything expensive coming down the road?”

“Not really … I guess I promised to take Joanne on a ten day cruise to Hawaii for her birthday.”

“Who's paying for that?”

Again Rick cut him short. “Me. Who do you think?”

“Sorry, Rick. I'm just trying to get a point across. Let's take a look at the complete situation and find an agreeable solution. First, you have to agree to be less of a spend thrift. Quit acting like a rich kid,” he grinned.

“Yeah! What else?” smiled Rick.

“Second, sell the Porsche and gather a few thousand from the sale. That's a start. Third, when the Land Rover lease runs out, don't renew it. Cancel the cruise with the girlfriend. Do we agree so far?”

“A bit drastic, but yes, I agree.”

Stan came around his desk and put his arm on Rick's shoulder. “You're thirty-nine Rick, not nineteen. Slow down. Take it easy. I know this change of lifestyle is going to be hard for you, but it's the only way out.”

“I guess you're right, but I still need more cash than I can raise.”

“Here's what we can do. We'll cut a check for ten thousand from our operation coffers and cosign it. We'll take your monthly bonus check plus one thousand a month from your salary and pay off the loan as quickly as possible. When the lease on the Range Rover expires, put the money saved towards the loan payoff. Can you handle that? Can you meet your continuing mortgage payments? Remember you're a co-owner of this organization. We can juggle the figures around any way to suit you,” said Stan.

“Sounds good to me. Thanks a bunch, Stan.”

Rick moved to the office door. As he opened it, Stan called out to him.

“There's just a couple more things. Come over for dinner tonight. It's a free meal,” Stan said with a laugh.

“Thanks. What's the other thing?”

Stan grinned at Rick once more.

“Why don't you find yourself a sweet, home-loving, domesticated girl and settle down?”

Rick smiled, gave him the proverbial finger, and went to his office.

His next challenge was to tell Joanne the cruise was off … and there was one other little item he had not disclosed to Sam. That was Sara.

Rick was a prominent figure in the real estate business
within the wealthy county of Contra Costa, approximately twenty miles east of Oakland, in easy reach of San Francisco via the Bay Area Rapid Transport (BART) system. Rick had built up a small real estate business with his close friend and partner, Stan Turner. Their clients were mainly middle management and executive level management who were being located and relocated by large corporations within a thirty mile radius of San Francisco.

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