Double The Risk (17 page)

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Authors: Samantha Cayto

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Double The Risk
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For long minutes, he concentrated on the task of helping to make Cassidy writhe and moan. While he sucked and laved the hard nub between his lips, Diego did the same with the other one. Cassidy’s legs moved restlessly, her need obvious. Ronan released the hold his hand had on the breast in his mouth and skimmed his fingers down her belly. His fingers brushed up against another set when he reached her mons. Startled, he flashed open his eyes and looked at Diego. The other man was eyeing him, too. With their gazes still locked, they moved their hands in unison, sliding their forefingers through Cassidy’s slick folds.

She cried out and bucked as they fought a battle for ground over her clit. Her body shuddered and her legs closed, trapping Ronan’s and Diego’s hands between them. Both men smiled around their mouthfuls of breast. Damn, Cassidy was a hot reactor. Making her come was a pleasure all in itself. Ronan knew if they kept up their assault, she’d come again. As tempting as it was, he was selfish enough to want to join more in the fun. His cock throbbed with the need for release, and his hips bucked into her body of their own volition. Nothing would do, but to come inside her.

He let go of the nipple and laid a trail of kisses and licks up her neck and to her mouth. He kissed her hard and fast before whispering into her ear loud enough for Diego to hear.

“Let us in, please?”

Her breathing still labored from her orgasm, Cassidy nodded. “Diego first.”

A spurt of indignation erupted inside of Ronan before he squashed it. This was the deal. Cassidy got to choose, and what she chose would always be right. Besides, she’d kissed him first, and he’d been allowed the honor of placing her on the bed. It was only fair that Diego was allowed to fuck her first.


He looked up and grinned at his partner. No, his friend. The man had the same fierce desire shining through his eyes that Ronan felt himself. “What?”

“Condoms,” Diego said with a jerk of his chin.

“Right.” Rolling over, Ronan yanked open the drawer to the night stand and pulled out the box of condoms. He took one out and tossed it to Diego, then got one for himself. As hard as he was, he may as well put it on now.

Once he was covered, Diego shifted between Cassidy’s legs. She watched him with eyes that were mere slits, and her lips slightly parted. Kneeling, Diego lifted her legs and bent them toward her torso. The man’s cock lined up with her cunt, but before he entered her, Ronan distracted Cassidy by cupping her chin and turning her face to him. He pressed her lips with his tongue and speared her mouth just as Diego thrust his cock in to the hilt.

Ronan swallowed another cry from Cassidy. Her body rocked to the rhythm of Diego’s thrusts, and Ronan adopted the same pace with his tongue. He swiped his hand down to clasp her right breast, circling the nipple with his thumb. Cassidy’s moans increased, and her breath hitched every time Diego bucked his body against hers. With the hold each man had on her, there was little movement her body could achieve. She fought against the holds, trying with ever greater wildness to throw them off her.

She somehow managed to get her hand up and grab onto Ronan’s cock. When she came the second time, she squeezed tight enough to make him yell. His voice was joined by hers, then a third one chimed in. Diego groaned above them and shuddered with his orgasm hard enough to shake them all. He stayed still for a minute with his body pressed flush against Cassidy’s, then pulling out, flopped onto his side. Diego didn’t just lie there, though. As soon as he was down, he pulled Cassidy onto her side to face him.

Ronan made a sound distressingly like a whimper when he was forced to release Cassidy. But his mood shifted quickly when he realized what his friend had done. While Diego proceeded to kiss Cassidy and lavish attention with his hand on a breast, Ronan shifted her top leg forward. Scooting down a bit, he lined his cock up with her glistening pussy. Her folds were swollen and wet from her orgasms, inviting him to come into the sweet warmth. He slid in on a sigh.

Her cunt was slick, yet tight. It welcomed him in with a greedy grasp of his aching dick. He wanted to pump fast and hard and come with the intensity he’d experienced with her before. Instead, he made himself go nice and easy with slow strokes in and out. His orgasm built gradually, giving him the promise of an intense ending. Once more, Cassidy moved restlessly between the two men, clearly not yet satiated. She was the perfect woman for two men, so quick to react and so slow to satiate.

Ronan cupped her ass and gave it a squeeze, then moved his hand to her front. As with before, he ran into Diego’s hand. His friend opened his eyes as he continued to ravish Cassidy’s mouth. He winked at Ronan and moved his hand to play with Cassidy’s breast again, leaving her clit to Ronan. Everywhere that Ronan touched was plump and drenching wet. Her clit was nestled deep within the engorged tissue, but Ronan found it and clenched it between two fingers. He rubbed and squeezed while he picked up the tempo of his thrusts.

Suddenly, slow and easy became impossible to maintain. He needed fast and rough, and God bless her, Cassidy kept right up with him. When her pussy clenched down on his cock with her third orgasm, he lost what little control he had. He bucked against her soft ass as his release pulsed through him. He buried his cock deep within her, as if he could shoot his cum up to her womb.

With his head bowed back, his hips slammed once more against her. His chest was plastered against her back and still he tried to get closer to her. A hand, large with strong fingers, grabbed his waist and pulled him forward. Diego. His friend understood his need and was lending his help. It should have creeped him out to be touched by another man, but it didn’t. With the hum of the orgasm still singing through Ronan’s body, it felt just right.


In the end, it was easy, natural even, for the three of them to make love together. Diego could only shake his head at the amount of time he’d spent in the last few days worrying over this “crazy” idea Ronan had about how to keep Cassidy. All he’d had to do was let go of insecurities and possessiveness and let it all happen. It was Cassidy, of course, who’d made it work. She’d led them long enough and far enough for the men to take over and love her the way she deserved. They’d each showered her with as much attention as they could, proving their love and proving themselves worthy of hers.

After their first foray Friday night, they’d slept long and well, with Cassidy cradled between them. The bed wasn’t quite big enough, so they’d squished in, which meant he and Ronan had occasionally touched just as they had while making love to Cassidy. At first, his natural reaction was to pull back as if burned. Then he’d gotten over that foolishness and understood that physical contact between him and Ronan was another way of cementing their respective bonds to the woman they loved.

The ties were tightened by all three of them by spending much of Saturday getting to know each other better and sharing important things that none of them had been able to really speak of before in their whirlwind romances. Ronan had told Cassidy about his parents’ murder and how O’Malley’s death might have tied into it. Diego had told her about the kid he’d killed in the line of duty and the way it haunted him still, although no bad dreams had disturbed him while he slept beside her.

For her part, Cassidy explained in more detail her somewhat stifling childhood, what had led her to be a medical examiner, and the scariness of letting her fiancé go after so many years. She was again apologetic about dating them both at the same time, something he and Ronan were quick to assure her she had nothing to apologize for. In fact, they were the ones who owed her an apology for competing over her, as if she were a prize, then fighting when the game became too intense for them.

Talking about their issues had cleared the air. There was nothing left except mutual affection and the scorching heat being generated by the three of them entwined once more in Cassidy’s bed—their bed.

Diego sat propped up against the headboard with his legs splayed open and his knees bent. Cassidy’s silky body was nestled up between them, her back to his front and with her head tucked under his chin. He held her tight against him by cupping her breasts in each hand. He teased both nipples with flicks of his thumbs. His cock was trapped between their bodies and every time she undulated against him, his arousal jacked up.

Diego rubbed his cheek against her hair and looked down at the black head bobbing between her legs. Ronan held Cassidy open and pressed against Diego. He feasted on her clit with enviable enthusiasm. Diego hadn’t had an opportunity to taste for himself that day, but he felt no concern about the lack of opportunity. His time would come, maybe even before the night was over. In the meantime, he could enjoy the show and add to their lover’s pleasure with his breast play.

Cassidy moaned and arched her back as much as their mutual hold on her would allow. Ronan had done something especially intense apparently. The man lifted his head enough to glance up at Diego. His eyes sparkled with mischief. Diego grinned back at him in the shared pleasure of driving their woman to distraction. Breaking eye contact, Ronan picked up speed, his head bobbing and weaving at an almost frantic pace. Cassidy writhed in sync with whatever the man did. She lifted her head and bowed forward with a scream.

Diego stayed with her, bending forward as well. The shudders racking her body stimulated his cock so much he had to fight to keep from coming. Not yet, he wanted to do it inside her. Ronan sat up, his face wet with Cassidy’s juices. The man’s cock was hard and ruddy with a head glistening with pre-cum. He pushed the hair back from a still quivering Cassidy and clasping her face with his hands, pulled her in for a long and lingering kiss.

Diego slid his hands down to her belly, making little swirls around her abdomen to soothe her past the orgasm. Cassidy whimpered and clenching her hands around his, she moved him farther down. Understanding that she wanted more, not less, he cupped her mons and squeezed her clit. She bucked back into him, urging him on. He could have caused her to come again, but his dick made him selfish. He let go with one hand to grab a condom off the nightstand.

Damn, he had to let go of her completely if he was going to get it open. Except Ronan reached over and took it from him. Together they managed to open it with one hand from each of them. The awkward yet effective effort made Diego chuckle. Ronan mimicked the sound as he continued to ravage Cassidy’s mouth. She broke the kiss, however, just as Diego rolled the condom on.

“Scoot back,” she ordered Ronan in a breathless voice that shot straight to Diego’s cock.

Ronan hurried to comply. Cassidy broke free of Diego’s embrace enough to shift her legs under her. Then she bent over, giving Diego a perfect view of not just her lovely ass, but her plump and wet cunt, as well. She placed her hands on Ronan’s thighs and looked over her shoulder.

“Fuck me, Diego, while I reciprocate Ronan’s efforts.” With her hair messed up and her lips swollen, she was a vision of wantonness.

Diego didn’t need any further urging. Drawing up his legs, he shifted to a kneeling position behind Cassidy. He placed his hands on her ass cheeks, and while his cock urged him to mount her hard and fast, he resisted. He wanted a moment to appreciate the beauty before him. With gentle strokes, he caressed the globes, admiring the softness of her skin. He skimmed his thumbs down the crease and dared to stop to tease the puckered hole. It quivered with his touch, and for the first time in his life, he wondered seriously what it would be like to sink his cock in this tighter place. The thought electrified him, but that was for another day.

“Christ!” Ronan exclaimed.

Sitting back on his heels, the man braced his arms against the footboard. His head was thrown back, and his chest rose and fell with harsh breaths. Diego couldn’t blame him. With Cassidy’s luscious lips wrapped around his dick, the guy’s brain must be scrambled. Her head bobbed with the same enthusiasm as Ronan had shown moments earlier as he ate her out. Wet sucking sounds reverberated through the room. Diego’s cock throbbed, reminding him that he was not yet in the game.

He lined it up with Cassidy’s sweet pussy and pushed it all the way in with one long stroke. Cassidy moaned around her hard mouthful and shoved her ass back to seat him even farther inside. For a few seconds, he stayed still, enjoying the sensation of being cocooned within her slick warmth. She squeezed her cunt against his cock, making him grunt. When she did it again, he got the message and began a steady rhythm of thrusting.

His orgasm built slowly. He wanted to draw it out. Ronan and Cassidy made it impossible. Between his friend’s mounting groans and her counter thrusts punctuated by squeezes of his cock, he couldn’t hold out. So he picked up the pace, drilling into Cassidy with short, hard strokes. He clasped her hips with a firm grip to control their pace, pulling her toward him with every thrust forward.

Ronan shouted out as Cassidy swallowed him down deep. Knowing his friend was coming drove him to the edge, but he didn’t want to come before Cassidy did. He seated himself to the hilt and slid one hand down to finger her clit. She dripped with her earlier release. He found the nub and rubbed small circles around it. As soon as he did, her body began to shake.

Ronan sat up and pulled Cassidy off his cock. He brought her face up to his and devoured her mouth. With her torso raised, Diego had even greater access to her front, so he added a second finger to her folds and stroked her clit. Seconds later, she cried out, the sound barely swallowed by Ronan’s mouth. Her cunt clenched down on Diego’s cock, and that was all it took to send his release spiraling out of him. He pumped with desperate and erratic strokes as he milked the orgasm from his balls and through his cock. A stream of Spanish imprecations flew out of his mouth. For a few seconds, he was lost in the sensations, barely aware of where he was and with whom.

Then he heard a masculine laugh, followed by a feminine one. Diego pried open the eyes he’d shut involuntarily. Ronan and Cassidy had their arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders, with Cassidy’s head tucked under Ronan’s chin. They looked so beautiful together, so right.

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