Double Your Pleasure Bundle (49 page)

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Authors: Jamie Klaire,Marie Carnay,Meg Watson,Kit Tunstall,Bliss Devlin,Connie Cliff,Lana Walch,Auriella Skye,Alyse Zaftig,Cara Wylde,Desirae Grove,Misha Carver,Lily Thorn

BOOK: Double Your Pleasure Bundle
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Kyle’s eyes were closed, and he was breathing deeply. “I think you’ve killed me. But what a way to go.”

“Me? What about you? I don’t think that I’m going to have the use of my legs for a week.”

“Not a problem.” Fa pulled me off of Kyle so that I was empty inside. “I’ll carry you. Shower time.”

He held me threshold style into the bathroom. He turned on the taps while holding me up with one hand — impressive considering how much I weighed — and he stepped into the spray. Warm water flowed over us.

“I’ll do the work, but you have to stay still. Very still.”


He set me on my feet.


I turned to face the wall.

“Hands at waist level. Bend over.”

I bent in half. This was an intermediary yoga position, the kind where you did a half-rise.

“God, I don’t think there’s anything more beautiful in the world than what I’m seeing right now.” He stroked my ass. “Just gorgeous.”

He spanked me hard. It radiated through my body.

“Hey!” I started to stand, but he captured both of my hands and pinned them on the wall.


“Boy, you better watch yourself.”

He laughed. “Believe me, it’ll be worth it.”

Considering what we’d already done, I let it slide. “You better hope so.”

“I know so.”

I felt his hands touch my clit, and his face was eating out my pussy, thrusting in his tongue. I squirmed, but I couldn’t move. I couldn’t get away from the rising sensation in me. My nipples were hard, and even though there was water everywhere, I felt hot.

He withdrew his tongue from inside of me. “Now the main course.”

Without any pause at all, he shoved his entire cock inside of me. I cried out. It was too much, too fast. But his hands were on my hips, and he was pushing, thrusting, bucking wildly against my body. My hands tried to keep me steady, but it was impossible. It was like being on a boat in a storm.

His hand made its way to my clit, and he stroked it again and again. Water dripped down on us steadily as he took me over and over. My breasts were swinging in time with the frantic pace that he was setting. His hipbones might be leaving bruises on me, but I didn’t care. I only wanted him, only wanted us.

I felt myself clench and flutter around him as I orgasmed, shooting into the stratosphere. He didn’t stop. He picked up the pace, and there was no rhythm anymore. It was just animalistic mating now, and I felt his teeth come down on my neck, biting hard. I would have a hickey tomorrow, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. It was worth it.

He pulled out of me. “Let’s get clean.”

Kyle had been watching the show from outside of the huge shower, and he stepped in now. His erection was huge, as if he hadn’t just orgasmed a few minutes ago. It was already weeping a drop of precum.

I couldn’t help myself. I bent so that my knees were on the tile, and I sucked the cockhead into my mouth. He gasped above me. I stroked his balls with my hand gently, and I focused on all the right hot spots on his dick.

Kyle was normally a gentleman, but he couldn’t help himself now. His hands were gripped my head hard as he shoved his dick into my mouth. I felt my jaw widen more than it should, but I couldn’t control anything. He forced it towards my throat, and I felt him come. Salty spurts slid into me, and I swallowed.

“That was amazing.” Kyle shook his head. “You’re incredible. Wonderful. Perfect.”

“Aww, thanks.” I leaned up for a kiss, and he gave me a sweet one.

“We’re actually using soap now, lovebirds.” I felt Fa’s soapy hand slide on my back, dipping between my legs. It felt impossible since I’d just had so many orgasms, but he made me hot again.

Kyle shampooed my hair gently and carefully. It smelled like them, dark spices. It felt so good to feel his fingers run through my hair. He shielded my eyes as he redirected the spray to rinse it out.

When my hair was clean, Kyle got to his knees. He sucked on my breasts, and it felt like there was a straight line from them to my pussy. I was all kinds of wet and dripping. Fa may have just cleaned our juices off of me, but I was willing and able to go another round. I’d never had this much sex before.

Kyle kissed his way down the center of my body, then he sucked my clit. I cried out as I climaxed. I would have fallen, but Kyle’s hands were on my hips. He held me up.

Fa was touching me everywhere with the soap. He’d kiss part of my body before covering it in soapy bubbles. He paid extra attention to my breasts, kneading them slowly in his big, strong hands, pinching the nipples.

I was trembling with the aftershocks. Kyle sprayed me down with the water, and then he pulled me out of the shower. The two of them picked up soft, fluffy white towels and sensually dried me carefully, paying attention to every inch of my dusky skin.

“I hate to cover you up, but we should probably find clothes for you. I don’t want you to get too cold. You won’t be able to wear your dress again.”

Since the dress had been ripped off of me, that was a pretty good assessment. “Yeah. If you could lead me to some clothes, that would be great.”

Kyle walked to the closet, and he flung it open.

It was packed to the brim with haute couture.


Dream Closet

“Holy mother of pearl!” I couldn’t decide if I wanted to hyperventilate or just fall over. “This is like the best closet you could imagine. This is better than Mariah Carey’s closet! This is better than Beyoncé’s closet. They have warehouses for their shoes, but this is so much better.”

“I’m glad you like it.” Kyle pulled me inside. “What do you want to wear?”


I touched the fabric. It was sturdy and of the highest quality. I chose the simplest thing in there, a stretchy scarlet suit that had a Chanel tag. It was classy and sophisticated, and I felt like a million bucks.

I walked over to the three-part mirror and turned to check out the back view.

“It fits you perfectly.”

I blushed. “Thanks. I wish I had a bra, though.”

“We can get you one. Just say the word.”

“Oh, that would be wonderful. I have a lot of problems finding the right kind of bras in China, though; most people in China aren’t this well-endowed.”

“Not a problem,” Kyle said smoothly. “We’ll get it custom made. I’ll get a lingerie-maker in here right away.”

Cripes. Back home, I had to shop at a specialty lingerie store to get the kind of bras that would fit me and look good. It seemed like money made a difference. Instead of having to look for a bra that would fit and trying on a zillion, I could just have someone make it for me.

Within an hour, someone came to take my measurements. She had a form bra, and she had pins. It took her less than two hours to sew something together for today.

She had a bunch of cloth samples for future bras. The boys had a good time going through her fabric samples. The lust on Fa’s face when he touched royal blue silk meant that it would be a good choice. She promised to have some other sets to us within a few days, and she left. My lingerie wouldn’t last long around these two, but it was a small price to pay for mind-blowing sex. Kyle insisted on paying, so it wasn’t even coming out of my pocket.

I wasn’t one to take so much for free, but Kyle waved away my protests. “Believe me, it’s nothing. If you knew how much pocket money our dad gives us, you’d faint. It’s enough to run a small country, honestly. He can’t be bothered to actually care about us, but he’s generous with his money. Dragons like to hoard gold, but it’s different inside of the family. Eventually, Fa and I have to grow the hoard, which is why we’re both going into finance. I told him that I might double in economics, but what I’d like to do is take art history.”

“That sounds really great.”

“It would have to be a secret.” He shrugged. “It’s just an idea that I’ve been throwing around. I haven’t told anyone.”

I kissed him. “Thanks for opening up to me.”

My happiness didn’t last long.


We heard very loud bangs on the door. “OPEN UP!” I heard someone with an American accent shout.

Thank goodness I was already dressed and had a set of lingerie now. I hurried down the stairs, passed the frightened help, and flung the door open.

“What’s going on?”

The guy at the front door picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, firefighter style. He ran towards an armored vehicle.

This was nowhere near as sexy as when Fa picked me up. I kicked him, and I beat my fists on his back. “What the heck are you doing? Put me down!”

“Stop struggling, miss. We’re here to take you home.”

“I’m fine!” I stopped kicking him. “What on earth is going on?”

When I wasn’t panicking, I noticed more. I could see the letters FBI upside down on his back. “What the heck is the FBI doing in China? You guys are domestic.”

“We’re the hostage response team. We aren’t bound by the American borders.” Even though he was running with a full-figured girl on his shoulder, he wasn’t winded at all when he opened the door and pushed me in. He pulled himself in. He didn’t even have the door shut as the car squealed away.”

“I’m not a hostage! I was fine. My parents knew where I was.”

“Yeah, they did, which is why we knew where to go. You could have gotten the United States and China into a lot of trouble, miss. America doesn’t like it when one of the diplomatic children goes missing.”

“I wasn’t missing! There was no ransom letter.”

“No, but you were with unknown foreign nationals.”

“This is absurd.”

“Miss, I don’t make judgment calls when it comes to this kind of thing. It is above my pay grade. You can talk it out with the embassy.”

“How did you guys even get in to the estate? It has security.”

“We drove in when another car drove out. When we noticed that they’d opened the gates, we got ready for the moment when we’d have a shot to get in.”

I was too embarrassed to ask if they were talking about the lingerie-maker. I flushed. I was quiet, turning things over in my mind. They’d saved me from the best boyfriends I had ever had.

* * *

At the end of the drive, I got out at our house. Mom and Dad were waiting next to the door. The FBI guys dropped me off and were on their way in a half second.

“Baby girl!” Mom engulfed me in a huge hug. “Zola, I’m so happy that you’re here safe.” She was crying. “I’ll never leave you alone again.”

My dad was more stoic, but he had his arms around my mom and me. “My girls.”

“Mom, I was safe. Beijing was less safe.”

“You had no idea who they were, and we didn’t either. We had a dossier on their father, of course, but we hadn’t pulled together information on the sons. They were just children. It was the kind of oversight we shouldn’t have, but we just don’t have the manpower.”

“But Mom!”

“No ifs, ands, or buts, young lady. I don’t know what happened out there, but you are not contacting them again. How do you know that they didn’t orchestrate the gun shot that made you flee?”

“He took a bullet for me.”

“It could have been fake blood.”

“It wasn’t. Mom, they were good people.”

“Good or not, we just can’t trust strangers.” She let go of me and looked at my dad.

“Zola, we have something we want to talk to you about.”

I wrapped my arms around my waist. “What it is?”

“We’re retiring from the Foreign Service.”

“WHAT?” This shook me more than the bomb at the ambassador’s residence. For my entire life, my parents had been climbing the FS ladder.

“We each have 23 years of service, and we’re old enough to retire.”

“You’re only 50!”

“Yes, but the Foreign Service allows officers to retire at 50.”

“You’ve spent your whole lives chasing this career, and you’re going to give it up?”

“For you, baby girl. We haven’t spent as much time with you as we should have, and this whole incident has made it crystal clear that family is what matters. We’re moving home as soon as we can.”



I spent the summer on lockdown. Mom and Dad wouldn’t let me get another phone, and they didn’t let me have Internet access, either. I was stuck playing Tetris and Falldown at home.

In a strange way, it was comforting. I was bored at first, but the library was allowed. Mom and Dad took me there a lot, so I had books to read and movies to watch. I couldn’t talk to the boys, but it was nice to have so much family time after growing up with very little.

When August came around, we bought a million little things to go into my room. I was an expert packer, and I put everything efficiently into boxes. My birthday was the Friday before classes started, so it was a good day for a fresh start. When my parents left me in New York City, they gave me an iPhone with unlimited data and a new Macbook Pro for my birthday. My mom made me promise to call them at least once a week.

When they were gone, I went out to look for food. I was gaining a little bit of weight, but everyone has to eat when she is hungry, right?

When I got to the exit of my apartment building, I got a shock.

Fa and Kyle were standing there.

“Oh my gosh!” I ran towards them. “You guys! What are you doing here?”

“We’re going to Columbia, just like you, remember?” Kyle picked me up by the waist and spun me around. He kissed me, which filled me to the brim with happiness.

Fa cleared his throat. “These are for you.” He had a dozen blood-red, long-stemmed roses in his hand. “Happy birthday, Zola.” He leaned in for a kiss, too. I was overflowing with joy.

After he pulled back from the kiss, he sniffed my hair.

“Zola, you’re pregnant.”



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