Doves Migration (7 page)

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Authors: Linda Daly

BOOK: Doves Migration
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“But Michael, you can’t be responsible for taking Emily’s death so
hard and throwing yourself into your work. We all deal with inner grief and
pain differently . . .”
“No.” Michael shook his head, his voice barely above a whisper. “For
the past several days, I’ve asked myself over and over again if my reason
for leaving Tad for so long was due to grief or an act of cowardliness.”
Sarah said not a word, but silently allowed her husband to express his pain
fully to her. “You see, Sarah, my mother is a difficult and manipulative
woman. I say this not out of malice, nor disrespect, but as a man who is not
blinded by her faults. I honestly don’t know how my father has lasted this
long. The closer we came to New York, the old resentments and bitterness
that I’ve felt most of my life returned, along with the hatred and contempt I
feel for myself in not being a better father to my only son. Do you have any
idea how it feels to come to the realization that you are nothing but a
spineless coward?”
Leaning toward him, with tears streaming down her cheeks, Sarah
gently cupped Michael’s head between her hands. As their eyes locked and
she reassuringly whispered, “Michael Honeycutt, you are no coward! I will
not now or ever allow you to say anything like that again. Over the past
few years, I have come to love and respect you as the most tenderhearted,
caring, loving and fearless man I have ever known. If you overheard
Miranda, then you must have heard Elise’s comments too. What she said is
true. As hard as it was living through that hellish war, the only thing that I
hold near to my heart from that time is you, Michael. The wonderful man
that you are. Now I don’t know anything of your mother or your son, but I
do know you. And if Tad does have problems, nothing can’t be rectified.
Just look at Elise. We--you and--I helped Elise, and I swear to you
Michael, if you will let me, I’ll be there for you now. All that matters is that
you are home now. And I give you my word, for as long as Tad needs you,
I will never keep you from your son again. Can you ever forgive me for
being so selfish?”
Tenderly he pulled Sarah in his arms, as he passionately kissed her.
“Oh Sarah, I love you so much. Promise me you won’t leave me, too.”
“Never. You’re stuck with me darling.”
This time the two of them shared a tender and gentle lovemaking,
followed by the two of them discussing his short visit with his son and
parents. Openly, for the first time since they had wed, Michael spoke of his
life as a child and the hardships that his late wife Emily had endured living
with his parents. Explaining further that before they had an opportunity to
move into the house he had built for them, Emily had died giving birth to
their son, Tad.
“Is that the home Lucas uses while he’s in New York?” Sarah asked.
“Yes. In fact, I have never been inside it after it was completed. Lucas
has expressed an interest in the home, and if it’s agreeable with you I’d like
to sell it to him.”
“Darling, you don’t need to discuss such matters with me. I told you
before, I have no claims on your holdings, or your wealth. Whatever you
decide is fine with me.”
As the two remained holding one another in Michael’s room of his
parent’s home, it was decided that as soon as Elise’s wedding was behind
them, they would find suitable accommodations. Relieved that Michael had
no desire to remain in his family home, Sarah snuggled closer to her
husband. As her eyes grew heavy, she savored the closeness, instinctively
knowing the road ahead of her would not be easy. Michael’s guilt was deep
seated, and would need more soothing than a moment of tenderness.
won’t let you down my darling.

~ Five ~
A New Dawn

As giddy as a schoolgirl, Elise in her wedding dress, looked at her
reflection while nervously chatting with Sarah. “Oh Mama, can you believe
what a difference a fortnight makes? Why these past two weeks have just
flown by. Between meeting Mr. and Mrs. Carmidy . . .” She paused to turn
and look at her mother with concerned eyes. “Mama, you really do like
them don’t you? I mean you weren’t just being polite, were you.”

“No darling, Mary and William are wonderful . . .”

Not waiting for her mother to finish her response, Elise jerked her head
back in front of the mirror while fidgeting with a pesky curl that had a
mind of its own. “I agree. I like them very much too. And you know
Mama, Mother Carmidy agreed with . . .”

Laughing giddily Elise interrupted herself. “That’s what she wants me
to call her. Oh mercy, I’ve already told you that, haven’t I?”
Nodding her head, Sarah said, “Yes dear, as a matter of fact several
times this mornin’. What was it that Mary agreed about?”
“Agreed? Oh yes, I remember now . . . Mother Carmidy agreed with
my concerns about choosing a red wedding dress, even though it’s the
fashionable thing to do these days. As soon as I told her I had seen enough
blood spilled to last me a lifetime she suggested a cream color dress, just
like you did. Especially since Joshua has been calling me his precious
Turning to face her mother with a tear in her eye, Elise softly said, “Oh
Mama, I still can’t believe that in less than an hour, I’m going to be
Mrs. Joshua Carmidy.”
“Yes, and while you’re still Elise Hamilton, I’d like to say something
to my beautiful and wonderful daughter. Sweetheart, there has never been a
more proud mother than I am now, looking at you today. Throughout all the
toil and hardship that you and Joshua faced, the one thing that remained
constant, once you finally realized how much you both loved and needed
one another, was that you remained true to yourselves. Both of you, as I’ve
said several times in the past, are both headstrong, fiercely independent
people with a great capacity to love. No mother could have chosen a finer
man for her daughter to marry, than Joshua. As you begin the next phase of
your life together, darlin’, please remember that your husband is a proud
man who loves you more than I think you even know today. And if at times
in your life you and he don’t see eye to eye, please remember . . .”
Elise smiled at her mother, and quickly said. “You attract more bees
with honey than with vinegar. Right?”
“Right,” Sarah said, chuckling. “Well, I’ll go and take my seat and get
Miranda so we can begin. Just please remember darling, I love you and no
matter that you’re now going to be a married woman, you’re still my
Hugging her mother tightly and kissing her on the cheek, Elise
whispered, “I love you Mama. Nothing will ever change that.”
Before Sarah had a chance to respond, Michael poked his head into the
small room in the back of the church and lovingly smiled over at his wife
and daughter. “Just as I expected, the two of you hugging while we wait
patiently for the bride’s grand entrance.”
Elise beamed, looking at her stepfather and started firing questions.
“Oh Michael, have you seen Joshua? Is he nervous? Did he wear his
uniform or choose a suit?”
Stepping into the room, shutting the door behind him, he chuckled.
“Well, let’s see now if I’ve got them straight. Yes, I saw him. No, he’s not
nervous, surprisingly enough. And in answer to the last one, I’m not
telling. I promised Joshua to keep you guessing.”
“Oh you two men. Always sticking together,” Elise pouted.
“Only when he’s doing the right thing where my daughter is
concerned. Now let me have a look at you, Miss Hamilton, before you
become an old married woman.” Their eyes locked and Michael softly
said, “Elise, I couldn’t be more proud of you, if I were your own father.”
Tears stinging her eyes, Elise hugged him tightly and whispered in his
ear, “Oh Michael, don’t you know by now that I think of you as my father?
I love you very much.”
Kissing her gently on the forehead, he said, “I love you too.” Then
pulling away from her he said, “Well there’s a certain fine young man who
loves you also, and before he sends in a search party after us, I’d say we
better get this show on the road. I’m certain your mother has given you
wonderful advice darling, so I won’t add to that other than to say that you
and Joshua deserve happiness. Make every day special and never forget
how much you love one another.”
“I promise.”
Taking Sarah’s arm, he jokingly added, “Good. Oh, and have I
mentioned a few grandchildren would be a welcoming addition to our
Blushing, Elise smiled nervously at Michael then at her mother who
began playfully scolding her husband. “Shame on you! Now poor Elise is
blushing.” Chuckling while escorting Sarah out of the room, Michael said,
“Why certainly, haven’t you ever heard of the expression ‘a blushing
Passing them, Miranda came into the room, asking, “Are you ready?”
Her excitement was clearly noticeable in her voice.
Nodding nervously, Elise took in a deep breath and said, “Oh yes. Let’s
Within moments, following her Maid of Honor, Elise slowly walked
down the aisle, her eyes focused straight ahead on Joshua who stood
smiling broadly wearing his uniform. Seeing him, her heart skipped a beat.
Joshua had insisted he would never wear the uniform again, even though
Elise had begged him to, just this once.
Oh Joshua you wore it for me.
their eyes locked, the love they felt for one another was obvious to
everyone in attendance in the small church.
As she reached the altar, Benjamin Myles, who agreed to perform the
ceremony, smiled at Elise and Joshua asking them to take each other’s
“Today, it is my sincere honor and privilege to stand before this man
and this woman, who have overcome great obstacles to become husband
and wife. Through their steadfast love and determination they renew my
faith, as I’m sure they do yours, that anything is possible with the help of
our Lord.”
Michael immediately grasped Sarah’s hand and squeezed it gently,
while she silently wept tears of joy. Feeling his son’s eyes on him, he
turned and smiled warmly at Tad as Benjamin continued to perform the
From the corner of his eye, Michael also saw the strained smile on his
mother’s face, and directed his attention back to the altar, knowing the
pasted smile on his mother’s lips was for appearance sake only. As grateful
as he was that Vivian had managed to put together such a lovely wedding
in such a short period of time, he knew such gestures didn’t come from her
heart, but rather as a way to impress others.
From the first moment Vivian had met Sarah and Elise, she had gone
out of her way to appear welcoming, all the while snidely insinuating
Michael had chosen unwisely, just as she had with his first wife, Emily.
However Sarah--older and wiser than Emily had been--took it in stride and
never complained. Looking at Elise and Joshua, he silently prayed the two
of them would be blessed as he and Sarah were, and not have to endure the
hardship of meddling in-laws. Then thinking of the surprise that the
Carmidy’s and Sarah and he had planned for the newlyweds, he smiled.
Well only if the meddling is for their own good,
he thought. Amused with
himself, his attention went back to the wedding vows.
“Do you Joshua Carmidy, take Elise Hamilton to be your lawfully
wedded wife?” Benjamin asked solemnly.
“I do,” proclaimed Joshua in a firm tone, his eyes never trailing from
“Do you promise to love her, to cherish her, and forsake all others
before her?”
Hearing those words, Lucas Brown, arriving late the previous night
from Washington, shifted in his chair and winced, recalling when he had
promised to do the same when he and Catherine had wed. Blocking out the
haunting images of his late wife and slave mistress Elmira, he rubbed his
knee unconsciously, just as he had countless times in the past few years
whenever he was reminded of his sordid past.
Stop this at once!
He scolded
himself, determined not to let the phantoms of his past cloud this particular
Shifting again in his chair, he looked at Elise.
My, but you were a
handful, little one.
Time seemed to stand still for Lucas as he allowed
himself to recall those particular memories of his life in his beloved
plantation, Glenbrook, where Elise and his daughter were concerned. A
smile crossed Lucas’s lips as he recalled images of his daughter Miranda
and Elise as children, growing up together as neighbors. His Miranda, shy
and awkward, where Elise was just the opposite, full of life and spirit and
determined to have things her own way.
Well little one, I sure hope you
know what you’re getting yourself into with this man
, he thought, recalling
the night he had first met Joshua.
From the onset of meeting him at a dinner party that Joshua had horned
his way into, Lucas had taken an instant dislike to him. Viewing the major
as an arrogant Northerner, not just because of his politics--Joshua, a Union
Major, and Lucas a staunch Southern Democratic Statesman, who had
openly pushed for the great state of Virginia to withdraw from the Union-were like oil and vinegar. But the fact was he was certain Joshua was after
more than delivering threatening messages.
Glancing at Joshua now, Lucas smiled.
Well I guess I was right after
all, you did have hidden agendas. And by the looks of it, you won more
than the war, you sly dog.
Always wanting to be proven right, Lucas smiled
contentedly recalling how as a child, Elise had looked upon him as a father
figure after her own father, Caleb Hamilton, had been killed in a tragic
hunting accident. Seeing her now, standing before the man she had chosen
to share a life with, Lucas couldn’t help but wonder if Caleb would
approve. Then glancing at Sarah, their eyes met and knowingly the two old
friends, who had been through so much together, smiled warmly at one
another and nodded.
Yes, Caleb would definitely be pleased
, he thought, his
eyes trailing back to the altar.
As Elise made her commitment to Joshua, a tear rolled down her cheek
as she lovingly gazed back into his eyes. With trembling hands, Elise
extended her hand and accepted Joshua’s ring as a pledge of his love and
devotion. Never had she felt such love for him as she had right then. Her
heart pounded so rapidly, she was certain everyone in attendance could
hear it. As she slid the ring on Joshua’s finger, her voice cracked. “With
this ring, I thee wed.”
As Benjamin announced they were now man and wife, without waiting
for permission, Joshua whisked Elise into his arms and huskily whispered,
“I told you one day I would win your heart. I love you, Mrs. Carmidy.”
“That you did Major Carmidy. That yo . . .” Before she could finish her
sentence, Joshua leaned down and began kissing her passionately.
“Well it would appear our groom needs no prompting from me to kiss
his bride,” Benjamin exclaimed, as he and the others in attendance smiled
and chuckled amongst themselves.

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