Down and Dirty (24 page)

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Authors: Imari Jade

BOOK: Down and Dirty
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“Harper has movie producer friends?”

Osamu nodded and pointed. “That man standing next to him is Ken Chikako. He’s done a few films in Japan and a lot in the United States.”

“Who’s the fellow with him?” Takumijo asked, still looking over at him.

“I think he’s a makeup artist friend of his.”

“Oh,” Takumijo said.

“Or his boyfriend.”

“Oh!” Takumijo exclaimed. Funny, the shorter guy looked familiar.

“Anyway, back to what we were discussing. I came thinking I would be hanging out with you and the rest of Aomori, but you guys all have dates. Even Kenshin.”

“Her name is Kaede Shimizu,” Takumijo told Osamu. “They’ve been dating since before we left for Europe. I think he’s serious about her.”

“I thought he was trying to get his solo career together.”

“He is.”

“Well, I hope that relationship lasts. It’s not easy dating an idol.”

“Are you still sad about your divorce?” Takumijo asked Osamu.

“I’m not sad,” Osamu said. “I’m looking at it as a positive step toward the future. And maybe I can finally be with whom I truly want to be with.”

“You know that’s not possible,” Takumijo told him. “Think about your career.”

Osamu laughed. “That’s all I’ve been thinking about since we were kids. Why can’t I have a successful career and have the person that I love by my side?”

“The time isn’t right,” Takumijo said.

“When will it be right? Do I have to wait until I’m an old man?”

He’d never seen Osamu this solemn before. It saddened him, too, knowing his friend was hurting deep inside.

Amaterasu returned.  She bowed to Osamu. “Nice to see you, Mr. Nakamora. I didn’t know you were here.”

Osamu looked Amaterasu over and shook his head disapprovingly. “I just came to bring in the New Year with friends, but now I’m suddenly tired.” He made an attempt to leave.

“Don’t go,” Takumijo told him.

“I think I better,” Osamu said. He bowed to both of them. “Have a pleasant evening and Happy New Year.”

“I’ll call you,” Takumijo said as Osamu walked away.

Osamu never looked back.

“What’s wrong with him?” Amaterasu asked, wrapping her arm around Takumijo’s waist.

“His wife is divorcing him,” Takumijo told her as he led her toward the bar. “He’ll be okay and back to his old self soon.”

“Why doesn’t he like me?”

“Don’t take it personally. That’s just how Osamu is.”




Yori looked down at his watch.
. Just one more hour and he could leave this crappy party. He didn’t know why he’d let Amaya talk him into attending. She should have just gone with Harper since she’d been spending so much time at his side this evening. The band had stopped playing for the evening and a DJ now spun records for the partiers.

“What’s up, hombre? You looked pissed off at the world.”

Yori stopped scowling as he recognized that sultry voice. “Shaundra.” He looked over to his right. The beautiful Mrs. Yoshida stood there, looking up at him with those big brown eyes and the most charming smile. He allowed himself the privilege of checking her out from head to toe. “That dress is dipping dangerously low in the front. Aren’t you afraid your goodies are going to spill out?”

“No,” Shaundra said. “But it would bring some life to this party.”

She looked stunning in the black-and-silver designer gown. Damn, Harper knew just how to turn her into a temptress. “Where’s Ich?” He didn’t want to be caught off guard checking out the total package.

She pointed over to Mr. Niigata. “He’s talking with the boss. He told me to come over and keep you company.”

“That’s very generous of him,” Yori said. “And very stupid.”

Shaundra nodded in agreement. “I think he’s trying to prove to me he’s not jealous and that he’s confident in our relationship.”

“I bet he’s dying a little inside,” Yori said.

“What does he think is going to happen?” Shaundra asked. “Does he think we’ll slip off and have a quickie?”

Yori looked Shaundra over again. “It wouldn’t be a quickie. It would take me a couple of hours to get around all those luscious curves.”

“Ichiro would kill you before you made it out of this hall.”

Yori chuckled. “It’s so good to talk with you again. You really know how to bring out the best in me.”

“Where is your charming wife?”

Yori pointed to the left. “She’s over there dancing with Harper.”

“Why?” Shaundra asked. “I didn’t know they were that close.”

“They’re now business partners. She and Harper are into designing clothes.”

“Is that what they call it now?” Shaundra asked.

“They aren’t fooling you either?”

“No,” Shaundra said. “I’m just a little surprised. How long have they been business partners?”

“A couple of months,” Yori said. “I think, but it could be longer than that.”

Shaundra touched his arm. “I’m sorry.”

“I’ll be okay. I would say I deserve it, but I really don’t. And I’m getting used to women deserting me for other guys.”

Shaundra removed her hand. “Low blow, Yori.”

“But it’s true. And I always wonder what it would be like if I hadn’t given up.”

“Then you’d be in Ichiro’s shoes, thinking that I’m screwing your friends when you’re not around.”

The DJ put on a familiar song.

“Would you care to dance?” Shaundra asked him.

“No, not this time, beautiful one. I’ve had my share of flying over tables for a lifetime and besides, your Prince Charming is on his way over.” Yori pointed and Shaundra turned. “I believe it is Ichiro’s dance.”

“Yeah, I believe so. I’ll get back to you later,” Shaundra said as she left his side to meet her husband on the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around Ichiro’s waist.

“You are too kind,” Satoshi told him. “You passed up a prime opportunity to dance with Shaundra.”

“Do you remember what happened the last time I danced with Shaundra to that particular song?”

Satoshi nodded. “You ended up in jail. It was like the best night ever.”

Yori sneered at him “You can say that since you weren’t the one hauled off by the police. Where is your date?”

“She’s gone home,” Satoshi said. “She never could hold her liquor.”

“And you just let her leave?”

“Yes. I am not as chivalrous as you. And besides, we came in her limousine. I’m sure the driver will get her home safely.” Satoshi looked toward the dance floor at Ichiro and Shaundra. “I would give my right arm to dance with her to that song. And doesn’t her ass look good in that gown?”

“Forget it,” Yori told him. “For once, let’s end a function on a positive note, without going to jail.”

Satoshi looked around the room. “Why is your wife under Harper’s ass tonight?” Satoshi asked.

“They’re business partners,” Yori said for what felt like the hundredth time this evening.

“Are business partners supposed to hold hands and go strolling out the side door to the gardens?” Satoshi asked.

Yori froze and followed Amaya and Harper with his eyes. The least the two of them could do was be discreet. If they tried to keep their relationship a secret, it was all out in the open now. “No,” Yori answered.

“Are you going to follow them?”

“No. This is one time I will not interfere. If she wants him then fine. But the next time she tries to take her life, hopefully he will be there to save her, because my days of feeling guilty are over.”

The song ended and Yori watched Ichiro go off to the men’s room. Cristal made her way over to Shaundra, dragging her secretary with her.

“We both have got to be the most stupid men in the world,” Satoshi said. “We should be with those two.”

Yori nodded.

Satoshi pointed. “Look, it’s the minimonsters.”

Young women mobbed Distraction as they made their way to the dance floor.

“I don’t even remember being that young,” Yori said.

Satoshi laughed. “We were that young, but we were never that short.”

“They look like they’re doing okay with the ladies.” All three had chosen a partner and were dancing up a storm on the dance floor.

“I wonder which one of those young ladies they’ll be kissing at midnight.”

Yori scowled at him.

“What? I can’t help it if I don’t have a life.”

“If Saburo is anything like Masaaki, he’ll have them out of here and home before midnight. That way they won’t have to make a decision. And besides, they are much too young to date.”

The song ended and the three young men bowed to their dance partners and headed toward Cristal, Shaundra, and Barbara.

“Why don’t I have a good feeling about this?” Satoshi asked.

Yori chuckled. “Don’t worry. What can they do? They’re just kids.”

Satoshi raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t I just tell you that we were kids once?”

Yori looked at him. “Oh yeah. This might turn ugly.”

Chapter Twelve


“Good evening, Mrs. Yoshida,” Satoshi heard Izanagi say to Shaundra after he and Yori eased over to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“Good evening, Izanagi. Are you enjoying the party?” Shaundra asked him.

“Very much so. Thanks for asking.”

“Oh how cute,” Yori said to Satoshi. “He has manners.”

“You’re looking very lovely tonight.”

Yori raised an eyebrow but did not comment.

“What are you watching?” Ichiro asked as he walked up and joined Yori and Satoshi.

“Distraction,” Satoshi said.

“They’re some nice young men,” Ichiro said happily. “I like them.”

“Don’t like them too much,” Satoshi told him. “Izanagi just complimented your woman on how nice she looks.”

“He has good taste,” Ichiro said. “She does look beautiful tonight.”

Hiroyuki had made it over to Barbara’s side and had the young American woman blushing all over the place with his compliments. “The color of your gown makes your eyes twinkle beautifully,” he told her.

“Aw, how sweet,” Ichiro said. “He has a crush on Cristal’s secretary.”

The third member, Kioshi, just stood next to Cristal not saying anything but not exactly taking his eyes off her either, Yori noticed.

The DJ ended whatever song he was playing. “Now I have something special for all our American friends in the house. Something old school.”

“Can I have this dance?” Izanagi asked Shaundra.

“Sure, darling,” Shaundra told him

“Are you going to stop them?” Yori asked Ichiro.

“Heck no. I think it’s cute.”

Yori elbowed Satoshi. “He’d be kicking our asses right about now.”

“He sure would be,” Satoshi said. “But it’s okay for an ankle-biter to dance with his woman.”

“What can he do?” Ichiro asked. “She’s taller than he is.”

The DJ put on the music. “Why does that sound familiar?” Yori asked as he watched the three youngsters pair off with Shaundra, Cristal, and Barbara.

“Oh shit,” Satoshi said. “That’s ‘Rump Shaker.’”

“What’s ‘Rump Shaker?’” Ichiro asked.

“That’s ‘Rump Shaker,’” Satoshi said, pointing as Shaundra, Cristal, and Barbara got down and dirty shaking their rumps to the sexually provocative song.

“Oh my gawd,” Yori moaned. “I think I need a cold shower.”

Satoshi bobbed his head up and down. “What a great behind,” he said.

The three youths were now behind the women dancing right along with them.

“What are they doing?” Ichiro asked.

“Don’t you remember this dance?’ Yori asked him. “You danced it with Shaundra one night in a club in Tokyo.”

“Yeah. And you were about to fight my ass because you said I was disrespecting her or something.” Ichiro turned his attention back to the dancers. Other people had joined them on the floor. “Would it be considered disrespectful if I pulled Izanagi apart limb by limb?”

Yori stopped Ichiro before he could move. “He’s a kid, and he’s just having some fun. He’s probably never danced with a grown woman in his life. And you said he was cute.”

“That’s before he was getting all up front and personal with my wife’s ass.”

“Can I dance with her if they play that song again?” Satoshi asked Ichiro.

Ichiro scowled at him. “Heck no. You better get Cristal.”

Kioshi was now facing her and dancing up on her like he owned her body.

“What is he doing?” Satoshi asked. “He can’t handle the Amazon. He barely reaches her…oh my gawd.”

“Yeah,” Ichiro teased. “He can reach her goodies. Can I dance with Cristal if they play that song again?”

Yori laughed with him. And he thought he had problems. But at least Harper was legal.




Shaundra fanned herself with her hand as she made it back over to Aomori. Cristal followed her after waving good-bye to Barbara and Distraction.

“Girl, I need something cold to drink before I have a heart attack. Ich, baby, can you get me something to drink?”

“Sure, baby,” he said. “What about you, Cristal? Do you need to cool off too after shaking your bootie with Distraction?”

Both Cristal and Shaundra laughed.

“That was fun,” Shaundra said. “I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.”

“But Shaundra, baby, do you think it’s appropriate for you to be dancing like that with Izanagi?” Ichiro asked. “What if I was dancing like that with some young woman? What would you say?”

“I’d say, ooh, will you look at my baby rock that ass, and then I’d drag you home and make you do it just for me.”

Satoshi didn’t think he’d ever seen Ichiro’s cheeks so red.

“Ich, baby. It was just a dance. I thought we went over this before.”

“Yes, we have, and I thought you understood that you shouldn’t dance like that with anyone but me.”

Oh, oh
, Satoshi thought as he watched a nerve tick in Shaundra’s sweaty forehead.

“I don’t remember agreeing to that,” Shaundra said.

“Yes, you’re right,” Ichiro said. “I apologize for being so jealous.”

What? Is that it? Damn, I hoped Shaundra would tell him to fuck off like she always does

Shaundra wrapped her arms around Ichiro’s waist. “Give me a kiss,” she said. “You know you’re the only baby I want rocking my bootie.”

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