Down and Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter Book 3) (22 page)

Read Down and Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter Book 3) Online

Authors: Lila Rose

Tags: #Action, #Romance, #MC, #grief, #motorbikes, #loss, #parenting, #Australia

BOOK: Down and Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter Book 3)
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He snorted. "I'll believe it when I see it."

Leaning back, I asked, "Speaking of not taking your, um, doo-doo, not that it's really about that, but… whose room is this and will your brothers know what we just did? Also, from this day forward, I would like to try and keep our frolicking between just us."

Oh, God. I said frolicking.

Closing my eyes, I waited for it, and it didn't take long. Kalen's booming laughter filled the room. Only, my eyes flashed open in the next second because I didn't expect my whole body to be lifted and planted on Kalen's lap.

He cradled my head into the crook of his shoulder while his laughter wained. "Not sure what I did, but I'd fuckin' do it again and again if it was my luck that brought you into my life." My body stiffened while my heart sighed a big happy sigh on the inside. He felt lucky I'd come into his life. How was that possible when I was the lucky one? His hand slipped down from the back of my head to my lower back. There he circled his hand around and said, "Regret a lot of things. A top one would be the way I treated you when you first came into my life. I was a goddamn prick, sunshine. Sorry."

Leaning back to meet his eyes, I told him, "Honestly, I'm glad you weren't nice because if you were as you are now, I probably would have left. You would have made me flustered too much."

His smile was bright. "For the first time, I'll thank fuck for my arsehollery." He kissed me once and quickly before he added, "Back to your questions. This is my room in the compound. No one else uses it, and well, shit, yeah, they probably know something went down between us. Especially when you walk out there with those eyes, which are telling me you were well pleased." I scoffed and hit him in the chest. He grabbed my hand chuckling. "But you need to learn not to give a fuck about what other people think." He watched his hand as he slid it to the side of my neck, and then with his thumb, he reached around and ran it along my bottom lip. "No one should matter but you, me, and Koda. Love my brothers, sunshine, but it's us three who come first. So fuck 'em. Hold your head up high and walk out there with no care in the world. They may give us shit, but don't let it get to you. Seeing you come hard and sweet like that, with your filthy mouth and all. It was bloody worth any shit we get. It was something special. It was our special. And nothin' or no one can tarnish it by stupid words in jest."

My nerves were rattled, but he was right. What mattered, what counted more than anything was the three of us. Who cared what they thought? Who cared they knew we were getting active in the bedroom? I didn't. I couldn't, not when it meant so much to me. Not when it had to do with Kalen claiming me as his woman and dang it, I was claiming him as my man.

"No matter what, all I care about is having you and Koda around me. It's the two of you who make me happy. It's the two of you who have brought me something worth living for." Biting my bottom lip, I watched his eyes warm and lower at my words. "It's not just the orgasm talking." Humour lit his eyes, and his mouth twitched. Still, I went on, "I've been feeling special, lucky, for a while now, but I was scared to do or say anything. I'm scared of losing either of you because you both mean so much to me."

"I can't promise things will be all rainbows and shit between us, but I can promise you ain't losing me or Koda. We're in this and even when we argue, know that I won't walk out the door leaving you thinking we're over."

"Even if you tried, now I know you want to give us a go, I'd drag you back inside and lock you up until you saw reason."

"Sounds perfect to me."

"So glad I came today." I smiled.

"In more ways than one." Kalen chuckled.

Rolling my eyes, I laughed. "I suppose you could say that."

"If I’d known bringing you home would have given me the chance to have my hand in your pants, I would have done it a long time ago. A fuckin' long time ago."

"If I would have known jealousy would have—"

"Don't even say it," he said with a growl.

Laughing, I patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I'm usually too shy around people, but you need to look out. My shyness is fading with you."

"Glad for it." He grinned. "Though, I'm sure I can get your cheeks to heat anytime I want."

Biting my bottom lip, I shook my head and then said, "I doubt that."

"Really?" he smirked.

"Yes." I nodded, knowing full well he could, but I wanted to see what he came up with to get me all embarrassed.

"Babe, are you missing a certain pair of panties?" My eyes widened. His smirk was cocky. "I'll give them to you tonight. For a week or so, I've been using them to wank over because the thought of your pussy is a temptation I couldn't resist. I needed something that was pressed close against it. Fuck, just thinkin' about it gets me hard. So hard, I'm thinking of layin' you back on the bed and slamming my cock into you. I know you'd like it. My woman with a dirty mouth would like a bit of dirty play."

Yes, my cheeks reddened. Only it wasn't really from embarrassment; it was because lust, red-hot and needy, pooled low in my belly, riding me hard and tempting me to take him up on his offer.

He ran the back of his fingers over my cheek. "Told you I could. Fuckin' love the fact, it's from you being turned on. Let's get back to Koda so we can get the fuck outta here soon?"

"Y-yes." I was more than ready. Standing from Kalen's lap, he took my hand, kissed me deep and hard and then stalked to the door, down the hall and out into the large room where a party was still happening. More cheers sounded. There were also slaps on the back for Kalen, and if some were brave, they even risked hugging me. But it was Dallas who whispered, "Good to have our smiling brother back. Thank you."

Tears threatened, but I held them back and nodded into his shoulder. It was then Kalen brought me close and placed his arm around my shoulders. He walked us the rest of the way to the office like that.

As soon as Kalen opened the office door, we stopped.

"He's just started," Low whispered as she came to our side. Dodge followed and tagged his woman with a hand to the back of the neck, bringing her to his front while we all stood back and watched Koda.

He was standing. With his hands on the office chair, he moved his feet up and down. He knew what he wanted to do. As if sensing his audience, he looked over and smiled. "Dada, Nena," he cried. My hand flew to cover my mouth. Kalen's arm around my shoulders tightened, and we watched in awe as Koda took his first steps towards us, only to fall to his bottom after three.

The room erupted in claps. I rushed to him and picked him up, twirling him, kissing him, and telling him what an amazing boy he was.

Kalen met my gaze with warm eyes and a soft smile on his lips. Then he spent the next hour talking with Dodge while Low and I got Koda to walk as much as he wanted to, before he cracked it from having enough.

Because we knew there was no rush for us. We had a lot of time on our hands, and we wanted to cherish every one of Koda's steps in life.


Chapter Twenty-Three




Proud to see my son's first steps. Ecstatic my woman was with me when it happened, but now I was just horny as fuck. What didn't help was the whole drive home, while Mena talked and praised Koda, her hand rubbed my thigh unconsciously.

As we came into Halls Gap, I laid my hand over hers and asked, "What did Dodge say to you as we were leaving?" While Low was trying to keep my attention, my brother had pulled my woman aside and said something to her. Mena had smiled and nodded before she had quickly hugged my brother.

"Um," she started, looking from Koda in the back to me. Out the corner of my eyes, I saw her nod to herself. "He said for a long time he was worried about you. But he knows he doesn't have to now."

Shit. My brother. Always had my back. Always worried. Fuck, I was the same with him. With all my brothers.

Picking up her hand, I kissed the back of it and said, "He's right. He's got nothing to worry about now. I'm happy."

"I'm glad I can bring that for you."

"So am I, sunshine." I smiled over at her. "We never made it to our house. We'll have to go back another weekend to get shit sorted."

"I'm all for it, and maybe Low and Dodge could mind Koda for a while." She winked. Fuck yeah, I liked the sound of that. And even though the house brought memories of Simone, it was time to start with new memories that would be just as good, if not better. But first, I was gettin' a new bed for me to share with my woman.

Like I'd said, Simone would always hold a part of my heart, but it was time to start living again.

Living with the woman who'd stolen the rest of my heart along with my boy.

When we arrived home, it was already late. We'd eaten takeaway on the way, so all we had to do was get Koda washed and into bed, which didn't take long. He'd worn himself out with all the walking he'd done. So by the time I laid him in his crib, he was already half asleep.

Walking back out into the living room, I found Mena sitting on the couch. Her hand fidgeted with the hem of her shorts. She was nervous, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Mena." I aimed for a gentle tone, but it came out gruff. When her head snapped up, and her eyes met mine, I ordered, "Come here." She got up and took the steps needed to stop in front of me. My hands went to her waist, and I forced her close so our bodies touched. "Not sure why you're nervous, sunshine. I'm a sure thing tonight."

Humour spread through her eyes before she threw her head back and burst out laughing. Her laughter only stopped when I leaned in and licked the length of her neck. I felt my tee pull as her hands gripped it tightly. Placing a kiss on her shoulder, I stepped back to find her face flushed. I took her hand in mine and led her down the hallway to my room. A thrill ran over me, not only my dick, but my body in anticipation. She was gonna be mine in more ways than just my mind. Her body would be mine, and soon, if not immediately, her heart also.

I opened the door and let her step in first. I came up behind her, my hands on her upper arms as she took it all in. Her head moved to the right where the walk-in closet was. To the bedside table where a picture of Simone sat. Which was when she took my hand off her arm and brought it around to kiss it. She was telling me it was okay to remember. It was okay to keep Simone alive in memory. Her head then moved left where the window sat, then to the wall next to it where the outside camera monitors were lined on a computer table. They flashed from one corner of the property to another.

"You weren't lying about keeping us safe," she murmured.

"Shit no. Most important people in this house. Do anything to keep them safe." Turning her in my arms and taking her face in my hands, I said, "Need you to know, from this night on, you sleep in here with me, where you've always belonged. You good with that?"

"Yes," she whispered.

My eyes ran over her face, taking it all in. Her blonde, sexy hair, her pale, warm blue eyes, her heart-shaped face, and her fuckable, kissable lips. Everything about her made me hard; her body, her voice, her whispers drove my cock crazy.

"Can't hold back, Mena. Need you. Now get naked and on the bed. I wanna watch you strip, watch you lie on the bed, spreading your legs, offering me your pussy."

With my hands still on her, I felt her whole body shiver, and I loved it. I knew her pussy would be wet already. Licking her lips, she stepped back. I let my hands drop from her even when they wanted to reach out to her. She stepped back again and slowly slid her tee up her stomach, over her breasts, which were covered in black lace, and threw it off her arms to the floor.

Her smile was shy. Her heart would be beating like crazy, like mine was in anticipation, but she continued. The little tease undid the button on her shorts in a leisurely pace. My eyes narrowed; hers smiled.

"Woman," I said in a warning tone. My heart was going crazy behind my chest. Having my eyes on
of her skin was something I'd been wanting for a hell of a long time. My dick jerked behind my jeans. A giggle left her lips as she unzipped her shorts and wiggled them over her hips and down her legs, kicking them off to the side.


My sunshine then reached behind her and unhooked her bra, dropping it to the floor.

As she watched me watch her, I glided my hand over my hard-on behind my jeans. I had to touch my hard cock. My gaze found her perfect breasts, and I focused on them, desperate to touch them. Her eyes followed my movement, her gaze dipping to a smouldering heat. She wanted what I was touching.

Her eyes flared, her mouth opened in a soft gasp before she picked up her pace. She removed her panties quickly and lay back on the bed, moving into the middle.

In a soft, lust-filled voice, she admitted, "I've never felt this need for someone before, Kalen. Just having you watch me with such intensity in your eyes makes me crazy. Makes me feel confident." When she'd finished her confession, she bent her knees, her feet going to the bed. Then she spread her legs wide for my eyes to feast upon her pussy. Heat filled her cheeks and ran quickly down her chest. From where I stood, I could see she was slick with need. My woman was aching, and I was about to settle it for her, while enjoying it greatly in doing so.

"Touch it," I demanded. She ran her fingers around her nipple and then down until they dipped into her hole. She arched and moaned. "Lick your fingers, Mena. Taste yourself." She met my gaze as she removed her fingers and slid them between her lips where she licked and sucked them.

I was about to blow my load in my jeans.

"Kalen," she whispered huskily. "I need you."

"What do you need?" I removed my tee from my body. Her eyes fucked me over. Her small curve to her lips told me she liked my ink.

"You. I need you to fuck me."

"With goddamn pleasure." I kicked off my jeans and boxers. She smiled as I stalked towards her. "You're fucking beautiful."

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