Down to Business (Business Series) (25 page)

BOOK: Down to Business (Business Series)
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“Hold up,” he said, moving behind me and placing one hand on my elbow. “No wonder you think you suck. You’re not holding the pool cue right. Hold it like this...” he said adjusting my fingers. “Loosen your hold.”

All I could focus on was his voice and his touch, not what he was telling me. I nodded and did my best to break triangle of balls. They scattered a few inches apart and a green solid rolled dangerously close to the left middle pocket.

“See? I suck.”

“You do not suck. Watch me.”

I stood back and watched as he leaned over the table, his face serious as he looked over his options. He finally took aim and all I could do is stare at is assets.

Damn he had sexy arms…his butt was so perfect…

The crack of the balls clashing broke my concentration. The green solid fell into the left middle pocket and a stripe dropped into the right corner pocket.

“What’s your favorite, stripes or solids?”

“I don’t have one.”

“You’re stripes then.”

I smirked watching him prowl around the table, moving to the other end and leaning over. “Solid yellow. Right corner pocket.”

I watched him execute his claim perfectly and he gave me a cocky smile afterwards. “See?”

“It might be more fun if you just play by yourself,” I teased and leaned into my pool cue.

He walked over to me, gently turning me to face the table. “See that blue stripe down there?”


“You’re gonna get that in the left corner pocket.”

I laughed. “It’s nowhere near that pocket.”

“I know. But you have to learn how to make it go there.” He slid his warm palm up my arm, his hand closing over mine on the stick. My stomach clenched when his other hand moved to rest at my abdomen, just above the waistband of my jeans.

He nudged me forward until my thighs met the edge of the table. His warm breath traveled over my neck. “We can do it together.”

Oh God.

My mind went south when his palm ran from the bottom of my spine to the top, bending me over the table. His warm chest rested against my back and his arms came around to guide my hands on the cue stick.

“What you want to do… is knock the blue stripe off the back wall, so it rolls at an angle into the middle pocket.” All I could think about was him being in my middle pocket with his sexy voice and warm breath in my ear. A rush of warm heat flowed over me as my whole body relaxed into him.

His hand gripped the pool cue and guided mine. “Bring the cue in and aim like I showed you,” he instructed, his lips brushing my earlobe and making every hair on my body stand on end.

I think I nodded, but I couldn’t be sure. His hips pressed into my rear and his body went flush against mine as we took aim together. That was when I felt something hard press against my butt. If my chances of getting the ball in the hole were slim before, the odds were never, once his hard-on introduced itself. I wondered if it was accidental or if he was actually turned on.

My arm jerked under his instruction, and the crack of the balls clashing together yanked me from my thoughts. I watched as the blue stripe dropped into the left middle pocket.

“See! I told you that you could do it!”

We straightened up and his arm that was draped around my waist tightened, pulling me back against him. Our hands were still joined on the cue.

Once the balls finished rolling, I leaned my back up against him and reached up with my free hand to brush my fingertips over the stubble on his cheek. “You’re a good teacher.”

He kissed the inside of my wrist and heat prickled over my arm. I arched my back and purposely pressed my butt against his groin to see if he was still aroused. He responded with a deep breath and his lips moved to the tender spot behind my ear. I quivered and turned to him, unable to help myself as I dropped the cue aside and wrapped my arms around his neck. The moment I did, his lips captured mine in a kiss that made my knees weaken. His tongue circled mine in a hot pursuit while his fingertips moved beneath the layers of my clothes to trace over my waist and lower back.

I pulled away with an unsteady breath. “How am I going to win when you distract me like this?”

“You’re going to win, believe me,” he mumbled, his voice rough and low.

My heart jump-started in anticipation and I sucked in my stomach as his fingers tugged the button open on my jeans. His lips moved up and down the side of my neck and I leaned my head to the side to give him more room. Warm fingertips traveled into my panties and paused to make a small circle right above my pelvic bone. I arched my back in expectancy and reached back to brace myself on the edge of the pool table. A pang of disappointment followed his hand upward, where he slid it beneath my clothes to squeeze my left breast.

I looked into his eyes and bit down on my lip when he jerked his hips against mine, pinning me against the table and letting me feel his solid arousal through our clothing. Just the look in his eyes and the sensation of his arousal grinding into me caused throbbing begin between my legs. An unexpected moan escaped my lips and I reached down to pull my Adelphi hoodie and Malones t-shirt off, tossing them to the floor. He did the same with his Malones
t-shirt and I rubbed my hands over his bare chest, trembling and sweating at the same time.

He pulled me flush against him. Our lips collided and our hips continued their slow, agonizing, grind against one another. I wanted to give myself to him, but I didn’t know how to tell him. Instead, I reached down to his waist and unfastened his jeans. They slid down easily and his charcoal-colored boxer-briefs underneath were soft against my fingers. I stared into his eyes and used two fingers to feel him through opening in the front of his boxers, causing him to shudder. Taking that as a good cue, I slid my hand fully inside and captured his solid length in my fist. This elicited a soft groaned from him, and he grabbed the edge of the pool table, his hips jerking forward. My palm felt cool compared to the heat radiating from his velvet-smooth shaft. I slid my hand up and down his entire length, which I felt was a satisfying size of typical Italian.

My teasing didn’t last long. With a groan, he grabbed me and lifted me up on the pool table. My thighs parted to make room for him as he leaned in, and crushed his mouth against mine in an intense kiss that ended with my lower lip between his teeth and his hands squeezing my ass. I moaned in need and raked my fingers over his back. He took my shoulders in his firm hands and pulled back so he could look into my eyes. His gaze was full of intense longing, laced with concern. I knew what he concerned about and I reassured him by sliding my fingers into his hair and pulling his mouth back against mine.

His returned kiss surprised me with its slow and deep stimulation. He drew my tongue into his mouth and sucked on it in such an erotic way that I actually felt myself become increasingly wet with need for him. I moved further onto the pool table, sending the balls that scattered below me to the wayside, making it our personal bed. He joined me on the table and I didn’t notice he had unclasped my bra until it was peeled away and dropped over the side. I laid back and he hovered over me on his hands and knees. I watched his intense stare travel down my body, zeroing in on his next target. His lips closed on my hardened left nipple and he sucked and circled it with his tongue until I was squirming beneath him.

I massaged my fingers into his back, trying to pull him down, wanting to feel him fully against me. Instead, his kisses traveled south, down my stomach, over my belly button, to my opened jeans. He slid off the table and took my jeans and panties with him, leaving me with nothing but the soft green felt on the table below me. Embarrassment cut through my desire as he stared down between my legs. I clamped my thighs closed, heat flooding my face.

A small smirk played on his lips as he slid his warm hands over my thighs and pulled them apart again, opening me intimately.  I swore I was going to die of humiliation until I felt his warm mouth encompassed my slick folds and his tongue ricochet over the spot where my need for him radiated from. My hips flinched in shock at the sudden pleasure I felt, and I cried out, my back arching involuntarily. His tongue laid a merciless assault on my pleasured peak, turning my body into one big throbbing pulse, ready to explode.

He was relentless with his tongue, darting it up and down over my clit and then driving it deep inside of me in one quick swoop that sent my hips thrusting against his mouth in need. In and out, curling, twisting, and turning, he drove me to the brink of insanity. I didn’t know how much more I could take, the need to have him inside of me made me insane. I pulled at his hair, bucked my hips, and cried his name along with some other random words I didn’t even comprehend. Just when I couldn’t take another second of his teasing torture, pleasure exploded between my legs and satisfaction rolled through me in waves of euphoria that left me paralyzed in their wake, strong at first and then slowly fading, leaving me a panting mess.

I was still shaking when he leaned over me with a look of amusement on his face. “How was that for finishing what I started?”

I released a weak laugh and raised my trembling hand to his cheek. “That was amazing.”

“I couldn’t tell,” he teased, scooting me over so he could lie beside me. I looked into his eyes, wondering if that was as far as we were going to go. If we didn’t go any further, I couldn’t say I’d be disappointed. I was more than satisfied.

He watched me with his head propped up on his hand, making small circles with his fingers on my abdomen.

“Do you think you can handle more or have you had enough?” A small grin caught at the corner of his lips.

“I think I could handle a little more.” I said, smiling.

“Just a little huh?”

“Whatever you’re giving, I can handle…”

“We will see about that.”

We kissed and caressed one another until his hand traveled south to tease my inner thighs. Anticipation centered low in my stomach and I ached in need. The moment I felt his fingertips brush against my slick folds, I opened my legs wide and moaned his name in relief. His fingers were fluid as he tempered the heat inside of me, drawing me back to that place of unquenched desire. It didn’t take long for his teasing to come to a head and my body clenched around his fingers with intense pleasure. My orgasm crashed over me again like waves to the oceans shore… slowly they waned, rinsing away the ache, and leaving me satisfied.

He drew away from me and I opened my eyes to see him kneel down at the side of the table.

Curious, I leaned over to see him fumbling with his jeans. “What are you doing?”

“Getting a condom.”

My stomach clenched.

It was going to happen. I was going to have sex with Vinny.

My pulse matched the beating of my heart as he joined me on the table again. 

“You’re not on the pill right?”

I stared at the silver condom wrapper in his hand, trying to hide the apprehension in my voice. “No…”

How could I be so nervous after what we just did? Wasn’t it moments ago that I was begging him to have sex with me?

He tore open the package, removed the clear condom, and placed it on the head of his shaft.

“You okay?” he asked suddenly.

I looked up at him to find him staring at me with a look of concern.

I nodded.  “Yeah. I’m okay.”

“You don’t look okay.”

I bit my lip. “I’m not completely okay.”

He set the condom aside and took my cheek in his warm palm, forcing me to look into his eyes. “Autumn, if you’re not ready, we don’t have to do this. I understand.”

“No,” I said, choked with sudden emotion. “I want to do this. I want you Vinny, more than anything.”

“I won’t hurt you on purpose, I promise.” He leaned in and pressed his forehead against mine. “And if I do, you can smack me.”

“Okay.” I released a nervous sigh and pecked his lips.

He grabbed the condom again. I watched as he rolled it down his length and my mind suddenly took me back to health class in high school where we had practice putting condoms on bananas.

Why was I thinking about bananas at a time like this?

He finished putting it on and released a deep breath. “All set.”

“Okay.” I said laying back and waiting.

He laughed. “You’re so serious. This is supposed to be fun.”

I covered my face. “I don’t know how to act!”

“Act like you did earlier, when you were screaming for me to just stick it in because you couldn’t stand it another second.”

Heat exploded over my face and I grabbed my forehead. “I said that?”

“Yeah, and some other things...”

“Let’s not talk about it.”

He smirked and leaned over me. “Whatever you say. You’re calling the shots.”

I closed my eyes as his lips found mine again. I kissed him and tried to get back to that place where nothing else mattered but having him inside of me. He started to caress my breasts to ease the tension but when I felt his hardness spring against my leg, I nearly leapt off the table.

Laughing, he caressed my hip. “Easy. I wasn’t even close.”


We didn’t even do it yet, and I was already chalking up to be a failure.

He kissed me again and his fingers trailed down my cheek, between my breasts, over my abdomen, and between my legs again. Immediately, that tingling heat centered around his moist fingertips as he gently stroked me into submission. He waited until I was squirming for more to spread my legs fully apart. My fear was squelched by the burning desire I had for him. He climbed over me, and his length settled between my legs. My body tingled with anticipation and I closed my eyes as I moved my hips to greet him, eager to experience what sex really felt like.

Leaning over me, he reached between us and gently inched himself inside of me. I felt the tight awareness of what was happening, but it wasn’t painful like I expected, just foreign. I thought he was all the way in, then he suddenly dropped his hips, and I felt the rest of him slide in deep, causing me to gasp as he filled me completely.

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