DowntoBusiness (3 page)

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Authors: Dena Garson

BOOK: DowntoBusiness
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“You know it.”

Leigh pulled John’s cock forward so she could wrap her lips
around it without bumping her head on the desk. She mercilessly teased the head
with her tongue then slowly took as much into her mouth as she could in her

“Well, that’s all right then. Hey, you got any trash you
need me to empty for you?” Danny asked.

“No. It’s fine,” John said a little too quickly, his voice
belying the calm he’d been trying to project. “Didn’t have much today.”

“All right, well, I’ll let you get back to work so you’ll be
done by the time the wife gets back.”

“Okay, thanks, Danny. Don’t work too hard.”

“You too.”

Leigh heard the door click shut then said quietly, “You are
bad to let Danny stay in here as long as you did.”

John fisted one hand in her hair and pulled her head back
down, encouraging her to keep sucking his dick. When she did, he slumped back
in his chair with a throaty moan. She took as much of his cock into her mouth
as she could and looked up at him.

He was watching her intently. The expression on his face
made her pussy clench in anticipation.

“God, you are good at that,” he rasped.

Leigh smiled around his cock and made a low humming noise in
her throat, knowing it would vibrate against him. John groaned in response and
tightened his grip on her hair. She made a couple more passes then eased her
mouth off his dick.

He let go of her hair when she pushed his chair back so she
could sit without slouching and get some cooler air. “How’s that contract

“It’s not, but I will be if you keep doing what you were

Leigh laughed. “Not just yet. You have a contract to

John mumbled something under his breath about
, making Leigh laugh again.

“How many pages do you have left?” She knelt on the floor
but was out from underneath the desk.

John kissed Leigh as he reached for the last few pages that
were sitting on the desk behind her. Without breaking their kiss, he pulled her
up on his lap as he leaned back in his chair.

“You better be careful or your pants are going to get messed
up,” Leigh murmured against John’s lips.

“From what?”

“I’m a little drippy.”

“Are you? Let’s see.”

John shifted Leigh and cradled her to one side. With his
free hand, he pushed her slip up then parted her thighs. He ran his fingers
through the hair at the juncture of her thighs and slipped one finger between
her folds. She was slick and he easily found her entrance. He pumped his finger
in and out, making Leigh squirm on his lap.

“You are rather juicy, aren’t you? What have you been
thinking about?” he asked as he played with her pussy.

“You.” Leigh’s breathing became ragged. “Me. The desk.”

John ran his fingers around Leigh’s clit, dipped them into
her pussy, coating them with her juices, then across her clit over and over.

“The floor,” she added before her thoughts became impossible
to hold on to. John worked his magic with his fingers. He swirled them around
and around, drawing her further into a sea of desire and need. She clung to
John's shoulder as she squirmed in his lap, helpless to fight the wave he built
inside her. Before she knew it she was shattering and crying out her release.

John’s kisses muffled most of the sounds Leigh made when she
came. As her heavy breathing returned to normal he lessened his hold but
continued to pet her.

Slowly Leigh floated back to reality. She breathed in his
scent as she lay boneless against his chest and arm. There was something about
his smell that enthralled her. It was more than just the soap and cologne he
used. It was
beneath it all, and he was intoxicating. They could
live to be one hundred and she wouldn’t tire of being next to him.

“I’m probably making a damp spot on your pants,” Leigh
mumbled against John’s chest.

He kissed the top of her head. “It’ll dry.”

She raised her head so she could look him in the eye. There
was probably a very contented smile on her face, but she didn’t care. “I
thought I was supposed to be motivating
. I think I must be doing
something wrong here.”

“Don’t you know I find it highly arousing to watch you come?
And to know that I’m the one who helped you get there?”

“Oh,” Leigh said with dawning realization. “I hadn’t really
thought of it that way.”

“It’s true,” John said as he stroked her back from her
shoulders to her hip.

She reached up to run her fingers over his jaw line. The
first signs of razor stubble were evident under her fingertips. It reminded her
of Sunday mornings. John frequently skipped shaving on the weekends and she
loved the scruffy feel of his face after he’d let his whiskers grow for a
couple of days. It was a direct contrast to his clean-shaved professional look
during the week and felt more, well, intimate.

Especially when he rubbed it all over her body.

“What’s that look all about?” John asked, interrupting her
train of thought.

“Which look would that be?”

“The one you were just wearing that looked like the cat who
was about to eat a second canary.”

“Who, me?” she asked with exaggerated innocence.

“Yes, you.”

“I would never eat a canary. Much less two.”

His chest rumbled beneath her as he chuckled. “You know what
I mean.”

“Hmm.” Leigh slipped one hand inside the opening of John’s
shirt so she could feel the warmth of his bare skin. She toyed with the idea of
stripping him as bare as she currently was, but decided it would put him in an
even worse spot if they were somehow caught.

“How you doing on that contract?” Leigh asked, then flicked
her tongue out to lick the ridge of John’s collarbone.

“Not making much progress right now. Something much more
interesting dropped into my lap.”

The hand that had been caressing her back slipped around to
fondle her breast.

“Would it help if I were to read the contract to you?” Leigh

John paused before answering. “No.” He pushed Leigh against
the arm of the chair and leaned in closer. “All that would do is free up my
hands to play with your almost-naked body. I wouldn’t really be paying
attention to what the contract said.”

Leigh smiled. “I like knowing that I can still distract

“More than you know, woman,” he said just before closing the
distance between their lips.

Leigh melted into the kiss and reveled in the heat that
spiraled between them.

When they came up for air, she reminded John, “We’re going
to be here all night if you keep kissing me like that.”

“You’re right. I’d much rather be doing this in bed.” He
kissed her, making a loud smacking sound, then nudged her off his lap. “Let’s
go home.”

Leigh stood since John insisted but turned so she could face
him as he got up from his chair. “Uh-uh, big boy.” She grabbed the edge of the
desk behind her with one hand and pressed the other against John’s chest to
stop him. “You’ve got a contract to finish so that you don’t have to work this
weekend and we’re not leaving ’til it’s done.”

“I just love it when you get all bossy. It’s kinda hot.”

Leigh snorted. “Now I know why you married me. I’m a lawyer,
of course I’m bossy.”

John took the hand that was pressed against his chest and
lifted it to his mouth. “That’s just one of the reasons.” He held her gaze as
he ran the tip of his tongue over her palm all the way up to the end of her
middle finger. When he slipped her index finger into his mouth and teased the
underside with his tongue, Leigh felt her knees turn to jelly.

“Oooh. Damn,” she swore under her breath. John knew exactly
where to touch—or lick!—to heighten the sensations he created.

The corner of John’s lips lifted in a knowing grin. “Sure
you don’t want to go home?”

Chapter Three


Leigh struggled to pull herself from the sensual haze that
John had drawn around them. She rubbed her body against John as she lifted
herself up on her toes. Her eyes fluttered closed as she brushed her lips
against his and whispered, “Oh, I definitely want to go home.” She nipped his
lower lip and added, “As soon as you’re finished with that contract.”

“Minx,” John complained, but his arms tightened around her
and he lifted her off her feet as he kissed her. When he set her back on her
feet, he swatted her bottom.

Through the thin material of her slip, Leigh felt the sting
of his hand all the way down to her toes. The rush of desire that coursed
through her still-heated body took her by surprise. Neither of them was into
punishment for pleasure, but after reading some of her steamier romance novels,
she wondered if there was something to it. John often joked about spanking and
occasionally, when he was feeling particularly playful, he would swat her on
the fanny. Then, like today, he would rub the sting away. She wondered just how
interested he was in the idea and made a mental note to find out later.

“Okay. Contract first. Then home.” John stepped back to let
Leigh move away from the desk.

Still somewhat dazed, Leigh moved to the side so John could
pull his chair back up to the desk. Once he was situated in his chair again,
Leigh shuffled the papers around and cleared a spot on the desk next to John.
The couch was too far away for her liking, but she needed to give him a little
room to work. Sitting on the desk was the next best answer she could come up

She scooted close enough that she could slip her feet into
his lap in order to keep them warm and so she could touch him in some way.

John automatically placed one hand over her toes and gave
them a squeeze, then looked up at her. “You know it’s going to be dammed hard
to concentrate with you sitting right there.”

Leigh grinned mischievously. “Yes, I know.”

He rubbed the tops of her feet briskly, then gripped her
toes and started reading the contract again. It looked as though there were
three or four pages left for him to review. She thought about what to do next
as a reward. She only had one more piece of clothing on. That left two or three
pages she needed ideas for.

The thought that she was almost naked while he was still
fully clothed
a bit of a turn on. The textures she felt as she sat
in his lap added another layer of excitement by creating different sensations
up and down her body. Not that she wasn’t extremely fond of feeling John’s
naked, warm body against her own. In fact, she couldn’t wait to get him home so
she could do just that.

But this evening was supposed to be about motivating John.
What else could she do to keep his interest, without bringing him to orgasm? At
least not yet. She was saving that for the grand finale. His big reward for
finishing the contract.

She needed to think quickly. John was most of the way
through the page he was working on. Thankfully, it looked as if he’d had to
stop and make several notes on one of the paragraphs.

Men, as a rule, were visual creatures. John was no
exception. How could she use that more than she already had? She was sitting
here almost completely naked, for Pete’s sake!

An idea came to her. She leaned in, letting her breasts
brush against his arm. “How many more pages do you have?” she asked softly.

Without looking up, John thumbed through the lower corners
of the papers. “Four.” He looked at the breast that was all but resting on his
arm, then up into her eyes. “Why?”

“Just curious,” Leigh said innocently.

“You’re ready for me to finish.” It was a statement, not a

“Hmm. Yes and no.”

John raised one eyebrow in question.

Leigh shrugged her shoulders but didn’t respond.

John’s eyes were once more drawn to her naked breasts. Before
turning his attention back to the contract, he reached over and pinched her
lightly on one nipple.

Leigh’s still-damp pussy clenched in response. She wasn’t
certain, but she thought she saw the corner of John’s mouth lift into a grin.
The devil knew exactly what he was doing to her. She couldn’t wait to see if
what she had in mind would shock him down to
toes as well as a few
key places in between.

It only took another moment for John to finish the page he
had been working on. Leigh took the paper he held out to her. The expression on
John’s face was quite smug. Quickly, she scanned the page, not really seeing
the words.

Without saying anything, she stood and gently placed the
page on the desk behind her. She held John’s gaze as she hooked her thumbs in
the waistband of her half slip and slowly pushed it over her hips. When she
felt the material fall to her feet, she stepped out of the center of the puddle
of silk then kicked it aside.

Leigh held her breath as John broke eye contact and looked
all the way down her now-naked body.

“Very nice,” he murmured.

Leigh felt a bit disappointed when John began working on the
contract again so quickly. However, when she spotted him taking peeks out of
the corner of his eye, she was somewhat mollified.

She decided to give him a little something more to look at.
Once again, she sat on the desk next to him and slipped her feet into his lap.
As before, John gripped her toes with one hand without looking away from his
documents. When she felt as if he was settling back into his review, she turned
and pulled her knee up until her ankle rested on the desk. She knew that slight
adjustment would allow him to see her in glorious detail.

As expected, John’s interest was pulled in her direction.
His eyes turned toward her and then his head slowly followed. He stared at her
fully exposed and probably still visibly wet pussy for a moment then raised his
eyes to her face.

“Now how do you expect me to concentrate when
staring me in the face?”

“Just keep on working,” Leigh crooned. She rested one hand
on the desk behind her and reclined a little. With the other hand, she stroked
her slick folds. “This isn’t going anywhere without you.”

John watched, riveted, as she continued to stroke herself
gently, spreading more of her juices around and over her clit. Based on the
evidence growing beneath her foot, the one that still rested in John’s lap,
Leigh could tell he was
interested in what she was doing. She slid
her foot up and down, stroking his erection through the fabric of his pants.
The motion of her foot mirrored the rhythm she set with her hand.

Leigh was surprised at how turned on she was getting. It
wasn’t from the direct stimulation of touching herself, but rather the rapt
expression on John’s face and from seeing how much her behavior was affecting
him. She kept her movements slow and deliberate, just enough to tease both of

Softly, she reminded John, “You really need to finish that
contract.” She rubbed her foot against his erection with a little more pressure.
Not enough to hurt, just to emphasize her next words. “And soon.”

“Yeah, well, if you keep doing that,” John nodded in the
direction of her crotch, “I’m going to toss the rest of dammed contract into
the trash and bury my face between your legs ’til you scream.”

A shiver ran through Leigh at the image he created in her
mind. Her already heated body flushed as her arousal kicked up another notch.

She withdrew her hand from her crotch and leaned toward
John. “What can I do to help you finish those last couple of pages?”

The heat in his gaze was almost Leigh’s undoing. She wanted
nothing more than to straddle him in his chair and ride them both to orgasm.
But that wouldn’t finish the contract. And that wouldn’t give him the weekend

“I’m tempted to tell you to go get us both a bottle of water
from the break room, but I don’t think that’s going to stop me from wanting to
bend you over the desk.” He added with a grin, “And you’re not exactly dressed
for walking down the hall.”

Leigh smiled back, then reached out and stroked the side of
John’s face. “Do you need a break?”

John looked down into his lap. “Do I look like I need a

Leigh laughed and teased the tip of his erection with her
toe. “Not from where I’m sitting.” She tilted her head to one side and added,
“But seriously, if it will help you focus on your contract so you can finish
soon, I can saunter down the hallway and give you some quiet time.”

“Yeah, but then you’d have to get dressed and waste all the
effort I’ve brought about.”

“Not necessarily.” Leigh slid off the desk and strode over
to the door. Hanging on the back of it was John’s spare raincoat. She slipped
it on and tied the belt at the waist. On John, the coat probably hit him above
the knee, but on her, it hit somewhere around mid-calf. The extra width just
lent extra coverage in the front where she’d wrapped one side over the other
before she belted it.

“Now I just need shoes.” She located her heels near the
couch and slipped them on. Noticing her cell phone lying on the nearby table,
she dropped it into one of the pockets of the coat.

“You can’t go out there like that!” John protested.

“Sure I can,” Leigh assured him. “There’s no one else
working this late on your floor and even the cleaning guy has already been by.
He’s probably three floors above us by now.” She turned the lock on the handle
to make sure she’d be able to get back in. “Who’s to see me?”

John looked as if he were about to argue again so Leigh blew
him a kiss and slipped out the door, closing it behind her. Not sure that John
wouldn’t come after her, she quickly made her way down the hall toward the
break room. As expected, she couldn’t see or hear anyone else on the floor.
Most areas were dark. The emergency lights and a few unnoticed cubicle lamps
allowed her to see well enough that she didn’t need to turn on the main lights
and draw unnecessary attention.

When she got to the break room, she grabbed a water bottle
from the fridge then sat in one of the hard plastic chairs. After taking few
sips from the bottle, she pulled out her phone and scrolled through her email.
In the back of her mind, she calculated how long it would take John to finish
the last few pages. She probably had enough time to get through all of her
recent email and then get back to his office before their desire waned.


She grinned as a new idea formed in her mind. Here she sat
with very little on. A cell phone at her disposal. An empty floor with all
kinds of nooks and crannies to hide in. And a husband who deserved a really big

What could be sexier than hide and seek? Especially when the
clues were a little risqué?

Forgetting about her email, Leigh hopped up to find places
where she could leave an easily identified trail of visual clues for John to
follow on his phone.

In the break room she took a picture of the water bottle
pressed against her neck and shoulder. The angle was just right to give him a
glimpse of her exposed breast as well. She saved the picture but didn’t send it
yet. Next she went to one of the nearby cubes that had a lamp turned on.
Careful to not disturb anything in the cube, she sat on the chair and propped
her feet up on the desk. Still using the water bottle as a prop, she took a
picture of her uncovered legs as she ran the bottle up the inside of one thigh.
This one she also saved without sending.

Looking around the floor for the next place she could get a
picture without additional lighting, she found a corner office near the
stairway that had a door lit by a security light. She leaned against the wall
and untied the coat. Thank God the company was too cheap to install security
cameras on the upper floors or she wouldn’t be doing this. Letting the coat
drape open, she quickly snapped a pic of herself leaning against the doorframe.
She tried to get a downward angle so he could see as much of her as possible.

Satisfied with her amateur photography, she scrolled to the
first picture and sent it to John’s phone with a note daring him to come find
her. He had programmed a special ring tone for her number so she thought he’d
check it pretty quickly.

Unable to resist the cliché of it all, she stopped in the
copier room to snap a picture of her on the photo copier. Luckily there was a
door she was able to close before turning on the light. She sent the next
couple of pictures to John’s phone, allowing a minute or so between them.

When she turned off the light to the copier room and opened
the door, she could see the light reflecting on the ceiling outside John’s
office. Her heart sped up. He must have gotten the pictures and was looking for
her. She’d have to move quickly now. She wanted to make it back to his office
without him finding her.

Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad if he did find her in one of
the dark corners or cubicles.

Hmm… Either possibility was delicious.

Hearing John calling her name spurred her into action. She
quietly made her way across the floor, taking care to keep to the shadows. Just
outside John’s office, she felt her phone vibrate. Leigh stepped into his
office then looked at the screen of her phone. It was John trying to call.
Thankfully she’d turned the ringer to silent so he wouldn’t be able to locate
her by sound.

She clicked the “ignore” button to stop the incoming call,
then quickly took a picture of herself sprawled in one of John’s conference
chairs. Of course the belt on the coat had conveniently fallen loose, exposing
most of her to the camera.

Once she sent that photo to John’s phone she dropped the
coat in the middle of the floor then sat in John’s chair at his desk. She
swiveled around so that the back was facing the doorway, hopefully hiding
most—if not all—of her once-again-naked self.

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