Dragon Alliance: Rise Against Shadow (80 page)

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Authors: J. Michael Fluck

Tags: #Fiction, #Action & Adventure

BOOK: Dragon Alliance: Rise Against Shadow
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(shan-tour) — female land dragon in the Draden Weir garrison

(sheh-nenth) — silver dragon, mate to Tyrenth, at Ice Bay Weir

(syl-vanth) — female silver dragon, at Draden Weir, Gallanth’s mate, with Mkel’s wife Annan as her rider

(sly-var) — black dragon from the battle for repatriation in the unsettled lands

(stry-kenth) — silver dragon of the Capital Weir Wing, second largest silver dragon in the Alliance, rider Lieutenant Padonan

(strongst) — land dragon in the Draden Weir garrison

(tear-anth) — large copper dragon, at the Capital Weir, wing leader of the third Capital Wing

(tahl-onth) — silver dragon, senior dragon of Eladran Weir, and largest silver dragon in the Alliance, rider colonel Lordan

(tee-ah-mat) — evil queen dragon and leader of the chromatic dragons; volatile five-headed dragon deity with her power bested only by her former mate, Michenth

(ty-grenth) — silver dragon of the Capital Weir Wing, rider Bagram

(trax-us) — lead blue dragon of the Southwest province of Morgathia under sorcerer Tbok

(try-denth) — bronze dragon and senior dragon of Denar Weir, known for his ferocity in battle, rider Bristurm

(try-kenth) — silver dragon, senior dragon of High Mountain Weir, rider Slidess

(tur-anth) — young but powerful and good-sized bronze dragon, at Freiland

(ty-renth) — silver dragon, senior dragon, at Ice Bay Weir, rider Vermax

(ooh-threx) — demon red dragon of Tiamat’s court and member of the Usurper Five

(val-qur-ath) — female Avenger dragon at Battle Point, chosen rider, Decray

(val-ee-anth) — senior gold dragon of the Capital Weir, second lead dragon in all of the Alliance after Michenth; Valianth leads the Capital Weir Wing with his rider, Colonel Therosvet

(val-ah-denth) — strong and wise bronze dragon, lead for the Capital Weir’s second wing

(val-qur-an) — female land dragon in the Draden Weir garrison

(ven-jenth) — Avenger dragon in Draconia

(vul-tex) — blue dragon at the battle for repatriation in the unsettled lands

(vor-gash) — Talon sorcerer Marlok’s lead dragon

(vy-thresh-er) — white demon/berserker dragon of Tiamat’s court and member of the Usurper Five

(zal-enth) — bronze dragon and senior dragon of Rem Weir, rider Grommel

(zoo-manth) — young but talented bronze dragon, at Capital Weir for training

(zy-thor) — blue demon dragon of Tiamat’s court and member of the Usurper Five


Dragon Alliance Terms of Interest

(ah-luhr-us) — An opaque cream derived from a particular plant that the elves harvest that acts as both an anesthetic and an antibiotic. Alliance soldiers and especially healers carry small jars or skins of the salve, which can instantly stop blood flow from a wound, stop all infection, and ease great pain at the same time. It also forms a protective type of second skin over a wound or burn.

Articles of the Alliance
— the document created by the Founding Council that formed the Dragon Alliance and the laws on which the representative republic is based

The Alliance Flag
— The Alliance national flag is a bold standard with a white background having an embossment of Michenth in a mithril gold color in the center, a green oak leaf symbolizing the elves in the lower right corner, a brown and black hammer symbolizing the dwarves in the upper right corner, and a deep blue square field in the upper left corner with a circle of twelve white triangles in a circle with one slightly larger white triangle in the middle, all representing the thirteen Weirs and states of the Alliance that protect and bind the republic together, forever linking dragon and mankind together.

(drok-lar) — Alliance basic unit of currency, gold alloy piece, a little over an inch in diameter

(drok-myhr) — silver alloy piece, worth one hundredth of a Drachlar; larger drachmeres are worth fifty and a hundred drachmeres

Dragon Alliance Republic
— The nation comprised of thirteen provinces under the protection of the thirteen Weir fortresses that were united under the Founding Council as ratified by the Articles of the Alliance. Over three thousand miles across and over a thousand miles wide, the republic is a bountiful, productive land rich in farmland, mineral wealth, and resources. There are also separate independent kingdoms of dwarves and elves that reside within the Alliance borders in cooperation with the citizens and the metallic dragons of the republic. The capital of the Alliance, Draconia, sits at the end of the sizable Sauric Bay and is the shining city of light on the hill in its prosperity and well-being to its citizens.

(drahm-ites) — small insect-like creatures that the elves have engineered to heal internal injuries

(fenn-ig) — a copper alloy coin worth one hundredth of a drachmere

Ground Thunder game
- — a rugby-like game where the dragons have a large rubbery ball that they must pass or run from one side or another, across a line, or throw over a goal that is defended or not; passing is done by the head or tail

Hand and Foot
Game — a humanoid version of the Ground Thunder game

(in-tur-eff-ron) — A medicine developed by the elves that when mixed with a small amount of blood from the donor can then be introduced back through the skin or orally; increases the patient’s own immune system by a thousandfold. The basic components of interefron are derived from several rare plants and from the feathers of the griffon.

Morgathian Empire
(Mor-gath-ee-an) — The antithesis of the Alliance that lies many thousand miles to the east. Approximately three thousand miles long and wide, it is mostly mountainous to the north and west; 25 percent of its land mass is desert to the west and northwest. It is ruled with an iron fist by Tiamat, her Usurper Five, and the Talon Covenant.

— Insect-like creatures the dwarves use to clean their underground dwellings. Resembling small headless armadillos, they silently creep along the ground, walls, and ceilings and eat small bits of organic matter such as hair, dust, bits of food, mold, and even small insects.

Talon Covenant
— group of powerful sorcerers that control the Morgathian Empire in conjunction with Tiamat and her Usurper Five court

(tell-es-tra) — special bodyguards for Stalenjh and the Usurper Five, consisting of the toughest and cruelest of the death knights in Morgathia that don’t have the intellect to secure their own lands


Geography and Location Key

Adelif Peninsula
(a-dell-if) — the peninsula where Machren Weir is located, at the tip of the southeast portion of the Alliance

Allghren Forest
(ahl-grehn) — central northern forest in Alliance territory, which is home to Denaris and Eladra, the elven monarchs

(air-ee-ahn-a) — desert kingdom of the Eastern Ontaror region, with very evil and aggressive tendencies; home of the extremist Kallysh religion

(az-er-ghoul) — the Morgathian capital city and site of Tiamat’s five-tower fortress

Askala Island
(ass-kul-la) — A large island that lies just over a thousand miles off the northwest coast of the Alliance. It is now a territory of the republic but was once inhabited by large populations of white dragons, ice giants, and gnolls that plagued the small local communities who survived on fishing, small agriculture, and limited trading; now mostly cleared by the Alliance and the Weirs.

Atlean City
(at-lee-un) — key port city on the Alliance west coast and second largest city in the entire republic

Battle Point
— the original site of the final and massive battle of the last Great Dragon War, now the site of a large detached Alliance city right in the middle of the unsettled lands

(kul-um-bree-han) — port town on the southwestern coast of the Alliance

Conesquen River
(kon-es-kwin) — river on the extreme eastern border of the Alliance that creates the border between the Alliance and the Ismer Emirates

(da-grad) — capital city of Shidan

(dahn-lan) — largest city in Freiland

(drah-kon-ee-a) — capital city of the Alliance, center of government, commerce, and culture to the republic

(dray-den) — Midsized city and province on the eastern border of the Alliance, border city in the shadow of Keystone/Draden Weir, and gateway to the unsettled lands by the only gap in the Gray Mountain chain. The city lies just to the north of Draden Weir along the Severic River.

Eresta Lake
(air-es-ta) — Large lake that sits at the base of Eladran Weir and is the headwaters for the Conesquen River. It is very deep and over fifty miles across. The lake is claimed by the bronze dragons that inhabit Eladran Weir. It is a prime trade route between Eladran and Machren Weirs as well as the cities and provinces that surround the Weirs.

(fa-thray-sha) — port city on the southwest coast of the Alliance, no adjacent Weir

Ferran Mountains
(fair-ahn) rugged mountain chain located on the northwest coast of the Alliance and home to the largest dwarf kingdom; also the source much of the iron and gemstones in the Alliance

(free-lend) — island kingdom located several hundred miles to the direct west of the Alliance and the closest ally of the Dragon Alliance Republic

Kestal Lake
(kes-tull) — large mountain-fed lake to the direct east of the Ferran Mountains

— trading village forty miles east of Battle Point

(ha-sahr-ah) — northern inland port city of Ariana

(ee-mee-ahn-ah) — City on the tip of the Adelif Peninsula that Machren Weir overlooks and protects. A vibrant port city renowned for its beaches, merchants, and parties, Imiana is the jewel on the end of the stick of the Adelif Peninsula, which takes trade in from the many coastal islands and from all over the Southern Sea.

(ay-an) — small kingdom in the Southern Ontaror chain, has strong defensive ties to the Alliance but still remains very independent. The only free nation in the Southern Ontaror chain.

Ismer Emirates
(iz-mehr) — a conglomerate of small independent kingdoms to the Alliance’s southeast

(kas-kar) — loosely held massive kingdom of northern nomadic horse clans, with Elsidor as its capital. Adept at provocation, they align with whoever is most beneficial, but can field massive armies, being the most powerful kingdom without dragons.

Lucian Forest
(lu-shee-ahn) — sizable forest on the border of the southern portion of the Gray Mountain chain just north of Eladran Weir

Maiden Mountains
— small mountainous area just to the east of Draconia; named for its usual state of being shrouded in fog or mist due to the small but focused waterfall

Milstra River
(mill-stra) — river that flows around Battle Point through the unsettled lands and eventually empties into the massive inland Ontaror Sea of the center kingdoms

(min-ah-ra) — dwarf underground portion of the capital city of Ferranor in the Ferran Mountains

Missora River
(mis-or-ah) — river that flows from the Crystal Lake at Talinor to the sea at Lancastra

(na-tehr-ah) — capital city of Ariana

Northern Kingdoms (or Northern Ontaror Sea Kingdoms)
— series of kingdoms that lie on the northern shores of the Ontaror Sea and southern end of the unsettled lands; these form the Northern Ontaror Confederation

Ontaror Sea
(on-tehr-or) — great inland sea that lies east of the Alliance and separates the northern and southern kingdoms

(sav-ug-sul) — oasis city in the desert plains between Lancastra and Eladran Weirs, basically in the middle southern portion of the Alliance; a renowned stop or way point for travelers traversing the southern breadth of the Alliance

Severic River
(sev-er-ik) — main waterway that flows from east to west from High Mountain Weir past Draden Weir, past Talinor Weir, and to Draconia, emptying into Sauric Bay

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