Dragon Fever: A Dark Kings Novella (8 page)

Read Dragon Fever: A Dark Kings Novella Online

Authors: Donna Grant

Tags: #Dragon Kings, #dragon shifters, #Donna Grant, #paranormal romance, #1001 Dark Nights

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“Doona move,” he warned as his fingers increased their tempo.

He had to be joking. It went against every fiber of her being to remain still as he stroked her so thoroughly. She was so focused on what his hand was doing that she jerked when his lips wrapped around a nipple.

He sucked hard, the pull on the peak like a direct line to her sex. Then his tongue swirled around her nipple before he lightly nipped it and sucked again. She clung to him, her body shaking as she fought not to move lest he stop the pleasurable torment.

His fingers pushed deep and remained there as the heel of his hand pressed against her clit while he suckled harder. To her absolute shock, an orgasm ripped through her. The intensity of it took her breath. A cry lodged in her throat as she had no choice but to ride the delicious waves of pleasure.

He prolonged the climax by moving his fingers inside her. She had no idea how long it lasted, but when she finally came down and was able to open her eyes, he leaned over her.

If it was possible, she hungered for him even more. It wasn’t solely because he knew how to work her body, but because he understood what she needed.

And he gave it to her.

She hadn’t even known what she needed until him. Now that he was in her arms, she wasn’t sure she could ever let go. Or ever want to.

He leaned down until their mouths brushed. She rose up to capture his lips, but he rubbed the length of his cock along her sensitized sex. Instantly, her hips lifted. She tried to grab his arms, but before she knew it, he turned her onto her side and molded his body to hers from the back.

His arousal pressed into her back hard and hot. He held her breasts in his hands, massaging them. She squeezed her legs together as a rush of desire ran through her. She moaned when his fingers squeezed her nipples. His mouth was at her neck, kissing and licking while his warm breath fanned over her.

“Lift your leg,” he bade.

Without hesitation, she did as he asked. He shifted, and she felt his cock against her as his leg came between hers. She arched her back when he pinched her nipples.

“Please,” she begged. “I need you inside me.”

“And I need inside you,” he whispered huskily. He murmured something she couldn’t understand. Then he said, “Take me, Rae. Bring me inside you.”

She grew hot just thinking about it. She reached down and took his length in hand. She loved the feel of him and couldn’t help running her hand up and down him a few times.

He groaned, his hips moving in time with her. The idea that he could possibly crave her as much as she did him made her bold. She cupped his ball sack and rolled them in her hands.

He hissed before he ground out her name with a mixture of hunger and wonder that made her smile. Unable to hold off a moment longer, she brought the blunt head of his cock to her opening.

She felt her own wetness. In all her life, she’d never been so turned on by anyone. Now she understood why people did crazy things when desire ruled them. Because that same rush, that same compelling need controlled her.

All thoughts fled as he slid inside her. She sighed as he filled her, stretching her. It felt so right to have him inside her. As if that was where he belonged.

As if that was what she’d been anticipating without ever knowing it.

Her eyes closed on a moan when he began to move. She put her hand on his hip and felt his muscles bunch and shift beneath her palm. That powerful body of his was wrecking havoc upon hers, but it was the most glorious thing she ever experienced.

His hand left her breast and skated down her stomach before his fingers parted her trimmed curls and spread her lips. He paused, teasing her.

“Asher,” she begged.

His lips brushed her ear before he nipped the lobe. “I have a fever. It’s for you,
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“You make me burn.”

“Then we’ll burn together.”

His finger began to swirl over her clit slowly and gained speed gradually, matching his thrusts. All the while, his other hand pinched her nipple before rolling it between his thumb and forefinger.

The onslaught on her body was mind-blowing. She wanted to stay just as they were forever, without the outside world ever intruding on whatever magical hold was upon them.

Desire built rapidly. She loved the feel of his balls slapping against the back of her leg as his hips pumped faster, driving deeper. Their sweat-slicked bodies glided against the other, their breathing harsh and loud. The orgasm was building, leaving her on the precipice of ecstasy.

He gave a slight tug on her clit, and her world shattered again. She was engulfed with pleasure so thick it swallowed her.

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. I can feel you clamping around me. You feel so damn good,” he said huskily.

Another wave of bliss slammed into her.

His hand clamped onto her hip as he pulled her back and slammed into her again and again, his hips pumping furiously. He drove into her deep as he called her name. She could feel his cock pulse as he emptied himself inside her, and all she could think was “when can I have him again?”

With her heart thumping wildly, she smiled as he pulled her back against his chest. They lay in silence as their bodies cooled.

“I doona know what brought you into the hotel bar last night, but I’m verra glad you were there.”

She snuggled back against him. “So am I. I don’t want this night to ever end.”

“It doesna have to.”

But it did. Her eyes opened as reality crashed upon her.

She couldn’t give herself up to him. She had a job to do, and no amount of amazing sex could interfere. Whatever she might’ve felt a few minutes ago would have to be pushed aside.

She had to remember that with him, she was Rae. And Rae would soon disappear after she had all the information she needed.


Chapter Eight

The morning came much too soon for Asher. Like Rae, he didn’t want their night together to end. As powerful as he was as an immortal, he couldn’t stop time.

He was just reaching for her when there was a knock on his door. He jumped up, glancing at the clock to see it was the time he’d told Ms. Engel to meet him for breakfast. He grabbed the robe and hurried to belt it on as he walked to the door. When he opened it, there was Ms. Engel with a hotel employee behind her with a cart full of food.

“Did I wake you, sir?” she asked.

“Nay.” He moved aside so they could enter.

While Ms. Engel watched over the employee laying out the food on the breakfast table, Asher returned to his bedroom. The door was half-closed. He peeked around it and saw Rae already dressed and putting on her shoes.

“I forgot I had a breakfast meeting,” he told her.

She looked up and smiled. “I hadn’t intended to stay the night.”

“I’m glad you did.”

Her deep brown eyes watched him for a moment before she ran a hand through her black hair and stood. “I’m sure you have a busy day ahead. I should leave.”

“Stay. Ms. Engel orders enough food for an army. There will be plenty.”

“Perhaps another time.”

He wasn’t ready to let her go––in any fashion. The thought of not being with her the rest of the day didn’t sit well. He wanted to look over and see her smile, to hear her opinion on all matters, and to just know that she was near.

He walked her from the bedroom to the door, ignoring the look Ms. Engel shot them. He almost asked Rae to join him for the day, then he thought about all the boring meetings he had to attend and didn’t want to put her through that.

“How about dinner tonight?” He opened the door, standing with his back against it.

Ms. Engel quickly said, “You have a prior engagement.”

“Cancel it,” he told her while throwing her a quick look.

Rae put a hand on his chest and smiled. “Keep your schedule. We’ll meet in the bar again.”

“Make sure and eat today.”

“Yes, sir,” she said with a laugh.

Asher pulled her close for a kiss before reluctantly letting her walk away. She looked over her shoulder, shooting him a smile and a wave before turning the corner.

He grudgingly stepped back and let the door close. Then he faced his assistant. “The dinner can be canceled.”

“It won’t fit anywhere else in your schedule,” she said while pouring coffee into two mugs.

The hotel employee quickly left, leaving them alone. Asher could tell something was wrong. He walked into the dining area and put two heaping spoonfuls of sugar into his coffee. He glanced at Blossom, who wore a black pantsuit just as concealing as her others. “What’s bothering you?”

Ms. Engel was quiet so long he began to wonder if she would reply. Then she sighed and held her coffee mug between her hands as she looked out the window. “It’s not uncommon for whoever is here from Dreagan to find…comfort…with the fairer sex.”

“But?” he prompted when she grew quiet.

“There’s something about her.”

Intrigued, he pulled out a chair and sat, motioning for her to do the same. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know.” She uncovered his omelet and pushed it toward him. “I can’t explain it.”


She finally took her seat, shifting her glasses on her nose. After a sip of coffee, she set it aside and began to butter the toast. Every slice there was.

He ate, watching her. Ever since his arrival, Ms. Engel had been concise in all matters. She knew the answers before he ever asked the questions. So to see her flustered let him know this wasn’t something he should ignore.

“She’s not been after Mr. Con while he was here the years before,” Ms. Engel said. “Which is good. I just have a feeling that I’ve seen her before.”

He nodded, because he’d thought the same thing yesterday about that woman at the WWC. He’d thought it was Rae at first. “We see a lot of people daily. It’s easy to mistake someone.”

Her eyes jerked to him. “I don’t forget a face. There’s something wrong here, sir. I wouldn’t want to jeopardize whatever is between the two of you, but I felt you should know.”

“I see.” He swallowed his bite of omelet. “Do you believe she wants to harm me?”

“Dreagan has always been famous. Which tends to draw out the crazies.”

He fought not to laugh, because she was serious. But her word choice was humorous.

“Now it’s notorious as well,” she continued. “I’ve been with Mr. Con long enough to know he can handle any matter that might arise, and I believe you’re cut from that same cloth. So while I don’t believe she would try to steal from you, there are other ways to get at a man.”

“If you’re thinking a child, you need no’ worry,” he informed her. It wasn’t something he’d discussed with Rae, though he’d meant to.

It was a rare thing indeed for a mortal to get pregnant with a King’s child. And even if it happened, none of the babies survived. Most died early on in the pregnancy, but the few that lasted to term were stillborn.

Ms. Engel bowed her head briefly. “I didn’t mean to pry.”

“You didna. You had a valid concern, and I’m relieving you of it. What else could she be after?”

“Anything to do with you or Dreagan. Everyone wants to know the truth.”

There was something in the way she said it that made him sit up straighter. Could Blossom Engel know their secret? There’s no way Con would’ve allowed her to see anything, but that didn’t mean a smart doer like her couldn’t have figured it out herself.

“She’ll no’ get anything.”

Ms. Engel nodded woodenly and buttered a piece of toast for the second time.

He didn’t like seeing her so disconcerted. Though he wasn’t at all thrilled with the idea of her digging for anything on Rae, if it would give her some peace of mind, he would do it.

“If it will make you feel better, look into Rae,” he said before taking another bite of the omelet.

“Really?” she asked excitedly.

He nodded. “I doona want Rae knowing, so be discreet.”

“Always. What’s her surname?”

Asher hesitated. “I doona know. She’s staying in the hotel though.”

Until then he didn’t realize how little he knew of Rae. It wasn’t like him not to learn specifics about a person, but she had enthralled him so deeply he hadn’t thought of anything other than claiming her body. Perhaps when the WWC was over, he might stay a few extra days in Paris and get to know her better.

“I’ll find her,” Ms. Engel said with a firm nod. With that decided, she was once more back in control. She speared a strawberry and flipped open her planner. “You handled yesterday brilliantly. Today is going to be rough though.”

Just what he didn’t want to hear. He listened as she ran down his itinerary, and again there wasn’t five minutes scheduled for a break. With only a few more days of this, he was determined to get through it.

After breakfast and the reworking of a few scheduling conflicts for the next day, he showered and readied for the day. He chose a black pinstripe suit and white shirt.

As he and Ms. Engel rode the elevator down and walked through the lobby to his waiting car, he looked for Rae, but she was nowhere to be found. On the drive to the exhibition centre, he looked at the city with new eyes. Rae had done that to him.

He smiled as he thought of how she’d screamed in pleasure multiple times last night. If he had anything to do about it, she would be screaming again that night.

All too soon they arrived at the centre. He exited the car and nodded a greeting to the photographers, journalists hoping to get some information, and the whisky fans as he walked up the steps to the doors.

Inside, Ms. Engel directed him down a hallway and into the first meeting of the day. On his way inside the room, he spotted the woman from the day before. She had her back to him and a big, floppy black hat atop her head, but he recognized her by the way she held herself and the thumb ring.

It reminded him of Rae.

Apparently he was so into the mortal that everything reminded him of her. It should bother him, but oddly, it didn’t. He smiled then and entered the room.

Each time he finished with a meeting, he walked out to find Ms. Engel. He supposed she was going to wait to do any digging on Rae, and that pleased him. Perhaps Ms. Engel would see there was no cause for concern.

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