Dragon Legacy (13 page)

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Authors: Jane Hunt

BOOK: Dragon Legacy
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Zane backed against the cave entrance, his ears flattened to his head, hackles raised, and tail between his hind legs. He hunched his body in attack mode and searched the darkness for the demon snake. Cornered, he made easy prey. He forced his hind quarters around the entrance's jagged rocks. He twisted and turned despite the cuts and bruises incurred. Zane was intent on survival. The slime impeded his exit. He inched his way from the cave. Three quarters through, with his head and shoulders still inside, he heard an ominous rustle. He forced his shoulders through the cave entrance. His fur ripped against the sharp rocks. The demon snake’s huge spiked head reared above him, still vulnerable. It resembled an enormous cobra, poised for a lethal strike. Zane retaliated. He opened his great jaws and emitted a ferocious growl as he snapped at the demon. The fierceness of his counterattack confused the demon snake. It swayed before it attacked. Its poisonous venom scattered across the empty cave entrance.

Zane bolted for safety as if pursued by hell hounds. His paws thundered along the short distance between the rocks and the wood. He attuned his acute hearing for the slither, which meant the demon snake was still pursuing him. The pound of his feet across the wet ground and the thump of his heart against the ribs in his massive chest—he heard all. At the woods' end, he stopped. Alone, he licked his wounds and removed the slime from his fur in the damp grass. He should he have stayed and fought. No, cornered, his death would have been inevitable. Cleaner and his mind clear of doubt; Zane reached the wood's entrance. He lay behind the largest tree's trunk, an excellent vantage point. Both the wood and the hill path were in his view while he remained hidden. He would wait for the demon snake’s next move. The path back into the valley passed through the wood and his hideout. Zane would have the element of surprise. The wolf closed his eyes. Inner magic rebuilt his battered body. His other senses were on full alert, but nothing alarmed him. The dusk gave way to a dark night. Zane stood and stretched his long body. He tested his muscles. All restored. The cuts, bruises, and missing fur all healed. Zane considered his next move. He must go back. If the demon snake wanted Fleur dead, he wouldn't waste time. Delay increased the risk he would lose the dragon egg. The demon should be deep inside the cave by now. Zane must return and help his friends.

Chapter Thirteen

The demon snake languished amid the cave's dark shadows. Incapable of coherent thought, anger and revenge were the last human emotions it possessed. When the demon's anger receded, it morphed into its human form. After the transition, Xavier looked around, but there was no sign of Zane. Hatred colored his emotions. Lukas remained the primary target for his revenge fest. Xavier wanted him broken and devastated.

Once his eyes acclimatized, Xavier searched the cave for Fleur. He must find her before Lukas. Recent footprints caught his gaze. Two sets. Xavier embedded his knuckles into the cave wall. The dragon would protect Fleur with his life. If he remained human, Xavier knew the battle would go against him. His mind drifted back to their last fight. He wouldn't repeat the experience. If he transformed into the demon snake, his chances of winning increased, but he wanted revenge, not a simple execution. Lukas must witness his lover's desecration before he died. Decision made, Xavier would stay human until Lukas threatened his existence.

He followed the tracks. A bat flew towards him. His gaze held its beady-eyed stare while his hand caught the creature around its neck. He enjoyed the bat's confusion as it sensed a predator and its own imminent death. It struggled until the futility of its actions registered. Acceptance of its fate glowed in its gaze until Xavier broke its neck with his finger and thumb. The demon's eyes glowed red as it absorbed the creature’s tiny desperate soul. He threw the crushed body across the cave amid the rotten debris. His eyes resumed their customary obsidian color.

Frustrated when the footsteps disappeared, he looked for other clues. A slight movement drew his attention. The amorphous shape became two discernible outlines. As he focused his senses, they appeared human. He searched for a psychic signature, nothing, maybe not even human. He stepped back into the darkness. The shadows passed. Xavier recognized Lukas and Fleur. He salivated with anticipation. He visualized the dragon egg hidden amid the broken trees. Its power would be useful now. He couldn't risk it. He recalled the ancient prophecy. The first person the baby dragon made eye contact with became its guardian. If they possessed magic, the infant dragon would replicate and magnify their powers. The guardian would nurture the dragon's powers for good or evil. The omnipotent adult dragon would determine humanity's fate. Soon, the power would be his. He stepped from the shadows.


Lukas stopped and pulled Fleur tight against him. She turned in his embrace and kissed him. His hard mouth didn't respond. Fleur pulled away. His golden gaze scanned the area before them.

“What is it, Lukas?"

Something was wrong. Lukas didn’t answer. His hand closed over her mouth. Fleur's gaze darted around. She inched closer. Lukas maintained his vigilance as he searched for signs of danger and possible assailants. A movement in front of them bothered him. Even though he cloaked his mind against psychic intrusion, something pushed against his barrier. He removed his hand from Fleur’s mouth and pushed her behind him. The bulk of his body hid her from the unknown threat. She must have sensed his urgency because she followed his lead. He stepped forward and increased the protective distance between the threat and Fleur. Xavier appeared from the darkness and Fleur screamed. Lukas half-turned but ignored her distress in favor of the danger, which lay in front of them.

He moved closer to Xavier, who remained silent. Something indefinable about his stillness bothered Lukas. He stood his ground. The demon's foolhardiness was strange. This rejuvenated Xavier must have forgotten the beating Lukas gave him. Close enough. Warning bells. Something was wrong. His hand formed a fist. He struck Xavier. His fist went straight through Xavier's chin. A psychic hologram, not the real Xavier, but an illusion created by a master manipulator. Lukas’ stomach lurched. The complete desperation of Fleur’s scream played back in his head. He spun round as he anticipated the horrific tableau which awaited him. His worst fears realized. No one stood behind him.

Deep inside, Lukas' dragon soul roared. Fire seared his organs and flowed into his arteries. He fought for his humanity as his gaze scanned the darkness for any sign of Fleur. He embraced his inner fire. He deserved the pain for his lack of self-control. He'd worn his heart on his sleeve. Now Fleur faced the demon alone. He should have shared his emotions with her. If he couldn't save her, she would never know how he felt. Xavier wanted the dragon egg. If Lukas gave him what he craved, it might save Fleur. With a heavy heart, he reached for his mobile. If he did this, he would betray his code of honor and risk the future of humanity. Fate conspired against him. The cave walls prevented a network connection. He tossed his phone aside. Telepathy should work. He forgot the risks from the malevolent demon's mind and dropped the barriers from his. He imagined Grace until her image materialized in his mind.

Grace stumbled as the image of a turquoise dragon with an egg filled her mind. Lukas needed the dragon egg. A darker image emerged. Xavier in his demonic form stood behind Fleur. His hands were poised around her throat. Fleur screamed but no sound transmitted. Grace fought the waves of nausea and dizziness as she absorbed Fleur's desperation. Darkness filled her mind. Lukas didn't know Xavier had stolen the dragon egg. She must warn him.
Xavier has the dragon egg! Xavier has the dragon egg! Xavier has the dragon egg!
After the third time, the dragon image exploded. Her mind cleared. Her message reached Lukas. She wiped her teary eyes.

Lukas lashed out. His fist made contact with the mold-covered rock. The pain in his knuckles couldn't penetrate the ache in his heart. His world disintegrated around him. The mission lay in ruins. Xavier controlled the dragon egg and soon the infant dragon. The prophecy, which predicted humanity's extinction if the dragon turned evil, was several steps closer to reality. The demon wanted revenge. In all their previous encounters, Lukas appeared invincible. He cared for no one. The demon never got under his skin. Now Fleur exposed his weakness. His emotions ruled. The demon found a chink in his impenetrable armor. Xavier would use Fleur as a weapon against him. Whatever he did or promised, he couldn't save her. Lukas would die with her, but the demon would never show him mercy. His existence without his soul mate would be the ultimate revenge. He wouldn't let Xavier defile the woman he loved. He would rather kill her; a quick death by his hand was kinder than the demon's death by degrees of depravity until insanity claimed her. He must kill the demon or die in his attempt.


Darkness fell as Zane peered into the wood. Silver threads of moonlight flickered through the eerie tree branches. The moonlight reflected in his silver eyes, which glowed luminescent and lit the path as he walked. Decayed demon snake slime assailed his sensitive nostrils. Distracted, he didn't notice the splinters underfoot. A sharp piece of wood jabbed under his front paw, pierced his pad, and then fully embedded. Zane looked around him. He hated being vulnerable, but he dropped the barrier from his mind and checked for dark paranormal waves. He pulled at the wood in his paw. A thick, viscous layer of demon snake slime covered the ground he lay on, his thick fur caked with it for the second time. His paw caught in a tangle of branches. As he freed it, the dislodged branch revealed a pile of newly dug earth. It smelled of demon snake slime. He held his breath and nosed it. The earth fell away and revealed a deep hole. Wary, Zane stepped back in case it hid any lethal surprises. Nothing slithered from the hole. He dug at the sides until a pain shot through his injured paw. He withdrew it and revealed a solid object, which glowed turquoise as it shimmered against the earth's darkness. Encouraged, Zane recovered the unexpected treasure. He looked around, still alone. He levered the dragon egg with his paw onto the piled earth beside him. He couldn't leave it here. Zane, as most supernatural creatures, knew about the ancient prophecy. He couldn't carry the egg as a wolf. He must shift into his human form and hide it somewhere safe until he found Lukas.

Zane shifted back to his human form at breakneck speed. He didn't register the severe pain as he concentrated on where he could hide the dragon egg. Human, he lay breathless and naked amid the damaged branches. He recovered and stood, not worried by his lack of clothes since the darkness shrouded his body. He retrieved the dragon egg from its soft earth cushion. His hands trembled. Hairline cracks covered the dragon egg shell.

The dragon's birth was imminent. Zane couldn't let the demon become the infant dragon's guardian. He cradled the dragon egg against his warm, naked chest as he headed towards the cave at a steady run. He checked the area around the cave entrance with all his senses before he entered. The atmosphere appeared less oppressive than before. Hordes of insects and rodents greeted his appearance before they scurried away. He must shift back into his wolf. But first, he must hide the dragon egg. More cracks appeared across the turquoise shell. Maybe he should wait until the baby dragon hatched. He didn't see himself as the dragon's guardian, but would accept the duty if necessary. Zane checked the egg's shell, and over half remained intact. He should have time before it hatched. Zane saw a rock roll away from the cave wall near the entrance. An assorted group of rats ran from the rock. He discovered a medium-sized hole dug into the cave wall. The rats disappeared. He lifted the egg into the hole. A snug fit, but at least it wouldn't fall. He replaced the rock and shifted. Several painful minutes later, the wolf reappeared. He sniffed the air and listened: no demon snake. He found the path alongside the cave wall and trotted into the main cave.

The sound of steel against rock echoed around the cave. Lukas stood alone. Zane smelled the blood, which dripped from his damaged knuckles. He stopped. Lukas rubbed his hand across his face. Zane stepped closer. He saw Lukas in profile, but Zane could smell the salt present in his tears. Zane shuddered. He'd never seen him cry. He stopped so he didn't intrude on his pain. He opened his mind. Could he help Lukas?


Lukas rubbed his bloody hand across his cheek. His face was wet with tears of anger, sorrow, and frustration. He couldn't stop them. He turned toward the sound of footsteps. A great wolf stood before him, his gaze full of recognition and sadness. He moved closer. The beast pushed his muzzle against his bloody hand in welcome and comfort. Lukas sighed. Zane. The familiarity of his silver eyes and the silver-colored fur all the proof he needed. “It’s so good to see you,” Lukas said. Zane growled low in his throat and pulled at the sleeve of his battered coat. “No. I can't. Fleur's here somewhere.” Surprised at Zane's sudden stillness, Lukas opened his mind. The dragon egg's image appeared as Zane pulled him towards the cave entrance. Lukas relented. "You win.” Zane let go of his sleeve. The cave’s entrance soon appeared, closer than he imagined. Fleur would be safe except for his gullibility.

Zane nosed away a rock. He walked towards him. The rock fell away and revealed the dragon egg. Lukas fell onto his knees and touched it. The dragon egg shell showed the signs of hatching. Zane nudged his arm. He ran on ahead into the cave's darkness. After he replaced the rock, Lukas sprinted after him. Zane stopped ahead of him, his hackles rising. The dark mantle of evil gripped Lukas' senses. Evil clawed at him until he gagged. The demon. Zane looked back before he stepped into the darkness.

Zane returned his expression, bleak and grief-stricken. Lukas didn’t wait for explanations. He walked into the cave's dark center. He headed towards the deep cavern, filled with water. Zane pulled on his bedraggled coat sleeve. “What’s the matter, Zane? I must see for myself.” Zane remained silent, his gaze intense. After a brief battle of alpha wills, Lukas followed him. They hit a dead end. “Don't you know the way?” Zane ignored him and walked through the solid cave wall. Lukas’ gaze widened before he followed in Zane’s footprints. A mirage, the cave wall hid a myriad of tunnels and rooms. Supernatural eyes enhanced their sight as they trudged through the debris, which covered the cave floor. The nauseating smells increased as they neared the cave's center. “Is it close?” Zane stopped and sniffed the air. He clambered up a pile of rocks. Lukas followed him. They saw a room built from rocks. A small huddled figure lay at its center. Lukas' heart wrenched the pain physical. Its magnitude forced him back against the rock wall. The dragon inside him roared in agony.


The demon took her by surprise. Lukas shielded her with his body, protected her from the danger he’d perceived in front of them. The menace he sensed tricked his psychic and physical senses. It materialized unseen behind them. When the others warned her about the demon, she never imagined what a terrible entity it could be. Its dark emptiness bothered her most. No evidence of life or humanity ruled by its appetites for pain, suffering, and destruction.

A serpent with a long, thick-set lower body, covered in smooth, slimy, black scales appeared in her peripheral vision. Fleur stared at the creature, sickened. The horrific monster must be a product of fear and an over-active imagination. It opened its huge mouth, filled with thousands of sharp pointed teeth, and darted towards her. Fleur screamed. The mouth closed and the tail whipped round her as it crushed several of her ribs and banged her head against its scales. It dragged her into the cave's depths, away from the path and Lukas. Everything went black. She fell into unconsciousness.


Fleur stirred restlessly as she fought her unconsciousness. She opened her eyes, still heavy from her enforced sleep. All around her, darkness shrouded her impenetrable prison whose rock walls closed in on her. Escape seemed impossible. A rat ran across her foot. At least she wasn't alone. The sweet, terrible smell of death and decay pervaded the atmosphere. Hard, misshapen bones covered the cave floor. Tears left white tracks on her dusty face. Her eyes drifted shut. She must ease the ache in her head, which pounded her bruised skull. Too many blanks plagued her mind. The information she sought hovered at the edges of her subconscious. She made her mind remember. The mislaid pieces remerged. Images played like a disjointed video in her memory.

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