Dragon Romance: Dragon Fire (Paranormal Shapeshifter Hero Protector Firefighter Romance) (Fantasy Shifter Werewolf BBW Pregnancy Women’s Fiction Short Stories) (38 page)

BOOK: Dragon Romance: Dragon Fire (Paranormal Shapeshifter Hero Protector Firefighter Romance) (Fantasy Shifter Werewolf BBW Pregnancy Women’s Fiction Short Stories)
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“Anthony?” she called my attention from staring down at her chest and I smirked to cover up my embarrassment. She quirked an eyebrow at me and I shrugged sheepishly.

“I’m sorry, I was distracted by your breasts. Can you repeat that?” I asked. She actually laughed.

“You know what you’ve actually done well throughout the entire morning, so I can cut you a break,” she said, sticking her tongue out at me. I laughed. I signaled for the check.

“So what are we doing next?” I asked her. She gave me a crooked smile.

“Well I don’t know about you, but I have a little bit of work to do…” I gave her a plain stare and she tried not to smile at me. “What?” she said and I sighed.

“Do you? Do you really? We don’t have another game until Wednesday, I’d say you have quite a bit of time off of work,” I said. Tiffany gave me a guilty smile and I leaned forward across the table a bit. “How about we go ice skating?” I suggested. Tiffany gave me a sort of surprised smile.

“You ice skate?” she said with a giggle and I nodded.

“Of course! I grew up with a little sister who wanted to be an ‘ice ballerina’ for about ten years of her life,” I said and Tiffany giggled again.

“Well I actually don’t know how…I’m kind of scared to fall and slice my arm open or something,” she admitted. My jaw dropped and she shrugged a bit self consciously.

“Well we simply have to fix that then,” I said. The waiter finally brought the check and I put a hundred-dollar bill on the table before I stood and held my hand out to Tiffany. She took it, and then we were out the door. We decided to walk over to Lasker rink in Central Park instead of dealing with traffic to get to Rockefeller Center.

“Anthony just don’t let me fall okay?” Tiffany said as I was tying on her ice skates. She was looking out onto the ice where mostly little kids skated around like pros.

“It’s just about balance, like riding a bike, you’ll get the hang of it once you actually get going,” I said. She looked at me and nodded, though her brown eyes were still unsure. I chuckled and she slapped my shoulder.

“Don’t laugh at me, I haven’t even started wobbling around the rink yet,” she said. Grinning, I shook my head and finished tying her skates.

“You know, for someone who has lived in New York all her life you are really behind the curve. It’s like living in Florida and not knowing how to swim,” I said. Tiffany laughed and I helped her stand up. We hadn’t yet stepped onto the ice and already she was holding onto me with a death grip. “Calm down, we’ll stay by the sides and if you get unsteady just grab for the wall or we’ll both go down,” I said. We stepped towards the entrance of the rink.

“Hey! You’re Anthony Rhodes!” A short little kid with a New York Reds scarf around his neck looked up at me like I was his hero. I smiled down at the boy and gave him a fist bump.

“I am, and what’s your name big man?” I said.

“Jaylen,” said the kid, looking up at me with a dimpled smile.

“It’s nice to meet you Jaylen, I like your scarf, you have very good taste,” I said. He beamed up at me while fingering the ends of the scarf.

“Thank you, you’re awesome by the way,” Jaylen said. Someone hissed his name, so he glanced behind me in the direction of the voice. It was probably his mom who thought he was talking to a complete stranger.

“It sounds like someone is wanting your attention, I’ll catch you later Jaylen,” I said and gave him another fist bump before he hurried away to his mom. I glanced down at Tiffany who was smiling at me.

“What?” I asked and she shrugged.

“I just didn’t peg you as the kid-friendly type,” she said. I sighed in pretend annoyance.

“You know I’m just
of you stereotyping me Tiffany, when will it
?” She rolled her eyes and smiled at me as I led her towards the rink entrance. I stepped onto the ice first and then turned to help her step into the rink after me. She wobbled only a little bit and then I steered backwards while holding onto her hands. Hand in hand we started gliding slowly around the rink.

“See, we’re doing good, no one’s falling, it’s fun right?” I said. Tiffany finally glanced up at me from staring at the ice and her skates.

“Yeah…I guess so,” she said and I tried to hide my smile. “You’re laughing at me!” I did laugh then and she pouted adorably.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that…you’re so cute,” I said and she rolled her eyes.

“Call me cute one more time and I’ll step on your toe,” she said.

“Oh really? Go ahead and try,” Tiffany sighed as if I was missing the moon from the stars.

“Of course I meant when I have
shoes on,” I laughed and nodded my head at her.

“Of course you did, of course you did,” I said and she grinned up at me. The wind caught her hair then and it was like a scene from a movie how it blew away from her face gently and how the sun shone in her eyes at the very same moment, making them twinkle. Yep, I was definitely not letting Tiffany get away from me.




Thankfully I didn’t fall at all while skating with Anthony; he didn’t let me, and I actually had fun with him. He did know how to be charming in a non-cocky manner and he was funny and endearing. I didn’t know why, but I went from finding him to be a cliché to really liking him. Anthony was real under all the glitz of being a basketball star. Not to mention handsome.

We ended up spending the entire day together and I never got tired of him. It was strange, but everything else kind of melted away when I was with Anthony.

“Dessert?” Anthony asked as we walked along Madison Avenue, my hand laced together with his. He looked at me hopefully and I smiled and shook my head.

“I’m too full from dinner…but we can go back to my place and watch a movie?” I suggested, Anthony perked up and he nodded eagerly.

“Yeah that sounds great. I promise not to put the moves on you,” he said and I laughed.

“Okay, but if we end up having sex it’s my fault right?” I said and Anthony laughed.

“Definitely, with a body like that it would be
your fault,” he said and I giggled.

“You’re one to talk,” I said. Anthony grinned and struck a bodybuilder pose. I shoved at his shoulder and he continued laughing at me as we neared his car. Anthony had his driver pick us up in front of St. Patty’s to head back to my place. I realized, as we neared my building that Anthony hadn’t so much as kissed me yet. I wondered if he was that much of a gentleman. Or maybe he was just not that attracted to me.

When we got out to head up to my condo, I noticed Anthony was less chatty than he usually was. I had already grown accustomed to his never-ending wit and funny observations. By the time we were standing outside of my front door I stopped before opening it and turned to lift an eyebrow at him.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. Anthony bit his lip. He seemed unsure and that was saying something because Anthony Rhodes was never unsure, he was one of the most confident guys out there. “If you changed your mind about coming in I understand…you don’t have to pretend or anything,” I said with a sigh and made to go inside on my own. Anthony grabbed my hand and he pulled me against him in one swift movement.

I landed against his chest with a soft thud. He lowered his head and his lips met mine. They were soft and warm, and he kissed me slowly and tenderly, and I hadn’t been expecting it at all. Anthony did a good job of proving me wrong and throwing me off balance. His hands went from wrapped around my shoulders and waist to push into my hair and I slid my hands up to rest against his strong chest.

Anthony broke the kiss and pulled back a fraction so he could look into my eyes. “I’ve wanted to do that all day…and I was hesitating to go inside because I know what will happen and I don’t know if you want it to or not.”

I couldn’t help but smile at his expression.

“Come in, Anthony,” I said and pulled him inside behind me. He shut the door and locked it, I barely had time to turn on the foyer light when he had me pressed against the front door, his lips sliding over mine. Anthony pushed my coat off of my shoulders and shrugged out of his coat and managed not to break our contact. Anthony then picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed my fingers into his silky hair.

Anthony broke our kiss and asked, “Where can we go?”

I pointed to the left and he went down the short hall to the living room. He sat down on the couch so that I straddled him. His hands immediately slid down to squeeze my ass in his hands, and his lips slid down to suck on my neck while I rocked impatiently against his erection that I could feel poking through his jeans. Anthony’s hands slid up underneath my sweater and I shivered when his fingers brushed my back. He unclasped my bra and then pulled both sweater and bra over my head and tossed them to the floor.

Before I had time to react, his mouth was on my brown nipple and he had taken my breasts in his hands. I gave a soft moan when he pulled my nipple in between his teeth while he pinched and rolled the other in between his fingers. Anthony suddenly pulled away a fraction, so that he could pull of his sweater and undershirt. I was entirely distracted by the sight of his strong chest and arms.

Anthony smiled, pleased that I was admiring his body. He tapped on my thigh, and my eyes snapped up to meet his. “We need to get naked now,” he said.

I smirked and stood up so that he could all but tear his jeans, shoes, boxers, and socks off in that order. When he was completely naked my eyes drifted down to the impressive erection stretched towards his belly button. He was
, both thick and long. I wondered briefly how he played basketball or even walked with that.

Anthony pulled me closer to him and undid my jeans while I kicked off my boots, then he pulled down my pants and panties all at once so I could step out of them. I climbed onto his lap once more and his fingers slid in between my folds to rub against my clitoris. My hands tightened their grip on his shoulders, and then his mouth met mine again. Anthony moved his tongue against mine and I got lost in the electric sensations he was making me feel.

One second I was straddling him and kissing him, and the next I was pressed into the couch cushions and he was kneeling in between my legs, spreading them apart with his firm hands.

My eyes met his wild blue ones and I saw an earnest tenderness there that I hadn’t expected. There he was throwing me all off balance yet again.




Tiffany was giving me the sexiest look when I knelt down in between her legs. Then her delicious scent hit me and all I wanted was to make sure she felt good. My cock was throbbing, but I didn’t care, I wanted to see her lose herself and climax because of me. I held her legs open and lowered my head to her slick folds where I slid my tongue out against them and lapped up her sweet juices. Tiffany’s fingers tightened in my hair and she arched her back. I had access to more of her and slid my fingers into her wet core. I thrust them against her G-spot and she registered her pleasure with a loud, feminine moan. I flicked my tongue against her clit and swirled it around while continued to drive her crazy with my fingers.

“Anthony…” Tiffany said my name pleadingly and the sound of the sigh in her voice made my cock jump. I needed inside of her or I was going to explode. I was so close to coming that I knew as soon as I pushed inside of her all it would take was a few pumps. I picked up the tempo of my fingers and Tiffany cried out as she started to tremble and shake, and then she was falling apart at the seams as her orgasm rocked through her.

I watched as her eyes registered a bit of shock and then went liquid as the ecstasy crashed through her in wave after wave. I smiled and then pushed her down along the couch and positioned myself over her. With one leg on the couch and one leg off, I stretched one of her legs and rested it against my chest as I slid into her slowly. She was still clenching and so tight inside. I sank completely into her. She felt amazing, so snug and warm and perfect I had no words.

I trailed kisses up and down her calf as I pumped into her slowly. I didn’t want it to end too soon. The frantic look in her eyes returned as we both rode higher towards orgasm.

“Faster please Anthony,” she whispered and I didn’t need any more encouragement. I leaned forward a bit and pressed down on her lower belly before I picked up my pace and slid even deeper into her. Tiffany completely unraveled then; the room was filled with her desperate cries for me not to stop.

And I didn’t stop until she was shaking with another orgasm underneath me and my own release was spurting into her. I grunted as I came, and my back bowed with the intensity of pleasure I felt.

Somehow we ended up on the floor, she tucked securely against my chest, a few tremors still going through her as my cock twitched inside of her. I had to blink a few times so my vision could right itself, and take a few deep breaths. I had never experienced anything like that with anyone else. And there had been a lot women over my years in the league.

I knew then that Tiffany was definitely the woman for me. Right then I thought I could be with her forever. What I had just experienced with her, I could get nowhere else. Tiffany looked up at me and I smiled down at her.

BOOK: Dragon Romance: Dragon Fire (Paranormal Shapeshifter Hero Protector Firefighter Romance) (Fantasy Shifter Werewolf BBW Pregnancy Women’s Fiction Short Stories)
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