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Authors: Stephani Hecht

Dragon's Heart (8 page)

BOOK: Dragon's Heart
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Chapter Eight




After Trent had given Lester a new incantation to memorise, this one much shorter, they all met back down in the library. Several of the dragons were already there and it was then that Lester realised that many of them probably had family members who were among the missing.

It made him feel sad and reminded him of those hard years when they’d had no clue where Duncan was. It had been so hard, not knowing if he was alive or dead, safe or suffering under the hands of some ruthless owner.

The bowl was on the centre of a table and already filled with water. Trent sat on one side, so Lester took the chair opposite of him. Several white candles were lit and the room had a hushed feel about it.

“Are you ready?” Trent asked.

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Lester nodded his head. He and Trent clasped hands over the bowl and began the incantation. Like before, even though the language was foreign to him, the words slipped effortlessly off Lester’s lips.

While he kept his eyes closed, he could hear a humming sound coming from the bowl. He could also detect the gasps of shock coming from the surrounding dragons. He didn’t let any of that distract him, though. Lester kept focused on the spell and continued on.

Finally they’d spoken the last words and Lester opened his eyes to see if the spell had worked. What he saw in the scrying bowl took his breath away. He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting, maybe a little map or something, but it was so much more.

Not only did they have the exact locations of all the dragons, but they had little images of them. Glimpses of what they were going through at the moment. One was being whipped for a punishment. Another one, who was so small and innocent-looking, was curled up in a ball. He had a large chain attached to his ankle. Yet another was being forced to bow to his sorcerer master. Each and every image made Lester sick to his stomach.

“Gods,” Trent breathed. “Which one do we start with?”

“This one,” Nicholas said firmly.

He had pointed to the small dragon with the chain around his ankle. Lester was about to ask why, but something in his brother’s gaze made him shut his mouth and just nod in agreement. They would start with the little one.

Brian must have reached the same conclusion, because he got a slightly confused expression on his face before he finally gave a slow nod. “Okay, we can leave tomorrow.”

“Thank you,” Nicholas said curtly. He then left the room and marched up the stairs, his door slamming shut a few seconds later.

“I wonder what that was all about,” Lester asked.

Duncan shrugged his shoulders. “Your guess is as good as mine. But at least we have someplace to start.”

Brian clapped his hands together. “Okay, everybody to bed. We have a busy week ahead of us.”


As they walked into their bedroom, it took everything Mick had in him not to tackle Lester and claim him on the spot. Ever since he’d seen Lester falling from the mountain while he’d been too far away to do anything about it, Mick had been on edge.

He’d almost lost his mate that day and that just wouldn’t do. His dragon was angry, scared and hurt and only one thing would calm it—dominating Lester. Mick just hoped that Lester would be willing and understanding.

Lester walked over to the edge of the mattress then turned and gave Mick a devilish grin. “You’re about to fuck me senseless. Aren’t you?”

Balling his hands up into fists, Mick asked, “How could you tell?”

“Your demeanour practically screams it. Plus, I can read your mind, remember?”

“Oh, yeah! I kind of forgot about that part.”

Lester turned around and held his arms out. “What are you waiting for? Come and get it.”

Mick didn’t need a second invitation. With a feral growl he descended, moving in and tackling Lester. They landed on the bed, their mouths meeting together in a clumsy clash of teeth and lips.

“Need you. Want you,” Mick said as he began to tear away at Lester’s clothing.

“You have me,” Lester assured him.

Mick was in a frenzy. He got them undressed, but their clothes would never be wearable again. Not that he gave two shits at the moment. All he wanted was to get Lester naked and under him, and that was exactly what Mick did—and in record time, too.

As soon as he had Lester nude, Mick took a moment to pause and study the treat that was on display beneath him.

Running a hand down Lester’s sternum, Mick said, “Do you know how much I love you?”

Lester shook his head. “I don’t think you ever told me before.”

“I love you more than life itself and when I saw you falling today, I think a piece of me died. Don’t ever scare me like that again.”

“I’ll try not to.” Lester took Mick’s hand and placed a kiss in the palm. “I love you, too.”

A feeling of joy flooded through Mick, but that didn’t mean that he was letting Lester out of the fucking of his life. By the time he was finished, his mate was going to be sore in more places than one, and he would know for certain who he belonged to.

But that didn’t mean there couldn’t be some foreplay first. Mick wasn’t all business—he liked his fun and games just as much as the next guy.

Reaching down, he grabbed onto Lester’s cock. “What do we have here?”

Lester groaned. “You know exactly what that is, you big tease.”

“Why don’t you grab the bottle of lube while I play around a little bit?”

Lester somehow managed to stretch his body to get the lubricant, all the while not dislodging his dick from Mick’s grip. Mick decided to reward his good behaviour by giving the head of Lester’s cock a few licks.

Lester let out a cry. “Damn, that feels good.”

“It’s supposed to, baby.”

Mick snagged the bottle from Lester’s hand, opened the bottle and squirted some of the liquid on his fingers. He then returned his attention to Lester’s cock.

Parting his lips, Mick slowly took in Lester’s length. At the same time, Mick reached under Lester and ran one finger over Lester’s tight opening. Mick rimmed it a few times before he slowly sank inside.

Lester gasped, his body arching off the bed. At the same time, Mick sucked in and pulled back so only the tip of Lester’s cock stayed in his mouth. Mick then relaxed his jaw, taking all of Lester back in again as he thrust his finger in once more.

Mick kept up the same pace, adding a second then a third finger. By that time, Lester was begging for release and Mick knew he had his mate right where he wanted him.

After letting Lester’s cock slide free from his mouth with a pop, Mick removed his fingers then slapped Lester on the ass. “Get on your hands and knees.”

Lester scrambled so fast to obey that he almost bumped heads with Mick. Mick quickly dodged the blow, then got into position behind his lover.

After lining up his cock, Mick thrust in. “I love you.”

“Love…you…too,” Lester replied, his words coming out broken because Mick was already giving him the pounding of his life.

Mick knew he was being rough, but he couldn’t hold back. His dragon had taken over and it wanted its mate to know that he was being claimed. Mick grabbed Lester’s hips in a bruising grip as he all but fucked him into the mattress.

Not that Lester seemed to mind, going by the cries of pleasure coming from his lover’s mouth. Lester was even thrusting back to meet Mick halfway, and his hands were fisting the bedcovers as he held on for dear life.

“That’s it, Mick, give it to me hard,” Lester cried.

Okay, that was a green light if Mick had ever heard it. He tightened his grip even more and began to fuck harder. A sheen of sweat broke out over his body and the sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the room, punctuated by the occasional snarl or growl.

Finally, Lester let out a cry that was louder than all of the rest and his body stiffened as he came, hot streams of semen covering the fancy purple comforter under him. The sight and smell was all Mick needed to push him over the edge, with one last thrust, he came too, his cock filling the tight confines of Lester’s ass.

After they had recovered, they cleaned up, tossed the dirty comforter to the side and climbed into bed. Lester took Mick into his arms and got into a comfortable snuggling position.

“I was so scared that I was going to lose you today,” Mick said.

“I know, but you didn’t,” Lester assured him as he idly played with Mick’s fingers.

“It’s not going to be easy to fighting side by side with you, is it?”

“No, but we’ll manage.”


“With love and a little magic.”

Mick got up on one shoulder. “Did you actually say something that dippy?”

Lester smiled. “Yeah, I guess I did. What can I say? Good sex makes me sappy.”

Mick started to laugh. “Just promise you won’t do it too often and we’ll be okay.”

“I promise to save it only for the bedroom.”

That was a promise Mick could live with.






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Stephani Hecht




Chapter One



Blake didn’t know if he was going to faint, pee himself, or scream like a girl.

Maybe he’d go for the gold and do all three. Yeah, that was one way to make a memorable impression. But, who could blame him? He was in the same building as Deke Masters! The Deke Masters who starred in Zombie Drive, which was not only ashow on TV, but a damn good comic, too.

Blake scanned the busy, crowded convention hall, desperate to get a glimpse of Deke. He knew that it would be easy to miss the guy. According to his stats on the internet, he was only five-foot-eight inches. Plus, he had short dark hair, which tended to make it hard to distinguish him in a group of people.

Blake ran a self-conscious hand through his own blond hair. Just that morning it had seemed like a great idea to spike it up and put red and black streaks through it. Now Blake found himself regretting the decision. Not only did it make him look like he was desperate for attention, but he found that countless other guys were sporting the same style and they were all younger than Blake’s twenty-five years.

But he wasn’t just another fanboy—at least not this year. Blake reached over to the table by his side and ran his fingers lovingly over the cover of his comic. Sure, it might be a small indie-press and he might only have a handful of followers, but he was finally starting to get noticed. Shoot, if even one person asked for an autograph over the week, Blake would do a happy dance to celebrate the moment. Especially since the last thing he’d signed was the court order that evicted him from his home.

He took in another breath, his gaze flicking over to the large display that Zombie Drive had up front. While various other cast members were mulling about, Deke had yet to make an appearance and Blake was getting nervous.

The program had explicitly said that Deke was going to be there, but what if something had changed at the last minute? Panic began to bubble inside Blake. Shit, he’d wasted the last of his money to come here and it might have been a waste of time.

Of course it was a waste of time! Even if he did get to talk to Deke, there was no way in hell the guy would give a loser like Blake a second glance. The man was a TV star for frick’s sake—whereas Blake shared his mother’s basement with her five, grumpy, ugly, smelly cats.

“Wow, Star Cats! I love this comic,” a voice called.

Blake was so caught up in his musings that he almost missed the comment. Great! This was probably his one and only fan in the place and he’d almost blown it. He threw a smile on his face and turned around, only to be stunned right down to the tips of his bright red Nike high-tops, to find himself staring at none other than Deke himself.

Aw, damn, if he wasn’t just as hot as he appeared on the show and all the interviews, too. With short, brown hair, big chocolate eyes and pale skin, he was thin and boyish at the same time. Most of all, he didn’t tower over Blake, which had to be a first. In fact, they were about the same height.

“You actually read my comic?” Blake asked, his question ending with an embarrassing squeak.

Deke flashed him a smile, the one that had always made Blake want to melt into a puddle of goo. Sweet, with just a hint of dimple and showing off perfectly white teeth, it was better than anything Blake had seen a professional model sporting.

“Sure, I read it. I’ve been following it since you first started posting weekly pages up on your website,” Deke said.

Blake felt like he’d won a million dollar lottery and an Olympic gold medal on the same day. He even took his dorkiness a step further by bouncing a bit on his feet, probably coming off as some excited school girl.

“I can’t believe that you, of all people, like my comic. That’s so cool.” Blake ran a hand over his hair. “I watch your show every week. I even record it so I can re-watch it whenever I get spare time.”

Deke gave a knowing smile as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “So, let me guess, you have a major crush on Linda?”

She was the starring actress on the show and had a habit of showing more skin than clothing. Which had never made sense to Blake. After all, if he’d been in a zombie apocalypse, he’d be covering up as much of his body as possible so one of the shufflers didn’t bite or scratch him.

A heat came over Blake’s cheeks as he shook his head. “No, Linda isn’t exactly my type.”

“Relax, I was just kidding you. Given the fact that your comic has a gay theme, I kind of figured that you were more of a Mike or Lex kind of guy.”

The heat grew worse as Blake began to fiddle with the name badge hanging from his neck. “Actually, you’ve always been my favourite.”

There was a long, drawn out pause and Blake looked up to see that Deke was shooting him a sceptical glance.

BOOK: Dragon's Heart
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