Dragon's Melody (5 page)

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Authors: Ophelia Bell

BOOK: Dragon's Melody
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“I want her to be aware of what is required of her, and willing. I might have strict rules …”

“How strict?”

“I want her Nirvana for myself. Always. Why should I bother at first?”

The confessions grew easier now that he’d begun letting them out. He had so many ideas about his perfect mate that he’d never realized.

“I want her primed for me daily. A pretty bird who will sing when I tell her to sing. And who will be happy to sing for me alone.”

“How will you keep her happy?”

“Garen will prime her for me. It’s a strength of his.” Garen’s strengths were beyond simply priming a woman. “He will also keep her happy while I’m away on Magnus business.”

Kol cast a dark look at him. “You want this hypothetical woman for your mate, yet you relinquish her to your servant?”

“She’s hypothetical, so yes.” He hesitated to admit the truth now. He’d been in love, briefly, and devastatingly when he was younger. Garen had been the one to pull him back from the brink of a broken heart, but he’d distanced himself emotionally from women ever since. He suspected that was the root of his inability to settle on a mate. “I want her to be happy. Garen’s better at that.”

“What if she weren’t hypothetical?” Kol asked softly.

Skye gaped at Kol. This was the trap. There was an actual woman Kol had in mind and he was being tested to find out if he were worthy.

Skye closed his eyes tightly.
“Garen, I need you.”

His Guardian’s presence had been lingering at the outskirts of his consciousness all night. Garen never intervened unless required. His role was security, nothing more, unless Skye requested something more.

Now that his name had been mentioned—Skye’s fault—it seemed necessary to include him in the conversation.

“I’m here,” Garen’s deep voice said. Skye glanced up to see his shirtless friend, his mop of pale blond hair nearly covering his eyes. The haphazard look he had when they weren’t working always made him smile.

“Garen,” Kol said, interrupting Skye’s attempt to speak. “Do you think Skye is capable of satisfying a human woman on his own?”

Garen swiped his hair out of his eyes with his palm and laughed. “Maybe? Well, yes, on the surface, but depends what you mean by ‘satisfy’. I know he’s capable of satisfying several women at once.”

Skye scowled at his servant and friend. Garen smirked back at him, clearly enjoying the interrogation.

“I mean as a mate. Does he really need you to help like he says?”

Garen’s eyes widened for a split second. “I supplement his efforts. Together I think we do well, but no. I don’t think he needs me to satisfy a mate, unless the mate wants us both, that is. But that’s all conjecture, sir.”

Kol chuckled. “You two need to loosen up, particularly considering the task I’m giving you next week.”

“Task?” Skye asked, confused.

“Your new mate, potentially. I’d suggest having Garen vet her if you’re curious. I’ll give you the information, but the transfer will happen a week from now, if you’re amenable. If it isn’t you, it will be another dragon. This one means a lot to me, and I’d like it to be you who takes her, friend. I’ll send you my initial draft of the contract tonight.”

He rose to leave, and then paused, glancing back at Skye. “You can consider her recompense for Trevor. At least that matter can be settled.”

Chapter Six

aren had been handed a flash drive that supposedly held all he needed to know about the woman in question. The woman he needed to research to ensure she was a good mate for Skye.

Melody was her name.

He shoved the drive into his laptop’s receptacle, feeling the same little elation he always felt, waiting for the pop-up. His cock often got hard when he did something technical. That was a new word for him, too. “Technical”. Since his ascension, he’d said it over and over until he stopped getting excited about it.

Today, he knew just about everything there was to know about “technical” things, yet in spite of a very mundane task he was hard as a rock.

Melody’s dossier was detailed, as Kol had promised. Nothing left out.

She’d been an awkward kid who was peer-pressured into being a cheerleader in high school. That gained her some notoriety as a teen. After high school, she became a flight attendant at age eighteen. It was a few years into that stint that she shifted to a job at Magnus, first as an executive assistant, then recently taking on the role of private flight attendant as well. So young, still, but bold enough to take her life into her own hands.

The raw details didn’t interest him, though. The stuff in between was what caught his attention. She’d grown up in a small southern town, and her mother still lived there, but she’d become an asset of Magnus because one of Kol’s other executives—a Red named Nancy—had seen something special. She’d been bonded to Kol as an employee for less than a year, which made him wonder why she was so special. A woman from a human family like Erika’s or Trevor’s, who had been infused with dragon magic for multiple generations, was ideal.

Garen’s phone trembled and he glanced at the screen. “She’s worth more investigation,” Kol’s message said. “I didn’t take the time. Too many other distractions.”

Bastard had probably been tuned into his thoughts the entire time. There was a general etiquette of privacy between dragons, but higher powered ones could still eavesdrop if they tried hard enough. Shadows in particular. Garen glanced around wondering if Kol’s breath lurked in the corners, watching. That kind of stunt took a lot of energy to do, however, so Garen was a little amazed at Kol’s waste. He must really care about this human.

There wasn’t much more to discover, until he started digging deeper. It wasn’t about her associations. When he started analyzing her short history of lovers, he saw the pattern. Her few intimate relationships had all been with overbearing alpha males, yet they’d failed to hold onto her. What had they done wrong? All were attractive humans, and they all had been left behind by Melody for some reason. Something about them had failed to please her, perhaps?

He couldn’t be completely sure until he met her. That was the next step. The detail that worried him most was how close she was to Kol.

The Shadow hadn’t given more than the barest details about his own relationship with Melody. He viewed her as a worthy mate for Skye—that much was apparent. And Skye couldn’t turn down the offer, particularly considering he needed an excuse to let Trevor go.

Trevor had been Skye’s mother’s “employee” on paper. Bonded to her and receiving a salary, but expected to perform in ways that didn’t require showing up to an office every weekday.

But Kol had hired this young woman, bonded her via the subtle magic of the medallion all their employees wore around their necks. And he had very likely tasted her essence. Once wasn’t enough to influence her physiology, but over time even unmated humans who shared a bond with a dragon would experience subtle physical changes. One exchange with Kol—one of the most powerful dragons of their generation—was a different story.

Yet now Kol wanted to trade her away to satisfy Skye’s need for restitution. Rather than ponder why she was special, this new thought made Garen wonder what was wrong with her.

Nothing as far as he could tell. She was beautiful, for one thing. She had a look of innocence that provoked his protective urge as a Guardian, but her history with men told him she was searching for something in particular and had yet to find it. He knew that feeling well.

Maybe Kol wanted her far away because he wanted to hide her for some reason. Had Kol actually strayed so far from his nature that he would fall for a woman he wouldn’t mate? Garen reminded himself that Kol had done it before. The First Shadow of their generation had had a human lover when he was younger. Pre-hibernation, which was prohibited. He couldn’t have mated her anyway, yet he’d revealed his nature to her. Even now, with their changed laws, that law still stood. Never reveal your nature unless you’re prepared to mate the human who knows your secret.

No … Kol wouldn’t make that mistake twice. So perhaps that was why he was sending her away. To avoid making another mistake. Certain he’d uncovered the heart of the truth, Garen shifted his attention back to the photograph.

He stared into the pale blue eyes of her portrait on the page. If she returned Kol’s feelings, that complicated things.

“What will it take to turn you around, love? If you’ll be Skye’s, we will need to take our time. To turn you around, and to find out why Kol feels the need to send you away to begin with.”

For the first time in a long time he felt elation over the task at hand. Turning a woman from a bond with Kol was no small challenge, but he relished the opportunity to outdo a Court dragon for once. It might even shift Skye’s attention from his own single-mindedness, too.

As if the thought had invoked the man, Skye’s presence became apparent in the room behind Garen’s seat at the small desk in the suite they shared.

Garen didn’t acknowledge his friend, and continued to scroll through the data on Melody. All the while his skin tingled with the obvious power of Skye’s aura. He must have found a private spot to spend a moment with the waitress from earlier. Once Kol had strolled wetly off into the sunset-gilded surf, Garen had retreated back to the room so he didn’t have to bear witness to Skye’s fun.

He should probably go find a partner himself tonight. He’d been relying too often on Skye’s Nirvana to replenish his own energy and ought to reacquaint himself with human women if Skye intended for him to work with Melody. Yet, he and Skye had been sharing each other for so long, the prospect of human contact—even to fill his well with their crisp, vibrant energy—didn’t appeal to him. He craved the heady, potent power his friend provided, almost as much as he craved simply being near Skye most days.

“Your aura turns blue whenever you sense me near, did you know that?” Skye’s deep voice spoke, about a foot behind Garen’s chair.

“It’s because I’m attuned to your needs. Which, I might add, is my job.”

The short hairs stood up on the back of his neck when Skye’s hand rested on his shoulder, thumb grazing across the sensitive skin beneath Garen’s ear. His heart pounded at even that small contact, and his aura seemed distinctly fuller when Skye’s began to mingle with it.

Sweet Mother, all it took was a simple touch now for him to give in with that tacit submission.

Skye sighed and shifted close, sliding his hands down Garen’s bare chest from behind. “You can say no to me once in a while. At least go find a few humans to dilute what I give you. Or say yes next time I invite you to share.”

In spite of his words, Skye’s hands didn’t seem inclined to be denied. They slid further down, fingertips teasing at the skin of Garen’s chest. Skye’s warm, soft lips rested against the side of Garen’s throat, tongue sweeping lightly over his pulse point.

Garen had no intention of refusing, particularly not when Skye tugged open his fly to reveal Garen’s erection. Garen groaned, tilting his head back and closing his eyes.

“I like what you provide just fine,” he said gruffly and let his hands fall away from the laptop finally, moving one to wrap around Skye’s hand on his cock, just to feel the deft movements of Skye’s grip on him.

“Tell me what you think of Melody,” Skye said. “Would she make a good mate? Someone Mother would have approved of?”

Garen let out a soft grunt when Skye’s hand squeezed him a little tighter, hinting that he shouldn’t avoid the question. “She might be perfect, but I won’t know until I meet her. She wants something human men can’t … oh, sweet Jesus, that feels amazing.”

Skye chuckled and continued with rougher, faster strokes. “So now you’re invoking the human messiah? Do you know some humans still believe in a second coming?”

“I think they lack imagination. Or they’ve never met one of us,” Garen said. He was fully prepared to make a night of it now, if Skye was in the mood.

“You need more, Garen. Share with me, please.”

Skye’s comment confused him for a second, until he heard the click of the suite’s door closing followed by the distinctive swishing sounds of someone undressing behind him. The scent of salt and citrus reached his nostrils at the same moment the aura of the waitress bled through Skye’s, bright with her arousal.

“I made him ready for you,” Skye said in Spanish over his shoulder.

Her scent grew stronger as she came into view. She’d let her hair down and it draped glossy black over her shoulders, wisps of it curved in perfect parentheticals around her dark-tipped breasts. The pink tip of her tongue darted out to lick her lips when her gaze fell to Garen’s cock with Skye’s hand still holding it in a loose unmoving grip. She began to kneel beside him, but he shot out a hand to stop her.

“No,” he said. He released her wrist and reached up to grip the back of her neck, forcing her to stand still. Her eyes widened slightly, and her nipples hardened into cinnamon-colored peaks. Garen abstractly wondered if they would taste as spicy.

“What are you playing at, Skye?”
he shot mentally to his friend.

“You need more variety, and she’s more than willing, just look how vivid her aura is.”

Garen couldn’t deny that he needed more energy. Skye’s would be enough if he were available when Garen needed. They were apart for a week at a time or more, but Garen generally avoided looking for humans to replenish with. Considering he’d originally planned to spend the night alone, he supposed he’d compromise.

“Look at me, Lucita,” he said in a low voice to the girl.

She inhaled sharply at the sound of her name, but her eyes settled, dark and intent, on his face.

“Yes, I remember your name. I’m sure you don’t know mine, though. Are you sure you want this?”

Her mouth curled into a mischievous smile. “Si, Señor Garen,” she said and reached up to peel his fingers off her neck. She held onto his hand, pulling it down over her full breast, then kept going. She kept his palm pressed against her smooth, tan skin all the way until she stopped, his fingertips flush against the apex of her hot slit.

“Someone pays attention,” Skye murmured behind him.

“Did he tell you my name?” Garen asked, taking over control of his hand to press his fingertips further between her legs. They slid easily into the wet heat between her folds and he stroked lightly.

“No,” she said, the word coming out on a small sigh. “I pay attention.”

“Then pay attention to this,” Garen said. “I’m going to make you come right now. And then I’m going to fuck you until you come again.” As he spoke, he sank two fingers deep into her, finding her tiny throbbing clit with his thumb. Her eyes fluttered closed and she tilted her head back, looking almost as if she might faint from pleasure.

Skye released Garen’s cock and moved behind her, supporting her weight.

Without pausing in his stroking of her tight, wet pussy, Garen shifted his chair around to face her. He glanced up at Skye once, irritated by his friend’s sardonic look.

he shot back in response.
“You win, but let’s make this good for her at least.”

“I always make it good,”
Skye replied, shifting his embrace of her to cup both breasts and flick his thumbs over her nipples.

His erection all but forgotten, Garen shifted forward, pushing his knees between her legs to spread her wider. He leaned in, intent on tasting her nipples. Skye moved his hands just enough to push her breasts together and hold them up for Garen’s eager lips to latch onto.

Not cinnamon, but the hum of her arousal was even more pronounced when he sucked, leaving his tongue tingling as though he’d tasted something hot.

She let out a plaintive moan and tilted her hips toward him, undulating in time with the thrusts of his fingers. He pressed a third into her tight depths and fucked into her with increased frequency, acutely conscious of the hot throbbing bundle beneath his thumb. He had the sense of stoking a fire and hoped she wouldn’t burn out entirely once she climaxed, because he had plans for her afterward.

A series of harsh cries erupted from her throat and she threw her head back against Skye’s chest. Garen met his friend’s gaze again and held it while he fingered her harder, rubbing his fingertips against the tiny spot he’d found inside that set her writhing in ecstasy. One more hard stroke of her clit and she bucked against him, her energy abruptly releasing itself and sinking through him. Skye’s eyes flashed with blue light as he took his share through his contact with her skin.

She collapsed in Skye’s arms when it was over, her eyes low-lidded and her lips turned up into a satisfied smile.

“Now for you?” She pulled away from Skye and he released her, letting his hands slide down her sides as he did. Her eyes fell again to Garen’s erection, which pulsed and twitched to remind him of its existence. She placed her legs on either side of his, but before she could lower herself onto him, he wrapped his arms around her waist and stood.

She gasped in surprise when he threw her onto the bed, then laughed and wrapped herself around him when he crawled over to her and hovered above her. Having a woman beneath him, holding him and calling his name when she came, was an ongoing fantasy, yet every time he tried this something was lacking. He looked down into her smiling face, watching for a sign of some connection. He abruptly sank his cock into her, thinking perhaps it would be there when he was fucking her. Perhaps Skye had seen something in her that Garen had missed, and that’s why he’d brought her to their suite.

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