Dragons of Draegonia (16 page)

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Authors: Michael Libra

BOOK: Dragons of Draegonia
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In one of the many spare rooms of Dragon Pink’s home, one proved ideal for a temporary work shop. All four realised the urgency of restoring dragon flames, as these were absolutely necessary for dragons to survive.

The ability to shoot flame was not only a defence mechanism but also used to heat stones for those cold winter nights, create fire for dragon furnaces and of course catch food on land, in the air or in water. ‘Dragon Flame’ was a matter of survival or extinction.

Working late into the night their plan was to cut down one of the three remaining ballistic charges used to fire the Vary Pistol, the gun that had caught Dragon White by surprise several days earlier.

“Look,” said Joel working out the maths, “we need to reduce the explosive by at least a third if we are to prevent blowing off a dragon’s head. We may have been fortunate in not killing Dragon White as the charge was fired from quite a distance, but to be sure of hitting the target this time without risk of injury, we will have to be a great deal closer and therefore the explosive charge has to be reduced.” Zach confirmed Joel’s figures and had actually started the delicate task of cutting back the charge using a saw like tool that dragons used to cut their nails.

“Be very careful with that” George said with a worried look on his face. “If you generate too much heat whilst cutting through, it could ignite and blow us all up and for goodness sake, move the other cartridges out of the way.” There were three cartridges remaining from the pack of four from the raft.

Grace suggested that to minimise the possibility of injury, a test firing should be made. An hour passed and the delicate cutting of the charge down to 2/3rds of its original size had been completed when Dragon Pink returned. “Is that what will return all ‘Dragon Flames’?” she asked.

Zach was the first to respond, “We just don’t know until we run a test.” “That’s right” George spoke with Grace in support. “We need a safe place to fire the gun with this size of charge in it. We will then know if the correct amount of heat can be generated and we have asked Dragon Red to suggest a firing test range.”

Pink smiled. “And where has he suggested you test it?” Joel, not wanting to be left out as he had been working hard on the project as well piped in, “He has suggested we use the Great Hall’s large fire grate and chimney and to measure from the blast of our shot the temperature the rocks get to. Grace and George have calculated that the temperatures need to get to at least 3,000C.” At that precise moment there was a bang at the door and outside with his truck was Dragon Red ready with the motor running to take the four to the Great Hall.

It did not take long to get there and in fact the children could have walked, but Dragon Red was concerned that the firing test may not go well, cause an injury or start a fire and he wanted to have his equipment on hand just in case.

Passing through the main entrance the five could hear groans and growls coming from one corridor and its makeshift temporary cell. Dragon Black was still annoyed, he was still threatening everyone but now being fed only on dragon bread and water his energy levels were waning. With his constant moaning going on in the background echoing through the chambers, the five moved on into the Great Hall.

“Over there,” pointed Joel. “Wow, it’s enormous” Grace retorted. George and Zach checked and counted the 22 large round rocks that dragons breathed upon to heat. They were black as coal but clearly did not burn like coal and so large and so heavy that none of the children could move any of them.

George gave instructions. “OK, I want Joel to pace out 20 steps and mark the spot. Grace you remove any items that are in the fire surround or close by that could catch fire. Zach you come with me and we shall load the charge.”

Dragon Red looked on, his head moving side to side watching with interest and without comment. Then it was time. George stood on the spot, 20 Joel paces from the fire, with Dragon Red and the three children behind him. Red not liking loud noises had his paws covering his ears, whilst Grace held onto Zach’s and Joel’s hands.

“Ready?” George cried. “Yes,” came back the reply.

George pulled the trigger but instead of a device being exploded out of a gun hitting the Great Hall fire stones and the heat generated making them glow, there was nothing. George pulled the firing mechanism back for a second go. Dragon Red repositioned his paws on his ears and Grace firmly held onto her two brothers.

George shouted for the second time but still nothing. Zach and Joel rushed forward grabbed the gun and removed the cartridge. “I think the explosive is wet, damp or just too old to fire” he said unscrewing the metal case from the upper cartridge that had been earlier cut down to size.

Joel peering over Zach’s shoulders saw something. “Look!” he cried. “The powder that’s supposed to ignite and propel the explosive charge is a sticky mess. No wonder it didn’t work! I think it must have got damaged in the storm, even though it looked as though the packing was OK.”

Grace shouted above the noise, as the Great Hall again was consumed with the growls and barks of Dragon Black. “We need to get back and check the other two cartridges and hope that at least one of them is good enough to do the job!” Zach and Joel handed the bits and gun back to George as he urged them to be quick. “Look we need to hurry and work on a solution or we could be too late.”

“Too late for what,” Grace retorted. She could not quite see why George was in such a hurry or what difference of a couple of days would make. George could see that the other two boys and Dragon Red were staring at him wanting an answer too.

George waited for another of Dragon Black’s outbursts to subside and explained. “Look guys, I know that Dragon Black is a tyrant and probably deserves the worst but I cannot get my head round the fact that he may get the death penalty and,” George took a deep breath, “and I for one don’t wish to see anyone or any dragon thrown into the volcano and hear the screams we heard when Dragon Green went in.”

Dragon Red on hearing George’s explanation came closer and said: “I am not a lover of Dragon Black but do agree we have had too many deaths. But how will getting a remedy as you call it, to reignite ‘Dragon Flames’ prevent the death sentence?”

George shook his head, “I don’t know but if we can find a way, before the trial is concluded and sentenced passed, to cure the ‘Flame Out’ problem, then I am sure we will have a bargaining power.” George paused again, and then in an urgent tone made the three children understand the importance of Dragon Black’s survival. “Dragon Pink has very small wings that were not clipped but she is too young and unable to fly, well for at least a couple of years.” George continued. “No other dragon on the island can fly, that is with the exception of Dragon Black. If Dragon Black is sentenced to death and the sentence carried out, we will lose our one main hope of leaving the island.” George did not wait for an answer but led them all back to where the red truck was parked and returned to their temporary workshop for a second go.

Dragon Red so impressed by the determination of the little ones, agreed he would stay with them and would be on hand for the second attempt at firing the charge. Two more hours had passed and the five were hurtling back to the Hall of Dragons with the third of four cartridges. This test was going to be crucial for it would determine if the plan would work and importantly finalise the size of the final attempt to restore ‘Dragon Flames’. The number three cartridge had been reduced to 2/3rds of its original size. The ignition charge essential to propel the explosive had this time been double checked. It had been contaminated and it had been lumpy but Joel had carefully crushed all the lumps making a smooth fine powder again and had tightly repacked the base of the charge with the powder and hemp. Joel’s mark was still to be seen on the floor, exactly 20 paces from the great fire place.

Dragon Red once again placed his paws over his ears and Grace held tightly to the hands of her two brothers. All faces showed the stress of the occasion. Was it going to work? Would the explosive charge, be too little, or too great?

George took up his position. He outstretched his right arm holding the gun, took aim and as he shouted “FIRE!” there was an almighty flash followed by an ear piercing screech as the ballistic cartridge containing its explosive charge shot across the room into the fireplace and with a deafening roar exploded. What followed next was both frightening and hilariously funny. The explosive detonated at the base, but in between the cracks of two of the largest boulders. There was a split-second pause and almost a slow motion effect as all 22 rocks propelled up the vast chimney were replaced by copious amounts of soot.

The fireplace was illuminated with reds, white, orange and blue flames causing immense heat. The thunderous noise and hot blasts of air knocked the children off their feet and as they picked themselves up they looked at Dragon Red who, covered in soot, was running for the fire extinguisher. Then there was silence.

However this did not last. A rumbling, a thudding and crashing could be heard as one by one the enormous boulders came crashing down into and across the Great Hall, all rolling in different directions. The four children had quickly turned on their heels and ran out of the Hall and peering back over their shoulders, they saw Dragon Red, skidding across the floor on his behind, having been bowled over by several of the round and very hot rocks.

Once again the children mounted the red truck and within a few minutes were joined by a very sooty Dragon Red who was vigorously brushing himself down.

“Come on everyone we must get back to work we only have one cartridge left to work with and definitely cannot make any mistakes next time.” Grace replying to George’s directive looked worried saying, “Do you really think we can take a chance using one of the dragons for the final charge based upon what we have just seen?”

Dragon Red interrupted, “Look of course I want us to get our flames back but really the risk is far too high to use that weapon of yours by firing it into one of our mouths. I for one would not volunteer.” As the truck, with the children on board and deep in conversation, headed back to Dragon Pink’s, the sky’s blackness was starting to break as rays of light appeared from an early rising sun.

Once inside their makeshift workshop the children told Dragon Pink of their fraught attempt to get the balance right of having sufficient explosive and magnesium to create enough heat to re-ignite a dragons’ flame. They told her that the first test failed because the powder required to project the missile was damaged, they explained that the second test actually went very well but proved that if the shot exploded in such a small confined place as a dragon’s mouth, it would or could be fatal.

“I have an idea.” It was Zach who spoke. “Why not remove as much of the powder so that the speed of the missile is substantially reduced and remove more of the explosive?”

George thought for a moment, “Ummm, I am not sure” he said, “the charge needs speed to detonate the explosive and if it does not detonate, it would be useless. And” he continued, “If we reduce the powder content that actually fires the projectile then it may also alter the accuracy of hitting the precise target.”

“I can sort that out” piped in Joel, “All we have to do is put an extension tube on the muzzle of the gun. Making it longer will help to keep the explosive charge projection with greater accuracy.”

“You know” Grace interjected, “that’s a great idea Joel and I have an idea regarding the amount of explosive needed and how it can be used.”

The three boys all looked at Grace quizzically, waiting for her to explain further. “Look” she said picking up the remaining complete charge, “we are trying to reduce the amount of powder necessary to fire the projectile but still make it explode by detonation through impact. This is still going to increase the explosion at considerable risk to those closes by.” She continued: “What if we reduce the ignition powder and the explosive charge down to one third in other words half of what we used in our last test.”

George, shaking his head, informed them all it wouldn’t work. “You see,” he said, “reducing the speed or, using its technical term, the velocity…” They all raised their eyebrows. This was not the time for talking too technical. “Keep it simple George” said Grace with a smile. “OK, if the speed is reduced there will be insufficient force of impact to detonate the charge.”

“But George” Grace retorted, “There is another way to detonate. We can use fire.” The other three children laughed with Joel speaking out aloud, “I suppose you’re saying we should first light a fire in a dragon’s mouth and fire the charge into it. But that wouldn’t work as a small fire would not generate sufficient heat and anyway it would be very uncomfortable for any volunteering dragon.”

“I could do it,” Dragon Pink had been looking on and listening with interest, she continued in a very calm and decisive voice. “I am the only dragon on Draegonia that still has ‘Dragon Flame’. I know it is not hot enough to ignite other dragon flames, as you know I have tried with several, BUT my small flame would definitely ignite any explosive charge.

The four children first looked at each other, this solution had not crossed their minds. The plan was still untried and known to be dangerous and Dragon Pink was their true friend they did not wish to hurt. After some discussion they all agreed the risk was too great. “We don’t know if one third of the charge would be good enough to make your flame hot enough to ignite others,” said George. Zach in a more worried tone said, “We don’t want to put your life at risk.” Joel just stood quietly, thinking of the harm another failed attempt would cause. Before Grace had any time to make her opinion known, Pink in a rather loud voice for her, spoke. “Enough, I have every confidence in you, I know that you will do nothing to deliberately harm me and that you will take every care. But without ‘Dragon Flame’ all dragons on Draegonia will eventually die, and I will not let that happen, without giving my all.”

The four did not argue, but with greater urgency set about making for the last time a device that with Dragon Pink’s brave involvement could well work and restore ‘Dragon Flames’.

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