Read Drained: The Lucid Online

Authors: E.L. Blaisdell,Nica Curt

Tags: #Succubus, #Bisexual, #Paranormal Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Pansexual, #Succubi, #Lesbian, #Urban Fantasy

Drained: The Lucid (46 page)

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“But at least there’s a delightful oceanside view,” Niall supplied as he helped her descend the stairs to more solid footing.

She tilted her head to one side, considering his words. “True. Maybe if we’re lucky the water levels will rise and wipe everything away.”

“Charming as always.” Niall chuckled at the quirk of her mouth.

She took Niall’s arm, resting her palm on his bicep, and together they walked away from the airplane. Waiting for them, a few yards away, was a town car parked adjacent to the private jet. It had been a long flight, and she was eager to see the accommodations Niall had procured for her. She had never liked the man much, but his refined taste had always impressed her.

A uniformed chauffeur jumped out of the vehicle with tinted windows and opened the rear doors for his two passengers. They slipped into the car without an acknowledgement.

Both sat in silence as the attendant from the flight loaded the trunk with the woman’s oversized luggage. Manicured nails pulled off her designer frames in the darkness of the car. She stared out the window, looking thoughtful, her plush, generous lips wrapped around the straight stem of her sunglasses.

Niall ran anxious hands over the top of his pressed dress pants as he sat in the back of the car. “Annabelle,” he started.

The woman flashed him a warning look. “Do you think it’s wise?” she said, darting her eyes at the driver who now sat behind the steering wheel in the front of the vehicle.

“Driver,” Niall said, raising his voice, “would you mind?”

The chauffeur flicked pale blue eyes to the rearview mirror. “Of course, Mr. Price.” Niall watched as the driver nodded. “We’ll be heading out now.” The back partition rose without another word, and the vehicle crept into motion.

Satisfied they were now cloaked in privacy, Niall began again. “I took care of my end.”

An approving smile curled on Annabelle’s painted lips. “All that energy,” she acknowledged in reverence. “I can’t believe you were able to pull it off.”

Niall rubbed at the back of his neck. “Siphoning the reserves wasn’t difficult.”

“It worked splendidly,” Annabelle approved.

“Of course.” Irritation crept into Niall’s tone. “I wouldn’t have devoted my years to it if it had been flawed.”

Annabelle’s lips pursed. “And yet I feel like there’s a ‘but’ on the tip of your tongue.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I don’t regret any of it,” Niall was quick to clarify. “I’m devoted to the cause.”


He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “But, staying one step ahead of the Trusics corporation is the part I’m worried about.”

Niall popped open a chilled bottle of champagne and topped off two glasses to the brim. He handed one to his companion.

Annabelle patted Niall’s knee, letting her painted fingernails linger a moment longer than necessary. “We’ll have nothing to worry about soon. Mother is coming.”

Niall sat further back in his seat, forcing the soft leather of the bench seat to hug his body. He stared out the passenger window as the city of Los Angeles passed by. “Mother.”



Passion, Primal, and Power.



Adventure, Creativity, Excitement, Happiness, and Warmth.



Clairsentience, Mental Activity, and Psychic Abilities.



Calm, Compassion, Growth, and Sensitivity.



Calm, Care, and Love.



Transmutation, Spirituality, and Warmth.



Compassion, Love, Purity, Sensitivity, and Sensuality.





The authors wish to thank their editor, Lainey, who remained patient throughout the multiple drafts of this story, especially when we refused to just let go. To K for her thorough and spot-on suggestions and for keeping us from killing one another.


Yet, both authors would like to refuse to acknowledge each other.


(As Eliza Lentzski)


Winter Jacket 2: New Beginnings


Apophis: Love Story for the End of the World


Winter Jacket


Second Chances


Date Night


Love, Lust, & Other Mistakes


Diary of a Human


E.L. Blaisdell
is a historian with an affinity for fiction. In addition to her paranormal writings, she publishes lesbian fiction and romance under the name Eliza Lentzski. Her novels include:
Winter Jacket 2: New Beginnings, Apophis: A Love Story for the End of the World, Winter Jacket, Second Chances, Date Night, Diary of a Human, Love, Lust, & Other Mistakes
, and the forthcoming
I’m Not Your Hero
(Fall 2014). She calls the Midwest her home along with her partner and their cat and turtle.


Follow her on Twitter,
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Nica Curt
was born and raised in California. As a young reader, she loved books such as
The Stinky Cheese Man
The Magic School Bus
. Later on, young adult series such as
Harry Potter
influenced her enough that she decided to embark on her own path of spinning original tales. In her own writing, she gravitates to paranormal, urban fantasy, science fiction, and fantasy genres. But her personal library includes an array of stories that span from classic childhood favorites to romance novels and satire.


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 for updates and exclusive previews of future original releases.


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BOOK: Drained: The Lucid
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