Drawn to a Vampire (5 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Drake

BOOK: Drawn to a Vampire
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After making a little effort to improve my appearance I packed my bag and put it on my back.  I figured I’d be finding somewhere new to spend the day.  I went on a big hunt as I had to be fulfilled before I approached a human, I couldn’t take the risk otherwise.  I set my mind on a deer, my newly discovered favourite.  Each animal tasted different, some far nicer than others, and a deer had such a lovely wild energy.  This infused into its blood, making it taste sweet and wholesome and filling.  Of course their size was also a bonus. 

I tuned into my senses, expanding, experiencing the forest around me and the life within it.  There were some perks to this new existence, it wasn’t all lonesome despair.  The joy of feeling in touch with your surroundings, the thrill of finding an animal and drinking its blood – these were exquisite things – and I allowed myself to enjoy them.  I heard one soft heart racing, then another, then another, but I listened further afield, expanding further, becoming one with the woodland, and there in the distance I heard an array of deep thuds – not deer, but a herd of cows.  I had come to learn most animals by the sound of their heartbeats alone.  I decided a cow, or three, although not as tasty as a deer, would certainly do the trick.  I stashed my bag in a hollow, at the bottom of a familiar tree, and followed the reassuring sound of life.



Chapter 5





I was soon
on the edge of a field, and like other predators, I went for the weakest of the pack.  I chose a cow dozing on all fours, near the edge of the forest.  I pounced, spreading my body over the animal’s back, in a holding manoeuvre I had become familiar with.  It was handy in a large animal, in case it decided to move while I was feeding. 

The cow jumped in shock, so I held on tightly.  Its short fur felt silky under my fingers, and I nearly slipped, but I gripped more firmly around its neck.  I could hear the cow’s blood thrumming through its body, propelled by its powerful heart.  My teeth tingled and elongated, and I sank them into the cow’s neck, and drank warm rich fluid straight from the jugular. 


The cow soon calmed down as whatever chemicals I produced sedated it, and I relaxed into the feed for a moment, but then I heard a hoof beating against the ground.  I frowned, retracted my teeth, and looked up.  The rest of the cows had awoken and come over to watch.  I felt an eerie disquiet as they fixed their beady black eyes on me.

They didn’t look too happy. 

Nor too friendly. 

My heart rate sped up as moon light glinted from the animals’ eyes, and I decided it was time to retreat.  I let go of my cow and soared back into the woods.  I could handle myself against one cow, especially once I got feeding, and it was sedated, but could I handle it if a herd of the things charged at me?  It was something I was happy not to find out. 

I was glad I’d got a good feed in first, but to make sure I was truly sedated I had a drink from a couple of badgers that I found nearby.  I was just fine with stopping a feed now.  I trusted myself not to kill an animal while feeding, unless it was very small, like that mouse that was my first animal feed, which, to be honest, were hard to even bite into without killing.  I’d learned to avoid such encounters by going for the deeper, slower heartbeats, and hadn’t taken a life in a long time.  Even when I was really hungry, first feed of the night hungry, I could still stop before I took too much blood.  I hoped this meant I’d be just fine around humans now.  ‘Please let it mean that,’ I thought.  Over and over again I thought that.

I cleaned myself up and started to explore beyond the edges of what I considered my territory.  Since I’d come to the woods I hadn’t ventured too far, not beyond the confines of my chosen wilderness.  But I knew that no-where in Britain did wild land stretch far.  If I walked I would soon come across people.  And so I did.  Well, I ran, as it was getting later and I wanted to find an

At the edge of the woods I came to a road, a country lane bordered by ferns and wild flowers.  I ran the lanes for a while, and I saw people drive past in cars, and I did not attack.  OK, so it did cross my mind that I could stop a car and just see what it would be like to feed on a human, but I knew this would be foolish, so I hid in a gateway when vehicles approached.  I passed small villages with bustling pubs, but I continued on my way, in search of openness, in search of men outside at night.  But as I continued on I gave up hope of what I was looking for.  The pubs closed, and my energy stated to wane. 

It took three nights of searching to find the campsite I was looking for, an occupied one, with maybe twenty tents and a few campervans, all widely spaced out between different fields.  This campsite was by a stream, and most importantly for me, it was also by a dark forest I could spend the day in.  I took up residence in a large tree hollow, made perfectly cosy by my one blanket, and that night I decided it was time to do some spying. 

This wasn’t like last time, I wasn’t looking for a meal, I was looking for a connection, someone who I’d enjoy spending time with.  I was still fully aware that once I approached a man my luck would be in, that really this wasn’t fair, it wouldn’t be their choice – it would be mine.  But I longed for company, and I’d decided this was what I would do.  And if my cravings became too much I would pull away and leave him.  I would not feed on him.  No, I would not.

That night I didn’t see anyone who appealed.  There were some young guys who sat around a camp fire drinking beer, but they were acting like idiots.  In another area there were some families with young children sleeping in tents while parents talked in hushed voices by their camp fires.  I’d leave them alone. 

Then there were some older campers, or campervaners, I should say.  I spent the days and nights in those woods, sleeping by day, hunting and watching by night.  Until one night when an appealing man finally stayed.  I didn’t catch him putting up his tent, as that was done in sensible daytime hours, but by the time I’d woken up and gone hunting for my breakfast, he was there, sitting by a fire, five metres from his tent, which was pitched slightly uphill from the narrow stream.  His tent was a two man dome tent which looked like it had seen some wear, like he was a regular outdoors man.

He was smoking a joint, I could smell the scent from my hiding space.  The fire light illuminated his face.  I smiled.  Definitely attractive, in a very different way from Luca, but that was a good thing as I didn’t want to be constantly reminded of what I couldn’t have.  He was older than me, maybe twenty-two, old enough to have stubble a couple of mm long, the perfect length if there was one!  His hair was dark blond and sticking up every which way, scruffy in a natural rather than styled way.  It suited him.

He was basically super sexy.  This was an opportunity I couldn’t miss.  I hesitated for a moment, after all this time I wasn’t sure I’d remember how to talk.  I took a deep breath, then, in the shadows away from this man’s tent, I leapt over the stream and just strolled right up to him.

He looked up lazily at me.  “Hey.”

“Hey yourself,” I said.  I could still talk.  Superb.  “May I sit with you?”

“Sure.”  A man of few words.

I sat and he looked at me, his eyes twinkling, and offered me his joint.  I shook my head, smiling.  He smiled back, his eyes creasing.  “So, where did you come from?” he asked, reaching out and touching my arm.  I felt a shudder go through me, it was so long since someone had touched me.

“Oh, I’m camping in another field.  Just out for a walk … you know …”  Hmm … not my most eloquent moment.

“Just out for a walk, huh?  That’s my kind of girl…” and his arm stretched around me, pulling me towards him. 

My vampire charms obviously still worked, even if my conversation skills weren’t exactly up to scratch!  I turned my face towards his, meeting his gaze.  I could see flames dancing, reflected from the fire, appropriate as it looked like his eyes were burning with desire. ‘Ha ha,’ I thought.  I hoped my eyes weren’t glowing red … and that if they were he would attribute it to the effects of the fire, too.

I breathed in deeply, inhaling his aroma, which I instantly realised was a mistake.  He smelled good, too good, just like something I would love to eat.  I vowed to breathe shallowly from that point on. I could hear his heart pounding.  Thud, thud, thud.  Thud, thud, thud.  I’d have to close my ears too. 

I looked from his eyes to his lips, and he moved closer, his subtly red lips getting closer to mine.  My heart sped up, and our lips touched.  This being a vampire business sure made for getting it on quick, but right at that moment that did not bother me one bit.  I revelled in the physical contact. I wanted this man to touch me all over, to kiss me, to be inside me.  I wanted him to melt my loneliness away with his lips, his lips that were giving away to mine.  I kissed him hard, finding it difficult to hold back, but he returned my kiss with passion, leaning on me heavily until I was on my back and his body was on mine.  He wore a denim lumber jacket, and I pushed it over his shoulders, so I could touch his back, and then I pulled his top up, so I could touch his skin.  His breathing was heavy.…

“What are you doing to me?” he murmured, kissing my jaw, my eyelids… “Whatever it is, don’t ever stop.…”

And he ran his fingers through my hair, down my neck, onto my shoulders.  I leaned forward and kissed his jaw, and ran my tongue over his stubble.  He tasted of sweat and smoke and manliness.  He groaned and moved his hands to my breasts, and pushed his groin against mine.  Hard.  I pushed back against him, and he groaned again. 

I felt my teeth tingle.


I moved my mouth away from his neck as I felt my teeth lengthen, and his hand fluttered over my stomach, pulling up my top, pulling my bra up, and cupping my breast.  I took shallow breaths, smelling the earth, and the tingle started to recede.  And then it went away.  My teeth started to change back. 


I turned to face him.  He kissed me on the lips, and I opened my mouth to him.  Our tongues brushing each other, then massaging each other, as he massaged my breast with one hand and fumbled with his top button with the other.  Ahh, shit, that awakened things within me that I thought were dormant.  As his fingers touched my button, and pulled at my jeans, yanking them down, I squirmed against him. 

His breath tickled my cheek as he stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes, searching me, and then he pulled my pants down and we did it, right there in the open, by the fire, under the starlight. 


It was fast and wild and did not last long, but he pulled me into his arms at the end, and I wanted to bite him, I wanted to continue the experience, to fade into each other in an even deeper way, to lose ourselves in each other.  But I didn’t bite him.  I resisted.  And that made me smile.  We lay on our sides, looking into each others’ eyes, and smiling.  His eyes were a greenish hazel and his lashes a pale brown, against skin still tanned from the summer.  His fingers traced the skin on my face.

“You’re so pale,” he murmured, and he kissed me again, his knee coming forwards and covering my leg.  I moved towards him, my body fitting against his.  His hand stroked my bum, sneaking under my knickers and desire flowed in me again.  I pushed against him, so he rolled onto his back … and I lay on top.  I propped myself up on my elbow and looked down at his lust filled eyes, his twinkling eyes.  “I want to spend all night with you,” I whispered.

He stretched his neck up and against my lips, he said, “Don’t go anywhere,” and he kissed me, and I kissed him. 

I pulled off his top and kissed his chest, which had a light covering of course hair, and I kissed his nipples.  He pulled up my top and licked my nipples, and we did it again, right there, like that, and as I pushed against him my clitoris pushed against his pelvis, and I tried, but failed, not to shout out as I fucking came, and he came inside me, and I collapsed on top of him, us both breathing heavily.

“You’re fucking hot,” he said.

“You’re not so bad either,” I said, and I winked at him!  Something I would never have done as a human, but the whole thing was something I would never have done as a human.  Maybe had I done stuff like that I wouldn’t have been so miserable.

“Can we carry on like this all night?” I said.

He grinned, a wide open smile, showing dimples in his cheeks and making his eyes scrunch up.  “I would love that,” he said.  He poured a bucket of water over the fire, and said, “Come with me,” and he led me into his tent.

That night was fantastic.  We couldn’t keep our hands off each other, and we talked.  He told me about his travels, his desire to distance himself from the world.  He’d done business at university, but had become disillusioned by the whole thing.  At that point in his life he had no commitments, no-where he needed to be.  He was searching for a new purpose.  Which was perfect for me as it made it easy to convince him to stay.  As dawn grew closer I told him I needed to leave.  I needed to feed (of course, I didn’t tell him that bit).

“But I’ll see you tonight?” he asked.

I smiled back, my eyes twinkling after our fantastic night.  “I can’t wait.”



Chapter 6





As I walked
away I smiled to myself, I had succeeded in gaining control of my desire for human blood, and it felt good.  All this animal hunting had paid off, and that guy, that very cute guy, I had not been lying when I’d said ‘I can’t wait’.  I felt excited again, this felt like a new opportunity, a new start.

I hunted and then I slept the day away.  And then I hunted again, until I was as full as I could be full.  I washed in the stream, and when I was ready I searched him out.  He was back by the fire, waiting for me, and as I approached his eyes met mine.  They shone. 

He stood and stepped towards me, and he did one of those smiles where he was trying not to show how happy he was, but failing, his cheeks dimpling away.  His smile was infectious and I grinned back.  He didn’t say, ‘Hi’, instead he pulled me straight into his arms and hugged me, breathing deeply at my neck, inhaling my scent. 

And seeing as I was so well fed, seeing as I’d done so well the night before, and not eaten him(!), I let myself inhale deeply too.  I breathed in at his neck.  I smelled his blood, his skin, his sweat, his pheromones, and it heightened my desire.  OK, so my teeth did tingle a little, but I managed to stop them from lengthening. 

It felt good to be held, as though I was loved, although, really, I knew that to be an illusion.  But right then it felt better than being alone.  It was an experience I could easily get lost in.

He started to kiss my neck.

“Umm, that feels so good,” I said.

“I missed you,” he said, and he ran his hands up into my hair, pulled my head back, and kissed me hard on the lips.  My lips parted and our tongues collided.  Our hands reached for each other’s bodies, hungry for each other, and fortunately no-one else had pitched their tents in that field today, as his hands were on my breasts, then my bum, and he was hardening and I could feel it pressing against me.  I tingled inside, eager for him, needing him to hold me, kiss me, be in me. 

I jumped and wrapped my legs around his body, and he took it.  He was strong, and thanks to my new vampire agility it was easy to hold on, to adjust, to be in just the right position, as he pulled open his trousers, for him to slide into me as he stood and I moved up and down in his arms.  Shit it was good.  Quick, but sure as hell good.

Afterwards we fell to the ground by the fire and I giggled.  He grinned at me, amused.

“It’s good to see you again,” he said, and he caressed my face and my hair, and then we lay on our backs, watching clouds move across the sky, obscuring the stars.

“What have you been doing today?” I asked him.

He turned onto his side and gazed into my eyes.  “Obsessing about you … wondering what you were doing … thinking of your face … thinking of the things we did last night.…”

“No sleeping then?”

“No sleeping.  Just dreaming we were still together.  And wondering what your name is – can’t believe I didn’t ask last night!”


“Adam,” he said, and extended his hand.

I shook it and giggled.

“I thought about you too.…”

We paused for a moment and gazed into each other’s eyes, and a sense of connection I’d forgotten could exist simmered between us.

After our pause he murmured, “Where are you staying?”

I hesitated, and then, “I’m camping in the woods,” I confided.

“You are?”

I nodded.

“On your own?”

I nodded again.

He looked impressed.  “Will you show me where?”

“Tomorrow night I will – if you’ll stay here longer?”

“I sure will.  Like I could leave now I’ve met you.  How long are you staying for?”  He looked worried.

“We’ll see,” I said, trying to make my eyes twinkle at him – and trying to maintain a sense of mystery – and not seem too desperate for his attention!  Not that I really needed to play it cool – he sure wasn’t.

“I want to kiss you again,” he said.

“Kiss me,” I replied, and he climbed on top of me and we made love slowly, seductively, passionately.  It was luscious.  I felt treasured.  He made me feel special, the way he worshipped my body.  I felt like a beautiful woman, he made me feel that way with his kisses and looks, he made me feel wide open, unafraid.

When we were finished with the physical acts, we lay next to each other, and the sky cleared.  Lying there, at his side, it felt so intimate, more so than the physical intimacy.  Luca graced my mind, but I pushed him away, thinking of this man by my side, this man who right now I was the centre of his world.

He turned on his side and faced me.  His skin glowed in the fire light, and goose bumps ran up his arms.  “I want to know everything about you,” he said.

“Everything, huh?  Where would you like me to start?”

He made me feel open, and I wanted to tell him the truth, but a wave of worry crept into my mind.  How much could I tell him, how much should I?  Could I trust him?  Would it be dangerous to tell him the truth?

“What’s a girl like you doing camping on your own?”

“In case you hadn’t noticed this,” I said, “you are camping on your own, too!”

“True,” he said, smiled, and winked.  “But I’ve told you my reasons for that – I’m ‘finding myself’.  Is that what you’re doing?”

“Kind of, I guess … I am.  Or losing myself.  I couldn’t carry on where I was.…”

“How come?”

“Things got difficult … I was bored … I wasn’t feeling anything.  I decided it was time for a change.”  I shrugged.  “And here I am.”

He regarded me, his eyes serious, and I suspected he didn’t believe I was telling him the whole truth.

“We have that in common then,” he said.  He looked sad, almost mournful.  “Where do you come from?”

“This neck of the woods.  I was studying in Exeter … before … before I left.  How about you?”  I said, trying to shift the attention away from me.  “Where are you from?”

“Ontario,” he said, and when I frowned he looked amused, and added, “Canada.”

“I’m useless at accents, sorry,” I said, blushing.  “I should have figured.  What’s it like being so far from home?”

He shrugged, and then grinned at me.  “It was lonely, until I met you … and now … well … it’s also freeing.  I feel different here, away from anyone who knows me.  I feel more myself than I have in a long time.”

I leaned forwards and kissed him.  His lips parted and he pulled my body against his.  He kissed me gently, teasing me with subtle movements of his tongue, then he grabbed my lip between his teeth and sucked.

“Umm,” I said, contracting my hips toward his.  He slid his hand up my inner thigh and down, back down to my knee, then up again, and he stroked around my upper legs, then he started to rub a finger against my clitoris, and he inserted a finger inside me, making me squirm and wriggle.  His kisses got deeper and harder, and more passionate.  I lost all sense of where we were, or who I was.  Lost to him.  As he pushed his erection inside me I let out a feral gasp, and my tooth sliced his lip. 

He gasped, too, and warm blood, human blood, dripped into my mouth.  It tasted fucking good, filled with a whole new level of energy and life force.  It tasted exquisite after the animal blood I’d been sustaining myself on.  Lost in the moment I sucked his lip, for a second he struggled, confused, and probably in pain.  But then I guess my pheromones affected him, and he gave himself to me, feeling euphoric.  He entered me again and again, and shit, it was so hot.  I sucked, and I wanted more.  I wanted him. 

I let go of his lip and went straight for his neck.  He didn’t stop me.  He let me bite him.  I sank my two pointed teeth in to his neck, into his jugular, and I sucked, and I swallowed mouthful after mouthful of luscious male blood.  It filled me with life, it was magical.  And as he pounded into me my lust built up and up until I exploded around him and he came in me, and I kept on drinking, but then suddenly everything came back into focus.  I realised what I was doing – I was draining his blood – I was going to kill him! 

I stopped. 

I retracted my teeth, and he flopped to the ground, unconscious.  Shite.  No!  I couldn’t have killed him.  But no … I could still hear his pulse … weak and thready … but there.

I looked at the blood at his neck to stimulate my teeth to lengthen, and then I bit my own wrist, like I’d done before with that guy.  I pushed my bleeding wrist against his mouth.  For a moment he didn’t respond, and my heart raced, but then he started to suck, his mouth suckering against the skin of my wrist.  He fed off me.  It felt weird, like last time, like I was being suckled, although relief poured into me that he was drinking.  I had not killed this time. 

Colour started to return to his face.  He opened his eyes, and his eyes met mine.  They were wide, and rather than haunted, they were full of dark desire, like a hidden beast had erupted inside him, a new part of his soul presenting itself to me. 

I shivered. 

But then he closed his eyes, and fell fast asleep.  I wiped his mouth and wrapped him in a blanket.  I stayed by his side until morning approached, but he was still sleeping so I decided to do the only thing I could, which was leave him there and hope for the best.  Hope he’d still be there that night.  Hope that I could explain myself.  Hope that he wouldn’t run from me in fear.

I went on a bit of a hunting frenzy before my daytime sleep.  Feeding off Adam had woken in me a hunger I had practically forgotten.  I feasted on animal blood until I had to take shelter for the day.  I slept in my tree until darkness was back and then I repeated my hunt.  I drank until I could drink no more.  And then I washed.  I made myself look good.  And then I threated, well, I threated throughout the whole thing, even in my dreams. Would Adam still be there?  Would he be OK? How would he respond to me?  Would he have run off and told the world about me?  Would I need to flee again, find a new home, new company?

That night I slowly walked back to Adam.  I was scared about what I would find.  I crept over the woodland floor and peered over the stream.  There he was, just like every other time I’d seen him.  Sitting by his fire, looking rugged and comfortable in his own skin.  Not freaked.  No.  Nor spooked.  Not haunted.  He was there, and he looked relaxed.  Hmm … maybe he didn’t remember?

So as not to push the limits of his freak acceptance I still found a secluded spot to leap over the stream, and then I approached.  He looked up and met my eye, and he smiled, a full smile, twinkling with excitement, showing that beneath his calm exterior there were hidden things going on, things I could only guess at.  I smiled back tentatively, unsure of my place.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hey,” he replied, and patted the ground at his side.  I sat, my crossed leg an inch from his knee.  “So,” he said, his eyes still twinkling.  “A vampire, huh?”

I opened my eyes wide, paused, and then, heart racing, I nodded.

“That’s amazing,” he said.

“How so?”

“That you’re real.  Vampires exist!  No way!”  He laughed.  Loudly.  And smacked his knee.

“You’re not … umm … scared of me?”

“I fancy you too god damn much to be scared.”  He gave me a smouldering look.

“Is that so?”

“It sure is,” he said, and he grabbed my face and kissed me hard, and from there things got carried away.  Passionate kisses, breathing him in, smelling his scent, his sweat, his blood, kissing, touching … fucking – wildly, madly, lustfully.  And then he said, “Bite me.”  And in the state I was in, full of desire and lust, at the edge of my passions, I didn’t think twice.  I felt my teeth tingling, lengthening, and I sank them into his throat.

This time there was no struggle, no confusion.  I felt him wince as my teeth sank through his flesh, but only for a second.  Then he sighed, and as I drank his delicious life giving blood, he caressed my body with his fingers.  It was heavenly, and in the well fed state I was in I didn’t lose myself in the feeding frenzy of the night before.  I stopped, way before the unconscious stage, and withdrew my teeth.

“My turn,” he said, and picked up a knife from beside the fire.  It glowed orange, leaping with flames reflected from the fire. 

I bent my neck to the side, opening the left side for him, and he cut, making a small slice.  I closed my eyes at the pain, and felt blood swell to the surface.  He dropped the knife, and licked at the blood that had started to run down my neck.  And then he sucked, swallowing my blood, and as he did he hardened against me, and he pushed my knickers aside, roughly, and he was inside me again.  As he drank, we fucked, and we fucked, and delirious, crazed, lost in our actions, I was confused when he picked up the knife again.  What was he doing?  He raised it up, and as I watched he held it between us, and then, in the fastest motion he brought it across his throat, and blood, life blood, spurted, sprayed over me. 

I watched the spray of blood in shock, mesmerised.  The smell … my teeth extended, wanting to drink, but Adam, he collapsed on top of me, and I had to do something.  I pushed him off and bit my wrist again, for my neck had already healed, and pushed it to his mouth. 

But he didn’t suck. 

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