DREAM (21 page)

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Authors: Mary Smith

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“I never felt more alone in my life than the day you walked out on me. I hadn’t cried since my dad died, and that night, alone here in this bed, I cried for you.”

My heart stops at his confession. He
? Gable Butler cried for me.

“I felt my soul rip away that night without you here. I loved you and I hated myself for lying to you. When you came back, I felt my spirits lift, even though you weren’t happy. Just having you around me brought joy and meaning to my life again. I’m forever in your debt because you fell in love with me and you’re truly my wife.

“Now, every time you look at this ring, remember my promise to love and protect you all your days.” He kisses my ring.

“I really want to rip that tux off right now and not go to the event.” A single tear slides down my cheek at his words.

Gable stands and swipes my cheek. “I promised I would be there. However, you look good enough to eat.”

“There’s an idea.” I flirt with him and he bellows out a laugh. He leans down and kisses me, but our bodies aren’t touching. I try to pull him closer, but he stops me.

“Dream, I…that red…” he is shaking his head.

“The dress? Do you want me to change?”

“No, you’re stunning, but today I’ve been a little more one edge.”


“I don’t know. There’s something unsettling, but I can’t put my finger on it.”

“Okay.” I step away from him. “Give me a minute.”

“I don’t want you to change…”

“But, I want you to touch me tonight. I have a black dress. Will that be better?”

His shoulders relax and say yes. I go back into my room and change into a sweetheart chiffon gown, but I kept the red shoes. A girl needs some color, even if her man can’t handle it.

“Better?” I twirl for him.

Gable drops his head in shame. “Yes.”

I walk up to him, flush with his body, and lift his chin. “Don’t be ashamed. We’re a team and this dress makes me look thinner anyways.” I joke, trying to ease the tension.

Gable kisses my cheek and forehead. “I love you, Dream.”

“I love you, Gable.”




As we walk into the party, I laugh out loud and Gable chuckles. We obviously didn’t read the theme of the event. It’s a white winter. Everything in the place is white.

“This is right up your alley.” I tease him.

“It might be the best event ever.” He rubs my back.

Gable hands the attendant our invitation and Bruce and Leo are patted down and show their permits for the guns they carry. Gable had obtained special permission for them to guard us with weapons for the night.

Gable and I head to the bar for my glass of wine and his bourbon. Several people talk to us and congratulate Gable on the new company he’s officially acquired. The Japanese finally signed everything last week and Gable is moving forward with his environmental plan. I know how hard he worked for this and I am so proud of him.

As we stand in the middle of the room, waiting to be called in for the dinner, I lean into Gable’s arms and his hand rests on my hip. I comment on several of the dresses that women think they look good in, but stop when Gable tenses up.

“What is it?” I ask and follow his gaze to see Aven House, in a bright fuchsia gown, coming toward us.

“Gable, I’m so happy to see you here.” She doesn’t even look my way and stares only at him.

“What are you doing here?”

“Jacob and I were invited, of course.”


My unasked question is answered when Jacob comes up behind Aven and kisses her temple. I almost drop my wine glass at the scene in front of me. Jacob and Aven?


“Gable.” Jacob nods at him. “Dream, don’t you look lovely.” His nose and eyes are back to normal.

“I didn’t realize you two would be coming together. Don’t you usually keep the wife at home, Jacob?” Gable nods over to Aven.


“Oh, sometimes, but tonight it’s about celebrating.” Jacob smiles at Aven.

“And what are you celebrating?” I ask and she finally looks at me.

“Life.” Aven smirks at me. “It can be cut short sometimes, so we need to celebrate as much as we can when we’re

I can hear the threat and see the gleam in her eyes. I’m about to tell her shut it, when I see a familiar face coming toward me. I’ve not seen this one in a long time.

“Mr. Dapont.” I smile brightly.

“Dream Jackson.” Larissa’s father, and the district attorney, hugs me tightly. “What are you doing here?”

“Well,” I keep my smile in place. “My husband, Gable Butler, brought me.”

“Larissa told me you were married and I might have seen it in a paper a time or two.” He chuckles. “Congratulations, Mr. Butler.” He holds out his hand to Gable.

“Thank you, Mr. Dapont.”

“Where’s Larissa?” I look around him. She always attends events with him.

“She went skiing this weekend.”

I tilt my head. “Skiing?”

“Damnedest thing, right?”

If there’s one thing I know about Larissa, it’s she hates the snow and any outdoor sports involving it. She would never voluntarily do any anything involving the outdoors.

“She started seeing someone about a month ago, and I think he likes it.” Mr. Dapont explains.

“Oh,” I nod, giggling. “That makes more sense.”

“I’m sorry I rushed your friends off.” He nods over to where Jacob and Aven had been standing.

“They’re not our friends, trust me.” Gable answers.

“I’m glad to hear that.” He states and glances back at me. “I need to mingle a bit more, but I wanted to say hello and make sure you’re okay.”

“I’m doing great. I promise.”

He hugs me again and whispers. “If you need anything, call me.” I squeeze him letting him know I received the message.

Once he leaves, dinner is called and we all make our way into the Grand Hall. Gable guides us to our table and pulls the seat out for me. Leo sits next to me and Bruce next to Gable. It’s only the four of us at the table and I thought it’s strange, but when I look around the room all the tables are small and intimate.

“You know I have a ton of questions sprinting around.” I sip my wine.

“I know.” Gable sighs. “Fire away.”

“Her name is
House, but she is Jacob’s wife?”

“Aven never changed her name, but yes, she is Jacob’s wife.”

“I never knew he had a wife.”

“They’ve been together for a very long time. They don’t keep it a secret.”

“But, she was with you, right?”

He nods, but gives me a pointed look. It hits me right then.

“She cheated on you with Jacob.”

Gable nod. “That’s one reason why Jacob and I aren’t as close as we used to be.”

I’m in utter shock. Jacob had been his best friend and he just stole his girlfriend from him. That bastard. Now, Jacob has Gideon wrapped up in his schemes, too. It’s like he’s taking everyone from Gable, one piece at a time.

“That’s horrible, Gable.” I rub my hand up and down his back.

Gable shrugs. “Baby, it was a long time ago. I’m over it, and I’m married to the love of my life. Hell, if anything, I should be thanking them, since their fuck-up lead me to you.”

“Maybe a bottle of Cristal?” I suggest making Gable chuckle.

As dinner is served, we talk about everything and anything. Even Bruce and Leo join in too. It’s relaxing and is one of the best nights I’ve had out in a while.

When the orchestra starts up, Gable stands and holds out his hand. I take it and head onto the dance floor with him. He spins me once and has the brightest smile as he takes me in his arms. We sway to the music, not saying anything, but looking into each other’s eyes.

“I meant to tell you thank you for earlier.”

“What for?” I gaze up at him.

“Our vows. It meant a lot to me, Dream. More than you can even imagine.” He kisses my cheek. “I really can’t wait to take you home and show you how much I love you.”

“I do like that idea.”

“Are you fond of this dress? Because I have the urge to rip it off.”

“Technically, you paid for it; therefore, it’s yours to do what you want with.” I whisper in his ear. “But, just so you know. I’m not wearing anything under it.”

Gable stills and looks at me, his blue eyes bright. “Are you trying to kill me right now?”

“No, just make you hard.”

Gable laughs and a few people turn to look at us, but my eyes are for Gable only. “I do love you, Dream.”

“I love you, Gable.”

We dance to one more song, and then take our seat again as the auction announces that it’s about to start.

“Anything you want to bid on?” Gable asks as we look over the list together.

“I bet you want that trip to Paris.” Aven says as she appears next to us. “You seem like the shopping type.”

“Go away, Aven.” Gable tells her.

“I came over here to ask for you to save a dance for me later.” She bats her fake eyelashes at him.

“No, he will not.” I answer for him.

“Oh, I see; she speaks for you.” She eyes Gable.

“She’s my wife. She has every right to speak for me and she gave you the same answer I would have.” Gable squeezes my shoulder and my heart swells with love. “Goodbye, Aven.”

Her green eyes look between us. “I’m sure we’ll see each other soon.”

“Don’t bet on it.” I tell her as she turns and leaves.

Chapter 19


“Can’t we just stay in bed all day?” I twist on the stool to face him. Gable is in his signature outfit, sipping his coffee.

“We did that yesterday.”

“Doesn’t mean we can’t do it again?” I walk my fingers up his arm until I lightly tug on his ear lobe.

“I have to work, baby.”

“Fine.” I huff. “You take the fun out everything.”

“That’s not what you said about the five orgasms you had in the last twenty four hours.”

I inhale. “Are you keeping track?”

Gable roars in laughter and it makes me smile, too. “No, Dream I’m not, and on that note, I’m going to work.” He kisses me hard. “I love you.”

“Love you.”




I tap at the keys on the computer and print out my final reports. Matherson Printing is well on its way to be successful, and I’m not needed here anymore. I sent the email to Jacob telling him his new manager will be able to handle everything from this point. I download the rest of the accounting to my flash drive and tell Leo I’m ready to go.

“I hate to see you go.” Leo and I both lift our heads to see Jacob standing in the doorway. “I mean that too because you’ve done a wonderful job.”

“Thanks.” I pop off. “Everything is in order and I’m sure you’ll have a successful business here.” I sling my bag on my shoulder and nod at Leo. I don’t want to be in the room for another moment.

“I hope you have a safe trip home, Dream.”

I stumble for a second.

“There are so many car accidents in the city these days,” he continues.

“Are you threatening Mrs. Butler?” Leo’s voice is cold.

“I would never
of such a thing. Pun intended.” He slightly bows to me.

“I don’t think you want to piss off my husband, Mr. Matherson.” I keep my voice low and calm.

“I’m not really scared of your husband. I’m a very good actor when I need to be. You know,” he taps his chin and I watch his gaze run me up and down. “You looked beautiful in that black dress the other night. I wonder what you look like naked.”

I gasp as Leo yells. “Enough. Let’s go, Dream.” He puts himself between Jacob and me and we rush out the door.

I stop in my tracks when Jacob’s four large security guards block the front door. They’re all standing there staring at me and not moving. Leo moves me behind him, closer to the corner of the room. He pulls his gun and I’m on the verge of passing out.

I don’t want anything to happen to Leo.

“Matherson, make your choice. I can kill all four of your men, or Dream and I can leave?” Leo’s voice is smooth and steady, unlike me at this moment.

“How long have you been Dream’s babysitter?” Jacob strolls into the room as if he’s walking in a park. “Twenty years? Have you ever fucked her? She does have a thing for older men.” Jacob licks his lips, and I swallow back the bile in my throat.

“I won’t say it again, Matherson.” Leo points the gun at the first guy on our right.

Jacob waves his hand and the four men part, leaving a clear path toward the door. “Be sure to tell Gideon I said thank you. I’ll see you real soon, Dream.” He blows me a kiss, and Leo jerks me out of the building.


Trent is outside looking confused. “Birdkill.” Leo shouts and the three of us race down the street just as the white Mercedes, that I should have been in, explodes. Leo and Trent cover me as we all fall to the ground.

Leo is yelling, “Go. Go. Go.” And pushes me into another vehicle. He lies on top of me as it speeding away. I hear several voices, but can’t make out anything because of the ringing in my ears. Everything around me is spinning, I can’t breathe, and I’m not sure if it’s because of Leo’s weight on me or because of everything that just happened.

It feels like a split second later I’m being rushed into Butler Mansion covered by at least seven men with large guns. The moment I’m over the threshold, the door is slammed and locked, and Leo finally releases me.

“Gable? Where’s Gable?” My biggest worry is my husband.

“He’s almost here, Dream.” Leo tells me and he’s not even shaking. He still looks as calm and cool as he ever does.

“I need him, Leo.” My body can’t stand anymore, and I fall to my knees. Leo holds me and repeats he’s almost here. I’m rocking back and forth because I need him, need to feel him, and kiss him to know he’s okay. I won’t be okay until that happens.

“Dream.” I hear him and when I look up, he is coming through the door and I jump into his arms. I bury my face in his neck and his strong grip and Miller Harris cologne tell me he’s really there. I’m going to be okay and he will be too now that we’re together.

I feel him walking down the hall, and I know that he’s heading into this office. I can hear him saying words, but I can’t make anything out because my ears are ringing again. Gable sits me on the couch, but I can’t let him go. After a moment, Gable makes me release him.

“Look at me, baby.”

I meet his blue eyes and see so many emotions that I can’t pick out just one.

“Are you okay?”

I nod.

“Are you hurt?”

I shake my head.

Gable quickly stands and spins to Bruce, Leo, and Joy. “Where the fuck is Gideon?”

“We don’t know. The guys lost him about thirty minutes ago.” Bruce answers.

“My mother?”

“She’s fine. I sent over a couple more guys,” Bruce continues.

“Mrs. Stones? Joy’s mom?”

“All fine.”

Gable begins to pace. “I want my brother here now, Bruce. Now!” He yells. Bruce rushes out of the room. “Tell me what happened, Leo.”

Leo gives him a rundown of everything and I hug myself listening to Jacob’s words again. I feel dirty and now I want to take a shower.

Gable is as still as statue, and then he suddenly picks up the lamp and slings it across the room, shattering into several pieces. Joy and I both jump at the crashing sound.

“Where is Gideon?” He heaves out the question.

“I’ll go check with Bruce.” Leo leaves the room and Joy follows him.

I don’t move from the couch, but study Gable as he leans over his desk. I’m not sure what I should do. I don’t want to startle him, but at the same time, I want to comfort him.

“I’m going to kill Jacob and then beat the shit out of Gideon.”

“Gable.” I say his name softly, and I want to tell him that I love him; instead I begin to sob.

“Baby.” Gable rushes to me and pulls me into his lap. “Sshh.” He soothes me over and over. “I’m here. I’ll protect you.”

I keep crying until I can’t anymore. “I was scared,” I confess against his neck. “I didn’t know what to do. Then that explosion.” I shake.

“Nothing will happen to you. I swear it, Dream.” He kisses all over my face and lips. “I love you, baby. I was so scared when Leo called and said Birdkill.”

“What does that mean?” I sniff.

“Means something has been compromised and you need to move to plan B.”

I nod. “Was Gideon with you today?”

“For a little bit and then he left. Thirty minutes later Leo called me.” Gable shakes his head in disbelief.

“Jacob told me to tell him thank you. Why?”

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out. Jacob will not get away with this and neither will Gideon.”

My throat hurts from the tears as I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes. Gable hugs me tighter. He keeps repeating that he loves me and it’ll be okay. At this point, I’m not sure how it’s going to be all right.

Bruce bursts through the door. “We found Gideon.”

Gable moves me from his lap and Joy turns the laptop around to show him.

“A warehouse?” He looks at the screen. I get up and look at the address.

“How did you find him?” I ask.

“There’s a tracking chip in his cell phone. I lost the signal for a while, but it just came back,” Joy explains.

“Why is he there? We don’t own anything down there.”

“Oh.” I point to blinking red light on the screen. “I know that address.” Everyone looks at me, waiting for me to go on. “It’s one of Jacob’s warehouses. It holds some of the old printing equipment.”

“Gideon is with Jacob,” Gable hisses. “Fucking great.” He runs his hands through his hair. “Get everyone back here to the house. Put a few guys on the roof and let’s figure this shit out now.” Gable commands Bruce.

I can’t handle much more of this and I leave the room. Gable calls for me, but I keep walking toward the elevator and I’m thankful for the low hum of the motor as I ascend to our floor.

I collapse on the bed. I can’t even cry. I can barely think at this moment because it’s all jumbled in my head. I take two long, deep breaths and think of today: Jacob, the explosion, and most of all Gable. His world is falling apart and it’s because of his brother and old friend.

How is it people can stab each other in the back? Especially when they’re supposed to be friend and family. I think it would hurt more if it’s family. I know because of the way I felt when Gable, Mrs. Stones, and Leo told me they’d lied. But this is on a different level. They had done it to protect me, whereas Gideon and Jacob are doing it to hurt Gable. I could never hurt Gable.

So, why am I hiding up here, hiding like a scared person?

Isn’t Gable in pain right now?

Doesn’t he need me?

He does.

I roll off the bed and smooth my skirt out. I change my heels for a pair of flats and I head back to Gable’s office. We’re a team, and we’ll figure this out together. It’s what a marriage is about. We love each other.

Joy and Bruce are still in the office looking over the laptop. However, I don’t see Gable, until the ensuite door opens and he comes out. I walk into his waiting arms and rest my head on his hard chest.

“I needed a minute alone.” I mutter.

Gable kisses the top of my head. “I know.”

“I’m here now and we’ll figure it out.” I look into his dark eyes. The stress, worry, and a touch of fear all swirl in there. I know I’m strong, but now I need to be strong for the both of us.

“Let’s take a break and eat.” I suggest.


“No.” I cover his mouth with my hand. “Let’s refuel and then come back to this. Once, we have cleared our heads, we can figure it out better.” I drop my hand and he doesn’t argue as he takes my hand and head to the kitchen.

I figured Misha would be here, but I hadn’t seen her yet. I grab some lunch meat and chips and begin to lay everything out on the counter.

“How many men are in the house right now?”

Gable thinks for a second. “Ten and four on the roof.”

“How many employees go you have?” I’m trying to keep his mind elsewhere for the time being.

He pulls out the mayo and mustard, sitting it on the counter. “Altogether, a little over two hundred and that’s only with Butler Corp. That doesn’t count all my other side projects.” I could already hear him relaxing in his tone.

“How many in security?” I slather a piece of bread with the mayo and place a piece of ham on it.

“Fifty. I used to have more, but that isn’t my main business anymore.” He takes the sandwich from me and adds a piece of cheese.

“What’s your favorite part of Butler Corp?”

Gable chuckles and leans back on the counter. “The fact it’s mine and no one can do anything without my say so.”

“Am I to take it you’re a control freak?” I bite my lip, holding back my smile.

“Something like that. I do tend to get my way.” The corners of his mouth twitch.

“I believe you do.” I start on another sandwich and I can feel his eyes on me.

“You always make me forget, Dream.” It’s a painful whisper

“I love you, Gable.” I wink, trying to keep his spirits up.

“Gable.” I hear the panic in Bruce’s voice as he and Leo in alarm, come around the corner. “ATF.”

“What?” We both say just as the front door is busted through and shouting began, ordering us to get on the ground.

Five large men in masks and blue jackets bearing the letters ATF come into the kitchen with guns waving. Gable and I immediately lift our hands up and drop to our knees. Everything is moving so fast, but it feels like slow motion to me.

One man presses me down to the ground with a knee in between my shoulder blades and it causes me to stop breathing and the zip tie cuts into my skin around my wrist.

I’ve never been arrested nor have I been handcuffed. I can’t believe this is happening as Bruce, Leo, Gable and I are shuffled out of the house.

“Dream, don’t speak. Remain quiet until our lawyers come. Do you understand?” Gable yells.

“Okay.” I answer but it comes out as a small sob. This is a shit mess, and I don’t know what I’m going to do.

Don’t say anything.
That’s what Gable told me and it’s what I’m going to do. Leo and I were put into one van and Bruce and Gable into another. Where were the others? Why hadn’t they taken the others?

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