Dream of Me: Book 1 The Dream Makers Series (34 page)

BOOK: Dream of Me: Book 1 The Dream Makers Series
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“I do not understand all that is going on, but I will tell you that the demon I destroyed tonight had a mission, and it was to destroy you. He did not complete that mission.”

She looked up at him; her eyes narrowed. “You think the demons want me dead?”

“The evil one wants you dead, for whatever reason, and he will use whatever resources he can to make that happen.”

Emma saw Frieda’s eyes widen as she glanced in her rear view mirror. Emma tried to give her a sweet,
I’m not crazy
, reassuring smile. The woman shivered and Emma was pretty sure she hadn’t succeeded.

“I want you to be aware, Emma. Mildred did not seem to think highly of her father. What did I tell you about the types of people that draw evil to themselves? They are weak minded, easily influenced. That is where the minions go.”

Emma understood what the angel was saying, but she didn’t understand what made her a target for a bunch of demons.

“We need to get you back in Darla and Wayne’s custody as quickly as possible,” he continued. “I may have to enlist a friend to help keep an eye on you while I speak with Darla. Her spirit is open and she believes in the supernatural. She is a good ally to have.”

Emma perked up a little. “I get two guardian angels?” Silly? Maybe. She was an eight-year-old genius in DHS custody; she’d take her kicks where she could get them.

Raphael’s eye twinkled as he looked down at her. “I told you; you’re extraordinary.”

Emma rolled her eyes. “One could also argue that a sheep that needs two shepherds is just twice as stupid.”

aphael shook his head at her logic. Emma was one of those rare humans with which he could debate for hours the various angles from which a situation could be viewed. She truly was extraordinary. She settled back in the seat and closed her eyes. There was more he could tell her, more that might help prepare her for whatever it was that was brewing, but she had already been through so much. After having a gun pointed at her and watching her friend be shot, then having to endure being told that she was being taken away from the people she’d come to love as family, she needed a break. She was resilient, and strong, but everyone had a limit. So for now, in the quiet of the car of a woman Emma didn’t know, going to a place she’d never been, Raphael would give her the small amount of peace that he could. He laid his hand on her forehead and whispered something in a language only his kind understood and then watched as the sleeping child relaxed. He didn’t know what her future held, but he knew that whatever it was he would be by her side. She had lost her mother and her father, and Raphael could not bring them back to her, but he could offer the support and protection that they should have been able to give her.

His attention was drawn away from her when the human female’s phone started playing some hideous song. She answered it in the voice Raphael had come to recognize as her own. But after several minutes, her voice changed. He watched the woman called Frieda in the rearview mirror and listened as she spoke.

“I have her. No, there were no problems.” There was a pause and then she spoke again. “She mentioned a guardian angel.” Pause. “Well then how
he destroyed?” She growled in a deep voice.

Raphael tensed. He could not sense a demon in the woman, but he knew something was very wrong.

“It will be taken care of,” Frieda huffed. She tossed the phone onto the seat and then glanced back in the mirror at the sleeping form of Emma. Her eyes narrowed before finally looking back at the road. She let out a slow breath as she spoke. “Who are you little one and what have you done?”

Raphael looked down at Emma and then back to Frieda who couldn’t hear him. “The better question, human, is what
she do?”



“Sometimes your dreams don’t mean anything. They are just dreams. It is not wise to put meaning where it does not belong.”



air knelt, his head bowed low as he approached his Creator. He felt the warmth from his light and the peace that only came in his presence. But that wasn’t what he’d come for.

“You know why I’ve come.” His voice was steady, but there was no mistaking the pain in his words.

“I know that you love her,” the Creator spoke. “I created her. Think how much more she means to me, Brudair.”

“You do not lose her either way. If she lives or she dies, she will still be yours.” Dair’s words came out in heavy breaths as emotions he was still learning how to control swamped him. “I’ve only just met her. Her life has just begun.”

“What do you want, Brudair?”

“I WANT HER TO LIVE,” Dair roared as his shoulders shook. He kept his head bowed though it was an effort to remain kneeling when he wanted to rant and rave over the loss he was feeling.

“Then go tell her that.”

Dair’s head nearly snapped up.

“You can make each other stronger or weaker,” the Creator continued. “She will now be a consideration in every aspect of your life, your choices, and your purpose. She will be a part of you. That is what a mate is. Is she your choice?”

“She is,” he answered without pause.

“Then go and find out if you are hers.”

When Dair raised his head, he realized that he was no longer in the throne room but now in the quiet hall of the hospital. The clock hanging on the stark white wall said that it was three in the morning, and the sign next to it told him he was in the ICU. He didn’t have to ask the nurse at the station where she was, he could feel her. As though they were connected by a rubber band that had been stretch apart and was now rebounding back, she pulled him to her. Dair closed his eyes and when he opened them again, he was standing beside her bed.

The lights on the machines around her blinked on and off like blaring hazard lights warning him to be careful. She was fragile, nearly broken, and he had been unable to save her. Dair reached out a hand and gently brushed some stray hair from her face. She looked peaceful. The pain and fear that had been on her face the last time he’d seen her were gone, replaced by her namesake―serenity. She was his princess of peace and yet she had gone to battle.

“I know it’s not fair to ask you to stay. I’ve seen how dark this world can be. But I’ve also seen how amazing it can be, and I want to experience those things with you.” Dair closed his eyes and pushed his mind into hers, seeking her out in her dreams. He found her sitting by a stream surrounded by trees and a night sky lit up by thousands of stars.

“Why are you still here?” Dair asked her as he sat down beside her.

“I’ve been waiting on you.”

This surprised him. “You couldn’t wake up to wait for me?”

“It’s peaceful here,” Serenity said as she pointed to the rippling water. “Nobody is pointing guns or threatening innocent little girls.” Though she said the words lightly, they were heavy with the weight of her fear and pain.

“And I’m going to ask you to come back to that world.” Dair lifted her chin so her eyes would meet his. “But before I do, let me ask you this. What do you want, Sarah Serenity?”

A smile pulled at her lips. “Someone else asked me that today.”

“Oh?” Dair tilted his head slightly. “What was your answer?”

She laughed. “You can’t possibly ask a girl what she wants and expect her to have only one answer.”

Dair shrugged. “I’m still learning.” He shuttered as her fingers ran up his arm and across his collar bone to his lips. Her eyes held his and he wouldn’t have been able to turn away if he wanted to. She captivated him.

“I want to live, Dair. Whatever that entails, I want it.” She paused and suddenly the confidence she had just worn like a comfortable pair of jeans wavered. “And I want you.”

Dair would like to say that he remained composed and didn’t kiss her senseless in her dream, but he tried not to lie if he could help it. He placed both hands on her face and pulled her close to him. Their lips were nearly touching; both their breaths were coming out in rapid succession as he whispered, “Then you have me.” He didn’t give her time to respond before pressing his lips to hers. The kiss was fierce, but quick. Dair pulled back and smiled down at her. “Now wake up so I can do that for real.”

Dair slipped out of her mind and watched as her eyes blinked. Gradually, they opened. The room was dim and yet she still had to squint against what little light there was. When her eyes finally found his face, her lips spread into a smile so bright that it lit every dark place in his soul.

“Hey,” she said.

“Hey.” Dair sat on the edge of her bed and traced her jaw with the tips of his fingers. He didn’t want to stop touching her, assuring himself that she was alive and with him.

“How is Emma?” Serenity asked as she studied him just as intently as he did her.

“She’s safe,” Dair assured her, unaware of all that had taken place while he’d been gone.

Serenity smiled. “She deserves to be more than just safe.”

“You’re right; she does. I have a feeling your aunt and Uncle Wayne make sure that happens. And we will be there every step of the way.”

She was quiet, just watching him watch her.

“So what happens now?” She finally asked.

“Well, right now,” Dair’s voice dropped as he leaned closer. “I’m going to pick up where your dream left off. Everything else can wait.”

Just before his lips touched hers, she stopped him with a hand to his chest. “This isn’t going to be easy is it?”

He understood that she was talking about a relationship between him, the Sandman, and her, a mortal human. He wouldn’t lie to her. “No, beautiful, it isn’t going to be easy.” Dair leaned in and stole a kiss lingering for just a moment as he let her taste and scent saturate him before whispering, “But I promise it will be worth it.” He kissed her again but pulled back when she would have taken it deeper. She was tired and needed rest and that was something he could give her.

“You need to sleep. You will have a room full of people tomorrow all wanting your attention.”

“Will you stay? I mean, tonight, stay with me.”

“Always,” he told her gently.

She smiled up at him and settled back into the pillows of the hospital bed. “Then weave me a dream, Sandman.”

He chuckled. “Close your eyes, Princess.”

Serenity closed them but one eye snapped open as she said, “And make it a good one.”

From the Author

Thank you so very much for taking your time to read Dream of Me! I truly hope that you enjoyed it. I’ve always found the subject of the Sandman fascinating and though my twist on him was a little different, I hope I did him justice. If you are new to my work, thank you so much for taking a chance on my book! There is so much more to come in this series and the other series that I have written and I hope you will continue on the journey with me! God bless you and yours!





Books by Quinn Loftis

Grey Wolves Series

Prince of Wolves

Blood Rites

Just One Drop

Out of the Dark

Beyond the Veil

Fate and Fury

Sacrifice of Love

Luna of Mine


Gypsy Healers Series

Into the Fae

Wolf of Stone


The Elfin Series



Iniquity (coming soon)



Dream Makers Series

Dream of Me


Stand Alone Works

Call Me Crazy


Stalk Quinn:



Facebook: Quinn Loftis Books




For your enjoyment Please enjoy these following excerpts!


Prince of Wolves, Book 1 The Grey Wolves Series

Quinn Loftis

Prince of Wolves is available as a FREE download!



Prince of Wolves

Chapter 1

Jacque Pierce sat in the window seat in her bedroom looking across the street at her neighbors house; she wasn’t really being nosy she thought to herself, just curious. “Yeah,” she snorted, “only if you call curious sitting in your window seat eyes glued to your neighbor’s house like a hound on the hunt at ten o’clock at night.  I can call a spade, a spade tomorrow morning,” she told her conscience.

The Henry’s were having a foreign exchange student stay with them this year. They didn’t have any children of their own, though Jacque didn’t know if that was by choice or because they weren’t able to have children.  She had promised Sally and Jen she would get the nitty-gritty on the situation and call them.

So here she sat in her window, scoping out the neighbor’s house with her lights turned off and blinds cracked just enough to see and to top off her “James Bond” experience, she even had binoculars! Now if she only had the nifty back ground music to go with her shenanigans.  She had been sitting there for an hour already and was just about to give up when a black stretch limo pulled to the curb. Now isn’t this strange, she thought, a foreign exchange student arriving in a limo? She put the binoculars to her face and adjusted them to get a better look, settling them over the passenger door to see just who would emerge. She knew this was a little much but honestly in a town of 700 there just isn’t a whole lot of excitement and Jacque would take it where she could get it.

The driver got out of the limo to go around and open the back passenger door, but before he could get there the door was already opening, and the boy who stepped out of that limo had to be the most beautiful guy Jacque had ever seen, and that was only his profile. Wow, I mean wow, is all Jacque could think. Jacque couldn’t even imagine what his entire face must look like. He was tall, probably six foot one or so, his hair was jet black, it was longer on top and she could tell that he had bangs that fell across his face sweeping to the left partially covering that eye. He had broad shoulders and from what she could see of his profile, high cheek bones, a straight nose and full lips. She quickly realized her mouth had dropped open and she was all but drooling over the handsome human being who had emerged from the vehicle. She watched as he and his driver conversed, it all seemed very formal until the driver suddenly hugged the boy with obvious deep affection. He must be more than just his driver Jacque thought.

Suddenly, he turned as if he had heard what she was thinking and looked straight at her window, straight at her. Jacque froze, unable to look away from the mesmerizing blue eyes that held her in place. All her thoughts seemed to fade into the distance and she heard, or thought, she wasn’t quite sure which, the words,
“At last, my Jacquelyn.”
Jacque shook her head, trying to clear the haze that had filled it. After she came to her senses from the intense stare she recapped in her mind what his face had looked like.

She was right about the cheek bones; nose and lips, what she wasn’t prepared for was that his crystal blue eyes seemed to almost glow in the moon light. The hair that fell across his forehead and over his left eye only added to his mysteriousness. Over all he had a very masculine, very beautiful face. The shirt he was wearing was black and thanks to her handy dandy binoculars she was able to see that it fit closely to his form and showed off a muscular chest and flat stomach. He had a black leather biker jacket on, but past that she couldn’t see because the car was in the way, but she imagined his legs were every bit as nice as the rest of him.

When she looked back at the street the mysterious guy was walking into the Henry’s house. As she saw the door close she heard the voice again say

Jacque sat there for a few minutes more trying to get her brain to work again, everything seemed so hazy. After blinking what felt like a thousand times she pulled herself together, picked up the phone and dialed Jen’s number.

Three rings later Jen answered, “What’s the word?” she asked.

Jacque took a slow breath and said “I think you better come over.”

“I’m there chick, see ya in 5,” Jen responded and then hung up.

Jacque grinned to herself as she thought about how great it was to have a friend like Jen who you could always depend on to be there when you needed her.

Jacque picked up the phone again and called Sally. She answered after one ring. She had obviously been diligently manning the phone, waiting for Jacque to call with details to the latest small town drama. “Jen is on her way over,” Jacque said. “I need you to come too, we need to talk.”

“Okay,” Sally said simply and hung up. 

Fifteen minutes later the three friends were gathered on Jacque’s bedroom floor, hot chocolate in hand, because naturally, how can you have a girl powwow without hot chocolate? 

“So, fill it and spill it,” Jen said.

“Okay,” Jacque said taking a deep breath, “so I’m sitting in my window seat, shades cracked lights off, binoculars in hand,” 

“Binoculars, really, you honestly were using binoculars?” Sally interrupted.

“Well you said you wanted details, so I was getting you details,” Jacque defended.

“Oooh, did you have the “Mission Impossible” sound track playing in the back ground cuz that would have been spy-tastic,” Jen said enthusiastically.

“Actually,” Jacque said distracted, “I was thinking more James Bond-ish, you know with the whole stake out thing,”

“No, huh-uh, that would be more like Dog the Bounty Hunter type stuff. But you couldn’t be Beth ‘cause you’re not stacked enough on top, so you would have to be baby Lisa the daughter….” Jen rattled on.

“You are so, so not comparing me to Dog the Bounty Hunter’s daughter right now and why are we talking about this anyway because it is sooooo NOT the point!” Jacque growled in frustration.

“Spy analogies aside, I was sitting there about an hour when finally a black stretch limo pulls up to the curb in front of the Henry’s house.”

“A limo? What foreign exchange student shows up in a limo?” Jen asked.

“I know right, that’s what I was thinking,” Jacque stated. “I assure you the limo is of no consequence once the person inside stepped out. Ladies, I saw the most gorgeous guy to ever grace my line of site.”

“When you say gorgeous,” Jen started, “are we talking Brad Pitt boyish good looks, or Johnny Depp make ya want to slap somebody?”

“No, we’re talking Brad and Johnny need to bow down and recognize,” Jacque answered.

“Aside from him being dropped off in a limo, and besides the fact that he is a walking Calvin Cline ad, it begins to get strange at this point in our story boys and girls,” Jacque says in a spooky narrative voice.

“Like it wasn’t strange already?” Sally asked.

“Well, okay strang-er. Just as he is about to walk up the path, he suddenly turns and looks straight at me, like he could sense I was watching him! Like, right in my eyes. I literally couldn’t move; it was like I was mesmerized by him or something. Man when did I start using the word “like” so freaking much?” Jacque said in exasperation. “Up until now it was strange, but now we are entering the world of “what the hell.” As he is staring at me I hear a voice in my head and it said “At last, my Jacquelyn,” then as he turned to go in the house and I hear the voice again say, “Soon.”

Jacque stares expectantly at her two best friends waiting for them to tell her she’s finally jumped off the deep end, but they just sit there staring at her. “Well?” Jacque asked. Finally Jen stirs taking a deep breath in, she looks down at her empty hot chocolate mug, “We’re gonna need more hot chocolate.”

“Agreed,” Sally and Jacque say at the same time.

Jen returned with three fresh mugs of hot chocolate and Oreo cookies. Folding herself Indian style on the floor, she cocked her head to the side eyebrows scrunched together, “So let me see if I’m catching what you’re throwing. Hottie exchange student drives up in a limo, steps out, rocks your world, looks into your eyes and speaks to you in your head? Am I getting the gist of it here?”

Jacque nodded her head sheepishly looking at the floor, “I mean, I guess it was his voice in my head. It could be a long lost dead relative who’s been searching for me since they died and happen to find me the moment that hottie looked into my eyes.”

Jen and Sally both gave Jacque the, get a larger spoon if you're going to shovel it in that big, look.

“What?” Jacque asked. “I’m just saying,” she said throwing her hands up in the air in frustration.

Flopping back onto the floor Jacque groaned loudly and covered her eyes with the back of her hand, “Am I going crazy ya’ll?” she asked.

“No sweetie, you been gone a long time now, we just didn’t want
to know that
knew.” Sally teased.

“Seriously, I know it sounds crazy, but I promise you guys I heard a voice, a beautiful, deep, masculine voice, in my head, and it knew my name! That is crazy, jacked up, put-her-in-a straight jacket, totally insane!” Jacque looked at them both with fear in her eyes; she truly did wonder if she had finally cracked.

There was after all, people in her family of questionable sanity, her mother being one of them. Jacque loved her mom and they had a good relationship, but she wasn’t always in touch with reality. Jacque’s father wasn’t in the picture and never had been, he had bailed as soon as he found out her mom was pregnant. Thankfully she had two best friends who kept her feet firmly on the ground, which is why she was so fervently seeking their thoughts on this matter.

Sally finally spoke up, “I don’t think you are crazy, Jac, really you’re not. There has to be some sort of explanation. We’ll figure it out, we always do.”

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