Dream On (52 page)

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Authors: Gilda O'Neill

Tags: #Adult, #Chick-Lit, #Coming of Age, #East End, #Family Saga, #Fiction, #London, #Relationships, #Women's Fiction

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‘So that's an

‘It is. Can you imagine, darling? Me, about to become a respectable married woman, marrying a man who is about to be made editor of the
Evening News

‘Leila, that's wonderful.'

‘It's a start. But he's still got his eye on
The Times,
of course.'

‘No, I meant about you getting married.'

‘It is a bit of a turn-up, isn't it? And do you know, I've decided that on the big day I'm actually taking off the emerald green for once and I'm going to—'

The droning of a low-flying aeroplane drowned out the rest of Leila's words.

‘Bloody row,' Ginny shouted, shielding her eyes against the sun, as she sought out the culprit. ‘Who'd's he think . . .' But then her tone changed from one of protest to one of amazement. ‘Well, will you look at that?'

Ginny pointed at the clear blue summer sky, where the plane was now flying up and away in a wide swoop, high above their heads. Behind it snapped a long white banner, whipping and flapping in its trail. The inscription on it read:
You never had it so good, love Mac X

Ginny clapped her hands with delight. ‘I reckon he's right there, you know, Leila.' She grinned, raising her teacup by way of a toast. ‘We really haven't had it so good, have we? All our dreams really have come true.'

Leila looked at Ginny and was about to say something, but changed her mind. Instead, she too lifted her cup in salute and smiled. ‘Let's hope so, sweetie, let's hope so . . .'

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Epub ISBN: 9781448185221

Version 1.0


First published in Great Britain 1997
by William Heinemann
imprint of Reed International Books Ltd
Michelin House, 81 Fulham Road, London SW3 6RB
and Auckland, Melbourne, Singapore and Toronto

Copyright © Gilda O'Neill 1997

The author has asserted her moral rights

Addresses for companies within The Random House Group Limited can be found at:

A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library

ISBN 9780749321727

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