Dreamer of Dune (64 page)

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Authors: Brian Herbert

BOOK: Dreamer of Dune
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“I am a Human of Earth!”

“What folly to think…,”

Herbert, Jan Blanquie (Brian's wife)

children of

death of father

and the Herberts

and Beverly Herbert

and Brian Herbert's writing career

and Frank Herbert

and Frank Herbert's death

and Frank Herbert's love interests

as interior decorator

Kawaloa (Hana, Hawaii), staying in


Herbert, Julie (granddaughter)

Herbert, Kim (granddaughter)

Herbert, Louis (uncle)

Herbert, Margaux Beverly (granddaughter)

Herbert, Marley (uncle)

Herbert, Mary Ellen Stanley (grandmother)

Herbert, Otto (grandfather)

Herbert, Patricia Lou (sister)

Herbert, Penelope (Penny) Eileen (daughter).
Merritt, Penny

Herbert, Theresa Shackelford (3rd wife)

Herbert family genealogy

Herbert Limited Partnership

Heretics of Dune
(Frank Herbert)

book tour

contract for

homosexuality in

themes and messages in

paperback publication

quotations from

success of


Hickel, Walter J.

Hidden Valley Ranch

Hill Amendment

Hillary, Sir Edmund

Hitchcock, Phil

Hitler, Adolf

Hooper, Ronald

Hooper, Mrs. Ronald

Howell, Milton

Howell, Roselle

Hrast, Bart

Hrast, Sheila

Hugo Award

Hunt, Linda

Huxley, Aldous


“I am a Human of Earth!” (Herbert poem)


Illustrated Dune, The

Incredible Insurance Claims
(Brian Herbert)

Indian Henry

Indian rights

John Herbert and

International Fantasy Award

“Invisible Car, The” (Frank Herbert)

Iriarte, Gustave (“Dr. Gus”)

“Iron Maiden, The” (Frank Herbert)

Irwin, James

Israel, Peter


Jackson, Henry “Scoop,”

Jacobs, Arthur P.

Jagger, Mick

Jaspers, Karl

Jeanne, Sister M.

Jefferson, Thomas

Jesus Incident, The
(“Songs of a Sentient Flute”) (Herbert/Ransom)

Jodorowsky, Alejandro

“Jonathon Ley” (Herbert film treatment)

“Jonah and the Jap, The” (Frank Herbert)

Jones, Dorothy

Jones, Lyle

Jordan, Richard

Jung, Carl Gustav

Jung Foundation


Kawaloa (Hana, Hawaii)

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, Robert

Kerouac, Jack

Kettering, Charles F.

Kier, Mary Alice

King, Martin Luther

King, Stephen

King Broadcasting Company

KSRO radio station


Ladde, Russ


Landis, Ada

Landis, Cooper

Landis, Marie

Language in Thought & Action

Lanier, Sterling E.

Larson, Matt

Laumer, Keith

Lawrence, T. E.

Lazarus Effect, The

Lean, David

Lee, Brendan

Leiber, Fritz

Lewis, Fulton, Jr.

Library of Congress

Frank Herbert's research in

“Life with Animalitos” (Frank Herbert)

Lifetime Learning Systems

Lincoln Foundation

Lincoln News

Lindbergh, Anne Morrow

Lindbergh, Charles

“Listening to the Left Hand” (Frank Herbert)

Literary Guild

Little Tyke (lioness)

“Little Window, The” (Frank Herbert)


Lodholm, Dan

“Look Out!” (Beverly Herbert)

Looking for America

“Looking for Something” (Frank Herbert)

Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Rings, The

Los Angeles Shipbuilding & Drydock

Lucas, George

Lynch, David


McCaffrey, Anne

McCarthy, Ade (Adrian) (uncle)

McCarthy, Eileen Marie.
Herbert, Eileen Marie “Babe” McCarthy

McCarthy, Jack (uncle)

McCarthy, John A. (maternal grandfather)

McCarthy, Joseph

McCarthy, Leonard (cousin)

McCarthy, Thomas (cousin)

McCarthy family

ancestors of

Frank Herbert, influences on

McCarren, Jim

McKay, Douglas

McKie, Jorj X. (fictional character)

MacLachlan, Kyle

McNeil, Fred

Making of Dune, The

Malzberg, Barry

Man of Two Worlds

Mangano, Silvana

Marine Cigars

Marked Down for Murder
(Beverly Herbert)

Martin, Jack

Marvel Comics

Mary Celeste

“Mary Celeste Move, The” (Frank Herbert)

Masters, Tony

“Mating Call” (Frank Herbert)

“Matter of Traces, A” (Frank Herbert)

Mead, Margaret

Medea: Harlan's World

Melville, Herman

(Brian Herbert/Landis)

Mergler, Steve

Merritt, Byron (Herbert's grandson)

Merritt, David (Herbert's grandson)

Merritt, Penny (Herbert's daughter)

Merritt, Robert (Herbert's grandson)

Merritt, Ron (Penny's husband)

“Mind Bomb, The” (Frank Herbert)

“Mindfield” (Frank Herbert)

“Missing Link” (Frank Herbert)

Mister T

Modahl, Nancy

Modern Romances

Moley, Ray

Moore, Mary

More, Sir Thomas

Morgan, Fram

Moyers, Bill

(Frank Herbert).
See under Dune

Muñoz, Joe (Jose) “Pepe,”

“Murder Will In” (Frank Herbert)

Muskie, Edmund

My Memories of Eighty Years

Mystery Writers of America


Nabors, Jim

Nader, Ralph

Naha, Ed

National Book Award

National Lampoon

National Rifle Association

Nebula Award

Nerbonne, Logger Bill

Neuberger, Maurine

Neuberger, Richard

New World or No World
(Frank Herbert)

New York Times, The

Newell, Graham

Newman, Paul

Newmar, Julie


Niven, Larry

Nixon, Richard

Norgay, Tenzing


“Occupation Force” (Frank Herbert)

“Old Rambling House” (Frank Herbert)

On the Road

Once and Future King, The

I Corinthians

“Operation Haystack” (Frank Herbert)

Oregon Journal

Oregon Statesman


“Pack Rat Planet” (Frank Herbert)

Paramount Pictures

Parkman, Robert

“Passage for Piano” (Frank Herbert)

Pastor, Mrs. (teacher)

Patton, George S.

Patty (girlfriend)

Paul the Apostle, Saint

“Paul's Friend” (Frank Herbert)

PBS (Public Broadcasting System)

Pechin, Ed

Pechin, Jeannie

Phantasia Press

Phillips, Sian

Pink Floyd

Plan Ahead

Planet Earth

Pohl, Frederik

Posey, Sam

Post, Homer

Pound, Ezra

Pournelle, Jerry

Price/Stern/Sloan (publisher)

“Priests of Psi, The” (Frank Herbert)

“Primitives, The” (Frank Herbert)

Prisoner of Arionn
(Brian Herbert)

Prix Apollo

Prochnow, Jurgen

“Project 40” (
Hellstrom's Hive
) (Frank Herbert)

Prophet, The
(Frank Herbert).
See under Dune

Prophet of Dune
(Frank Herbert).
See Dune

Prosterman, Roy

Proust, Marcel

Pryor, Richard

Publishers Weekly

Punkin (pet cat)

G. P. Putnam's Sons


Quispel, Gilles


Race for God, The
(Brian Herbert)

Raglan, Lord

Rampling, Charlotte

Ransom, Bill

n “Rat Race” (Frank Herbert)

Rausch, Bernie

Reagan, Nancy

Reagan, Ronald

Redford, Robert

Rhine, Joseph Banks

Richmond, W. A.

“Riding the Rail” (Herbert article)

Ringgenberg, Jeanne

Rivera, Diego

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

Roth, Phil

Rover Boys adventures

Rowntree, Ken, Jr.

Rowntree, Ken, Sr.

Rowntree, Peggy (Violet)

Royer, Charles

Ruth (Beverly's aunt)


San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Examiner

Sandau, Doug

Sandworm of Dune
(Frank Herbert).
See God Emperor of Dune

Santaroga Barrier, The
(Frank Herbert)

Santa Rosa
Press Democrat

“Saving Worlds” (Frank Herbert)

Scheyer, William

Scheyer, Zee

Schoenherr, John

The Illustrated Dune

Science Fiction Book Club

Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA)

Scott, David

Scott, Ridley

Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Seattle Times

“Seed Stock” (Frank Herbert)

Sein und Zeit

Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Shakespeare, William

Sidney's Comet
(Brian Herbert)

Silent Spring

Simon and Garfunkel

Simpson, O. J.

Slattery, Irene

Slattery, Ralph

Slepyan, Norbert

Smith, Margaret Chase

Smith, Paul

Smothers, Tommy

Snoqualmie National Forest (WA)

Social Democracy of America (SDA)

“Songs of a Sentient Flute” (Herbert/Ransom)

Soul Catcher
(Frank Herbert)

alternative titles

film rights

Howie Hansen and

Indian objections to

and Indian rights

influences on

occult and

primitive culture, primacy of


success of

themes and messages in

Spanish Castle, The

Star Wars

Startling Stories

Steel, Danielle

Stein, Henry W.


Stockwell, Dean

(Frank Herbert)

Strand, William

Street and Smith

Sturgeon, Ted

Sudanna, Sudanna
(Brian Herbert)

Sullivan, Carmen

Sullivan, Jackie

Sullivan, Larry

Survival and the Atom
(Frank Herbert)

“Survival of the Cunning” (Frank Herbert)

Swift, Dick

Symposium in Creative Print (Fort Worden State Park, WA)


Tacoma (WA)

Tacoma Ledger

Tacoma Times

“Tactful Saboteur, The” (Frank Herbert)

Taylor, Clyde

Temkin, Victor

Temples of the Knights of Brotherhood

“They Stopped the Moving Sands” (Frank Herbert)

“Thing, The” (film)

Thompson, Tommy

“Thorn in the Bush, A” (Frank Herbert)

Threshold: The Blue Angels Experience
(Frank Herbert)

“Tillers, The” (Frank Herbert)

Tlalpujahua (Mexico)

Tolkien, J. R. R.

Touponce, William

Truman, Harry S.

“Try to Remember!” (Frank Herbert)

21st Century Sub. See under Dragon in the Sea, The


U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Under Pressure. See Dragon in the Sea, The

“Undersea Riches for Everybody” (Frank Herbert)

Universal Studios/Universal Pictures

University of California Medical Center (San Francisco)

University of Washington

USA Today

Utley, Frayn

Utley, Garrick



Vance, Jack

Vance, Norma

Vargas (artist)


Verne, Jules

Verne, Michel

Victor Gollan (publisher)

Vietnam War, Frank Herbert and

opposition to

as a war correspondent

Von Sydow, Max


W. H. Allen (British publisher)

“Waking, The” (Roethke)


Wallace, Irving

Wallechinsky, David

Warner Brothers

Warner Recordings

Washington Post, The

Watts, Alan

Other books

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