DreamKeeper (6 page)

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Authors: Storm Savage

Tags: #Paranormal, Erotic Romance, Ménage, Multiple Partners, group sex

BOOK: DreamKeeper
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Blade’s desire to steal his power came as no surprise. He’d always commanded the spotlight. But that he wanted Savaant out of the picture altogether felt like betrayal. He wondered how to deal with his band mate’s unresolved anger.

He couldn’t even begin to sort through Ciara’s drama. He assumed she had been happy with Reece and that her extracurricular activity whoring about on the island kept her satisfied. He’d never given her behavior much thought until tonight.

He struggled to clear his mind in order to locate Angel. Anger, worry, sadness—these emotions would block his telepathy. Without the connection of his stage clothes, his focus would have to reach a deeper level in order to create a new supernatural pathway.

He’d said it to her several times.
No fear.
And taught her how to control her telepathy.

Mon Coeur…my heart…reach out to me.

* * * *

Angel forced her eyes open against the throbbing in her head.
What happened? Where am I?
She grappled with her thoughts, trying to recall the last thing she’d seen or heard. Hands—many hands grabbing and pulling. Then suffocating darkness before everything went blank.
At least they’ve removed the blindfold.

Glancing down at her attire, she saw that her robe was still tied and didn’t appear to have any damage. As the fog began to lift, she did a mental and visual inspection of her body. Her hands and feet were still secured by nylon rope. Other than the sting of rope-burn and a massive headache, she didn’t feel any signs of invasion.
Thank God they didn’t rape me!

Lifting her bound hands to her neck, she stretched a finger to feel for fresh bite marks. Surprisingly, only the vague soreness from Savaant’s most recent bite remained.
They didn’t bite me either
. She sighed in relief.
What do they want then?

Gazing around at her surroundings, she noted they had left her in a cave of some type. Sunlight streaked through an opening about a hundred feet away.
I must’ve been out cold all night. Was it just one night?
She had no way of knowing but didn’t think her captivity had been very long. Her stomach wasn’t rumbling with hunger yet, though she did feel thirsty. There would be no point in screaming only to drain her energy and make her already parched throat worse.

Shadows filtered into the sunlight as several beings entered the cave. Fear crept into her soul.
Are they coming to carry out their plan now that I’m conscious?
As they drew closer Angel noticed one of her captors appeared to be female.

“Well, well, you don’t look so impressive now. Not exactly the image I had in mind for Savaant’s
Senhora Do Sangue

“I guess not,” Angel snarled. “Maybe you’re not so averse to tasting a man’s blood as you claimed.”

“Can you blame me? What woman wouldn’t want Savaant as her soul mate? But he won’t even consider me as long as you’re available.” Ciara let out a mocking laugh. “And you thought you’d be that woman. Such a naïve little tart you are! I think Blade will be a much better match for
. And after Blade claims you as his own, Savaant will be wide open…longing for comfort. I’ll be right there to give it to him.”

Several men formed a circle around Angel. Their lusty eyes increased her anxiety. No doubt these men intended to bite her neck for the high Savaant had spoken of. She wondered if any among them sought to steal her power. Her eyes darted from one to another. They had a better than average appearance for renegade males. None were ugly or scraggly. Even so, they could’ve all looked like Orlando Bloom and she still wouldn’t want anyone except Savaant.

“Back off, boys,” Ciara commanded. “I have strict orders to keep her pure.”

She looked away, utterly disgusted. Even though Ciara was keeping these men away, the thought of Blade touching her left a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. Lead singer or not, her heart belonged to Savaant and so did her body. The thought of any other man putting his hands on her made her inwardly cringe.

“Aw, don’t look so glum. At least I’m not turning you over to this pack of hungry males.” Ciara paused with a longing sigh. “Yet, I wouldn’t mind sharing my blood with these handsome scoundrels. Don’t even think of making a break for it. I’ll let them take you in a New York minute whether Blade likes it or not, if you try to escape.”

Refusing to give her the satisfaction of a response, Angel pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Savaant had surely begun searching for her. She sighed nervously, trying to bring her fear under control.
Perhaps I can buy some time when Blade takes over this sordid game

A noise at the distant cave entrance caught Ciara’s attention. Angel laid her head on her knees, secretly looking up to see what was going on.

“Looks like your wait is over. Stay here and don’t do anything stupid.” Ciara nodded toward her pack of men. “C’mon, boys, Blade is here. You’re no longer needed.”

A flurry of grumbles spread throughout the small pack. Nevertheless they obeyed and followed her through the rocky passageway toward the opening. She watched Ciara strut ahead of them, her hips swaying seductively in open flirtation. She fought back the urge to cry.
How will Savaant find me?

Ciara and her crew became smaller in appearance as they reached the cave entrance. Tears blurred her eyes. Several minutes later she couldn’t see them at all.


Angel looked behind her into the shadows but couldn’t see anyone.

“Angel, are you hurt? Can you make your way over here?” a soft voice whispered.

“Who are you? What do you want?” Another wave of panic engulfed her.

“It’s me, Sage. I’ve come to help you.”

Immediately Angel rolled onto her side, then wriggled onto her knees before bracing her hands on the rocky ground to push herself up. She hopped into the shadows. Sage pulled her down instantly.

“Sshh, Blade has sharp senses. Don’t say a word.”

She nodded as Sage produced a box-cutter and began sawing through the nylon bindings. First her ankles, then her hands became free as the rope fell away. Angel gave her a quick hug, then let Sage lead her by the hand through the damp, dark caverns. They moved quickly, quietly, without uttering so much as a whisper. Instinctively, she knew to trust Sage.

After what seemed like a long trek, they emerged into sunlight. White sand stretched as far as she could see. She shielded her eyes to gaze down the beach, nothing to see but water and sand. The sudden brightness amplified her pounding headache. Once clear of the rocky ground, Sage gripped her hand tightly and broke into a full run. She didn’t question or protest. With a hand blocking the intense sun from her eyes, she ran beside Sage until they came to a stop in a small shady grove.

They hunkered down beneath the cluster of palm trees that provided the welcome relief of shade.

“Are you okay?” Sage asked quietly, then glanced cautiously about.

Angel nodded. “Other than my aching head and dry throat, I haven’t been hurt. How long have I been gone?”

“Only overnight.” Sage held out bottled water. “Drink slowly. I grabbed one of these on my way out the door last night. Sorry I didn’t think to take more. I didn’t know this would turn into such a long journey.”

While she forced herself to refrain from gulping, Sage talked.

“When Blade left our villa last night I followed him. By the time I reached Savaant’s home, Ciara and her crew were already carrying you away. I had to make a split decision. Either run in to tell Savaant what I saw and let Ciara get away…or follow them so we didn’t lose track of you. I figured that if I went in after Blade he’d find a way to stall things and give Ciara more time to get away. So I went after her to reach you before he did.”

“Why were you following Blade when you had such a horrible headache?”

Sage looked at her curiously. “I didn’t have a headache.”

“Oh. That explains a lot. Ciara and Blade carefully orchestrated the entire thing, even getting me out of those clothes.”

“I knew Blade was up to something. I doubt he even went back to our villa to check on me before taking off. But I must admit I didn’t expect Ciara to be so heavily involved. She’s always been nasty and slutty, but I never thought she’d stoop to this.”

Angel offered the half-full bottle back to her. “Ciara wants Savaant.”

“And Blade wants you.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want my coming here to cause trouble, especially for someone as nice as you.”

“Don’t worry.” Sage placed a kind hand on hers. “I’m just glad Savaant’s chosen one has so much integrity. A lesser woman may have fallen for Blade’s animal magnetism. But you…you have eyes only for Savaant, as it should be.”

“I love him.”

Sage smiled. “I know you do, hon’. I know.”

“Where are we?”

“That I don’t know.” She laughed lightly, in a sweet, almost carefree manner. “Ciara and those men traveled all night. I think we’re on the other side of the island. But at least we are together and two is better than one.”

Angel stared at her through misty eyes. “Thank you…thank you so much for helping me.”

“No need to thank me. Like Savaant said, perhaps you will choose me as your handmaiden.”

“What does a handmaiden do?”

“She lives with the chosen one and her mate. Whoever you choose will become part of your house to be with you whenever Savaant is not. There will be times when he works with the band, or tends business on the island without you. Your handmaiden is there to serve as a companion or sentinel of sorts.”

“Will I really need a bodyguard after our blood is sealed?” Angel remembered Savaant mentioning a handmaiden, but she hadn’t given it another thought.

Sage didn’t answer right away. She appeared to be searching her thoughts. Finally, with a hesitant sigh, she placed both of her hands over Angel’s and looked straight into her eyes.

“I’m a blood-dragon, Angel. The truth is
be protecting
and in return I will serve you.”

“What? How?” Angel stared back with wide eyes. “Who did you bite to become one?”

Sage lowered her gaze seemingly in shame. “Blade, when they first learned of their blight. I was his only woman at the time and thought we had a future together. Little did I know what a womanizer he is. No sooner did he get his virility back than did he set out for his own private harem of women.”

“Savaant told me there are no female blood-dragons yet.”

“Please don’t be angry with him.” A pleading expression filled Sage’s eyes. “He didn’t want to confuse you or break my confidence. He is an honorable man.”

She understood. She’d never expect Savaant to betray another’s trust.

“So you are bound to Blade? Did you go through the transformation and the cravings?”

“Yes to all of that except that I can leave Blade and still live here if I find sanctuary. Female blood-dragons are not permitted to live independently because of the chaos it would create. We would be hunted day and night for our powerful blood.” She paused to sip the water, offered her the bottle, then continued. “My only hope of escaping Blade is to be taken in by the
Senhora Do Sangue
until I find a mate.”

“How do you deal with the cravings?”

“I find ways,” she replied with a charming smile.

Angel began to understand more about the inner workings of Dunalino and the power struggle in place. “I take it Savaant knows all of this?”

Sage nodded. “He is a very kind-hearted generous man and when I approached him on the matter he agreed to help me if possible. We felt best to keep my intentions secret to avoid fueling Blade’s lust for power. If he found out that I want to leave him, he’d unveil my secret and pandemonium would ensue. I’d have to leave the island or consent to their demands. He’d rather see me leave and live in exile than see me with another man.” Her hands moved to rest affectionately on Angel’s bare thighs just beneath the robe as they knelt in the sand. “I will be eternally grateful if you choose me. It’s not easy living as a female blood-dragon. Now I know why the others have refrained.” She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Angel’s lips. “I have been praying for Savaant’s success in finding the chosen one in hopes of gaining my freedom.”

Pulling back, Angel was a bit stunned by the gesture. “What keeps Blade from telling others about your status now?”

“Arrogance, his ego can’t handle rivalry. Heaven forbid that one of his women should even consider another mate. Most likely he wants all my power for himself. He receives quite a high from my blood. And I don’t think Blade wants anyone outside the band converting. The more blood-dragons on the island the more competition he will have.”

“I guess that makes sense.”

“Making love to an immortal is much hotter than bedding a mortal man,” Sage elaborated. “If more men became blood-dragons through me, Blade would have less control. As of now, he has an edge over all the men outside of the band. I’m sure he intends to keep it that way. So in a twisted way his lust for power is protecting me at the moment.”

“I see. He wants to keep the blood within the group so women will always set them above other men. Reece and Miles seem too laid back to pose a threat to his dominance. Savaant is his only real competition.”

“That sums it up well. With me as your handmaiden, we can keep Blade under control. I will do your bidding and fulfill anything you desire of me.”

And now he even wants to eliminate one of his own band mates!
The full force of Blade’s intentions came to light.
He wants it all and Savaant is in his way.

While Angel did find Sage attractive, she had never entertained fantasies about women and felt a bit nervous regarding her open affection. Even so, her quiet touch had a calming effect.

She pondered these new sensations as Sage drew submissively closer, her delicate hands inched upward to gently caress Angel’s thighs. The soothing caress brought comfort after a long night of pain. Her headache began to dissipate along with the stinging from the rope burns. Sage’s touch seemed to possess similar healing properties that she’d felt from Savaant’s.

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