Dreams among Stars (6 page)

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Authors: Pirx Danford

BOOK: Dreams among Stars
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This hit the slayer hard, limp and with a broken expression he is lead away.

Searching the prefect looked at crowd “Was that everything already?” I saw some people nod and apparently there was no one left who wanted to bring another matter forth.

This form of judicature seemed barbaric, all social accomplishments seemingly had gone lost, this was a completely arbitrary system.

The prefect was talking with some soldiers and I said to Mark “Well this seemed to go very well.” To which he nodded with an earnestness only a child could show.

A sudden turmoil broke lose as the soldiers unexpectedly encircled the ground.

What is going on there?” I mumbled with a sense of foreboding as the prefect planted himself before the crowd with a nasty look on his face, which could provide haunting nightmares. “Folks consider carefully if there ain’t something you should tell me about. Well I doesn’t matter as you already decided to lie straight in my face.” He pointed at a woman in the crowd and two soldiers shoved their way to her and dragged her before the prefect. “Mother” yelled
Mark terrified beside me. The soldiers shoved the woman to her knees in the dirt. “Jana Gerber, since half a year your son is supposed to report
for duty. With the help of the whole village you faked his death. Are you aware” and turned to the whole crowd “Are you all aware that every single one of you could be sentenced to death by the Benefactor for this lie?”

With ashen face I loudly say “This is ugly” and inwardly cursed myself when I spot Marks scared face. Feeling very sorry I explain to him that it was found out that he was still alive.

With half a ear I hear the prefect “… only chance and only because I put in a good word. Either you hand over Mark or at the very least Jana sill be sentenced to death.”

The villagers were frozen on the spot by fear.

Unnerved the prefect shouted “Mark Gerber, show yourself and come with us, then we’ll spare your mother.” Jana kneels slumped over and sobbing on the ground. Marks face shows fear and confusion and he asks me “What did he say? I heard my name, I think.”

Should I tell the truth, or persuade him to stay safely hidden with me?

I could not bring myself to bear the blame for his mothers death, so I explained the situation to him. “Will you go?” I asked and even though his eyes were filled with tears he nodded boldly.

Through a sudden inspiration I reach into my backpack and find a small tracking device. It was just a small cylinder, but pretty robust and could be shot from pistols if necessary.

I told Mark “Listen you have to hurry, but please promise you won’t tell anyone of me. Look I have this present for you. If you keep this close to you, I will be able to find you. I have to complete a very important mission, but if I can I will search for you. It might be some weeks, but I promise I will not forget you.” Mark swallows heavily and then says as maturely as a child never should be “I will become a rebel, like you and my father. If no one stops the Benefactor the ship is lost.”

This was heavily digestible stuff, but there was no time for more talking.

With great haste Mark climbed down a ladder and vanished through the barn door.

I saw the courageous young boy run toward the crowd and wondered about the blurred image.

When I was just about to ask Marple about the image quality I realized my eyes were filled with tears.

This was such a cruel world I arrived in. A world that engendered the bad as well as the good sides of us humans, but also a world that dangerously fragile was soaring through the depths of space.

It hurt me deeply, but the chance to disappear was too good to be missed.

Everyone was busy with the spectacle taking place in the village center, by no later than Janas heartbreakingly yelled “No” when Mark showed up, every villager with some senses would have hurried to the center.

I descended from the window and continued on the way the soldiers interrupted me on.

The further journey passed unspectacular and this time the door even was located at the position it was listed at in the map.

Marple directly got access and when I entered through the opening and left this tiny world behind I was relieved, because I couldn’t have coped with any more excitement on this day.

Slowly evening was arriving and I felt extremely tired, sadly the tunnels were not meant for longer stays.

The next maintenance room would either be located in the next descending tower, or within the segment I just left. With some luck I would only need to travel a short 250 meters through the tunnels, provided they were not as blocked as the tunnels I traveled before.

So I set off on my way, as I noticed how distracted I was I ordered Marple to scan the surroundings very diligently.


The first hundred meters went without incident, these tunnels were as dust free and dry as the tunnels between the core and middle decks had been. Then however a tangy scent approached pungently. I was about to get a breathing mask from my backpack when I realized I didn’t pack any.

The smell turned my stomach and I felt my lunch making its way upwards.

Marple suddenly alarmed me with an urgent tone of voice “I am scanning many small heat signatures ahead, you should stop here for a moment.” I heeded the advice and examined the readings, directly ahead was some sort of den. Some sort of species apparently had managed to make living in these tunnels.

Helen either you have to proceed ahead, or we have to find a different exit.”

I carefully tiptoed along the tunnel, when I felt something crack under my left foot I bend down to have a closer look and barely was able to muffle a yell as the empty eye sockets of a skull were looking back at me.

A shudder took hold of me and I stepped away and turned around, those animals perhaps enjoyed human meat, maybe they were only scavenger, but I was not ready to take that risk.

With so many heat signatures a huge amount of the animals had to be in the den.

Marple how large do you estimate is the size of these creatures?” “Well my dearest, that is difficult to assess with this data, probably greater than rats, maybe about the size of cats.” “Can you plot another route to the exit?” “Sorry that is a negative Helen, but I can offer a route to a hatch that is about 400 meters distance away.”

I sighed and had her put the map on display, why was I that tired already?

On my behalf there already had been enough excitement on this day, but probably I should be thankful to have made it so far.

With great relief I noticed the pungent smell vanishing after a 50 meters.

As I reduced the distance between me and my new destination I had Marple show me a plan of the segments ceiling I was about to enter.

I swore when realized that every meter I made now had to be walked back on the ceiling, at least I would be nearly weightless, but if that really would be a help would yet need to manifest.

This time I bridged a 200 meters, then the smell of the tunnel monsters wafted around me again.

Luckily it came from a parallel tunnel who lead back from where I came and the smell quickly was behind me.

When a 50 meters remained towards my target suddenly soil gnashed under my feet, with disbelief I looked at the dry sand, how did this get here? With every meter there was more sand on the ground, then it became dry soil and when I only a few steps separated me from the exit I was wading through swampy smelling mud.

Then I saw the hatch, it was open and it looked like a giant squid was trying to get through, only that the tentacles were in fact brownish roots.

I worked my way forward and was relieved to find a gap that I could fit through.

Carefully I pressed forward to the ceiling of this segment of the outer deck.

The view had me hold my breath, somehow an upside down jungle had developed in the zero gravity zone here on the ceiling.

It was pretty dark in this segment, sure evening was approaching, but it still should have been daytime light.

Probably the plants had overgrown quite a few of the lights.

Actually the jungle was a great boon for me.

With the support the plants offered I was able to move to the tower at great speed, even faster than at full sprinting speed on solid ground.

After a while I passed the originally planned exit, as close by a snarling and then a barking sound was to hear.

The same barking was heard from many throats coming from the nearby hatch that also had been burst open by plants.

I dangerously increased my speed, only one slight mistake and I would plunge towards the ground.

A glimpse back showed me a veritable cloud of creatures streaming form the hatch.

Already saw the tower, but this one had no window at the top.

Marple open” after a short moment the bad news came in “The towers hatch is jammed, you have to make it to the hatch at the carriage station.” I saw the station, but no carriage.

This tower welcomed me in the unfriendliest manner.

While I hurtled toward the tower shadows flitted me by on all sides, these animals were swift.

My last push propelled me directly towards the ladder on the towers side, at my speed I would break all my bones on impact.

I shot my hauling rope back towards a close by branch and used its pull to slow me down.

Then I had to release the wire to prevent moving away from the tower again.

My left hand hadn’t even closed itself around one of the struts, when I drew my pistol with the right.

With a quick flick I set it to scatter munitions, when I saw a large group of the creatures following on my line of flight, wedged together to a compact ball it was clear they intended to hit me like a projectile.

A projectile made of fur, claws and fangs.

I grabbed the strut tight, took careful aim and pushed the trigger.

The shots effect was devastating, the animals lost the purchase keeping them together and moved in a downward curve towards the tower, with some luck they would reach the tower before gravity claimed them.

At any rate they were not a danger for me anymore.

Single attackers were driven away by random shots, while I tried the descent.

When gravity became stronger the creatures lost their interest in pursuing me.

The entrance at the carriage station was intact, but had to be manually opened.

With targeted use of force and some absolutely indispensable expletives the door gave way after a while and I was able to enter the towers inside.

The other tower had had working lights, this wasn’t the case here.

Damp darkness welcomed me and I wondered if coming inside really had been such a good idea.

The basic structure was similar to the other tower, so after a short while I found the maintenance room.

I felt nearly unbearable tension, while Marple tried to get the opening mechanism to cooperate, then very slowly, as if the door was unsure about opening up, it slowly slid aside.

Blinded by the sudden light I marveled at the flawlessly clean room amongst this tower that rather resembled a mossy grotto, than a man made structure.

As I was about to enter the room Marple uttered a warning “Careful, the ventilation of the room is dysfunctional, if we close it you only have air for a very short amount of time.” I entered the room and ordered Marple to keep it opened up, the I turned to check the system console.

The energy and material reserves had nearly been used up and the screen was flickering in an alarming manner. I took out another stripe of nanites, the second one during my flight this day.

Only eight stripes remained, for more than 10 I hadn’t found the room.

I programmed the nanites to eat through the debris clogging the ventilation and to use the gained materials to construct a new ventilation device.

While I tried to find out more about the condition the tower was in the maintenance terminal malfunctioned.

Not a good omen, but my mission just had to be a success, perhaps the ship did not have another 25 years.

When the ventilation started working I closed the entrance and fell exhausted on the cot of the maintenance bunk.

Marple whispered “Have a good rest” as I took her off, I barely put her aside then I was fast asleep.


Grey. Ground. I’m stuck. Silken I feel the slow trickle of energy entering me through my hips connection. The mountings holding my steely chest decay like in a time lapse. Then I use the maintenance claw, which I have instead of a right hand.

Energy… depleted. Mountings… restored.

Again the energy awakens me, again I am able to see.

Again the mountings decay.

Beside me RDX-14 falls to the ground.

I see other fallen RDX.

Restoring mountings. No energy left. Want… wa…


Soaked I sweat I awaken. Again.

Another dream I had been one of the ships devices, what was the meaning of all this?

Lost in thought I put on Marple and got out some of the bread and cheese.

I only ate a little, then I discussed the descent with Marple.

We decided to first try and proceed further down inside of the tower, if that would become too difficult I would search the nearest exit to the towers outside.

Admittedly the structure was in much better shape than I had assumed, but the stale air was unbearable.

I wasn’t noticing the 80 meters I climbed down and only when I arrived at an exit door and dizzily nearly tumbled over trying to push it open I realized I was about to lose my consciousness.

With my remaining strength I pushed against the door again, and this time actually tumbled to the ground.

How absurd… I didn’t want to die like this, not letting it end. Surrender?

It would be so easy, just stay lying down.

My fingers worked their way down to my holster as if driven by an own free will, somehow suddenly I held a pistol in a hand and aimed at the door.

A shot, why did I switch to smelt munitions?

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