Dreams of a Virgin (18 page)

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Authors: John Foltin

BOOK: Dreams of a Virgin
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It was then that we both decided to boldly go
where no one had ever gone before. Slowly, we disrobed each other.
I lifted her and gently set her on the bed.

I prepared my torpedo for launch. I set my
sights on the target and fired. Round after round was fired. I
could tell I was hitting the target by the loud screams Troxuu was
letting out. I could feel the Force flowing from me.

After a lengthy battle, our war was over. As
any married couple knows, the best part of a fight was the making

We also discussed what our future will be.
Troxuu would never be accepted on K’Chala, nor I on Marcetta, until
an agreement could be reached. We agreed to return to our own
worlds, but to keep in touch with coded messages.

The meetings ended, and no agreement could be
reached. I returned to K’Chala with my parents, and Troxuu to
Marcetta with hers. As ours ships left, we gazed out the windows,
catching a parting glimpse of each other.

Months went by, and the messages from Troxuu
grew farther apart. In fact, an entire month had gone by when I
received a reply from my bride.

After decoding it, I discovered that she was
three months pregnant. I was both shocked and ecstatic. I was going
to be a father. That’s when fear came over me. It wouldn’t be long
before Troxuu started to show, and her parents were going to
question who the father was.

I sent her a message, saying that we would
wait until our child was born to inform our parents. The less they
knew about us, the better.

As expected, several weeks later, her parents
demanded to know who the father was. She remained quiet about it.
Outraged, they ransacked her room and discovered one of our secret
messages. They put two and two together and realized that I was the

They immediately called my parents and
informed them of our secret. The two families agreed to meet to
discuss the future and, of course, to place blame on the other.

As it did on Earth, word of the union of the
two races spread on both planets. Surprisingly, it was widely
accepted on both worlds.

My parents forced me to go with them to
Marcetta to confront Troxuu’s parents. At first, I was hesitant.
Then, I realized, “This will be the first time I get to see my
bride since our wedding day.”

When we arrived, I ran out to hug Troxuu, but
our parents pulled us apart. They forbade us from ever seeing each
other again. Her parents told me that she was to be married to the
Prince of Qaadran in one week and our marriage was to be

“We love each other. Can’t you see that? Of
course not. All you see is your petty dispute between our worlds.
If Troxuu and I can co-exist together, why can’t everyone on our
two worlds?”

No matter how much we begged and pleaded, our
parents were dead set on keeping things as they were between our
worlds. They went so far as to threaten to kill our child. We
returned to K’Chala.

Once again, the people of both worlds heard
of the outrageous claims of the two leaders. They held a revolt on
their respective planet. They saw that if Troxuu and I could exist
together and in peace, then we all should be able to. Again, the
leaders were unswayed.

The worlds rose up and overthrew their
leaders. They jointly decided that Troxuu and I would rule over
both worlds. In our first act as the new leaders, we declared a
truce and renegotiated the contract. Since we were rulers of the
suppliers and demanders, we considered the element a joint
property, able to be used on both worlds.

Shortly afterward, Troxuu gave birth to a
son, a symbol of the unity of K’Chala and Marcetta. A sign to any
other planet in the galaxy, that love could conquer any




There comes a time in every one’s life where you just
have to put all fears aside if you want something bad enough.


There had been a few times in my life where I
had the chance to lose my virginity. I chose against it. I had my
idea of how my first time would be, and that didn’t fit the

Now, I was forty and still waiting for just
that experience. I knew the older I got, the less likely that
chance would come.

My roommate Stephen, on the other hand, was a
total opposite of me. He took advantage of every opportunity and,
in fact, looked for others.

It was no surprise that one night Stephen
came home with two women. At first, I thought that he had brought
both home for himself. I found out he had other plans.

He had heard enough of my whining about being
a virgin. He brought someone home for me to give that one special
gift to.

He took Hope to his room and left Fiona with
me. Leave it to him to take the passive one and leave the
aggressive one with me.

She started walking toward me with that look
in her eye. The look of a jungle cat stalking its prey. The look
where she was going to get what she wanted no matter what it

I got that same feeling I always did when
this situation happened: fear. I started backing up. With each step
back, she moved forward.

I backed myself into my bedroom. Big mistake.
Now I was trapped with only one way out, through her. She came in
and closed the door. After locking the door, she took off her red

I backed myself against the wall. By now, her
skirt was off, leaving her just in a bra and a thong. She started
taking off my sweatpants.

“Wait. Stop.” She pulled off the

“What’s the matter? Don’t you want me?”

“I do, just not like this. You see, I’m a


“I just want my first experience to be
something I’ll always remember.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll never forget me.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t.”

“I see.” She walked away as to leave. At the
door, she bent down to pick up her shirt, showing off that tight
ass. An ass so tight you could bounce coins off it. An ass so tight
that she could put a lump of coal up it and have a diamond in a few

At that moment, I thought back to all those
lost opportunities. All those chances I had to lose it but chose
not to. Then, I thought to the chances I may have in the future. Or
lack thereof. This was a golden opportunity that was too good to
pass up.

“Wait. I changed my mind.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

She walked back. She unfastened her bra. She
led me to the bed, then shoved me onto it.

She pulled up my shirt and started kissing
down my chest to my waist. When she got to my waist, she pulled
down my drawers.

It was clear that she got me excited. She got
a big smile on her face when she saw Mount Jeff. It was clear she
was about to do just that.

“Please, be gentle. This is my first

“Baby, I’m gonna rock your world.” Somehow, I
knew she would.

She took off her bra and placed it over my
eyes, like a blindfold. She then slid the bottom of her thong to
the side and proceeded to scale the peak. Thirty seconds later,
Mount Jeff erupted.

That didn’t stop her. I may have been done
but she wasn’t. A trek like that didn’t come every day, and she
wanted to stay on top of the mountain as long as she could.

After a few minutes, she lay on top of me.
This was an experience both of us would never forget.

My friends told me that sex was like a drug.
Once you got a taste of it, you would want more and more. They were
right. I was hoping Fiona would be taking up mountain climbing with
me in the very near future.




Everyone has their own ideal mate, that one person
who was put on this earth just for him/her. If Jeff would have it
his way, this is how it would be.


My ideal woman wouldn’t be a supermodel. I
don’t look at what is on the outside. I look for what’s inside. A
nice personality, kind, honest, caring. Someone who could share
everything with me.

However, looks do play a small part. This is
what my ideal woman would look like. About 5' 5", from 120-160
pounds. Bright red hair, teal or greenish eyes, bright beautiful
smile. I don’t need the hourglass figure, but I would like a few
curves. She doesn’t have to be a bodybuilder, but I would like for
her to be in somewhat decent physical shape.

Deep down inside, I am a sucker for romance.
I love to give it as well as receive it. I am the type of person
who, with the right person, could spoil her rotten. Or be spoiled
as well.

Friends describe me as one of the nicest men
they know. I’ll give the shirt off my back for a friend. As long as
you treat me right, I’ll return the favor twofold.

I am also the type of person who can’t talk
to someone that I am meeting for the first time. My ideal mate
would be one to respect that and start slowly, to get to know me
over a period of time.

I believe that the best relationships start
off as friendships first. If you can’t get along as friends, how
can you become more intimate? A relationship must be based on
trust, sharing and honesty. If you can’t share, how can you trust?
If you’re not honest in the beginning, it will rear its ugly head
in the long run.

The women you meet in bars and clubs are not
my type. They are out for only one thing: the one night stand, the
wham-bam-thank-you-man. I want more than that.

I am an old-fashioned man with old-fashioned
values. I believe that sex should not be the foundation of a
relationship. I want to remain a virgin until either I get married
or I find the woman I want to marry. To me, flesh is the evil of a
well-built partnership.

Once I find that one special person put on
this earth just for me, what will we do on that first date? Well,
it depends on the woman and her interests. For the most part, our
first date would be one where I could find out as much as I could
about her. A nice dinner, a drive in the country or, weather
permitting, a walk, possibly talking inside one or the other’s

Romance always comes first to me. I treat her
like a lady at all times. I always give her a single rose, open
doors for her, pull out her chair, and, overall, place her on a
pedestal. Whether she returns it, I don’t care. It just makes me
feel good to do it for her.

If the first date works, which doesn’t always
happen, the next few dates will be similar, with an occasional
movie mixed in. Maybe just staying in one night to talk. Nothing
more serious than kissing in the way of physical contact. Too much
can ruin it.

I consider her just a friend until about the
fourth or fifth date. Only then do I ask her to be my girlfriend.
Love doesn’t just happen overnight. It takes time. Love from one
means nothing if the other one does not feel it likewise.

I don’t rush into marriage. I’ve seen people
get married after a few months, and less than a year later, they’re
divorced. If I take a bride, I want it to be for life. So, if she
stays with me for, say six months to a year, then she’ll stay with
me forever.

I might talk of marriage to her, but will not
schedule the wedding too soon. If we can live together for six to
eight months, then the marriage will work. Plus, this leaves ample
time to plan everything.

The ceremony will be somewhere between your
Justice-of-the-Peace wedding and the Royal Wedding. Just friends
and family will be invited. Not too big, not too small. Just a
typical church ceremony.

The honeymoon will be in a romantic setting,
one perfect for us to consummate our vows. In the most special of
times, I would be as gentle as a kitten.

We would slowly disrobe each other, very
slowly. Then, our heads would ever so slowly come closer together.
Finally, our lips meet, eyes closed tightly. We lie on the bed and
let nature take its course. After a little foreplay, intercourse
begins. What seems like an eternity in Heaven is over in a few
minutes. We cuddle for a while and fall asleep in each other’s

Sex is supposed to be the ultimate union of
two souls, not a random act of pleasure soon to be forgotten. Sex
is supposed to be shared with two people who are deeply in love,
not to satisfy an addiction, a craving, a fix.

Nothing dynamic, nothing extraordinary.
Nothing like in the movies. Certainly not a porno. Not a Long Lost
Love Found, a Shauna’s Song, a Baile del Sueño, a Cyber Dream, an
Enough is Enough. These are just dreams, images in my mind. These
will never come to pass.

If I could have just one dream, this would be
it. All I want is someone to love and to raise a family with.
Although most people won’t admit it, deep inside, everyone wants
this dream. This is what I believe is the American Dream.




We’ve seen plenty of dreams about Jeff’s first
experience. But we all know that first times don’t go nearly that
way. Time for a trip back to the real world.


When I have my first time, it will be the
right time for both of us. If it takes marriage for that time, so
be it.

I know my first time will not be a thing of
beauty and grace. I know it will be awkward.

I hope that she will guide me through this
first time. If need be, she would take control. Otherwise, it would
be like a blind man searching through a chicken coop for the right

I don’t expect it to be endless. I don’t
expect it to be long-lasting. In fact, I expect that first
experience to be over inside of sixty seconds.

The first time is a learning experience. No
one is a master right out of the box. I don’t expect to be any

I expect some pain either on my part or hers.
I expect unpleasantness.

After it is all over, I expect to feel better
than I have ever felt in my life. I have been waiting my whole life
for this moment. In a matter of moments, it will all be over.

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