Dreams Take Flight (15 page)

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Authors: Jim Dalton

BOOK: Dreams Take Flight
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“In that case, I’ll save a little wine for you.”

“Ha, ha, ha: aren’t you funny?”

Shortly after Heather started the shower, she emerged from around the bathroom door and said, “You know, Lucas, this process would go much faster if you relinquished your wine-guarding duties and showered with me. We would be finished in half the time. Also, it probably isn’t a big deal, but I don’t own a pair of pj’s. OK with you if I sleep in my birthday suit?”

As Lucas rose to his feet and set down his glass, he said, “Actually, I was hoping you would. Showering together?” Lucas asked. “This will be a first for me.”
Bet I know what Heather wants, and I bet I have it!

“Cool!” Heather disappeared into the bathroom and into the shower.

“OK, Heather, what end do I get? The shower end or the cold end?”

“Whichever end you want; just climb in. Hope you like a hot shower.”

“Normally I do, but I sense that if we are to going to successfully wash ourselves, I may need a cold one.”
I honestly think she looks better every time I see her, and I really don’t think she has a clue how beautiful, how sexy she is.

“Cut it out and get in here. Tell you what. I’ll make showering easy for you. You can skip the cold water tonight. You stand under the water with your back to me. Adjust the water temperature so you’re comfortable.”

Heather used the liquid soap provided by the motel to lather up. Pouring soap into both hands, she coated her chest and then reloaded both hands with more soap. Nudging up to Lucas, she reached around and began washing his chest and stomach. Replenishing the soap, she began to wash his cock, with strokes from its head to his balls. Heather couldn’t help but think to herself,
geez he feels good, rock solid, this guy turns me on big time.

“Don’t even ask,” she said. “I’m not jerking you off; I’m washing you.”

“Well, you’re doing a fine job, but that isn’t how I do it. For one thing, my dick isn’t usually pointing to the ceiling.”

“Just relax.”

“Relax? With you pulling on my dick?”

Heather continued to wash Lucas’s back with her chest, and his front with her hands, but it didn’t take long before she also lost all interest in a shower.

“OK, Lucas,” she said. “Your turn to wash me. Let’s switch positions.”

Lucas and Heather carefully maneuvered around so that Heather was under the shower and Lucas had soap duty. Lucas lathered his chest and tummy and moved close to Heather.

“Heather, this isn’t going to work. With the little general in his current state, I can’t get close enough.” Lucas’s dick stood tall and hard.

“Well, use your imagination. Get close and I’ll help.”

Reaching down between her legs, she pulled the little general down and put it between her legs, then squeezed gently. The head of Lucas’s cock rubbed against her most sensitive part without effort on Lucas’s part.

Soap in both hands, he began washing her breasts and stomach. He moved down to her pubic area, but his own cock protruded through her legs, making it difficult to be as thorough as he wanted. The cleaner she got, the more excited they both got.

“Heather, this isn’t going to work,” he said in a frustrated tone.” Let’s get the soap off both of us and do this right. Turn around. I want to inspect my handiwork.”

“Sure you do. You don’t want to inspect anything. You just want to put it in.”

Now face to face, the little general pressed hard against Heather’s stomach. Heather and Lucas hugged and kissed as the water streamed over the two of them. Neither cared about a shower. They both began to breathe heavily. Their bodies were sensitive, even to the force of the water—much less one another’s touch.

“Let’s make a little adjustment, Heather. I’m going to hold the little general down, and you lift your right leg just a little.”

Lucas reached around to Heather’s right buttock and gently lifted her, allowing his cock to gently enter her. She could feel her insides fill with the pleasure of Lucas’s enormous dick. Her indescribable euphoric sense was overpowering.

“Lucas, let’s make a dash for the bed. I want to fuck you until you beg for mercy.”

Once towel-dried, they both made tracks to the bed, their private launching pad for their next adventure into each other.

The alarm went off at five. Without hesitation, Lucas and Heather both rose.

“Heather, you can use the restroom first,” Lucas said. “I’ll make us coffee.”

“Got it.”

With that, Heather grabbed her overnight case and headed for the bathroom while Lucas made a small pot of coffee. Lucas delivered Heather’s coffee while she tended to her hair. Shortly after that, she emerged from the bathroom and announced that it was Lucas’s turn. Their entire bathroom routine took thirty minutes, followed by a quick packing of their bags. Hand-in-hand, each with their own small bag, they headed for the car. In need of a quick breakfast, they headed to Country Kitchen again and then got back in the Corvette for a short trip to the track.

“As we approach Speedway,” Lucas said, “the town where the track is located, you’ll notice how the traffic gets heavier, even this early in the morning.”

“And the race starts at eleven?” Heather asked.

“Noon here in Indy, eleven our time, but there are four or five hundred thousand people attending this race, and it creates a huge traffic nightmare the closer you get to race time.”

“I can see the traffic is already building,” said Heather.

“See that traffic backup at that exit? What do you think? Is that line of traffic about a mile long? And this is nearly four hours before the race. That exit will take you directly to the track in Speedway.”

As Lucas moved over to an open lane, Heather asked, “Why aren’t we taking that exit?”

“I can’t stand to sit in traffic. We’re going north about four miles and then coming down to the track from the north. There’s a high school that sells parking spots. That’s where we’re headed. It’s a nice, level, paved lot, and they even open the building so race fans can use their restrooms.”

“That’s nice of them. How far is the track from the school?”

“About two miles—a nice, healthy walk.”

It was a beautiful day in Indianapolis. The sky was bright blue, without a cloud in sight. The temperature was in the upper sixties. The only things visible in the sky were low-flying helicopters for traffic control and other light planes towing banners. The forecast predicted that it would remain clear all day. The temperature was expected to be in the upper seventies or low eighties, making a perfect day for outdoor activities, caps, and sunscreen.

Approaching his preferred exit, Lucas said, “We’re here. Well not exactly at the track, but our parking lot is about three miles from here. See how the traffic is backing up?”

“Cars are everywhere; looks like they’re all headed in the same direction.”

“Mostly they are, but traffic control is exceptional here in Indy. This is a lot of traffic, but it will move right along. Before the race, they turn all of the streets near the track into one-way streets headed toward the track. After the race, they’re one-way streets headed
from the track.”

“I’ve been noticing license plates from all over the country.”

“Not surprised; this is the largest event of its type in the world.”

“Mister Lucas, OK if I turn the heater down? Creeping along warms it up in here.”

“Go for it; do whatever you need to do to stay comfortable. We’re going to turn right at the next light, and our lot is about a mile or two down the road.”

“Will the car be safe on the lot?”

“I think so. I’ve never heard of anyone having a problem. The school may even have someone on duty during the race, I’ve just never asked the question.”

“Lucas, I just want to mention that last night was fun. Thanks for bringing me.”

Putting his arm around Heather’s shoulder, Lucas replied, “I’m glad you came. You’re changing this annual pilgrimage for the better. Makes me wonder why we didn’t do this last year.”

“Can’t worry about what we didn’t do, Lucas. Let’s just enjoy what we have now.”

“Sounds good to me,” replied Lucas. Pointing toward the high school, Lucas said, “There’s the school. That’s where we’re headed. We’ll park the car here and then walk about two miles to the track. Think you’re up to it?”

“After last night, I could walk ten miles.”
Actually my business is sore, and I would prefer not walking, but I can take it.

Lucas leaned over and kissed Heather on the head without saying anything.

Then Lucas pulled his money clip from his pocket and gave it to Heather, asking her to peel twenty dollars off the top to pay for parking.

One of the high school students greeted Lucas and Heather and collected the parking fee as they pulled into the lot. Lucas parked his shiny, red Corvette in an area that looked as well-protected from door dings as possible, considering the event. Heather and Lucas put the top up and secured the car. Once that task was completed, they pulled a backpack from the trunk that they’d already stocked with a supply of water, sunscreen, binoculars, and two radios to provide hearing protection and help them stay informed about the event. Prior to beginning their hike to the track, they both used the school’s restrooms. Before heading in different directions, they agreed to meet at the front door.

“I know that a two-mile hike is a little much, but I think this is the best place to park,” Lucas said when they met up again. “I’ve been doing this for years. I think you will even find the walk to the track interesting.”
I hadn’t ever been concerned about my car in the past, but with Heather bringing it up, it makes me wonder.

“Well, I sure am looking forward to it. I just can’t believe this atmosphere! So many people for one event!”

“Mind-boggling, isn’t it?”

Lucas and Heather began their journey. Lucas wore the backpack and Heather walked empty-handed. Everything she would need was either in the backpack or in her pockets. Lucas wore jeans to protect his legs from the afternoon sun, and to provide warmth from the early morning chill he’d sometimes encountered at this event. His shirt was a light blue, long-sleeved shirt, also for warmth and for protection from the sun. Should it be necessary, the sleeves could always be rolled up. Since the sun had never bothered her before and she wanted to dress for afternoon heat, Heather wore Bermuda shorts and a light tan, strapless top. Both wore running shoes.

The walk to the track, Lucas said, would take about forty minutes. There were two routes to choose from. One was on concrete for the entire trip, and the other cut through a huge field also used for camping. Walking through the grass was the shorter of the two, but not always the cleanest, and definitely not the smoothest. They opted for the longer, smoother route on the way to the track, but planned to use the shortcut after the race. Along the way they passed a church that also sold parking spaces.

By then, the track was in sight. Its massive structure on the north end of the track made it seem closer than it actually was. The street that ran next to the sidewalk they used had been turned into a one-way street. There were cars and buses lined up two abreast, creeping along. Those cars made up a line of traffic about a mile long, headed for an enormous grass field used to park cars and operated by the track. Strolling along at a comfortable pace, Heather and Lucas enjoyed the sights, especially the people, along the way.

All the nearby homes had turned their lawns into parking lots. The closer to the track they were, the more expensive those manicured parking spots became. Out by the school, a parking spot cost ten dollars, while a home within blocks of the track might sell a spot for as much as forty dollars. Many of those same one-day entrepreneurs also sold ice water and soda, and the really aggressive homeowners even included hot dogs and other food. Official vendors began to pop up about a quarter of a mile from the track, selling everything from T-shirts to radios and toy cars. If you could name it, they probably sold it.

On the north end of the track was a large, grassy area. Only about one-quarter of that area got early morning shade, so race fans tended to gather close to the track to get a little rest and avoid the sun before finding their seats. Finding seats for the regular fans was not an issue, but for the first-timer it could be like looking for a needle in a haystack. The track was a two-and-a-half-mile oval with bleachers lining most of the track, except for the back stretch and portions of the curves. Finding your assigned seat could be tricky.

Heather and Lucas entered the track at the north end and made their way to the grassy area and shade. While Heather staked their claim on a small piece of turf, Lucas went to the closest concession stand for two cups of coffee. After returning to Heather, they both stretched out and engaged in people watching.

“OK, buster: watch it,” Heather said while looking at Lucas as a young, tall blond strolled by.

“You like her choice of clothing today, Heather? A halter top two sizes too small and shorts she no doubt had to lie on a bed to zip up.”

“Shorts? Those aren’t shorts! I can see her checks and everything else,” Heather responded. “What’s the deal? You have that look in your eye, Mr. Lucas. Like to get into those shorts?”

“Not interested,” Lucas said. “I’m already with the most beautiful woman here.”

“Sure,” Heather replied. “I don’t think you’re horny, so it must be the sun.”

“Check this guy out, Heather.”

A middle-aged fellow walked by. He was built like a Coke bottle, wearing biker garb, and had a mustache at least nine inches on each side.

“You will see anything and everything today,” Said Lucas.

With disbelief in her voice, Heather asked Lucas if he thought another approaching lady realized that people could see right through her skirt.

“Heather, that’s why she’s wearing it. She wants the attention. Sad part is, she’s a looker and doesn’t need to flaunt her stuff. Just the same, I’ll let you know what I can see.”
Well, I can see everything, but after last night, sex is the last thing on my mind.

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