Drink Deep

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Authors: Chloe Neill

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Praise for Chloe Neill’s Chicagoland Vampires Novels
Twice Bitten
“The pages turn fast enough to satisfy vampire and romance fans alike.”

“Neill’s briskly paced third Chicagoland Vampires paranormal romance . . . will satisfy returning fans. Merit’s frequently snarky voice and amusing observations about the occasional absurdities of her situation combine with the magic of Neill’s world in a refreshing take on urban fantasy.”

Publishers Weekly
“Neill continues to hit the sweet spot with her blend of high-stakes drama, romantic entanglements, and a touch of humor . . . certain to whet readers’ appetites for more in this entertaining series!”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars)
Friday Night Bites

Friday Night Bites
is wonderfully entertaining and impossible to set down.”
—Darque Reviews
“Proving that her debut was no fluke . . . this qualifies as first-rate fun!”

Romantic Times
Some Girls Bite
“Neill creates a strong-minded, sharp-witted heroine who will appeal to fans of Charlaine Harris’s Sookie Stackhouse series and Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake.”

Library Journal
“Chloe Neill owes me a good night’s sleep. With her wonderfully compelling reluctant vampire heroine and her careful world building, I was drawn into
Some Girls Bite
from page one and kept reading far into the night.”

USA Today
bestselling author Julie Kenner
“Smart, sexy, and delightful. A must read.”
—Candace Havens, author of
Dragons Prefer Blondes
“A fun cast of quirky characters and smoking hot sexual tension . . . a stunning combination.”
—Tate Hallaway, author of
Honeymoon of the Dead
“Packed with complex subplots, embittered family members, and politics, this is an excellent first installment to what should be an outstanding series in a crowded field.”
—Monsters and Critics
“There’s a new talent in town, and if this debut is any indication, she’s here to stay. Not only does Neill introduce an indomitable and funny heroine, her secondary characters are enormously intriguing and make terrific foils. While the tone of this first-person Chicagoland Vampires series starter is generally light, there is an undercurrent of danger. Truly excellent.”

Romantic Times
“Ms. Neill does a fine job of defining her vampire world and making it easy to follow without bombarding readers with irrelevant details.
Some Girls Bite
is engaging, well executed, and populated with characters you can’t help but love. It was impossible to set down.”
—Darque Reviews
Some Girls Bite
] is a superb addition to the urban fantasy genre and I could not put it down . . . captivating.... GO BUY IT NOW! It’s a great urban fantasy tn fan fanthat reads a little like Charlaine Harris’s Southern Vampire series.”
—Literary Escapism
“[With] the story’s fast-paced plotline, entertaining characters, and lingering mysteries, I can just about guarantee that readers will want to read more of this series.
Some Girls Bite
is recommended reading for urban fantasy fans who shouldn’t fail to be pleased with its vampire protagonist and the plethora of supernatural creatures that it introduces to modern day Chicago. Vampire fiction fans should be well served by this vamp-centric story too.”
“There’s a fresh new voice in paranormal and that voice belongs to author Chloe Neill. . . . I was very happy to pick up a book that made me want to turn the pages. The author has created an interesting vampire mythology and a heroine who has spunk and daring; she’s kick-ass without the hard edges.”
—Romance Novel TV
“Hands down, this is one of the best urban fantasy/paranormal romance novels that I’ve ever read. What makes this even more remarkable is that this is not only the first in a series, and therefore has to spend more time on laying the groundwork, but it’s also a debut novel for author Neill. . . . She’s created a unique vampire tale in a genre that’s flush with look-alikes.”
—Undercover Book Lover (Not Really)
“This debut novel by Chloe Neill is not only action-packed—it’s hilarious. I couldn’t put it down; I finished it in hours and jumped online right away to see when book two was out.... [Merit is] extremely charming . . . a great read.”
—Wicked Little Pixie
“I didn’t want to put it down . . . excellently written.... [
Some Girls Bite
] brings a fresh perspective on the vampire craze that is going around these days. The book has a little bit of Harry Potter in it, a little bit of the Southern Vampire Mysteries in it, but with a voice and perspective all its own. No offense to the
fans out there, but the writing from Chloe Neill is IMMENSELY better than that from Stephenie Meyer. I just really enjoyed the book and I am very much looking forward to
Friday Night Bites
. If you are a fan of vampire novels, I think you should give this one a try. I loved it entirely and am now very anxious to read more from Ms. Neill.”
—Pink Is the New Blog
Some Girls Bite
Friday Night Bites
Twice Bitten
Hard Bitten
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First Printing, November 2011
Copyright © Chloe Neill, 2011
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