Driven By Love (19 page)

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Authors: D. Anne Paris

BOOK: Driven By Love
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The sound was getting louder. She had to make an escape fast. The frigid air she inhaled calmed and energized her. Her mind was racing as she scrambled for a plan. She quickly dismissed several ideas, then decided on an old stand-by. All the years of being a Hollywood star were now going to save her life.

In an instant, her body went limp and began to slide off the guard’s shoulder.

“I think she passed out, Mr. Foss,” the guard told him as he tried to adjust her body before it hit the stone path. Anne fought the urge to resist the fall. She felt her arm crack against the stone as it fell completely limp. She didn’t wince in the slightest, despite the painful shock against her skin.

The guard awkwardly held her head up with his one arm and steadied himself with the other as he crouched down. He shifted his balance nervously as Marshall shot him a shocked look.

“What?” The fear in his voice was undeniable as he raced to her, scooping his hand under her head while pushing the guard away. He pressed his frigid fingers against her neck, desperately looking for a pulse. 

“She’s still alive. Quickly, get to the boat, we’re running out of time!”

The guard moved back toward her to pick her up again and load her up onto the boat. Anne knew it was time to make her move. She clenched her fists as she readied herself to deliver the unexpected blow to the guard’s groin. She prayed she’d be fast enough to make it to water before either of them could catch her. The raging water would be extremely dangerous and she wondered how long she could swim against such current in her weakened state. It didn't matter- she was going to be free of Marshall Foss or die trying.

Chapter 27

Dean split from Keith as he went to search the area for guards. Dean got close to the house he knew Anne was in when he suddenly felt her on the move. He had snuck behind the house and was prepared to attack from behind. The whole house was abuzz with activity. He spun away from the window he peeked through just before a guard slammed it shut and locked it. Several people were heading out the front door and not being quiet about it.

He couldn’t risk the noise so he turned off his radio. As he got up to move, he was caught out in the open, unable to move without being seen. Two of the guards walked right past him and looked toward the front of the house at something. If they turned even ten degrees, they’d see him for sure. Dean was ten feet from any kind of cover, caught halfway to his next hiding spot. He dared not even raise his rifle for fear of being seen in the peripheral of the guards.

His heart raced as he stayed motionless, not daring to breathe. It was mere seconds before they turned and moved away. Those seconds seemed like an eternity. All the while he could feel Anne moving away from the house. He could feel her stronger than before.

Dean ran for cover as soon as it was clear. The daylight dwindled as night began to set in. There wasn’t much in the area to hide behind. The nearest neighboring house was at least 400 feet away. The growing darkness was his best cover. Two guards were at the front of the house. They both had weapons drawn and were scanning the area.
Shit, did they see us?
Dean thought to himself. Then one of the guards ran off, leaving one at the front door with his back to Dean.

Dean sprinted from where he was hiding towards the guards. Before Dean could even be sure of his next move, he had already covered the guard’s mouth and slid his knife across the guard’s throat. He dragged him behind the side of the house nearly soundlessly. He held the guard until he was lifeless.

A moment later, his heart leapt. He caught sight of the main group of guards heading toward the boat. Several were boarding with one lagging behind carrying something over his shoulder.
his mind screamed as he caught sight of her face dimly lit by the lights from the boat. She looked lifeless, but he could feel her even stronger now than before. He grabbed his AR-15 off his shoulder and bolted toward a group of boulders lining the edge of the beach. He wasn’t concerned with being seen and was reckless in his assault.

He slid into position like a baseball player sliding into home, feet first. The inertia from his sprint moved his upper body forward as he placed his rifle onto the rock and lined up his sites. The guard suddenly lost his balance and nearly dropped Anne. The large guard stepped back as another man moved in toward Anne. Dean made his target and honed in. The light from the boat was like a spotlight on his target.


The unmistakable thunder of a gunshot rang out from nearby. The guard fell lifeless to his knees as a bullet lodged into his head. His falling body came crashing down toward Anne.

Anne wiggled away from his grasp and stood before his body could crush her.

In an instant, Marshall grabbed her as a shield and scurried backwards towards the dock. Another one of his bodyguards from the boat came out and shot back.

“Whoever you are… you can’t win. I own the police and Feds! I have more power than you can ever dream of.”

“You pissed off Bulldog and the Marines. No power can help you now!” a male voice roared. Anne's heart leapt with hope. Dean! He found her! 

“Let her go!” Dean threatened with a primal growl.

"Never!" Marshall sneered.

Cold metal pressed into the side of Anne's neck. A gun! A chill crawled up her spine as the gun's nuzzle poked deeper into her gullet.

Twist away. She had to twist away from him to give Dean a clean shot.

Marshall dragged her towards the boat as his bodyguards fired shots towards the ridge where Dean was. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a large boulder about a hundred feet away near the edge of the shore. If she escaped, she might get shot.

More shots rang out from both the guards and Dean’s position. She saw puffs of dust and debris pop up all over the boulder at Dean’s position. Suddenly, the bodyguard behind them screamed in pain and slumped to the ground with a thud. Several others from the boat fanned out and took cover and readied to return fire.

She let her body go limp, using the weight of her body to catch Marshall off guard as he tried to grab her before she fell. While the gun no longer pointed at her neck, she twisted. With one hand, she grabbed the gun and tore it from his grip. She swung the other and punched him under his nose. He howled in pain.

She sent out a silent prayer that a bullet wouldn’t hit her and bolted towards the boulder. Halfway there, she slipped and tumbled with a thud against the rocks.

More shots zinged from Dean’s position , and now a second position along the same edge of the beach but further to the south. They missed Marshall, who jumped onto the boat. The boat’s engine revved up as he tried to escape. Anne would have the last laugh. She reached out to the boat. She asked it to take him to the middle of the lake and circle endlessly until he ran out of fuel. The boat didn't seem to mind the idea. The guards continued to return fire at Dean and the other shooter.

She saw Dean poke out from behind the rocks to take another shot. She heard a loud bang and heard him cry out and scramble for cover.

“Dean!” She had to get to him. She pushed her body up and ran up the steep sloping beach towards the ridge where she heard his voice. She was only about 100 yards from Dean but it felt so much farther as she raced to him. All the while she was terrified, not knowing how badly he was hurt. Shots rang out and echoed all around. It was difficult to tell who was shooting at who.

“Dean!” Anne screamed as she ran from cover and headed in his direction.

"Stay back!" he yelled.

She kept climbing and ducked behind boulders to dodge the whizzing bullets.

As she crouched behind a boulder, she looked up toward the house and saw one of Marshall’s guards in the window aim his gun again at Dean. Before she could scream she saw another man come up from behind. The guard slumped down on the floor a second later. The other man poked a large gun through the broken window and took aim.

Chapter 28

Tiny briefly glanced at the lifeless guard. He had snapped his neck like it was a tooth pick. He didn't have time to think about his victim. He knew his friends were counting on him. He was their only cover. He didn't know how many guards were out there or where they were positioned.

The last of the daylight was fading as he scanned the area looking for targets. He made out Dean’s position as Anne ran toward him. He shot at a few shadows. They were almost certainly pointless targets but he had to keep the enemy guessing and ducking for cover. Then he heard the engine of Marshall’s boat rev up as it slowly pulled away from shore. Tiny now had his first real target.

He knew the enemy had to be stopped and only knew one way to do it. He dropped the magazine from his weapon and loaded a new one from his bag which contained specialized incendiary bullets. He lined up his target quickly and fired in rapid succession. Round after deafening round hit the boat until one found its way to the gas tank, igniting it and the rest of the boat in a fierce ball of fire.

A short smirk shone on his face as he saw a fireball escape from the hull. He dropped the magazine and replaced it with conventional ammunition. Slowly, he scanned the area again for any sign of additional guards. The light from the burning boat flickered and lit the shoreline. He searched the area for both friend and foe as he listened to his radio for any information from Dean or Keith.

He finally saw Keith race to Dean’s position. Keith must have seen Dean get hit. “Well, I’ll be damned, I didn’t think you could move that quick with one foot.” Tiny mumbled to himself. He saw Keith jump over the boulder and crouch near Dean and Anne. His heart jumped when he saw Anne reached for Dean’s AR-15. She stopped shortly after apparently realizing they were on the same side.

“Great, Dean’s got himself a trigger-happy girl,” Tiny grumbled to no one in particular. He continued to scan the area for guards. The flickering light from the burning boat made everything appear to move. Sweat began to bead on his brow as he strained to look for danger. He was in his element as the designated marksman and was tense but steady.  Ever watchful, he was ready to destroy anything that dare harm his brothers in arms. He scarcely breathed as he swept the area through the scope of his Barrett M82A1.

Tiny looked for any signs of stray civilians. The foot paths were clear and the only nearby building, a brick garage, looked empty. Tiny paused as his sweep brought him back to where the rest of his team was. Keith was working on Dean’s shoulder. He worried about how bad Dean might be hurt. Tiny watched as Anne got closer to him. She held his hand and looked into his eyes.

“Oh Dean, I sure hope your taste in women has improved.”

He had his reservations about Dean’s last romantic encounter right before it had ended in an epic disaster. That one required a court martial to sort out.

Tiny cursed himself for letting the distraction get the better of him as he heard a fresh shot ring out. Before he could make out the shooters location, Anne had already grabbed Dean’s AR-15 and returned fire. The shooter ducked behind a boulder before he could line up a shot. Then he heard Anne yell out loud, “Shit! I am out of ammo!”

As Tiny began to mentally scold her for needlessly letting the enemy know her weakness, he noticed she wasn’t ducking. She held her aim where the shooter had been before. A second later the guard went for the kill. Instead of trying to reload her rifle, she began firing. Tiny had the shooter lined up and fired at the same time as Anne. Both Anne and Tiny hit the guard, killing him instantly. Apparently her ruse had worked.

“Nice one, Hollywood.” Tiny said out loud. He suddenly had second thoughts about Anne. “Hmmm… this one may have some potential after all.”

Some movement to the north caught his eye and he took aim at the garage. He was about to fire when he noticed the lights had gone on in several of the houses. Tiny waited. He needed to be sure he wasn’t about to fire on any bystanders who may have gotten in the way.

It wasn’t the first time he had to worry about civilian casualties. He wanted a better look at the area before engaging. The building they were behind was in a good spot to ambush Anne, Dean and Keith. He fumbled for his night vision goggles. As he swung them up to his face he felt the slushing of water inside.
The cheap civilian-grade night vision goggles he brought had leaked and failed. In frustration, he whipped them at the wall. They splintered into a thousand pieces like they had been shot out of a cannon.

Then he saw the flash of gunfire coming from behind the building.
Ah, those ARE bad guys
. He lit up the area with devastating fire from his .50 caliber rifle. Moments later, he saw two figures flee north. One was clutching his shoulder.

“Tiny, what’s the status?” Keith asked through his radio.

“The boat is completely engulfed in flames. I didn’t see anyone jumping overboard. I saw two guards fleeing north. I think I wounded one of them, but I don't see anything else at the moment. Looks like we’re clear. I’ll do another sweep, but be advised, I am night blind.”

“Dean’s been hit. Looks like we are on Plan B for evac. We have to get to a boat.”

“It’s not that bad!” Tiny heard Dean growl in the background.

“Nearest hospital is on the mainland. I know where we can get a boat. Get to the dock we saw on the way in. I have a friend with a boat there. Look for the Neptune's Belle. It'll have fuel and a key stashed on board,” Tiny told him through the radio.

“Roger that, Tiny. I’ll get a spot near there and cover you. Meet us there.” Keith ordered.

Several loose shots rang out from the remaining guards. They tested the area, looking for other possible attackers beyond Dean’s position. It wouldn’t be long before they would try to attack. A guard tried to take out Tiny’s position but was obliterated as a round from Tiny’s rifle blew a chunk of rock into his head.

Tiny watched as Keith left Dean and Anne. He moved through the area, methodically looking for danger. Eventually, Keith got to an obvious cover spot. As he got the okay over the radio, Tiny headed out of the house and worked his way to the garage where his friend’s boat was stored. As he ducked out of the window more and more bullets were landing near his position. He was ducking out just in time.

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