Driver, T. C. (28 page)

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Authors: The Great Ark

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BOOK: Driver, T. C.
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Chapter eight: Crossing the Great Horn

During the next three day flight cycle I was summoned to Captain Joe Coe’s office each day. Not the bridge but his office. This was odd it just didn’t happen. Maybe I’ll get fired and get out of my contract. I opened the office door that first day. Joe ignored my presence.

“Hello Joe,” …... I said

“Yes Cornelius, come on in!” said Joe without looking up. “I have been reading Professor Whitt’s book. Thought you might like to discuss some things. We have a special project coming up soon. You and I both need to be up to speed.”

“Ok Joe,”
I answered.

“Before we start our Bible study lets clear the air Cornelius! GIVE UP ON THE SOUND BARRIER ATTEMPTS ALREADY!” Joe shouted. “You are using up too much fuel OK! And off the record you are right. B48 will or could do 1,145 miles per hour, mach 1.6 in high altitude flight. We know our planes Cornelius now quit fooling around.

“So why
slow it down?”
I asked

“A Boeing company selling point!” said Joe “People buy these planes because they’re hydrogen powered and subsonic knuckle head.”

“You mean I’m flying a war plane that’s been purposely slowed down?” I answered, “I’m not sure I like that Joe!”

“You don’t matter Cornelius. There will soon be a Peach tree Preserve in parts of Mexico, Texas and, Arizona. These people are serious about saving the Peach tree Gnat and saving Africa from human development. No sonic booms will be allowed. What’s more important? Some old has been Navy pilot or saving a place for the lion to roar! Now shut up about it!

“Ok Joe” I said while shaking my head and thinking to myself (
The good of the many)
Joe then said

“Turn to Genesis four- verse 2 and read it Cornelius

And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name E-nos! Then began men to call upon the name of the lord!

Joe then pointed at his blackboard and said,

“Notice – Seth and Enos are both (special) or different. Two things are very different about the Biblical birth record of Enos. First the Bible does not say that Adam knew his wife like all others before. The Bible does say a few verses later that Seth begat Enos. But does not say again (like all others before) who he begat. Also for some reason men started praising God or calling on God when Enos was born. Why Enos? Why him not others? Why the name Enos? Here is a question for you. What if there was an unnamed woman not named in the birth record. Notice that “sons of God” are never named and that they are sexual. We know that “sons of God” mated with earth women from the verse Genesis six. We also know that in the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth that babies will be born on earth to humans and that these babies will have to come to know Christ as Lord before the coming down of the New Jerusalem. We also know that “sons of Gods are not angels, and that angels are not given in marriage and neither are saints in Heaven. The question is could Whitt be right? Could there have been a woman “Sons of God” during this time or not?
Could it be just like us using the term mankind today to talk about both men and women?
What do you think about all of this Cornelius?

“The Bible does not say, Joe. We don't know for sure. Sometimes we just don't know. Could a woman Sons of God have mated with the male, Seth? I don't know Joe” I answered.

Joe stood up saying, “Remember, Cornelius, God is attracted to and uses weaker vessels than himself. He must. We are here for
glory and Sons of God work for God. They are chosen for different jobs. They
the future. 'We' are washed by the blood, the King of Kings. Jesus is God made flesh. He still is in a glorified body. At the end of the Bible Cornelius where do we end up?”

I hesitated. “Do you mean us saints, or us sinners Captain Coe, maybe in Hell (Ha-ha)? You and me….. we?”

“We become 'sons of God', Cornelius,” shouted Joe. “We are with Jesus. With him for one thousand years and yes, during this time, we are also given in marriage. When the thousand years is up, children
have been born. Then the New Jerusalem comes down and the earth is made new! Revelation 21v1-9”

I grinned “That's my favorite verse in the Holy Bible!”

1.) I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

(2.) I, John saw the Holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from heaven, prepared as a bride for her husband.

(3.) And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

(4.) And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

(5.) And he that sat upon the throne said, behold, I make all things new, and he said tome, write: for these words are true and faithful.

(6.) And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

(7.) He that over cometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my Son.

Captain Coe speaks up “Yes and the New Jerusalem is huge. It’s a space ship in the heavens and has
been around for thousands of years, but it will be new to us. We won't need the earth, moon or sun. We will be with Jesus, doing what? Is this God's heaven? Or do we travel with Jesus?

“What did you say, Captain?” I asked.

“Turn to the book of Job, Cornelius” said Joe. Chapter 1:6
now there was a day when the Son's of God came to present themselves before the Lord! And Satan came also among them!

“Ok, Joe” I said.

Joe Coe then asked “What's another group of God's chosen workers that Satan also 'came along'? The disciples! Jesus told Peter to 'get yea behind me Satan! And of course, the whole, one of you is a devil'. Comment: the 'Sons of God' were not angels or the Bible would have said so. Satan hitched a ride
them to approach God. Also, the Sons of God
with God when God created the universe! Turn to Job 38:1-13. God is speaking to Job:

Then the Lord answered Job, out of the whirlwind!

Who is this that darken counsel by works without knowledge

Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee and answer thou me!

Where wast thou when I laid the foundation of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding

Who hath laid the measure, there of, if thou knowest? Or who hath stretched the line upon it?

Where upon are the foundations of these fastened, or laid the cornerstone thereof?

When the morning stars sang together and all the Sons of God shouted for Joy?

Or who shut up the sea door, when it break forth as if it had issued out of the womb?

When I made the cloud the garment thereof and a thick darkness a swaddling hand for it!

And break up for it my decreed place and set bars and doors.

And said, hither to shalt thou come, but no further and here shall the proud waves be stayed?

Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days, caused the spring to know his place

That it might take hold of the ends of the
earth that the wicked might be shaken out of it!


Joe stood up and spoke. “Notice that the Sons of God are mentioned separate from angels. Notice that they work for God. They were to report before God. Did some do a better job than others? Why report? One would think so. One day the Bible says we will be called 'Sons of God'! Will we have a job to do, a time to report? Or do you believe we will play a harp forever and ever? These Sons of God are not perfect, they are not God. But rather with and governed by Lord Jesus. I believe God gives us important work to do because he loves us, even as an earthly father gives responsibility and work to his son.”

“Yes Joe,” I said, speaking up. “It's a good thing God uses men who are deeply flawed, that the gifts of God come before repentance. One could make a good argument that we are two of the world's worst, you and me”

Captain Coe laughed, “Speak for your self Cornelius.”

Joe and I ended the night's Bible study with a memory verse for our next meeting; Jeremiah 33:3 and we were to repeat it.
Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not (repeat).

The Great Ark was moving south again. The Chinese needed no more help around the Canal Zone. Another Company ship was now at Taco station. The poor 'Cats' would get no rest. Both Washington and Mexico City were demanding more kills. The failing economy in America was hitting the Mexican slave camps hard. Buzz about the ship was the coming crossing of the Great Horn of the Americas where the oceans of the world come together with a clash of majesty and fury. Crossing the Great Horn is special in one's life. The ship's crew was looking forward to that day. I finished another flight roster; no whales to count. I didn't play any silly games, no cruise ships, no buzzing of fishing boats. I noticed that our flight deck was shut down. The next three day cycle was completely empty. No drones. No student training. No ship protection patrols; not even the mail plane. The Ark's flight deck was shut down. Life was easy on this big, floating college town, city or warship. We were slowing down. Also, old sailors like me could see evidence of land on the far horizon. For the second day now from the Canal Zone we were close to shore, most paid no mind. Once again, Captain Joe summoned me to his office, not to his bridge; again this was very rare for me.

I texted Joe back, “You had better have coffee or red wine! I'm missing my Gospel Cafe!”

While I walked down the starboard side of the ship, the fresh air and sea breeze were exhilarating. Even in the late evening, I could still see signs of land on the far horizon.

“Hello Cornelius,” said Captain Coe.

“Hello Captain,” I replied.

Instead of speaking, he tossed the big globe on his desk to me like a basketball. I then recited our memory verse.

“Excellent, Cornelius,” said Joe. “Have you read the book of Isaiah?”

“Yeah sure I have Joe.”

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