Dual Abduction (8 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Dual Abduction
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“Like you gave her a choice,” he snorted.

“She’s standing right here,” Louisa snapped. “And I haven’t chosen anybody.”

“Then why did you allow him to touch you?” Brax asked, not completely able to hide the hurt.

“I didn’t mean to. It just kind of happened. It won’t happen again.”

“What do you mean, you won’t let me pleasure you again? But you enjoyed it,” Xarn sputtered. “I felt you come on my fingers.”

“Yes you did. Thanks. It was fun.”

Brax laughed. “So much for your technique. Wait until she tastes mine. It will put yours to shame.”

Her eyes rounded in surprise. “Hold on there, purple stud. Who said anything about you getting a shot?”

“It is only fair that I be given the same opportunity as my brother in arms to pleasure you so that you might decide which of us you prefer.”

“First off, I’m not choosing anybody, and second, just because he caught me off guard and copped a feel,” she blushed, “doesn’t mean I’m going to turn around and let you.”

“Yeah,” Xarn said, crossing his arms over his chest with a smirk.

“Unacceptable. I insist on having the same privilege of making you orgasm.”

Her blush deepened, and of interest to him was the fact she tried to hide the fact her nipples protruded through her gown. She could deny it all she wanted. She wasn’t being truthful when she said she had no interest.

“Are you guys both deaf? Does the word
not mean the same thing out here as it does on earth?”

“My hearing is perfectly fine,” Brax replied. “As is my sense of fair play. Brother, if you would excuse us, it is my turn.”

Xarn snapped, “You heard what she said. She doesn’t want you.”

“Are you afraid that once I pleasure her she will know who is the true master of the sensual arts?” Brax couldn’t resist the sly taunt. And it worked.

A glower crossed his friend’s face. “Fine. Try your best, she’ll still prefer me. But since I never got to use my dick, neither do you.”

A smile curved his lips. “Deal. My lips could use a workout. Now, if you don’t mind.”

“Hello, still here and I do mind,” she sputtered.

“You lie because I can see and smell the interest in your body.” Brax waited until Xarn stomped off before he turned back to face her and let his grin widen. “Fear not, you will enjoy this.”

“But I don’t…” Her protest faded as he dropped to his knees and placed his face against her mound, the thin material of her shift covering it but not masking her scent. He nuzzled her, inhaling her fragrance, strong because of her recent climax.

“What are you doing?” she asked in a husky voice. “I just came. You’re wasting your time. I can’t come twice in a row.”

“If that is your belief then where is the harm in letting me try?” Placing his hands on her thighs, he pushed the material of her gown up until her cleft appeared. He pressed his lips against the vee of her legs, feeling her tremble.

“You shouldn’t do this. Isn’t there like some taboo rule about making out with the same girl your buddy has?”

“Actually, many friends choose to share the same female as mate.”

“Well, that’s insane. I am a one guy kind of gal.”

“As am I. So, we are well matched. But with two such fine specimens to choose from, let me help you make the right choice.”

“You’re going to audition for the part of my boyfriend by trying to make me come? Are you nuts?”

“I am not a hard shelled fruit, but I am very aroused.”

“So jack off.”

“Do all human females speak as much during intimate moments?” He breathed his question against her soft mound.

She shivered. “Ah hell. You aren’t going to give up are you?”

“No. So prepare to enjoy yourself.” He pulled her thighs apart, not that she truly tried to stop him. Inserting his face between them, he let his tongue trace the delicate edge of her lower lips. The sweet nectar of her body made him close his eyes in pleasure.

He licked again, parting the folds, delving into her sex. She gasped and her fingers came to rest on his head, her nails digging as he lightly stroked her back and forth.

Already sensitized from the ministrations of his sword brother, her flesh quivered under his delicate onslaught. He tongued over a protruding nub and her hips arched against his face, her violent reaction almost knocking him over — and delighting him.

Holding onto her tightly, he played with the sensitive flesh, flicking it, sucking it, even grazing it with his teeth. She keened, she arched, her nails clawed into his scalp, and he enjoyed every moment of it.

“Oh God, I’m going to come,” she exclaimed at one point. What a beautiful thing to hear, but he wanted more. He wanted her to scream like she had for Xarn. Scream for him as she came.

A few more flicks of his tongue against her nub, and her body went rigid. A low, cry left her that grew in pitch. He thrust his tongue into her shuddering sex, and to his shameful delight, as her orgasm rocked her body, his cock answered, pulsing hot cream into his trousers as he drank her climax, felt it gripping his tongue and shuddering against his lips.

He’d never experienced anything so arousing and fulfilling in his life — and without his cock even making an appearance.

Standing, his hands bracing her shivering body, he hugged her to him, never wanting to let her go.

“I can’t believe you made me come a second time,” she gasped, her face buried in the curve of his neck.

“A less chivalrous male would say I told you so.”

She chuckled. “I think you just did.”

“So, shall I tell Xarn your choice?”

“Sorry, stud. While that was fun, and I mean really fun, I’m still not budging. I am not selecting one of you as a boyfriend. So now what?”

“In the spirit of fair competition, I should take my leave but do not wish to,” he admitted.

“You can’t leave yet,” she squeaked. She leaned back to peer at him with wide eyes. “Not only can I not stand, even if I could walk, I can’t go back in there looking and feeling like this. My class will know we made out.”

“This ‘made out,’ it is a human expression for me pleasuring you with my tongue?”

“Yes.” The dark red flush in her cheeks delighted him.

It seemed his feisty human not only hid a passionate nature, but a softer side as well. “Come, I will take you somewhere you might rest alone. And when you wake, there are bathing facilities you may use to cleanse yourself.”

“I’ve seen your facilities. I’m going to need more than a toilet and a sink.”

“Mine has a large shower.”

“But my girls…”

“Will be notified that you are resting in a quiet location and will return after the sleeping period.” He scooped her into his arms and took her to his room. Xarn wouldn’t like it, but Brax didn’t care.

His female needed time to recover and what better place than his bed?

Once she finally chose him —
how could she not with the pleasure I just gave her?
— it would make the speed with which he could sink his cock into her all the quicker.


Chapter Seven


Slut. I am a purple alien slut.

How she’d gone from adamantly refusing to consider either of her captors to letting both of them bring her to orgasm, she still didn’t quite grasp. They touched her, and she melted like a popsicle in a July heat wave. And even more shameful, she loved it.

More than loved it, she came so hard she couldn’t think straight. And forget standing — her legs wobbled like Jello. She didn’t have the energy to protest much when Brax carried her to his room and tucked her in with a light kiss. She didn’t give her charges a second thought, leaving them alone, probably scared and uncertain. Okay, that was probably inaccurate. Left alone to their own devices, her girls probably plotted which meant all manners of havoc would occur.

A part of her knew she should get out of the comfy bed — where she’d slept long enough to feel rested. But, Brax did mention some kind of bathing option, and boy, did she need it. Washing in a sink didn’t exactly leave a woman feeling fresh. But a shower wasn’t her only reason for agreeing to stay in his room. If she were to dig deeper for the truth, she still felt kind of horny, a problem compounded by the fact Brax’s scent lingered on the sheets cocooning her.

What was it about them that acted like some kind of aphrodisiac? Smelling a guy shouldn’t make her squirm in heat. Remembering his touch—Xarn’s as well—shouldn’t make her hand slide under the covers to rub over her slick flesh.

Knowing it was wrong—
so naughty
—didn’t stop her from stroking herself, a sigh of pleasure leaving her as she caressed her sensitized clit. Her hips pumped against her hand as she wound her pleasure tighter and tighter…

The swish of a door sliding open froze her and she opened her eyes in shock to see both her purple studs wedged in the entrance, struggling to make it through at once. The smoldering blaze in their eyes sucked the breath from her but she still managed a choked, “Get out.”

“But we could see on the monitor that you have need. Just tell us which one you prefer and the other will go,” Brax stated, the heat in his eyes making her pussy quiver.

Worse than her body’s betrayal, she almost shouted,
I need you both.
She refrained from saying it and stuck with, “Get out.”

“There is no need for embarrassment, my sweet barbarian,” Xarn coaxed. “I am more than eager to take care of your insatiable desire for me.” He winked. She wanted to kiss him until he went crossed eyed. Go down on him until his eyes rolled up in his head…

Ah fuck. Aroused, caught masturbating, and wanting to take them both up on their offer, she fluctuated between mortified and annoyed. “Get out!” she yelled, needing some space and privacy to figure out what the hell was going on.

With chagrined looks that put puppy dog eyes to shame, they left. And she immediately regretted it. Her pussy still ached for fulfillment. But now that she knew they had cameras watching, she couldn’t do a damned thing about it. Actually, she could, but that would be like pouring oil on an already out of control fire.

Grumbling about voyeuristic alien perverts—hot ones that confused the hell out of her—she stumbled from the bed. Her shift clung to her, and one whiff told her it needed changing, but into what? She didn’t exactly have a wardrobe at her disposal. Or did she?

While no visible chest of drawers adorned the room, lucky her, she found some clothes draped over a chair. The pants appeared way too large, but the shirt would cover her more than her current gown. Apparel situation solved, now she just needed to find a way to wipe the scent of pussy from herself.

A narrow entrance in one wall led into a cubicle like room. A bathroom? But how did it work? The one that adjoined the rec room they’d imprisoned them in had something similar to what she was used to on earth; a toilet and a sink, albeit a streamlined, futuristic version.

She popped back out and looked for another door, but other than the one into the room, only the empty one adjoined. Brax did say his room had a bathroom, so logic said she’d found it. She scrutinized the cubicle. Several raised buttons on the wall, bearing glyphs, mocked her. How bad could it be if she hit one?
I mean, it’s not like they’d keep a self-destruct button in a closet right?
Or so she hoped.

Taking a deep breath, and hoping she didn’t harm herself by accident, she slapped the first button and a mirror dropped from the ceiling, startling a shriek from her—more because she had the worst case of bed head she’d ever seen. And were those swollen red lips—well kissed ones—truly hers?

A second press of the button and the mirror receded and she moved onto the next protrusion. Pressing it, she watched the ceiling. Wrong! Something shot out of the wall and molded itself from the top of her belly button to the middle of her thighs. The strangest sensation went through her and she struggled to get free only to have the contraption release her on its own and slide back in the wall—the bottom half of her gown gone with it. Once she’d ascertained it wouldn’t return to attack her, she realized that her urge to pee, along with a number two pressure, had disappeared.

Holy crap. The contraption molested me for my urine.
She wasn’t sure she approved of the device but couldn’t deny it would probably save on the annoying task of toilet bowl cleaning.

One button remained, and after her recent experience, she debated if she should touch it or not. The odor of her body decided for her. She closed her eyes and pressed. A click made her eyes shoot open and she noted the opening to the bedroom was gone. Before she could panic, a light mist surrounded her, the moisture warm on her body and making the remaining half of the gown she still wore damp.

“Now that’s more like it.” She stripped the rag off and dumped it in a corner. Raising her arms, she spread them wide and let the water hit every part of her, but the mist didn’t spray hard enough to truly rinse her, and she really wished for some soap. Peeking around, she noted three new buttons had appeared. She poked one and the mist turned into a blue foam. She squeaked in surprise, but then laughed as she noted that it didn’t sting her eyes, and tasted sweet when it accidentally hit her lips. Assuming it acted as some kind of cleansing agent, she rubbed it on her body, her hands lingering over her breasts, their full weight in her palms an aching reminder of their neglect when the friends played with her previously.

A stroke of her thumbs over the peaks and she shivered, the nipples shriveling into tight buds.
If only I’d not acted so hastily and sent them both away.

But that would have meant choosing one of them and she couldn’t, because despite their short acquaintance, she liked them both. Sure, she’d not conversed with them much directly, but despite her hiding in the bathroom, she’d watched—and learned. She noted how they took time to talk to her girls and learn their names among other things. Even when her mischievous class pulled some pranks, like dumping juice on their crotch and snickering at the wet spot, the warriors just shrugged and laughed along with them. The purple dudes treated them quite well actually if one ignored the fact they restricted them to the one large room. For the safety of the ship, or so she’d heard. She couldn’t really blame them. She’d seen her misfits in action, beside Louisa had already accidentally blown up one ship. It wouldn’t do to destroy another.

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