Read Duet in Blood Online

Authors: J. P. Bowie

Tags: #Romance

Duet in Blood (26 page)

BOOK: Duet in Blood
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J.P. Bowie



“Where is he now?” I asked.

Marcus smiled. “Of all places, the Vatican.”

I gaped at him. “Like the Vatican in Rome where the Pope hangs out?”

Joseph laughed at my amazement. “That same.”

“But how? Why? Surely the Pope doesn’t know he has a vampire staying with him.”

“I should think the Pope doesn’t know the vast majority of the people housed in the Vatican,” Marcus said, pouring us all some more wine. “Bernard works in the archives and has done so for many years.”

“Wow,” I breathed. “It never occurred to me that some vampires would work for a


Joseph chuckled. “Well, we’re not all as wealthy as Marcus, you know.”

I looked at him. “Oh, that’s right. You told me you were a financier, but with all that I’ve discovered recently, I figured that was just a cover.”

“No, I really do work for Marcus—and for Jean-Claude, and a great many other

wealthy investors.”

“Wow,” I muttered again. “You guys are a surprise a minute. So this Bernard…are you still in touch with him?”

“Indeed,” Marcus replied. “He told me recently that he has uncovered some fascinating documents that might just change the way the world regards religious beliefs.”

“Like what?” Roger asked.

“He couldn’t give me any specifics at the time, but said he was going to show the documents to one of the Cardinals before long to get his opinion on them.”

“How does he manage to uh…you know…uh…find sustenance?” I asked.

“He is very resourceful,” was all Marcus would reply.

After a time, we left them there, Joseph eager to show me more of Montmartre, and I wanting to be alone with just him. We strolled hand-in-hand up the steep narrow streets towards the illuminated dome of the Sacre-Coeur on the top of the hill. A breath-taking sight, and again, I marvelled at my actually being here in Paris. Even this seemed like a dream.

What could be better than this?
I thought. Standing here, holding hands with the most handsome man in the world, gazing up at one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world—

was I not the luckiest guy in the world?


J.P. Bowie



“As I told you once before…” Joseph hugged me to his side. “I am the lucky one.”

“Again with the mind reading. When do I get to do that?”

“I think you already can read my mind,” he said with a grin.

“Oh right…but that’s easy, when it’s on that one-track.”

“That you lead me to so quickly.”

“You complaining?”

“What do you think?”

“I think it’s time you took me home.”

He looked around then led me into the shadows where he wrapped his arms around

me and delivered a long, hot, scorching kiss to my mouth.

“Hold tight,” he whispered.

Not something I’d ever argue with, but this time he really meant hold tight. We were already at roof top height before I realised we were actually flying. We soared into the night sky, leaving the dome of the Sacre-Coeur cathedral far below us and the lights of Paris stretched out as far as I could see.

“All right?” he asked, his face pressed to mine.

“Yeah…just don’t get a cramp or something.”

He laughed as we zoomed through the cool night air, then as if flying wasn’t amazing enough, we started making out.

I don’t think words could ever describe what that felt like, so I won’t even try. Suffice to say that when we landed on the balcony outside his apartment we were both sporting raging hard-ons and only got halfway across the living room floor before we were rolling around naked on the rug in front of the fireplace that had very conveniently become filled with glowing embers.

Happy Birthday, Micah!



J.P. Bowie


Chapter Fourteen

Ron called around ten next morning.

“Wanna grab some coffee and croissants? There’s a café on Boulevard Montmartre that Jean-Claude told me about. I’ve got directions.”

“Sounds good but I don’t know where you are.”

He laughed. “Right…take a cab. Here’s the address…I’ll spell it.”

I looked in on Joseph before I left, but he was deep in his vampire sleep mode. I knew he wouldn’t be up and about ‘til late afternoon, so I left him a note saying I was with Ron. I got a cab almost as soon as I stepped outside, and after reading the address to the cabbie in horrible French, I was soon whizzing through the streets of Paris at breakneck speed. We pulled up outside the café with a screech of brakes, and it was then I realised I had no money. Thank goodness Ron was standing outside waiting for me.

“Ron,” I yelled. “Can you pay the driver?” He ambled over and took care of the fare.

“Sorry,” I said. “It didn’t even occur to me I’m penniless in Paris.”

“Sounds like the title to a book,” he remarked, grinning. “You don’t look penniless.

That’s a nice shirt.” He fingered the material. “New?”

“New to me. It’s Joseph’s. Everything I have on is his, even the shoes. My clothes went up in the explosion.”

“Wow.” He put his arm round my shoulders. “Come on…Jean-Claude says this place is the greatest.”

The aroma of good coffee and warm bread greeted us as we entered the café. After some hilarious attempts to pronounce what we wanted from the chalked menu on the wall, and some help from the cute, perky young waiter who oozed Gallic charm, we settled down with hot black coffee and buttery croissants. Delicious!

“So…” Ron wolfed down about half his croissant in one go. “How long you stayin’?”

“Not sure. I got fired from the bookstore, so there’s no big rush to go back. Maybe another week or so.”

“Mmm…” He wiped the flaky crumbs from his lips. “We could fly back together.”


J.P. Bowie



“You mean in a plane, right?”

“Yeah. As much as I love Jean-Claude, the thought of him carrying me five thousand miles on his back, doesn’t turn me on.” He chuckled. “Roger offered after that Angelo guy made off with you, but I was too chicken.”

“I don’t blame you. Roger’s still a bit erratic when it comes to flying.” I looked at him fondly. “It was really nice of you to come all the way out here, Ron. It gives me a chance to sort of catch up on my sanity. What’s been going on recently is…well…it’s been bizarre, to say the least.”

He nodded and patted my hand. “It really does take time to get used to it all. This is not something you can tell your friends about. My bro would freak if he knew the truth. He and Ted really like Jean-Claude, and they’ve taken to coming down from Portland more often to see us both. It’s been hairy a couple of times—and remember Barney, the cop I dated a couple of years back?”

I nodded yes.

“Well, he’s dating this cute guy, John. I kinda introduced them, and they want us to go out for lunch and stuff, and sometimes Jean-Claude just can’t join us, so they wonder what’s up. Man, I think I’ve used just about every excuse in the book.”

“But would you change any of it?” I asked.

“Sometimes I wish he was just like any other guy, except of course, he never can be. I love him, and I guess I don’t have to tell you about the sex.”

I grinned at him. “Go ahead…”

“You first.” We laughed together, then he said, “He’s just so fantastic, Micah. So sweet and caring.”

“Joseph, too. I have never met a more amazing man. All these preconceived ideas of what a vampire should be just don’t apply to him…or Marcus…or any of them, really.”

Ron nodded. “Yeah. Talk about a case of bad PR.”

“So, have you considered, you know, changing?”

“We’ve talked about, but he’s not in any hurry for me to take that on. I talked to Tony too, about it, and he says he probably will one day. He’s really tight with Roger—they went through something of a nightmare together just before Roger was changed.”

“What happened?”


J.P. Bowie



“Some vampire jerks kidnapped them to get revenge on Marcus and Andorra. Tony

was to be given to some slobbering monster, but he jumped out of the window to escape.

Fortunately, Andorra caught him as he fell or he wouldn’t be around today. But Roger wasn’t so lucky. Right in front of Marcus, they drained him of almost all his blood.”

“He told me that bit,” I said quietly, thinking how horrendous all that must been for the guy. “No wonder he thinks so much of Tony.”

“Yeah, and Tony told me that since Roger’s change he feels he should follow, but right now, he thinks he’s more of a benefit to Andorra if he stays mortal. I get the impression he stays on guard while she sleeps.”

“Wow…and I left Joseph alone in the apartment.”

“He’ll be fine, Micah.”

“But they got to him before.”

“Not at his home. Vampires have special powers to protect what’s theirs while they sleep.”

“But you just said Tony stands guard…”

“That’s Tony.” He smiled. “He likes to play the macho card when it comes to Andorra.

Besides, from what I understand, Angelo and the wizards aren’t a threat anymore.”

I shivered involuntarily. “God, I hope not. That Angelo was one mean fucker.”

“Tell me. So, let’s go see something of Paris. It’s my first time here too, y’know.”



When I got back to Joseph’s apartment, he was lying on the couch reading, dressed in a pair of lounging pants and a sweat top. He smiled and rose to greet me, holding me in his arms as if we’d been apart for weeks instead of hours.

I liked that!

“Did you have fun with Ron?” he asked after giving me a long and rapturous kiss.

“Phew…let me get my breath back,” I teased. “Yes, we had a great time. Saw lots of tourist spots but not the Louvre. I’d really like for you to take me there, maybe late tomorrow afternoon when it starts to get dark?”

“That can be arranged,” he murmured, kissing my neck.


J.P. Bowie



“I just figured you’d know more about it than the tour guides.”

He chuckled. “Why? Just because I’ve been around longer?”

“That, and you’re smarter than most anyone else I know.”

“Flattery will get you anything you want, young man.” He took my hand and led me over to the dining table. I gasped at the array of gift-wrapped boxes spread out across the top of the table.

“Happy Birthday, Micah,” he murmured, his arm around my waist.

“Oh, Joseph.” I stopped myself from saying, ‘Oh, you shouldn’t…’ That always sounds so corny to me, but I was thinking it…so many gifts. “You went out for these—but when?”

“No,” he said chuckling. “I had them delivered from a local men’s boutique. I simply told them your approximate measurements, and they had them all here within the hour—

just before you arrived, actually. Now, open something.”

He seemed as excited as me as I tore at the wrappings…something I found incredibly touching. My eyes were wet as I opened box after box containing a variety of shirts, pants, tees, sandals, shoes, underwear—you name it, he’d thought of it.

“And for the chilly Paris nights,” he said, beaming at me as I opened the last box.

“Something to keep you warm when I cannot.”

I pulled out the most beautiful dark brown leather bomber jacket I’d ever seen. It was butter-soft to the touch and must have cost a fortune. Now I really was crying. “Thank you so much. This is the best birthday I’ve ever had…ever.”

He kissed me gently and wiped my wet cheeks with his thumbs. “You are entirely

welcome, my love. Clothes seemed the most practical of gifts.”

His lips, brushing my neck, were driving me crazy. I could feel the heft of his erection through the thin fabric of his pants. It was causing the most delicious pressure against my hardening cock.

“Do we have any plans for this evening?” I asked.

“No…” His lips had moved to my earlobe. “I thought it would be just you and I for a change.”

“Sounds great. So we can get naked and stay that way all night?”

“That also sounds great.” He unbuttoned my shirt and let it drop to the floor.

“Careful…that’s not mine.”


J.P. Bowie



“It is now.” His lips were now on my chest, teasing each nipple ‘til they hardened under his touch. He unbuckled my belt then pulled down my zipper, his searching hand closing round my rock-hard cock. He knelt in front of me, his lips skimming over my abdomen, his tongue flicking at my navel. I groaned aloud, my fingers brushing through his short dark hair. He looked up at me and smiled, and my heart turned over.

“Oh, Joseph,” I murmured. I fell on my knees and wrapped my arms about him.

Suddenly, there was so much more in what I felt for him than just sex. He had become everything to me—everything I wanted and needed, and I never wanted to let go. “I love you, Joseph. I love you, with all my heart and soul.”

“And I love you, Micah. I always will.”

Much, much later, I rolled out of bed and padded through to the bathroom to relieve myself. As I washed my hands, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and smiled, feeling mighty pleased with myself. Never had I been happier, never so fulfilled, never so loved. In the moments that I would actually stop to wonder at all of this, it still seemed too incredible to be true. Less than a month ago, I was still mooning around, trying to get over Robert, being a pain in the ass to myself, and anyone else who would listen to my whining.

Now, I was in Paris, for Pete’s sake, and had the most beautiful guy making sweet love to me at every opportunity.

True, I was unemployed, but what the hey. I’d take care of that when I got back to LA.

Right now, after what Joseph and I had just been through, we deserved this time together—

to really get to know one another and talk about the future.

The future. Just what did that hold for us? I wondered. Ron had been reticent about talking of the ‘change’. I was sure Tony had been a big influence for him on that matter, but somehow it didn’t seem to equate for Joseph and me. I knew that if he asked me to take the ultimate step, I would say yes.

BOOK: Duet in Blood
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