Dumfries (66 page)

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Authors: Ian Todd

BOOK: Dumfries
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  “Look, Senga, there’s probably no much Ah kin dae aboot whit this Haufwit wan said, at least no until Tony get’s oot,” Johnboy said carefully.

  “Bit, Ah thought youse hiv that fancy lawyer wan that’s supposed tae be good, despite the fact that he didnae appear tae dae ye much help at yer trial?”

  “Graham Portoy,” he said, ignoring the slur.

  “Aye, that’s him.  Ah thought he wis meant tae be good?”

  “He is, and we’ll come tae him in a minute, bit whit Ah’m saying is that ma situation hisnae changed that much fae before ye arrived here yesterday,” he said, hoping tae sound realistic.

  “Why, whit dae ye mean?”

  “Fur a start, baith you and yer flatmate hiv tae put a dampener oan this story aboot whit Haufwit said.  Youse cannae go aboot mentioning it tae anywan or any appeal Ah might be able tae put in fur will be deid in the water, because the wans who widnae want tae see that happening will jump oan it and get themsels aw prepared wae blocking tactics.  Dis that make sense?”


  “Naw, no obviously, Senga.  This is important.  Ye cannae mention this tae anywan at yer work, when ye’re oot at night, even tae that lover-boy…the wan wae the sicko name tag…and that includes yer maw as well,” he stressed, no being able tae stoap himsel fae hivving a pop at the boyfriend.

  “Ah’ve telt ye, his name’s Rory and Ah’d prefer ye tae leave him oot ae this, if ye don’t mind,” she retorted, eyes flashing.

  “Look, Ah wis only saying, okay?  Ah couldnae gie a shit whit poxy name he’s goat, jist don’t speak aboot ma business tae him,” he hissed, overcome wae jealousy.

  “Look, it wis you that brought his name intae this.  Kin we please jist take a breather and calm doon,” Senga pleaded, breathing in slowly.

  “Ah’ll go and get us a juice,” he muttered, suddenly staunin up.



  “Ah need youse tae take a step back,” Tony warned.  “Ah don’t want tae hear that you, Peter, Jake or Ben ur getting intae any bother that’ll attract the attentions ae Wan-bob and that crowd ae his.  We need tae stay well under the radar, so we dae.”

  “Whit aboot the wee local hash dealers we’re trying tae put oot ae business?  The basturts ur popping up aw o’er Balornock, Burmulloch and Sighthill like molehills. The basturts will no take a telling.”

  “Ah’m no saying youse hiv tae live like monks.  It sounds tae me as if ye’re no being persuasive enough. Ah’m sure ye’ll be able tae up the ante oan that side ae things by shooting a couple ae the fuckers, bit that’s no whit Ah’m oan aboot.  Keep the money side ae things gaun, bit don’t hiv run-ins wae people that ur well connected tae Wan-bob’s crowd.”


  “Like, get this thing wae the McCaskills sorted oot, as a priority, and you keep well away fae that prick, Honest John McCaffrey.  And don’t fucking look at me like that.  He’s oot ae bounds, no matter whit he dis.  We kin sort him oot thegither wance Ah’m oot ae here.”

“Ah want that money he owes me,” Angelo retorted, tersely.

“Simon, ye goat yer money when we tanned his tills…remember?”

  “There’s a principle involved here, y’know. That basturt’s strolling aboot, thinking Ah’m some sort ae eejit that he kin slap aboot any time he takes a fancy.”

  “Naw, he disnae,” Tony replied, dismissively. “Honest John McCaffrey hisnae strolled aboot anywhere in the last twenty years since he goat his first Roller, so don’t exaggerate, fur fuck’s sake.”

  “The fact that he thought he could get away wae no hivving tae square me up fur carpeting that shoap ae his speaks volumes, so it dis.”

  “Ah’ve telt ye, we’ll deal wae him when Ah get oot. He’ll be the number wan priority.  If Senga and that pal ae hers ur gonnae staun any chance, we’ve goat tae keep oor noses clean and oor heids doon fur the time being.  Ye’re gonnae be too busy tae be bothering wae the likes ae Honest John.”

  “Ah gathered that.”

  “Ah need ye tae find oot whit becomes ae they wee black books that the bizzies use tae write their statements in, as a starter.  Ah want tae know if they bin them or whit, when they’re full, bit remember, this aw his tae be done fae a distance.  Don’t worry if ye need tae grease a few palms, as long as the info comes fae a reliable source.”



  “Here ye go,” Johnboy said, haunin o’er the plastic tumbler. “Christ, Ah think Ah’m the only wan in here withoot a hangover.  Hiv ye seen the state ae that pair doon there?” Johnboy said, nodding doon tae the tea table where Fanny and the governor’s wife wur aboot asleep oan their chairs, as wan ae the weans walked aff wae a big jug ae juice, spilling it aw doon his front and oan tae the flair as his ma ran across and grabbed it aff ae him. 

  “Ah’m sorry, Johnboy.  Ah’m a wee bit grumpy wae this hangover,” Senga said apologising.

  “Senga, Ah telt ye yesterday, don’t ever feel the need tae apologise tae me.  It’s me that should be grovelling at yer feet, efter whit Ah’ve put ye through, so cut it oot…okay?”

  “Aye, sorry,” she replied, smiling.

  “Right, if ye really want tae help me, Ah need a big favour and no jist fae you, bit fae yer flatmate as well.”

  “Anything we kin dae tae help, Ah’m sure Lizzie will be fine wae that.”

  “Simon is gonnae set up a meeting between yersels and Graham Portoy, in his office up in Bath Street, probably sometime next week.”

  “Ah should be okay fur Monday, bit Ah’m no sure aboot Lizzie’s shifts.  Ah’ll know when Ah get hame as we baith put them up oan a board in the kitchen.”

  “It disnae really matter if youse go up thegither or no, as he’ll want tae take statements fae youse individually.  He’ll probably hiv a strange-looking guy called Swansea present…as a witness…bit don’t be shy or put aff by him…he’s oan oor side…jist spit it aw oot.  Ye’ll need tae tell Graham everything ye telt me yesterday.  Don’t leave anything oot, no matter how bad it makes me sound.  Hiv ye goat that?”

  “Even the bit aboot supposedly shooting Shaun Murphy?”

“Especially that bit.”

  “So, whit will he dae wae the information wance he’s goat it?”

  “Tae be honest wae ye, he’ll probably jist file it meantime until we kin get corroborating evidence that ties in wae whit this Haufwit wan said.”

  “Is that the dying man?”


  “Ah feel bad that we’re talking aboot some poor soul who wis murdered.  Lizzie said he’d been stabbed and thrown oot ae a fast-moving car.  Is that no terrible?”

  “That’s Glesga fur ye, bit also keep in mind, Haufwit wisnae an angel either.  Ah knew him and he could be a nasty piece ae work, when he wanted tae be, so he could,” Johnboy reminded her.

  “Maybe, bit nowan deserves whit happened tae him.  He’s somewan’s son or faither.  And noo that ye’ve brought up Glesga, Ah’ve goat something Ah want tae ask ye Johnboy and Ah’d appreciate an honest response, and naw, it’s nothing tae dae wae me hivving a baby,” she said, a faint nervous smile appearing oan they lips ae hers.

  “Fire away.”

  “Ye’ve goat tae promise no tae interrupt, bit let me finish…agreed?”

  “That makes me feel uncomfortable awready, so it dis.”


  “Ah’m aw ears.”

  “Right, this isnae easy fur me tae say, bit Ah need tae say it the way it’s gonnae come oot,” Senga apologised in advance.

  Johnboy felt his heart sink, expecting a Dear Johnboy letter tae be recited tae him in stereo, straight fae the horse’s mooth.

  “It’s true Ah’ve been gaun oot wae Rory, who’s a lovely guy, by the way.  If Ah’m gonnae be honest wae ye, Johnboy, he’s kind, considerate, attentive, and shows an interest in whit’s happening in ma life.  He’s basically everything ye’re no, or at least, he’s been willing tae demonstrate whit ye’ve clearly hid difficulty wae in the past, despite every opportunity tae rectify the situation.  No, no, ye promised me ye widnae butt in,” she said, haudin up the palm ae her haun tae his face, before continuing.  “A couple ae weeks ago when Ah came hame efter being tae meet Rory’s parents, Ah wis oan cloud nine, despite Rory’s da hivving jist hid a stroke no long efter we arrived.  The reason Ah wis oan cloud nine wis because Ah knew Rory wis aboot tae propose tae me…”

  “Ah knew it,” Johnboy involuntary cursed, looking away and gazing doon towards the tea table, his heart sinking.

  “…bit when Ah walked through the door ae ma flat and wis confronted wae ma best friend, Lizzie, and the state that she…the baith ae us ended up in…Ah wrote tae Rory and telt him Ah needed space fur a while.  Ah needed space so Ah could try and figure oot whit the implications wur fur Lizzie and me and how we wur gonnae cope wae the news aboot that poor nurse and Doctor Walsh.  And before ye ask, Ah didnae tell Rory the reason behind ma letter.  Oan reflection, Ah wis right tae keep Rory at a distance, despite being so close tae him.  At the end ae the day, Ah realised that Rory couldnae help us, even if he tried.  He wid’ve encouraged me…us…tae go straight tae the polis, withoot understaunin the implications ae that.  The thought ae sitting there spilling everything oot tae somewan like The Stalker and no knowing whit wis gaun oan in that heid ae his gied me the jitters, jist thinking aboot it.  Gaun oan whit Ah’ve heard since fae Simon, that wid’ve probably made things worse.  Ah wis jist so glad that Ah wis able tae go and speak tae somewan like Simon, because tae be quite honest, Johnboy, we didnae hiv anywhere else tae go.  The fact that everything his turned oot fine, knowing there isnae a connection between whit happened tae Doctor Walsh and that poor wee nurse, his been like being reborn again, if ye know whit Ah mean? Hivving tae come doon here tae tell ye tae yer face that Ah found oot ye wur innocent efter Ah sent ye that so-called Dear John letter, hisnae been easy fur me, tae say the least.  Whit his shocked and surprised me, probably against ma better judgement…and some wid probably say…sense…is that Ah still love ye,” she confessed, shaking her heid in bewilderment, feeling the tears welling up in her eyes.

  Johnboy sat watching her, no moving.

  “Noo, that wisnae something Ah hid anticipated.  In fact, if Ah’m honest, Ah hid been trying tae contact Rory oan the way doon here wae the lassies.  Ah wanted tae apologise fur the way Ah’d treated him and because he’s in Newcastle, daeing a course, Ah thought Ah could’ve maybe gone across tae spend a bit ae time wae him.  Efter the visit yesterday, Ah wis glad Ah hidnae managed tae get through tae him.  Ah’m sorry fur landing this oan ye, oot ae the blue,” she whispered, wiping away a tear.

  “Senga, look, despite whit Ah wis saying, yer boyfriend sounds like a lovely person…clearly everything Ah’m no,” he said bitterly, bit smiling and getting a tearful smile back.  “Don’t throw yer life away oan a jailbird, who’s daeing fourteen years.  Ye’ll look back someday and regret aw this.  In fact, why don’t ye jist throw caution tae the wind and heid o’er there efter this visit and stay fur a month?  Efter aw, life’s too short,” Johnboy said, his heid spinning, confusion and panic taking o’er.

  “Look, Ah wid appreciate it if ye’d please let me finish.  This is very difficult and emotional fur me,” Senga said, interrupting him.  “Ah hear whit ye’re saying, bit Ah jist cannae walk away, knowing that ye’re stuck in here…innocent…while Ah’m expected tae get oan wae ma life.  It’s jist no me, Ah’m afraid.  Ah truly believe in yer innocence, and Ah also believe Ah’ll no be the only wan, even if it dis take a while. The truth always surfaces in the end, no matter how long it takes.  Ah don’t want tae go through life looking back, wondering ‘Whit if?’  There wid only be wan condition that Ah’d ask ye fur, that wid be totally non-negotiable and Ah’m only gonnae ask ye the wance.  If ye accept, fine.  If ye don’t, Ah’ll take yer advice and try and contact Rory straight efter the visit.”


  “Right, Ah’ve spent a good deal ae time thinking aboot how Ah’m gonnae say this, Johnboy, and noo Ah’ve forgotten everything that Ah’ve rehearsed, so Ah’m jist gonnae let ma heart dae the talking noo.  If ye promise tae turn yer back oan a life ae crime, which wid mean leaving Glesga behind, including yer criminal friends, Ah’ll fight wae every bit ae strength Ah kin muster in ma body tae help ye fight tae get oot ae here.  Ah’ll work towards putting thegither a lovely wee nest fur us, somewhere where nowan knows us, that’ll be waiting fur the day ye’re set free.  There, Ah’ve said it,” she said, her eyes steady, watching him.


  “Johnboy, yer lengthy silence is causing me tae doubt ma judgement as tae where Ah believed you…we…wur maybe at.  Is that a correct assumption oan ma part?” She asked, trembling, eyes beginning tae fill up wae tears again, as Johnboy placed his elbows oan the table, gently using the fingers ae his left haun tae massage a response fae his thick skull, while looking intae her blue eyes.



  “Michele Hope.”

  “Whit aboot her?” Angelo asked.

  “We’ll need tae get a statement fae her, so arrange a meeting wae Graham.”


  “Aye, you. Who dae ye think Ah’m talking tae?”

  “She hates ma guts, so she dis.”

  “Everywan hates yer guts, especially wummin,” Tony retorted, smiling.

  “Ha, fucking, ha.  Ah’m serious.  Efter she found oot Johnboy hid arranged tae go oot wae Senga oan the Friday night efter he goat caught shagging her by that auld man ae hers when he went up tae arrest Johnboy, Ah wis relegated tae second place in her hatred-ae-men stakes.”

  “Well, get Jake or Ben tae dae it then,” Tony scowled, irritated by the negativity he wis hivving tae put up wae.  “Ye’ll also need tae make sure she disnae blab tae anywan whit she’s been asked tae dae.”

  “Efter Johnboy and me, it’s a toss-up between that pair ae eejits as tae who she hates the maist.”

  “Aw, fur Christ’s sake, wid ye stoap aw this fucking grumping?  Aw Ah need fae you is tae see yer heid nodding and yer lips saying ‘Next?’ efter agreeing tae everything Ah’m asking ye tae dae.  Is that too much tae ask?”

  “Ah’ll put Jake oan tae it, bit don’t fucking moan at me at the next visit if ye start getting hate-mail fae him.  He cannae staun the sight ae her,” Angelo warned him.

  “Which will be next month, by the way.”

  “Whit will?”

  “And the month efter that.  Ah want ye doon here monthly, so Ah dae.”

  “Ye’ve goat tae be joking?  Hiv ye any idea the stress attached tae running aw that bunch doon here?  Ye should’ve seen the state ae them last night.  Fuck knows how Ah’m gonnae explain the mess ae the bus tae the hire firm.” Angelo whinged.  “And the amount ae drink they kin shift?  Fuck, Ah’ve never seen anything like it.  Some poor basturt in a cravat, who wis auld enough tae be their da, hid tae be carted oot ae the boozer oan a stretcher efter they hid him downing tequila slammers like they wur gaun oot ae style.  It wis bloody embarrassing, so it wis. They wur never like that when we used tae staun at the bar, while they sat up in the corner ae Jonah’s, wur they?”

  “Look, ye kin dae whit the fuck ye want wae them, bit Ah want Senga Jackson doon here every month wae ye, so ye’ll need tae work oot how ye’re gonnae convince her tae come, despite her being in tow wae some auld doctor wae a grizzly name.  We need tae ensure that Wan-bob and that crowd ur aware that Senga is in regular contact wae Johnboy.  Ye don’t hiv tae advertise the fact as they’ll soon pick that up withoot any help fae us, if aw the lassies, including Senga, ur trooping doon here monthly.  You make up yer ain mind, bit Senga Jackson is oan the visiting list fur as long she’s still ali…in contact wae Johnboy.”

  “That still won’t keep Wan-bob away.”

  “Fur Christ’s sake, Simon.  Whit’s wrang wae ye, eh? Ah never said it will, bit he might…jist maybe…hesitate, if he knows she’s still wan ae us.”

  “Dis Johnboy know he’s gonnae be seeing Florence Nightingale every month?”

  “Naw, bit Ah’ll deal wae that at this end.”


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