Dwyer, Dixie Lynn- Task Force One: Dani's Got a Gun [The Men of Five-0 #4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (28 page)

BOOK: Dwyer, Dixie Lynn- Task Force One: Dani's Got a Gun [The Men of Five-0 #4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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“It could be Marfur. We think we know where you are. Give us descriptions of everything you see.”

Just then they entered a hallway and there was a huge logo of Cysure Corp like she saw on Quinn’s laptop.

“Cysure. I’m at one of their buildings.”

“Keep moving. Dismar doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

“He just mentioned taking me to Dismar.”

“Excellent. We’ve got men on him and he’s not far from one of the Cysure buildings. It must be where you are. Hold tight and don’t do anything crazy, Daniella. We’ll get to you,”
Vanderlan interrupted.

* * * *

The car ride wasn’t more than fifteen minutes. The closer they came to their destination the stronger Daniella felt the presence of her men. As they approached what appeared to be a very large estate situated on lots of beautifully landscaped land, she noticed the many men and wolves that seemed to be guarding it. She told her men and they didn’t respond.

“Get out.” Marfur shoved her from the car, making her fall to the gravel ground.

“Quit doing that!” she yelled at him as he followed her out of the car. He lifted her up by her T-shirt then slammed her against the car, making her lose her breath.

“If I were you, I’d sensor that mouth before you meet Dismar. He’s older and not so tolerant of disrespect.”

He pulled her back toward him then turned her toward the walkway. She felt his hand fist the T-shirt and force her forward. Then she noticed the very large guy with bulging muscles that had driven them. He followed close behind like some goon bodyguard. If he were a wolf, which was quite possible, then he would be a gigantic one.

As they walked into the enormous home, she saw a man descending the large cherrywood staircase. The banister and spindles matched the cherrywood walls and stairs, and she noticed the intricate designs of carved wolves on the posts to both sides of the beginning staircase. It was very ornate and the man descending those stairs appeared high class. His nose was long and rather pointy, almost an odd size. He wore a tailored gray jacket, but underneath was a tight burgundy shirt that stretched across a protruding chest and a slim waist. He was a wolf, and an evil one at that. This was Dismar.

He descended the final two steps and looked her over as if she were an enticing meal. Every feminine instinct placed her body in warning mode. He was not to be trusted. Her cop instincts identified him as criminal, and as he invaded her personal space and inhaled against her neck, she responded like she normally would, wolf or not.

Dani shoved him away only to be grabbed by the throat by the goon behind her.

She lost her breath and her footing.

Dismar chuckled low and deep as he circled around her and continued to take deep breaths. His eyes began to glow.

“I smell them on you, but it won’t matter by the time I finish with you.”

“Planning on carving me up like your doctor friend?” she replied, and the goon squeezed her throat a little tighter, causing her to stop speaking and try breathing. She hardly caught her breath and pressed her body against him to find some give in his hold.

“I assure you that I don’t intend on cutting you up. In fact I believe that most of your time will be spent tied to my bed while I rid you of the scent of such miniscule wolves. You do know that the Fagan Pack will no longer exist when I am through.”

She struggled to breathe and respond, and Dismar gave a look to the goon holding her. He slowly released his grip.

“The Fagan Pack will always exist.”

“Not without you, a healer. You belong to me now, and you are quite the asset and bonus prize in my plan. But enough small talk.” He looked her over and stepped a little closer.

He grabbed her face and held it tight while he looked into her eyes. He was an evil bastard, and she sure wished she had one of her guns right now.

“You’ll forget about your men soon enough. Once I get through with you, you’ll be bound to me and ready to spread your legs on my beck and call. With your body, I’ll be more than satisfied.”

She swallowed hard but held her ground. She was tough.

“You’re really not my type. Small, cocky, Napoleon complex. I prefer real men, not weaklings like yourself that have to use a goon to control your women.”

The goon released her after one eyebrow raise from Dismar.

She relaxed a moment and shifted her shoulders to straighten her shirt. She never expected the punch to her stomach or the way Dismar yanked her hair back and restrained her himself.

“You will learn to be more obedient.”

He covered her mouth with his own. He groped her breasts and pulled her nipples hard, making her gasp in pain. She tried to fight him off, but then the goon tripped her up as Dismar released her, and she fell to the marble floor.

Her temper was getting the better of her.

A moment later, alarms began to blare throughout the house. Dani looked around as numerous men shifted into wolves as they passed her. The sight took her breath away as one moment there were men and the next, their bodies changed forms before her eyes and became hairy wolves on four legs.

Marfur returned, looking worried as he passed a gun to the goon. Good. That meant that her men and their pack members were there.

“Remain here. You have the gun with the silver in it,” Dismar ordered to the big goon. Marfur bowed his head then took off out the front door.

So the big guy had the silver bullets. Okay, now how to get that gun out of his hands?

“Who are you anyway, and what’s with the alarms?” she asked as Dismar stared at her. He grabbed her arm and yanked her to him.

“You are a healer and you now belong to me. Let’s go.” He yanked her along with him and the goon followed. In the distance, she thought she heard numerous growls and roars of pain. Then she sensed her men and felt their struggle.

“What’s going on? Where are you?”
she asked them.

“Fighting our way inside with the Fennigan Pack and some of our other pack members. Are you okay?”
Van asked.

“I’m with some big goon and Dismar. He thinks I belong to him.”

“Not fucking going to happen.”

“They have silver bullets. I’m going to try to get the gun away from the big guy.”

“No. Remain where you are and we will come help you,”
Van yelled and then came the others and their commands followed by instant silence.

Dismar shoved her through a doorway to an outside garage area across the grass. She had to do a double take as she saw the multitude of wolves fighting to the death around them. It was outrageous, and she feared for her men.

A moment later, something big and furry jumped in her way and knocked into the big guy. He dropped his gun, and she jumped toward it as Dismar tried to beat her to it.

She saw the big guy shift to a huge ferocious wolf, and then she noticed three other wolves join in.

She immediately knew who they were. Randolph, Baher, and Bently.

They fought the goon and soon others began to surround her and Dismar. She wrestled with him for the gun, and she pulled the trigger shooting Dismar in the neck. Rolling to her side, she still held the gun as another wolf charged her.

“Shoot it, Dani. Shoot whatever you can until you run out of bullets,”
Randolph told her.

“Where is she? Can you protect her?”
Van asked from a distance.

“Dani’s got a gun with silver bullets. Probably three more shots left
,” Randolph stated to Vanderlan.

“Vanderlan and I are on our way!”
Van yelled through their link.

Just then, Dani saw another wolf jump on the wolf about to attack her. She had one more bullet. The two wolves fought and she knew that it was Miele. Now Miele, Baher, Bently, and Randolph battled side by side against double the amount of wolves in front of her.

She jumped up, circling, and prepared to fire as she waited for Van and Vanderlan to arrive. There were wolves fighting everywhere, and some seemed to be recovering as if the battle was nearly over. She assumed those wolves were Fagan Pack members. She wasn’t sure, since her concern was now for Miele. Miele took a hit to his ribs then retaliated with a swipe of his paw across the enemy’s throat. The wolf fell to the ground. Then she saw the big wolf striking her men repeatedly until Randolph, Bently, and Baher attacked at once, killing him on the spot.

She lowered her weapon as Van and Vanderlan came into view. A sigh of relief hit her until she saw them leap as if trying to get to her.

She turned in time to see the large black wolf leap through the air at her. She aimed and fired, hitting it in the head before it landed on top of her, bringing them both to the ground with a thump.

The pain was instant. The large heavy wolf landed on her full force and smashed her body to the ground. Her shoulder blades burned and her spine ached. She couldn’t move.

“Daniella! Daniella!” Van yelled as they removed the wolf from her body. She tried to take in air, her lungs felt tight, her ribs felt broken.

“I. Can’t. Breathe,” she whispered then felt the tears reach her eyes. She was a healer, sent to protect them. Was this it? Was this the moment, the battle that they needed her help for, and now her life was over?

“Stop. No, Daniella, this is not over. Wolves are heavy creatures. He slammed down on top of you. You’re injured, but you are not going to die,” Miele stated.

“She blinked her eyes and tried not to move a muscle. Everything hurt. She took in the sight of her men, all of them.

Van—her Alpha wolf, dark black hair, his piercing green eyes and skin covered in tattoos—was superior and commanding.

Miele. Oh her nonstop, always busy moving, shaking, jiving Miele. He smiled at her, and his hazel eyes sparkled.

Randolph, her big, bad, serious, man-of-few-words mate. She loved his big muscles, the intricate tattoos on his arms, and his serious dark eyes. He caressed her skin and she felt the tingling move through her battered body.

“Touch me. All of you.” She whispered as tears filled her eyes. Through the glossiness she looked to Bently next. Her sexy flirt and jokester, who appeared so serious right now she felt her own heart ache. She turned slightly toward Baher, cringing from the pain a moment until Baher uncrossed his arms, her stubborn, set-in-his-ways wolf, and touched her arm, caressing it. His hazel eyes held hers, understanding and hopefully feeling her connection to him.

The tingling continued and grew stronger.

She looked around, unable to see Vanderlan until she felt him caress her cheeks from above her. He knelt down, her head between his knees. She smiled. A vampire. She was mated to five Alpha wolves and a strikingly handsome vampire with black eyes that turned red with deep emotion and shoulder-length black hair that made him appear sexy and lethal. She was surrounded by every woman’s fantasy come true, and she loved them all, individually and together.

“Touch me. Hold me at once and show me you love me as much as I love you,” she whispered then closed her eyes as they did as she asked. The warmth flowed through her body, her neck where the star tattoo remained tingled and the pain ached so bad she began to breathe rapidly and wondered if she would die in their arms.

“No. No, Daniella, we need you and love you,” Randolph said. She felt the pain and then their love surrounded her as darkness overtook her.

BOOK: Dwyer, Dixie Lynn- Task Force One: Dani's Got a Gun [The Men of Five-0 #4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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