Dying to Know (A Detective Inspector Berenice Killick Mystery) (28 page)

BOOK: Dying to Know (A Detective Inspector Berenice Killick Mystery)
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very odd,’ she said.

is a shame,’ he said. ‘As I’d like to see it again. I think it could be a clue, in some way, part of the evidence, and it could save Tobias from being charged with anything. I tried to say this to Virginia too, but she wouldn’t have it.’ He looked up at her, hesitated, then said, ‘Am I allowed sugar this time?’

smiled, got to her feet, fished in cupboards.

she said, putting a packet down in front of him.

you,’ he said.

was standing at his elbow. He looked up at her.

she said. ‘You and me.’ She shook her head. ‘It’s crazy.’

placed his hand briefly over hers. ‘I know,’ he said.

here,’ she said, and left the room. He sat and waited, wondering what she was going to do, reappear in different clothes, perhaps, there’d been that girl he’d met once, in London, he’d gone back to her flat with that muon researcher from Imperial, Steve, wasn’t it, and then somehow much later he’d been left alone with her, what was her name, a loud and clumsy kind of girl, and she’d done this number of leaving the room and then coming back in wearing some ghastly kind of see-through lacy thing… He tensed with embarrassment at the memory, horrible it was, and he didn’t even fancy her, and as he’d left she’d called him a typical bloody physicist, shouted it down the stairs behind him…

heard footsteps, and Helen came back into the kitchen. Her clothes, as far as he could tell, were unaltered. ‘Here,’ she said. ‘Not all the book is with the police.’

passed a pink file across the table to him. He saw the pages from the book, neatly stashed inside it. He drew one out, glanced through it, looked up at her. ‘How did you -?’

Amelia,’ she said. ‘It’s Johann’s daughter. She’s trying to keep his work safe from her husband, and I felt I should look after her.’

husband will have Aether,”’ he read, out loud, ‘“ and Atoms, and this Gravity, that holds the chaos at bay. My father will have God, who brings forth Light from Darkness, and the Earth from the Oceans, and who sent Satan away to exile…”’ He looked up at Helen. ‘Gravity,’ he said. ‘The force that makes the moon heavy…’ He frowned, read the next page. ‘It’s very like – ’ He met her eyes. ‘It’s like the threat letters we’ve been sent. This idea of Satan in exile. They seem to think that we’re in danger of starting the whole process again, with some kind of primeval battle between Satan and God…’ He glanced at it again. ‘And what’s this about a ghost?’

talks about seeing her brother’s ghost. He died in the First World War.’ Helen looked up at him. ‘Are you all right?’

He gave a narrow smile. ‘Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?’

just thought – ’

have one. The lab. A ghost.’ His gaze held hers.

this a joke?’

a scientist. I don’t believe in ghosts. But…’

what?’ she prompted.

shook his head. ‘There’ve been odd reports. A man walking the corridors. Torn shirt, bleeding, military dress…’ Again, the thin smile. ‘Then again, we’ve had two of our number killed in as many weeks. People are bound to be frightened. If your Amelia here was talking of seeing a ghost, perhaps she had the same fears.’

don’t think she’s frightened about that,’ she said, and her voice was thick with feeling. ‘I think she just wants her husband back.’

was flushed, with a stray lock of hair across her face, and he found himself imagining her coming back into the room in a thin lacy thing.

are you thinking?’ she said.

um - I was just thinking about being a typical bloody physicist,’ he said. ‘Only – only, with you, I’m not, you see…’

was a long silence. Her gaze seemed to burn through him. ‘These writings,’ he said at last. ‘What should we do with them?’

don’t know,’ she said.

wonder if Neil Parrish knows about this bit.’ He picked up his mug, put it down again.

was another silence. He met her eyes across the table. ‘So, Amelia,’ he said. ‘She wants her husband back.’

like that…’ Helen stared at the table in front of her. ‘When the man you love goes away from you, when you see him every day, when he shares your house, your meals, but nothing you say can reach him, and what he believes is so far away from anything that makes sense, and he only believes all this stuff about God the Father because his own father was so disappointed in him, or at least that’s how I see it…’ Her words tailed away. The room was quiet, and it occurred to them both that the rain had stopped.

you came here,’ Liam said. ‘Your husband said it would all be OK.’

nodded, sniffed.

thing that your husband said would be OK, if you came here… Was that having a baby?’

met his eyes. ‘There was no baby.’


had a miscarriage,’ she said. ‘Since then, nothing…’

her mind she saw herself breaking down, here, just like this, with us sitting at this table, with Liam there, looking at me like that, and I’d start to howl and be unable to stop…

sat, motionless, in the room.

reached out his hand and took hold of hers.

very beautiful,’ he said.

loud hammering on the vicarage door shattered the air around them. Helen paled, jumped up, her hand clutching the neck of her jumper.

He got to his feet.

got keys.’ She ran to the hall.

careful – ’ He was behind her as she opened the door.

was standing on her doorstep, breathless and sweating. Leaning heavily on him, there was a girl. She was bleeding from a head wound, one eye half closed, her jaw swollen. She was wearing a scarlet leather jacket.

stared into the blank eyes. ‘Lisa? What the hell has happened?’

girl swayed, shivering with shock.

stood aside to let them pass into the vicarage. Behind them the night sky was seared red with the last of the day.





Chapter Eighteen


we need an ambulance?’ Liam half-carried Lisa into the kitchen.

– ’ It was the first word she’d spoken, indistinct through her swollen mouth.

ambulance,’ Finn said. ‘He’ll kill her.’

sat heavily on the kitchen floor, then lay down, curled into a ball, and closed her eyes.

Liam said. ‘Warm water.’

did as she was told. Liam eased Lisa’s jacket from her, bathed the cuts to her face, kept up a quiet stream of questions – ‘Does this hurt? Can you move this? Can you wriggle your fingers… your toes…’ He checked her pulse, her pupils, washed the blood from her hair.

happened?’ Helen pushed a mug of hot sweet tea across the table to Finn.

dad went for her.’


Finn glanced at Lisa, who moaned something.

her dog. Tazer. Lisa’s dad went for the dog.’

Helen and Liam spoke in unison.

he’s a bastard, that’s why. Reckons he won’t hurt a hair of his little girl’s head, and then goes for her dog.’

murmured something that sounded like ‘Not me.’

did he go for the dog?’ Helen asked.

glanced at Lisa. ‘Promise you won’t tell no one,’ he said.

looked at Liam. ‘That depends.’

I can’t tell you,’ Finn said.

was Liam who spoke. ‘Do you want us to help you or not?’

sighed, put down his mug. ‘The tower, right? Hank’s tower. Lisa’s dad is doing trading there. Storing stuff. The gavvers were on to his lock-up. And he said Tobias was telling the gavvers, else why else was he hanging around there, and that Moffatt who died, he was in on it, because Moffatt wanted the house that Lisa’s dad should have, right?’

nodded at him. Liam was listening intently.

Lisa’s dad was going to go to the feds and say that he knew that Tobias had done it, and so Lisa starts to argue with him, right, and then Lisa says she knows what he’s up to, and then Tazer’s growling at him, and then he starts on the dog, and she jumps in front of him…’ His voice faltered. ‘I’ve never seen him go for anyone like that. I was like on my way there, heard her screaming, legged it up there, shoved on the door… I yelled at him to stop, shouted at him…’ He wrapped his fingers round the mug. ‘Thought he was going to go for me then.’

happened then?’ Helen asked.

Clem kind of pushed me, legged it out of the door, ran off. Lisa was on the floor. All that blood… I didn’t know what to do.’

she black out?’ Liam asked.

think so. She was talking and thing. I just thought I need someone to help her and I couldn’t think of anyone, her mum’s miles away and anyway she’d just say it was her fault, her mum would… so I came here.’

glad you did.’ Helen reached out and touched his hand.

thought with him being a vicar, like…’ Finn tilted his head towards Liam.

That’s not my husband.’ It was all so strange, Helen wanted to laugh. ‘This is Dr. Phelps,’ she said. ‘He’s a physicist, he worked with the two men who died. His sister is Sinead, a social worker,’ she added.

stared at him. ‘Sinead Foster?’

know her?’ Liam smiled.

She’s cool.’

leaned close to Lisa. ‘How are you feeling? Do you want some tea?’

she mumbled. ‘Brandy more like.’

will have to do,’ he said.

are you, a bleeding doctor?’ Lisa sat up, wrapping the blanket around her.

that moment, the door opened. Chad stood there. At his ankles a dog cowered, black and white and scruffy.

looked at Finn, and Lisa. He looked at Helen, and then, finally, slowly, at Liam.

he said. ‘Didn’t expect this. Didn’t expect this at all.’


He’d left the church, after the Eucharist. Joyce Benfield had come, all set to read the lesson, and had brought her sister, so the Lady Chapel had felt quite full. Mrs. Lynch had asked him about the flowers, ‘I know they’re fading fast, apart from the carnations, they do something strange to them in the shops these days I reckon, they’re like plastic, but what I wanted to say, vicar, was, we’ll just have to manage until next week, unless I dig the artificials out of the store cupboard, there are some dahlias that would match, but I’d much rather not…

of course, that’s fine, Chad had said to her. Whatever you need to do. He’d wanted to add that he rather liked them fading, wilting. ‘A meditation on decay,’ he’d have said, but there would have been the now familiar twitch of disapproval, the implication that dear old Robinson, faced with a meditation on decay, would have reached for his plastic dahlias…

walked back along the sea front, the sky a translucent grey, streaked pink with the sunset.

his mind he saw the wilting flowers, the fallen petals lying on the old stone floor.

he thought.

body that is sown is perishable…’ He heard once more the words echoing through the chapel in Mrs. Benfield’s wavery voice. ‘It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body… So will it be with the resurrection of the dead,’ Mrs. Benfield had declaimed, with great certainty. Chad wondered whether she really thought that. He wondered, as he picked his way along the shingle, whether he really believed it too.

Johann thought there was a life beyond this one. For him, it all seemed to make sense, that life on earth will turn out to be a particular way, to mean a particular thing. Chad thought of him, writing in his book, putting down his account of how it happened, his explanation for how it all came to be. He thought about the lab, all those crisp young men with their glasses of white wine, doing the same. This universe, this set of rules, these particles, this mechanism. This, is how it turned out.

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