Dylan and Taylor (Soul Mates 101 Series) (27 page)

BOOK: Dylan and Taylor (Soul Mates 101 Series)
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“What do we do?” They immediately spot us.

“We just have to walk through them. Don’t tell them anything.”

I take hold of Tory’s hand as we walk toward the doors. Cameras are shoved near our face, and one of the camera men start yelling.

“Tory Page, is it true your sister overdosed? What’s her condition?” Another reporter interrupts and asks questions. “Tory, is Vincent Page in the hospital, and sir, what is your name? Are you Tory’s boyfriend?”

From all the people swarming us, Tory gets pushed. I feel a surge of anger and an obligation to protect her as I glare at the man who shoved her. “Get the hell away from her now, and leave her family alone.” When we get inside the elevator, I blow out a nervous breath. “Do you have to deal with that all the time?”

“No. We’ve kept a low profile here in Nashville, but thanks to Taylor that won’t be the case anymore. You shouldn’t have said anything to them. You’re going to be all over the television now.”

“I’m sorry, but it pissed me off when that guy pushed you. I was afraid you were going to get hurt.”

“Thanks for looking out for me, but I hate what you’re going to have to deal with. You’re about to get more than fifteen minutes of fame.”

As I get off the elevator, I think about our friends and hope they’re not here yet. I have enough to deal with and don’t need shit from the guys, but no, all of them are here, and now they’re staring at Tory and me.

I’m sure they’re trying to figure out why we’re coming in together. “Tory, why don’t you go back and see your sister, and tell Dylan to come out here and drink his coffee.”

I sit down next to Cody. “You need to do some explaining, little brother.”

“I just told off a camera man outside, so Tory says I’m going to be on TV. I didn’t ask for all this when I came up here, and you won’t believe what happened at two o’clock this morning.”

“I’d believe anything out of this bunch. We’ve had a lot of surprises over the last nine months,” Cody says.

All the guys are waiting to hear my story. The girls are sitting across from us, so I try to speak quietly.

“Vincent told me at two this morning to take Tory home, sleep at the house with her, and then bring her back here this morning in his Hummer. He also made me drive his Lamborghini home.”

Cody’s eyes widen. “Damn, you got to drive the thing? We rode in it yesterday, but I was too upset over Taylor to pay attention.”

“You lucky shit,” Austin says.

“I thought I was going to piss myself when I had to drive out of here in that thing. He would’ve killed me if I had crashed it. He called it his other baby.”

Matt shakes his head. “You just turned eighteen and got to take Vincent Pages attractive, under age daughter home in his Lamborghini. I bet you were in her bed, too. I see you didn’t take my warning, little man.”

“Vincent didn’t give me a choice.”

Dylan comes out to give everyone an update. “I don’t see any change with Taylor, but the doctor hasn’t been in this morning.” He sits next to me and takes his coffee.

“Your brother got to drive the Lamborghini,” Brett says, looking at Dylan.

“Yeah, I heard already. He was given every kind of temptation last night.” My brother smiles at me. Assholes.

Band Together


I’m sitting next to Nate and talking with the guys when I stop mid-sentence. The rest of the band members in Strip It Off are walking toward us.

“Are any of you here for Taylor Page?” the drummer, Ricky, asks.

I feel the eyes of our whole group looking at me.

“Yes, we all are. I’ll go get Vincent for you,” I say nervously. I feel my body shaking as I walk to Taylor’s room. “Vincent, your whole band is out in the waiting room.”

“I wondered if those shits would fly in. I guess I better go talk to them.”

Tory jumps up from her chair. “I want to see them, Daddy.”

The pulmonologist, a woman who looked to be in her forties, comes into the room to speak to Brenda and me not long after they leave. “Taylor has developed pneumonia from the vomit she aspirated, so we’ve started her on heavy antibiotics. We knew this was a possibility. It’s common with her condition, but it’s a bit of a setback. I’ll be back in later today to check on her.” She gives us a sympathetic look before she leaves.

I don’t want to cry in front of Brenda, but I can’t help it. I’m terrified I’m going to lose her, and I’ll have to live with that the rest of my life, but most importantly, I’ll have to live without Taylor. I won’t be able to take it.

I decide to go out to the waiting room to give everyone an update. I need my friends and brother right now. I walk up to Vincent with what I’m sure are swollen, red eyes.

“Guys this is Dylan, Taylor’s boyfriend. He saved her life about a month ago when they were stranded in a snow storm.”

He’s trying to be nice and take some of my guilt away, but it isn’t going to happen. “Vincent, the doctor came in and said that Taylor has pneumonia. I’m sorry, but she said it’s a setback.” I start tearing up again.

The singer of the band, Lance, pats me on the back.

“I’m sure she’ll pull through. Taylor’s one tough girl. She has survived a lot in her life, and we’re glad to hear she found a decent guy.”

“Thanks,” I say faintly.

I notice the bass player, Buck, looking over where our group is sitting. “I see Taylor’s made a lot of friends. They’re a nice lookin’ bunch.” He smirks.

“That’s a pretty close group sitting there,” Vincent says, gazing at Nate, Tory and our friends. “Most of them are couples. Taylor said the guys are very protective of the girls. She’s needed this kind of friendship her whole life. I hadn’t got to fill you all in yet, but Dylan here has a gift when it comes to playing guitar. I’m thinking maybe a legendary gift. I’m trying to get him in a studio to hear him play again.”

The rhythm guitarist, Walker, raises a brow and smirks. “You better not be trying to replace me.”

My eyes widen, and I feel extremely uncomfortable.

“No way, man. That wouldn’t even be possible if I tried. I’m going to go sit with my friends. It was nice to meet you all.” This is surreal, and I wish I was meeting the band under different circumstances.

I give everyone the update on Taylor. Hannah gets up and walks away sobbing before Brett goes after her. Morgan goes to sit in Matt’s lap, and Austin and Cody move to put two empty chairs between them, so Chelsea and Jasmine can sit with them.

Vincent walks over to tell me he’s going back to his house with Brenda and the band. I imagine Vincent’s ready to have a drink with his buddies. My friends talk me into going home around lunchtime by agreeing to alternate sitting with Taylor.

I only stay away about three hours, long enough to shower, nap and eat something. I’m stricken with pain all over again when I hear there’s still no change in Taylor’s condition. The Pages come back in the late evening, so while they’re sitting with her, I go back into the waiting room. When I walk in, I see familiar faces on the television.

“Shit, Nate, you’re on TV with Tory. Vincent’s band is on there, too,” I say.

Nate jumps to his feet. “Mom and Dad are going to kill me, Dylan! I better go call them.”

Tory grabs my brother’s hand. “Nate, I’m really sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.” He’s stressed, so it doesn’t come out nicely, but I know he doesn’t blame her.

“This crap makes me so angry,” Brett says. He definitely understands after what he went through with Hannah. I still can’t believe we’re living this nightmare all over again. I’ve decided that I’ll accept all that comes with dating Taylor. I can’t live without her, but I hate bringing Nate into this mess.

I make all our friends leave at ten. They’ve been here all day. Nate, Tory and I are the only ones left in the waiting room. Vincent comes out a little later. “There’s still no change. Nervous boy, could you please take Tory to the house again and stay with her tonight?”

“Yes, si—Vincent.”

Vincent smirks before he hugs Tory and goes back to Taylor’s room. I think he’s taking pleasure in stressing out Nate.

“Dylan, I’m sorry that I was on the news tonight. Everyone’s going to know about you and Taylor now. Dad seemed mad when I talked to him, but Mom told me to tell you they’re praying for Taylor.”

“I’ll talk to Mom and Dad when I get a chance, but for now, you two should go home and get some rest.”

Tory gives me a hug. “My sister’s tough, Dylan. She’ll survive this.”

“I think you’re right. I just pushed her too far.”

“She knows you love her. This is mostly from built up pain she’s kept locked away.”

Tory begins crying, so Nate grabs her hand. “Come on, Tory. You need sleep.”

Flirting with Temptation


Tory and I walk out to the Hummer, and thankfully, there are no cameras waiting. Tory looks over at me after we buckle in. “Look, if you don’t want to go back to my place again, I can take care of myself. I know you’re being put through a lot of shit because of my family. My dad doesn’t have to know. I can drive this home, and you can take your truck to the guys’ house.”

“Do you want me to stay with you?”

“Yes, but only if you want to.” She looks away from me. It’s obvious how worried she is about her sister. I can’t stand the thought of her being alone in that enormous house.

“I want to stay with you, Tory. I don’t want you by yourself with those reporters running around.” I pull out of the parking lot and glance over at her. She has her head resting against the window, and I see that her cheek’s wet. From what I’ve heard, Taylor has a defensive, tough front to hide her pain behind.

I’m starting to think the forward, bubbly part of Tory might be a front for her own pain. It’s obvious she’s lacked some attention over the years, which is ironic since she’s been given anything she wants and then some. I reach for her hand and hold it the rest of the way.

Once the Hummer is parked, we go to Tory’s bedroom. It feels so wrong to be in her room but so right to sleep against her. Once we’re in bed, she grabs my arm again to wrap around her.

“Tory, I’m sorry for what you’re going through. I know you and Taylor are close.”

“Thanks, Nate. You’re the sweetest guy I’ve ever met.”

I nuzzle my face against her flowery scented hair and try to fall sleep.


I jerk my eyes open and see Tory staring at me, inches from my face. Her hand is running through my hair.

“What are you doing, Tory?”

“Sorry, you have nice hair, and you are definitely nice to look at. I was just enjoying the view.” She gives me a melting smile.

“I have met some forward girls but none like you, Tory. You need to watch it around guys, or you’re going to get hurt, especially if you start partying at college. You’re lucky I’m a nice guy and terrified of your dad, or I would’ve already taken advantage of this situation.”
Shit! Why did I say that?

“You would have?” Her intriguing eyes search mine for an answer.

I let out a loud sigh. “You’re beautiful, so I imagine almost any guy would if you were willing.” I become lost as I gaze at her. “You have the coolest eyes, Tory. They’re the color of sand or … peanut butter. I’m callin’ you peanut.”

Damn, I want to kiss her. I glide the back of my hand down her cheek.
Shit, what am I doing?
“I need to get out of this bed.” I jump up and go straight into the bathroom. We’re getting too close and personal. I get out of the shower and yell. I forgot to bring my clothes in with me. This morning is getting worse by the minute. I walk out with just a towel around my waist, and it’s like Tory knows I forgot my clothes.

She’s grinning as she rests in bed on her side, propped up by her elbow. “Did you forget something? I like this view even better.” Her alluring gaze follows me.

“What am I going to do with you, peanut?” I smirk at her before I walk back into the restroom with my clothes.

“Do you want a list? Just joking,” she yells before I hear her giggling. Why does she have to be so damn cute in every possible way? I like her already, and that’s a development I don’t need.

When Tory and I pull out from the gate at the end of her driveway, the camera men are waiting and get pictures of us in the Hummer. “Great, my parents are gonna just love this. The paparazzi will probably say I left from your house this morning.”

“You’re eighteen, so who cares?”

“Tory, I’m still in high school. I have to follow my parents’ rules as long as I live in their house. They’re old fashioned and strict. This is gonna be hell for me. There’s a girl at school I’ve been messing around with, too, and she’ll probably find out.”

“Well, why did you get in my bed then?”

“I’m not dating her, so I can do whatever I want, but it doesn’t mean she won’t cut me off.”

Tory crosses her arms. “You’re talking about sex, aren’t you?”

I glance over at her. How do I want to answer this? I should keep my mouth shut.

“Are you going to answer me?”

“Yes, I’m talking about sex.”

“She sleeps with you when you’re not dating?”

“There’s no
to it. I don’t want to talk about this with you, Tory.”

“Sorry, but I’m curious.”

“Can you honestly say you’ve only had sex with guys you were dating? I know you don’t have a boyfriend.”

“How do you know I don’t have a boyfriend?”

I give her a look. “Really? With Taylor hurt, you’d have him by your side. You wouldn’t need me.”

“I can honestly say I’ve never had sex with a guy I wasn’t dating … or a guy I was dating.”

I snap my head her way. This is shocking news.

“Geez, Nate. Could you look any more shocked?”

Great, now she’s mad. “Sorry, but you’re almost eighteen, and you don’t act very innocent. I was sure you’d had sex before.” She turns her head and stares out the window. I think I need to just let this conversation go.

When we arrive at the hospital, our friends are in the waiting room once again. Tory goes straight to the girls, so now I’m sure she’s angry.

“Damn, Nate, you aren’t wasting any time,” Matt says.

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