E=mc2 (10 page)

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Authors: David Bodanis

BOOK: E=mc2
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However things turn out, we are getting the most delightful life in the world. Beautiful work, and together. . . .

Be cheerful, dear sweetheart. Kissing you tenderly, your


The life they shared started out happily. His wife wasn't going to be at his level, but she really was a good student—on the university final exams where he scored 4.96, she came close, with a 4.0, and she certainly could have followed his work. (The myth that she had been responsible for his key work stems from nationalist Serb propaganda in the 1960s, as her family had originally been from near Belgrade.) But once their children came, and with their income so low that they only had part-time help, all the traditional sexism took over. When educated friends came to visit, his wife would try to join in, but this is never easy with an attention-frantic three-year-old son on your lap. You want to stay a part of the conversation, but after too many interruptions for getting toys and drawing pictures and picking up spilled food, the guests no longer stop their talk to recap things and bring you in. You're left out.

Einstein finally left the patent office—though even when he did, in 1909, his chief was mystified as to why this young man was willing to turn his back on such a good career. He was finally offered a position in the Swiss university system, and then after a stint in Prague—where he played music and engaged in discussions at a salon that occasionally included a shy young man named Franz Kafka—Einstein ended up as a professor in Berlin. His success had now isolated him almost completely from his Bern friends. He was legally separated from his wife, and only occasionally got to see his adored two children.

By that time, Einstein was taking his personal work in a different direction. The equation E=mc
was just a small part of the entire special theory of relativity. By 1915, he'd perfected an even grander theory, so powerful that the entire special theory was just one small part of that. (The Epilogue gives some highlights of that 1915 work—"Compared with this problem, the original theory of relativity is child's play.") He would be involved with the equation only once more, briefly, when he was a much older man.

Mileva and Albert Einstein


At this point there's a major shift in our story. The equation's first theoretical development was over; Einstein's personal contribution fades away. Europe's physicists accepted that E=mc
was true: that, in principle, matter could be transformed so that the frozen energy it was composed of could be let out. But no one knew how actually to get that to happen.

There was one hint. It came in the strange objects that Marie Curie and others were investigating: the dense metals of radium, and uranium, and other substances, which were somehow able to pour out energy week after week, month after month; never using up whatever "hidden" source of supply they contained inside.

A number of laboratories began to study how that might be happening. But to see what mechanisms were creating these great outwellings of energy, it wouldn't be enough to continue looking at the surface of things, simply measuring the weight or color or surface chemical properties of the mysteriously warm radium or uranium.

Instead, the researchers would have to go within, deep into the very heart of these substances. That, ultimately, would show how the energy that E=mc
promised could be accessed. But what would they find, as they tried to peer into the smallest, inner structures within ordinary matter?

Into the Atom

University students in 1900 were taught that ordinary matter—bricks and steel and uranium and everything else—was made of smaller particles, called atoms. But what atoms were made of no one knew. One common view was that they were something like tough and shiny ball bearings: mighty glowing entities that no one could see inside. It was only with the research of Ernest Rutherford, a great, booming bear of a man working at England's Manchester University, in the period around 1910, that anyone got a clearer view.

Rutherford was at Manchester, rather than at Oxford or Cambridge, not just because he was from rural New Zealand, and spoke with a common man's accent. If a research assistant was self-effacing enough, that could be overlooked. The problem rather was that when Rutherford had been a student at Cambridge he had refused to show proper deference to his superiors. He'd even suggested creating a joint-venture business to earn money from one of his inventions—and that was a mortal sin. Yet the reason he became the scientist who got the first clear glimpse of the inside of atoms was, to a large extent, because his heightened awareness of discrimination made him the kindest leader of men. The bluff booming exterior was just window dressing. He was good in nurturing skilled assistants, and his key experiment was monitored by a young man who would end up perfecting a most useful mobile radiation detection unit, of Rutherford's suggested design: the audibly clicking counter was to be Hans Geiger's claim to fame.

Ernest Rutherford


Their finding is so widely taught in schools today that it's hard to get back to the time when it was still surprising. What Rutherford realized was that these solid, impregnable atoms were almost entirely empty. Imagine that a meteor plummets into the Atlantic Ocean, but instead of staying down there, ultimately plonking against the seabed, we hear a great roaring, and see it come hurtling back out. Think how hard it would be to break through our preconceptions, and realize that the only way to explain it was that under the surface of the Atlantic there really wasn't smooth water all the way down. Rather, the analogy with what Rutherford had to deduce would be that the Atlantic's surface was just a thin liquid-rubbery film, and underneath it, where we had always thought there were deep waves and currents and tons of water, there was . . . Nothing.

It was all empty air, and a camera down there would show the arriving meteor, once it pierced the outer film, falling through empty space. Only at the very bottom, down on the sea floor, was there some powerful device, extremely compact, that could grab an incoming meteor, and send it hurtling up through the atmosphere, and back into outer space. The equivalent inside an atom is the atom's nucleus, lost far in the center. Only up near the outer surface of an atom are there the flurries of electrons that are involved in ordinary reactions, such as burning a piece of wood in a fire. But they're far from the central nucleus, which is shimmering deep below, within all the empty space.

If atoms were like little ball bearings, then Rutherford had found that these ball bearings were almost entirely hollow. There was just a tiny speck right at the center, called the nucleus. It was a disconcerting finding— the atoms we're composed of are mostly just empty space!—but by itself that still wouldn't have let anyone see how E=mc
could apply. The "solid" electrons up on the outer surfaces of the atom weren't going to pop out of their material existence and turn into exploding clouds of energy.

It was pretty clear that the nucleus was where scientists would have to turn next. There was a lot of electricity in the atom, and while half of it was spread diffusely, in the far-flung orbits of those electrons, the other half of it was crammed into the ultradense nucleus at the center. There was no known way to keep so much electricity concentrated in that small a volume. Yet something down there, in that nucleus, was able to squeeze down all that electricity, and hold it in a tight grasp, and keep it from squirmingly escaping. That must be where the storehouse—the hidden energy—that Einstein's equation hinted at could reside. There were positively charged particles—what we call the proton—in there, but no one could make out any greater detail.

An assistant of Rutherford's, James Chadwick, finally got an important better view, in 1932, when he detected yet another item locked inside the nucleus. This was the neutron, which got its name because although it roughly resembled the proton in size, it was electrically entirely neutral. It had taken Chadwick more than fifteen years to identify it. At one point students had put on a play about his quest for this particle that had so few properties it might as well, they teased, be called the "Fewtron." But if you've spent years putting up with Rutherford's booming impatience, you can handle students having their fun. Although Chadwick was a quiet man, he was pretty determined about what he would do.

Chadwick had originally been a slum boy from the Manchester streets, and his professional career had almost been destroyed just as it was about to begin. As a new postdoc under Rutherford, Chadwick had gone to Berlin, to study in the labs of the returned Hans Geiger. When World War I began, he meekly followed the advice of the local Thomas Cook's office that there was no reason to hasten to leave. As a result, he ended up spending four years as a POW, in the converted stables of a cold and windy Potsdam racecourse. He tried doing as much research as he could there, and even managed to get radioactive supplies. An enterprising firm, the Berlin Auer company, had extra thorium, and was marketing it to the German public in toothpaste as a way to make your teeth glow white. Chadwick simply ordered this miracle tooth whitener from the guards, then used it for his experiments. But he had such poor equipment that his tests never came to much. He was falling behind, and when he got back to England after the war ended in November 1918, barely managed to get back on track. Never again would he meekly follow anyone's advice.

In theory Chadwick's 1932 discovery of the neutron should have led immediately to further discoveries. A number of radioactive substances release neutrons, and those could be aimed like a submicroscopic machine gun at waiting atoms. Because neutrons were neutral, they wouldn't be bothered by the negatively charged electrons at the surface of the target atoms. When they reached the nucleus at the center, they shouldn't be bothered by any charges down there either. They'd be able to slip right in. Maybe you could use them as probes to see what was happening in there.

To Chadwick's disappointment, though, he could never get that to happen. The harder he blasted neutrons in at an atom, the less success he had in getting any of them to slip into the nucleus at the center. Only in 1934 did yet another researcher find a way around that problem, and manage to get neutrons to enter easily inside a target nucleus, to better see that nucleus's structure. And he wasn't working in an even more sophisticated research lab, but in the last place one might have expected.

The city of Rome, where Enrico Fermi lived, had memories of grandeur, but in the long decades leading up to the 1930s, it had steadily been left further and further behind the rest of Europe. The lab that the government gave Fermi, who was respected as one of Europe's leading physicists, was on an out-of-the-way street, in a quiet gardened park. There were tiled ceilings, and cool marble shelves, and a goldfish pond under the shady almond trees out back. For someone wanting to make a break from the mainstream European consensus,
was ideal.

What Fermi found in this gentle seclusion was that other research teams had been wrong to focus on blasting neutrons at higher and higher power to get them to enter the tiny nucleus inside an atom. Spraying fast neutrons directly at the great empty spaces inside a target atom meant that most of the neutrons simply raced right through. Only if the neutrons were
slowed, so
that they almost dawdled in their flight toward a distant nucleus, would they have a good chance of slipping inside. Slowed neutrons acted like sticky bullets. The reason they stuck
well to nuclei, one might visualize it, was that they became "spread out" in their relatively slow flight. Even if their main body missed the nucleus, the spread-out portions were still likely to connect.

On the afternoon when Fermi realized slowed neutrons could do this, his assistants lugged up buckets of water from the goldfish pond out back. They sprayed fast neutrons from their usual radioactive source into the water. The water molecules were of a size that made the incoming fast neutrons rebound back and forth till they slowed down. When the neutrons finally emerged, they were traveling slowly enough to slip regularly into any target nuclei ahead of them.

With Fermi's trick, scientists now had a probe that could get into the nucleus. But even that didn't make things entirely clear. For what was happening when the slowed neutrons entered? The full power that Einstein's equation spoke about still wasn't coming out. At most you got slightly changed forms of ordinary nuclei, which leaked out only a gentle sort of energy. It was useful for tracers that could be swallowed and then tracked to see what was going on inside the body. One of the first researchers to use similar tracers, George de Hevesy, employed it, his very first time, to prove that the "fresh" hash his Manchester boardinghouse landlady was serving was not quite as fresh as promised, but rather was coming back, slopped onto a fresh plate, steadily every day. But the slight energy leakages from elements that could be safely swallowed were not what the massive c
in the equation promised.

Somehow there had to be a further explanation; some further level of detail that physicists hadn't yet grasped. Atoms weren't solid massy spheres, but rather were almost entirely empty space—like an emptied ocean basin—with just the barest speck of a nucleus down at the center. That was what Rutherford had seen. The nucleus wasn't a simple solid speck either. It contained protons that crackled with positive electric charge, and pebblelike neutrons were packed in along with them. That was clear by 1932. The neutrons could go in and out of that nucleus pretty easily, once you did the unexpected twist of slowing them down when you sent them forward. That was what Fermi saw in 1934. But that's where matters stuck for several years.

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