Eagle's Destiny (38 page)

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Authors: C. J. Corbin

BOOK: Eagle's Destiny
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“So,” I asked, “Is Michael also an eagle?”

Annie smile, “I’m not sure yet, what animal
is.  I need to know him better before that can be decided.”

“Do we have to be the same animal to be good together?”

“Oh no, usually it is better to be different animals.”  She said.

“What animals are you and Frank?”

Annie laughed, “Oh I am the mountain lion.  I care for all my cubs.  Frank is the salmon.  He will always provide and he is persistent.  When he and I met, he chased after me for two years.  He has provided well for me.”

I smiled at her.  Annie looked young and her eyes sparkled when she talked about Frank.  I could imagine them as a new couple making a home for themselves.

Annie leaned over and smacked me on the thigh, “Hey!  Earth to Elizabeth.  Come into the house with me.  Help me wrap the potatoes and make the salad.”

Shortly after we started in the kitchen, the front screen door slammed shut.  “Hey Mom, we’re here!”  Don’s voice called out.  Suddenly the house was full.

Debi and Betsy came into the kitchen to help with dinner.  I told Debi that I was going to kill her for telling Annie about Michael and me sleeping together.  Debi just did her impression of a Cheshire cat grin. 

“Where are Tammy and Jason?”  Annie asked

Debi laughed, “Oh you mean my joined at the hip pair?  They are out helping Michael finish with the photographs.  I don’t think we have a chance in separating them this weekend.”

Don, after saying hello went out to the back yard to light the barbeque.  Frank soon joined him with a couple of beers and I figured we would be lucky if the back yard did not go up in smoke.

After dinner, we sat by the fire pit.  The sun had set quickly over the lake.  Autumn had definitely arrived.  Frank handed Michael another beer and looked at me, “Are you driving tonight?” he asked.

I nodded, “I think Michael is a little too tired to drive too.”

nodded too, “Yeah, I was up in Alaska early this morning.  It’s hard to believe.”

I shivered and leaned back into
.  He put his arms around me.  “Cold?”  He asked.

“No I’m okay now.  Guess I’m tired too.  I didn’t really do anything today though.”  I said.

whispered, “Let me finish this beer and we’ll go.”

“No, that’s okay.  You enjoy yourself.”  I whispered back.

We ended up staying quite late.  Since Michael and I were leaving for Monterey in the morning, Tammy had decided to stay the night at Don and Debi’s house.  Don quietly assured Michael that he would keep an eye on both Tammy and Jason.  Michael was already very suspicious that Jason would come home for a visit when he was going to be out of town.  Later in the car, I told
to relax and he had better realize that Tammy and Jason were adults.

“I don’t have to like it.”  He replied.

I smiled.  “Your baby girl is growing up.”

“I still don’t have to like it.”  He frowned.

“Remember my dad at the baseball game?”

“Am I that bad?”  He asked.

I took his hand and kissed it.  “Not quite as bad as my dad, but you could give him a run for his money.”

Michael sighed and stretched.  “I guess all dads are alike.”

I laughed, “Yes, especially when it comes to their baby girls and other men.”

“Speaking of girls and men, Katy called this afternoon, and she’s coming out with Paul next weekend.  She has a week free from school and Paul was able to arrange vacation time.”

“That’s wonderful.  I’m looking forward to meeting him.”

frowned, “I’m not.”

“Oh lighten up Michael.  Don’t you remember what it’s like to be young?”

kept the frown on his face, “That is exactly what I’m worried about.”

When we arrived home, we carried the camera equipment into the house.  I put out fresh water for the dogs while Michael took his shower.  By the time I got into the bedroom,
was already in bed and fast asleep.  I shook my head and mumbled to myself, “Wouldn’t you know it, the first night we are completely alone and he falls asleep.  Men.”

Michael heard me and roused himself, “Oh sorry babe.  I must have fallen asleep.”

“Go back to sleep.  I haven’t had my shower yet.  Get some rest.”  I
told him.

Michael nodded and he was back to sleep before his head hit his pillow.  I took my shower and finally got into bed.  Over the past several weeks, I had gotten used to going to bed naked.  It was actually liberating and made things must easier when we became amorous. 
was on his back and I got into my favorite position by turning on my side, lying up against him with my head on his chest.  I threw my right leg over his so that it was nestled in between his legs.  After I settled down Michael wrapped his arms around me.  This was heaven for me.














The next morning, Michael was still asleep when I awoke.  While I was in the kitchen making coffee, Tammy walked in from the back door. 

“You’re home early.”  I said.

“Jason likes to sleep in and I had restless energy.  I decided to work on my paper while he slept.  He’ll call me when he gets up.  Is Dad still asleep?”  Tammy asked.

“Yeah, he was really tired when we got here last night.”  I took a sip of coffee.

Tammy started to feed the dogs their breakfast. 

“I’ll feed the dogs.  You go work on your paper.”  I said.

“That’s okay.  Like I said I have nervous energy.”

“Okay.”  I said.  “If you see your dad let him know I’m over at my place packing.”

She nodded.  Topper and Samantha did not know whether to follow me or stay for food.  I looked at them, “You guys stay with Tammy.”

It was beginning to get difficult for me to have two separate places.  I didn’t really leave clothes at Michael’s and I felt silly every morning marching over to my place in my robe.  The reason I hadn’t moved anything over was because
hadn’t invited me to move in.  It definitely was a little confusing for me.  I wasn’t sure about
expectations of me, well, not all the expectations.  The nighttime expectation was clear, his bed, naked.

Since Michael had been away for several days we had not made love and I for one was definitely missing that.  I wondered if
missed it too.  There were all my insecurities again.  Just when I thought I had buried them good and deep, they always came up bubbling to the surface.

One thing I did know for sure was that I would have Michael all to myself for the entire weekend.  That thought alone made me giddy with
anticipation.  I held up my black taffeta dress against me
while looking
in the full-length mirror by the bathroom door.  I nodded my head with approval.  Michael would like this dress.  It was conservative but the bodice showed my cleavage off just enough to make it interesting.  After zipping the garment bag closed, I started looking for my shoes and the new underwear I had purchased.

I heard a knock on my back door and the door opened.  “Elizabeth, it’s me.  Okay if I come in?”  Michael called.

“I’m in my bedroom.”  I called back.

I was digging through shoeboxes in my closet when I felt Michael’s hands on my hips.  “You have a lot of shoes.”  He commented laughing.  “I thought my ex-wife had a lot of shoes, but you have her beat.”

I pulled out a box and straightened up.  “What?”  I said turning around.

“Shoes,” he pointed.  “You have a lot of them.”

“If you think this is a lot, you should see Lisa’s closet.  She has taken over her spare bedroom’s closet solely for her shoes.”  I put the box on the dresser, opened the lid, and pulled out a black sandal.  “What do you think?”  I held up the shoe to him.

Michael laughed, “Gorgeous, but can you dance in that?  What is that four inches?”

I put the shoe on back in the box and put my arms around his neck leaning into him.  “I can do quite a bit in these shoes.”  I purred into his ear.

“Mmmm…”  Michael whispered back while he opened my robe and wrapped his arms tightly around me, “Then I definitely like those shoes.”  Michael’s mouth lingered on mine kissing me and taking my breath away.  “Now I need you to get dressed and ready to go or else I’m going to attack you and we’ll never get to Monterey.  Then, I’ll have to call everyone and let them know that it was all your fault.”

I giggled and let my lips trail down his chin to his neck, “That would be okay with me,” I giggled again pressing myself against him, “But, it wouldn’t be very nice to deprive them of their guest of honor now would it?”  I lowered my arms and squeezed his butt through his jeans.

He laughed and stepped away, “Get away from me you temptress.”  He held my robe open for a moment to take a long look at me, “You’re driving me crazy!”

I smiled and pushed Michael away, “Go on.  Get thee away!  Let me finish packing!”

It did not take me long to assemble the rest of my clothes.  The weather was still warm for the beginning of October and I put on a red gingham checked sundress.  The spaghetti straps tied up on my shoulders and the bodice was tight enough that I did not have to wear a bra underneath.  The red sash underneath the bodice gave me an hourglass figure and the full
skirt completed the look.  Since we were driving the Mustang with the top down, I braided my hair and put on a small white cotton sweater jacket.

Michael gave me a wolf whistle as I carried my small suitcase outside.  He placed it and my garment bag in the trunk.  If I could have whistled, I would have whistled back to him.  He was dressed in black dress slacks and dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up his forearms.  Michael looked sexy and inviting in his clothing.  If the opportunity had risen, I would have dragged him back into my house.

He opened the car door for me and leaned over as I situated myself into the seat.  “Did I tell you how beautiful you are today?”  He beamed at me.

I grinned and looked up at him, “No, I don’t think you commented on my beautifulness yet.”

Michael kissed me, “You are the most incredibly beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

I giggled, “Oh that will do me for today, and may I say you are some kind of sexy today.”  I put my hands around the back of his head to bring him closer to me and kissed him.

We finally managed to tear ourselves apart and set off on our trip.  We stopped in San Francisco for lunch at small restaurant.  I loved when Michael got the big eye from our waitress, and he would be nice to her but would continue to look at me.  He held my hand as we sat in the booth snuggled together.  Before Michael, this type of behavior would have embarrassed me.  Now I reveled in everything Michael did for me.

Back in the car we headed toward Monterey for the last part of the trip, I leaned over to Michael and whispered, “I have a surprise for you.”

He raised his eyebrows, “You do?”

I nodded, took his free hand, and pulled it over to me.  I shifted in the seat so that I was sitting on my side and leaning toward him.  Michael grinned while I took his hand and placed it under my skirt on my thigh.

Michael stole a glance at me, “What are you up to?”

I smiled a devilish grin and leaned toward him further.  My hand grasped his forearm and led it further up my thigh.  My whisper into his ear was light and breathy, “I’m not wearing anything underneath my dress.

Michael threw his head back and gasped while his hand traveled under my dress as if to prove my words, “Damn Babe.”  He laughed and looked at me, “It’s a good thing you didn’t tell me in the restaurant because we would not be headed toward Monterey right now.”

I sat back in my seat giggling because I was glad I had such an effect on him.  The entire trip to Monterey he kept his hand under my dress tracing circles on my thigh.  I had to admit those circles had quite an effect on me too.  He had me squirming in my seat, and it served me right.

We parked at the hotel in the underground parking structure.  When he helped me out of the car, he pressed me back against the closed door. 
Michael’s arms were around me and I felt him pick up the back of my dress and cup my naked butt with his hands.  I was glad we were alone in the structure because it was getting very hot between us.  I had played with the bulge in his pants in the car, teasing him even more while we were driving and now that bulge insistently pressed against me.

His kisses were intense and when our tongues met, I felt little explosions between my legs.  I threw my head back as he lifted my leg to wrap it around him.  I pressed my hips closer to him.

“Oh babe, I can’t wait,” Michael murmured into my neck.  “Let’s get checked in so that I can really be inside of you.”

“No, now.”  I held him tightly, grinding my hips against him.

Michael grinned, “I wish I had my camera to capture your face.  I’ve never seen you so wild before.”  He let my leg down and straightened out my dress.  “If someone caught us though you would lose that wild look quickly and you would be mortified especially if it was someone I know.”

I giggled, “You’re right, besides this isn’t very comfortable.”

Cooler heads prevailed and we unloaded the luggage from the trunk.  Sure enough as we did, several people that Michael knew
exited from
the elevator.  The aquarium was only a block away from the hotel, and everyone who was coming in from out-of-town for the special event was staying at the hotel.  We met another two couples that Michael knew at the registration desk.

The hotel was small and it seemed as if Michael knew everyone working there on a first name basis.  It made me realize that there was a lot of Michael’s history I did not know.  The suite Michael had arranged for us was beautiful.  The balcony connected to both the living room and bedroom and it overlooked the ocean.  The two bathrooms would normally have been overkill, but it was welcome if we were both getting ready at the same time.

We barely had the door shut before we embraced.  Our lips found each other as Michael picked me up while I wrapped my legs around his waist.  He made his way into the bedroom and we both tumbled on the bed without separating. 

I straddled his hips and sat up.  “Help me with my dress.”  I said barely able to get the words out of my mouth because I was breathing so hard.

Michael sat up on the edge of the bed with me still in his lap and reached behind me to unzip my dress.  He couldn’t find the zipper.  I lifted my arm and pointed to my side.  He shook his head in disbelief, but the zipper came down quickly and he had my dress pulled over my head with one movement.  He marveled over the fact that I really was completely naked under the dress.  Pulling me close, he kissed my neck and worked his way down to my breasts, leaving a snail trail of soft kisses.

“Now you,” I whispered.  He pulled his shirttails out of his pants and
started working on the buttons.  I sighed in frustration.

“Let me.”  He said in a voice just as breathless.  Michael pulled his shirt off over his head.  He turned his attention back to my breasts and he teased each nipple to a firm peak.  My arms wrapped around his neck and I threw my head back.

I want
you now.”  I whispered.  I stood up and reached for his belt.

We pulled back the covers and blankets.  He kicked off his shoes and after I removed the rest of his clothes, he scooted back on the bed against the headrest.  He crooked his finger and beckoned toward me.  I had a lazy grin on my face.  I crawled over to him and straddled his lap.

I was more than ready for him and as our bodies connected both of us groaned a low growl of each other’s names.  Michael let me set the pace as we moved together.  He knew I was close when my rhythm quickened and he held my hips to keep us connected. 

He whispered in my ear, “Let go my little Hellcat, let go.”

With those words, everything came crashing around us.  Time stopped with my scream of his name.  At that moment, there was only him and I in the world and nothing else existed. 
each other tightly
we remained together caught in those hungered for waves.

When we broke apart, it was if he was taking part of me and I part of him.  We lay on our sides gently touching each other.  Michael touched my face softly and kissed my lips.  I traced my fingers along his shoulder and down his chest.  Leaning over I kissed his chest.

He spoke first.  “Wow.”

I smiled, “Double that wow.”

“I think I have just enough energy, would you like me to open balcony window and get a little air?”

I nodded, “Yeah, it’s a little stuffy in here.”

Michael got out of bed and opened balcony door.  His movements gave me a full view of his body.  I sighed. 

“What’s wrong?”  He asked as he crawled back into bed with me.

“You body is beautiful.”  I said simply.

He grinned as he lay next to me and wrapped his arms around me.  Cuddling up to him, I got into my favorite position with our legs intertwined.

“We have time,” he said, “why don’t you sleep for a little while.”

“Are you sure?”  I murmured with my head on his chest. 

He answered, “Absolutely.”

A soft ocean breeze was blowing into the room from the open door.  It cooled down our warm bodies and dried the perspiration quickly.  I shivered and Michael pulled the sheet up over us.  We slept.

Michael gently nudged me awake as the sun was setting and the room
was getting dark.  “Hey sleepy head,” he said, “it’s time to get up.”

Rolling off him, I stretched my arms and legs.  He turned to bend down and kiss me while I put my arms around his shoulders.  “That was a nice rest.”

He grinned, “You were out like a light.”  Michael kissed me again, “I’m going to get dressed in the other bathroom, and you can have this one all to yourself to get ready.”

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