Easton [Belt Buckle Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (5 page)

BOOK: Easton [Belt Buckle Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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“Or at the very least, you could sleep in,” Oliver offered as an alternative.

“I’ve tried to sleep in, but it’s useless. My internal clock is set to wake me up before the sun.”

“Take it easy tomorrow,” Wyatt added. “I’ll send someone else to work with Trent.”

Easton started shaking his head before Wyatt had even finished his sentence. There was no way in hell he was going to allow someone else to go in his place. He wasn’t sure how much time he’d be able to have with Trent, but Easton wasn’t willing to give up a single day.

“With Trent’s foreman gone, he needs someone with experience. There’s still work here that needs to be done before the weather changes. You need Cody, Mason, and Preston. I’m the best choice,” he reasoned.

“Yeah.” Wyatt rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess you’re right, but when his foreman returns, you should consider taking a break.”

“I really appreciate the concern, but I’m fine. I can handle the work.” Easton pushed out his chair as he stood.

“We don’t doubt that, not at all,” Jackson said. “You’re a hard worker. You’re doing a lot more than you need to be doing and I don’t want you to burn yourself out. It’s important to slow down and enjoy life a little.”

“I enjoy the work.” Turning on his heel, Easton walked into the kitchen and placed his plate into the sink. After a long day, he was ready for a hot shower and a soft bed.

“Easton,” Robbie called out. A chair scrapped against the floor and hard footsteps marched after him. “You don’t need to be offended,” he said, and Easton turned around, leaning against the counter. “You work from sun up to sun down. This ranch belongs to all of us. Let us take some of the responsibility off your shoulders.”

Easton reluctantly nodded. He was so used to doing everything that it was hard to ask for help or to let others know he needed assistance. His grandmother had noticed, that’s why she sold the farm. Maybe his brothers were right, maybe he needed to take a step back and relax. He’d never taken a vacation or enjoyed a lazy day in bed.

“Okay.” He shrugged and Robbie pulled him in for a hug.

“Go take a shower and get some sleep,” Robbie said. Easton smiled and he shuffled his feet, heading toward the stairs. “Oh, and Easton.” He stopped, looking over his shoulder. “If Trent needs your help, you should go to his ranch. You have a lot of experience. But, after that, please consider working a half day.” He smiled and Easton chuckled.

He smiled as he walked upstairs. Easton shut the bedroom door behind him and stripped off his dirty clothes, tossing them into a laundry basket. Going into the bathroom, he started the water and stepped under the spray. He lifted his face into the spray and shut his eyes as the lukewarm water turned hot. It took a few minutes, but Easton finally started relaxing.

He soaped up his body and shampooed his hair as his mind wandered back to Trent. He envisioned the man’s rough hands on his skin and the piercing that rubbed his prostate gland just right. Easton’s cock hardened, leaking pre-cum, as vivid pictures flashed through his head of him being fucked hard and fast. It was as if he was watching the show instead of experiencing it firsthand.

Oh, God, I want him. I want Trent to take me again. I want him to bend me over and fuck my ass until I come.

Grabbing the bar of soap, he lathered his hand before slowly stroking his cock. Easton closed his eyes and leaned forward, resting his hand on the shower wall in front of him. As he stroked himself, it was Trent’s lips that he fantasized about. In his mind, Trent was on his knees, sucking Easton’s shaft. Tightening his fist around his dick, Easton began caressing from root to tip. He ran his thumb over the moist head, smearing the pre-cum around and squeezing lightly.

His rhythm built as he pumped his hand up and down the length. The harder he stroked, the more he fell into his fantasy. The pressure built, and Easton’s hips moved. He thrust into his tight grip as he let out a deep moan. When a tingle shot up his spine, Easton knew he was close. Arousal grew and spun out of control. Gritting his teeth, Easton’s nostrils flared as hot jets of seed shot out, splashing against the tiles and washing down the drain.

Taking deep, cleansing breaths, Easton leaned his head back and waited for his vision to clear. He shut the water off and grabbed a clean towel hanging over the shower stall. He dried off as he strode back into his bedroom. Dropping the towel to the floor, Easton pulled the comforter and sheet back. He shut off the light and climbed into bed. When his head hit the pillow, Easton fell asleep in a matter of minutes.


* * * *


Trent stared blankly up at the ceiling. He’d been trying to fall asleep for hours, but it was impossible. Groaning, he rolled over and sat up. Trent kicked his legs over the side of the bed and leaned forward, placing his elbows on his thighs and covering his face with his hands. He couldn’t force Easton’s image from his mind. He couldn’t get the young man out of his head.

The sex had been explosive and Easton followed his lead perfectly, doing everything Trent ordered. His quick dismissal had upset Easton though. Trent saw the flash of hurt in the man’s eyes before he finished getting dressed and high-tailed it out of the barn. It was that image that stayed with Trent, haunting him and refusing to allow him to sleep.

He tried to be kind, but he was unsure of how to handle the awkward moment after. And it was awkward because Trent had wanted to pick Easton up and carry him inside the house, to his bedroom. He’d never wanted to do something so intimate before. In fact, Trent had never invited a man to share his bed to cuddle, and that’s what he wanted. He wanted to wrap his arms around Easton and hold the man. His fingers ached to memorize each curve and contour of Easton’s physic. Rough, hard fucking was wonderful, but Trent had been tempted to slow down and savor each second. All the new emotions freaked him out.

Pushing himself up, Trent strode over to the window and stared up at the blanket of stars covering the sky. He leaned his shoulder against the glass and took a few deep breaths. He loved the ranch. Twin Acres had been his brother’s pride and joy until a car accident took him from this earth. Shaking his head, Trent tried not to let his mind wander as moisture filled his eyes.

It had been eight years, but the pain in his heart was still fresh. Lifting his hand, Trent rubbed the space over his heart. His brother had been his best friend. His lips kicked up into a small smile, just thinking of some of the pranks they’d pulled when they were younger. Trent and Todd didn’t grow up on a ranch, but that didn’t stop Todd from dreaming of wide open spaces and owning a large piece of land.

When Todd passed away, Trent packed up his life and moved to the Twin Acres. His goals had changed. Now, he was trying to make Todd’s dream a reality. He didn’t want to let go of his brother’s memory. In a lot of way, Easton reminded Trent of his brother. Both men were honest, kind, hard workers that were loyal to family—putting others’ needs first. Even though Trent didn’t know Easton all that well, it was obvious the young man wore his heart on his sleeve.

It didn’t matter how many times he told himself to keep his distance, it was impossible. While working with Easton, Trent couldn’t keep his hands to himself. Now though, he wondered if Easton would show up at his ranch tomorrow, especially after the hurt he caused. Did Easton feel used? Was he hurt? Should Trent apologize? He hadn’t even asked if Easton was okay. He didn’t take care of the young man afterward or provide any care.

Swallowing the emotion that clogged his throat, Trent walked back to his bed and climbed under the covers. He closed his eyes and shifted, trying to find a comfortable spot. Breathing through his nose and out his mouth, he calmed his thoughts, but it was impossible to push Easton away.

He fell asleep with Easton’s breathtaking form firmly planted inside his head—broad shoulders, trim waist, tight abdominal muscles, tan, rippling skin, and beautiful brown eyes.



Easton was awake before the sun. Lying in bed, he stared up at the exposed beams for a few minutes before finally rolling out of bed. He went into the bathroom and took care of his morning routine before once again getting dressed. Walking down the stairs, Easton went into the kitchen and made himself a quick breakfast before heading outside. Taking a few deep breaths of the crisp air, Easton stared out at the horizon. The silence of the morning surrounded him and Easton couldn’t help but smile. Stepping off the porch, he headed toward the barn, ready to start the work day.

“Good morning,” Easton said on a sigh as he turned the overheard light on.

Easton walked down the center of the barn, looking into each stall to check on the horses. He kept with his normal routine, petting the animals, before going to the feed room. He opened the door and grabbed one of the wheel barrows before using a large handheld scooper to fill it up with feed for the horses.

“Morning,” Jackson said, coming up behind him, and Easton let out a shout of surprise, covering his heart with his hand. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.”

“It’s fine. I wasn’t expecting anyone to come in here so early.” Easton went back to scooping the feed.

“I know.” He smiled. “I’m doing your chores today.”

“Oh.” Easton wasn’t really sure what to say to that.

“Yeah.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “Wyatt wrote me a list so here I am. I’ll take the scooper.” Jackson held out his hand and Easton reluctantly handed it over. “You can head over to Trent’s, if you want. The keys are in the work truck, right outside.”

“Uh…okay.” Easton wiped his hands down the front of his jeans before slowly leaving the room.

He watched Jackson from the doorway for a couple of minutes, but soon realized that he wasn’t needed. Walking down the center aisle on the barn, Easton spotted the work truck. He pulled the door open and climbed in, starting the engine. Buckling up, he slammed the door closed and headed toward Trent’s ranch.

Easton drove across the property, the truck bouncing along the makeshift path that had been created. He honestly wasn’t sure how to react to Jackson’s words. They hurt him. Why were his brothers so intent on taking away his responsibilities? Didn’t they know that he was happier when he was working? Exhaling on a sigh, Easton pushed the irritation away. There was plenty to do even if Jackson started do Easton’s usual chores.

When he reached Trent’s place, the whole ranch was still dead quiet. It appeared as though Trent might still be asleep. Easton pulled along the side of the barn and cut the engine. He remained quiet as he stepped out of the truck and pushed the door shut. He left the keys in the ignition as he strode around the barn. The previous day’s events unfolded when he spotted the place he’d been bent over for Trent’s pleasure.

As his cock hardened, Easton pressed it down, begging his body to behave. He didn’t know if yesterday was a one-time thing or not, but he knew without a doubt that if Trent made a move, he would gladly accept the man’s attention. Did that make him desperate? Was he so needy that he would take a few scraps of affection instead of demanding more?
Shut up.

Easton pushed everything out of his mind and focused on work. If he worked hard enough, maybe he’d be able to stop thinking about Trent altogether.


* * * *


Trent stared at the window and watched as one of the work trucks from the Belt Buckle Ranch drove toward his property. It was early, a little too early for anyone to be up and ready to work. He didn’t sleep well, Easton staring in each of his dreams. He held his breath as the truck grew closer, waiting to see who was driving. Was Easton inside the truck? Was he coming back to the ranch or had he asked someone else to take his place?

Trent wouldn’t blame the young man for not returning. After the explosive sex inside the barn, he’d sent Easton home. Honestly, he didn’t know what to do. Trent didn’t do relationships, he didn’t do feelings and emotions, but he knew that he felt something for Easton.

Since losing his parents and his brother, Trent was scared to open his heart and allow another living being inside. There was too much of a possibility that he could lose another person he loved. Then what? He’d be alone and broken once more. And this time, Trent wasn’t sure if he was strong enough to pick up the pieces.

When the vehicle got closer, he was relieved to see Easton behind the wheel. Dropping the curtain down, Trent started getting dressed. It was time to get to work. Leaving the house, Trent walked toward the barn. With each step, his palms began to sweat and his heart rate kicked up a notch. Before he stepped into the barn, he stopped and leaned against the wood slats, taking a few deep breaths. He gave himself a quick pep-talk before finally stepping inside the barn.

“You’re early,” Trent said when he spotted Easton mucking out stalls.

“Yeah, well.” Easton shrugged. “I’m not really needed at the Belt Buckle right now, so I thought I’d get an early start.”

Trent could sense the young man’s frustration. He wasn’t sure what was happening over at the ranch, but trusted that Wyatt had things under control.

“Well, then, I’m lucky to have you here,” Trent told him honestly, and Easton made a disbelieving sound in the back of his throat.

He didn’t know what the sound meant. Trent was worried that if he knew more about Easton, he would start caring more than he already did. As it was he wanted to wrap his arms around the cowboy and offer comfort, but that would lead to more. Unable to keep his feet planted where he stood, Trent strode over to Easton.

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