Echoes and Embers (Rebel Angels) (9 page)

BOOK: Echoes and Embers (Rebel Angels)
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She wasn’t worried about physical pain. She knew it would sting when he…mounted her, but he had to be willing to follow through with her plan or she would surrender her body for nothing.

His lips slid along her throat, explored her shoulder and the upper curve of her breasts. He closed his lips around her nipple and eased his fingers between her thighs. Passion coiled within her, deep, aching pulses of desire. She needed him inside her, burned for the culmination to these sensations.

He sucked upon one breast and then adjusted the chemise so he could taste the other, his fingers absently stroking her damp folds. “Say the word and I’ll stop.” It was more of a taunt than an assurance. The proof of her desire was at his fingertips. He paused, staring deep into her eyes. “We both burn for something we cannot have, but I can give you this at least. I can show you where the sensations lead.”

“You’re not going to…take me?”

He stroked her with his middle finger, grazing her feminine slit. “But I’ll touch you and let you touch me.”

She trembled at the implication. He intended to bare his body and let her explore. “Aye, please.”

Moving to her side, he kept his hand between her legs, caressing and teasing. “Loosen my hose.” Rosalind licked her lips, her gaze falling to the thick column outlined by his clingy garment. “If you want to touch me, uncover me.”

Her fingers shook as she tugged on his laces. Never before had she seen an aroused man. Her body melted, throbbing forcefully. Desire made her bold. She tugged his hose down and watched him spring free. Thick and long, his shaft arched toward her from a nest of dark gold curls. The sac below was lightly dusted with hair and seemed less threatening, so she started her exploration there.

Slipping her hand between his thighs, she lightly cupped his balls. They rested heavily in her palm and she gave them a careful squeeze. With a throaty groan, Ray guided her hand to his shaft and curved her fingers around his thickness. She slid her hand upward then down, awed by the contrast of silky-soft skin and marble-hard flesh.

He showed her how to move, how to please him. “Now close your eyes and imagine me here.” He touched the opening to her passage where her maidenhead blocked his way. Rosalind whimpered. Her inner muscles fluttered and her legs shook. “That’s right. Move as I move.”

He concentrated on a spot so incredibly sensitive the pleasure was nearly pain. “It…hurts,” she whispered, her eyes tightly shut.

“Relax, let the pleasure come.”

Wrapping his fingers around the back of her neck, he drew her face toward him and covered her mouth with his. Each individual movement came together in a graceful dance. His fingers stroked, her hand pumped and his tongue thrust.

Pleasure burst within her and she squeezed his hand between her thighs. Her inner muscles rippled and pulsed. He cried out against her mouth and covered her hand with his, increasing the pressure of her fist. His shaft jerked wildly and his warm seed spilled down over their entwined fingers.

His mouth gentled and he slipped his hand out from between her thighs. Reluctantly she released him, absently rubbing the proof of his pleasure between her fingers. It felt slick and soft, rather like she became whenever she entertained impure thoughts.

She wanted to draw him back, to fan the embers and be consumed. “Don’t send me back,” she whispered.

“I must. I cannot wed you, and I will not treat you like a whore.”

She flinched, the implication reverberating through her.
“Even if I’m acting like one?”
She hopped off the table and turned her back as she righted her clothes.

“I didn’t say that.”

“You didn’t have to.” Choking back a sob, she spun toward the door. He caught her about the waist. “Let go of me!”

“Rosalind.” He said her name with such longing it made her tremble. “I would give anything to be what you want me to be. It is not that I don’t want you. I ache as you ache.”

She held perfectly still, resenting his touch, even as she burned for more. “Then why? What keeps you from me?”

“A life you could never understand.”

* * * * *


Responding to the urgency in Alyssa’s mental call, Sariel abandoned the sky. He landed behind her on the tower and pulled her into his arms as he furled his wings. “The stench of fear surrounds you. What has frightened you?”

“He was here.
A Grigori.
He looked like you and yet he was
His eyes.
Evil gleamed in his eyes. He asked after Rosalind, said he had met her at court, but I don’t remember. You must help me remember!”

Leaning in, he buried his face in her hair and inhaled deeply. Beyond the fear, beyond her unique scent, he detected her visitor.
He staggered back a step. “Enos was here?”

He called himself Lord Diadem.”

Closing his eyes, Sariel shook his head. Why was Enos here? What did he want with Rosalind? It had been many centuries since they crossed paths.

“Who is Enos? Why do you react with such dread? Is he not the Grigori you sent originally?”

“You thought I dispatched Enos?
long ago.”

“Then what does he want with Rosalind? How does he know about her?”

“He asked for Rosalind by name? Tell me exactly what happened.” She explained in short, succinct sentences exactly what was said.

“He just left? You told him Rosalind was unavailable and he bowed to you and left?”

“Why do you sound so surprised? Who is Enos Diadem?”

“Enos is my brother. Or he was before he

* * * * *


They descended to the great hall and were discussing where next to search when Rosalind strolled into the keep. Alyssa
thrilled to see Rosalind safe, but anger immediately doused her relief.

“Where have you been?” Alyssa’s tone was tight and controlled.

“Giving the village lads a good tumble.”

Alyssa charged toward Rosalind, but Sariel caught her arm. He stepped past her and stood before Rosalind, staring down from his great height. “You are either a spoiled brat in need of a sound thrashing or a very foolish child.”

Rosalind gasped and Alyssa grinned. The way he had grabbed her arm had apparently led Rosalind to believe he meant to defend her.

“You can’t speak to me like this. You’re a guest in my castle.”

“There is a creature pursuing you. We do not yet understand his motivation. Until we do, you will remain within the castle compound.”

Rosalind glanced at Alyssa, a bit of the fight going out of her stance.
Why would you use that term?”

“Only a fool makes the same mistake twice,” Sariel continued, drawing Rosalind’s gaze back toward him. “When I encountered you in the church, Alyssa was searching for you. Correct?”

“I was within the curtain walls. There was no danger.”

“And today?”
Alyssa could only see his broad back, but his tone snapped with challenge and authority.

“I… Who is after me and why did you refer to him as a creature?”

“Where did you go today?” Sariel persisted.

“Beyond the curtain walls,” Rosalind admitted in a small, shaky voice. “I didn’t intend to return, but…Mae insisted.”

“You were not with Mae. I spoke to her.”

Alyssa stepped up beside Sariel. “Who insisted you return to the castle?”

“The one person I counted on most.” Tears swam behind her long lashes and her dainty chin quivered. “You win, Alyssa. I have tried. There is no escaping you.”

Alyssa’s breath hitched and her cheeks burned. Rosalind’s words stung like a slap. “Why would you want to

Tears spilled onto Rosalind’s cheeks as the words came tumbling out. “I love you like a sister, but the whispers in the village are not idle gossip. You
going mad. You frighten me. I never know what you’ll do, what you’ll say, who you’ll be. I just want my friend back. I want…”

Alyssa reached for her but Rosalind twisted away.

“This ends now.” Sariel’s deep voice drew the attention of both females. “Alyssa is not going mad. The truth may be hard for you to accept. She has lied to protect you from the fear of superstitious fools. If her true nature were revealed, the gossipmongers might find the courage to act.”

true nature?
What does that mean?”

There was no need to speak the words, he just unfurled his wings.


Sariel watched Rosalind’s awe turn to terror and quickly retracted his wings. “Fear not. I only showed you to assure you I can speak only truth. That is what complicated Alyssa’s memory. Most angels cannot lie.”

“Alyssa is an angel.” Befuddled, the girl stumbled back and sank onto one of the benches scattered about the great hall.

“The truth is complicated, but her angelic nature is the secret she has been attempting to conceal.”

Rosalind looked at Alyssa, eyes wide and filled with hurt. “You couldn’t trust me with your secret?”

“Would you have believed me?” Alyssa’s voice shook and she crossed her arms over her chest. Was she relieved to have the subject uncovered or angry that he had forced her hand? “I can no longer unfurl my wings. If Sariel had not been here to demonstrate, you would have been completely convinced of my madness.”

“I’m sorry. I…”

He wanted to let Alyssa savor the moment, to solidify the reconciliation with her ward, but important matters remained unspoken. They were running out of time. “When Alyssa speaks an untruth her mind adjusts reality to accommodate the lie. She has been unable to tell you the truth, so her mind continually creates new realities. Do you understand what that must be like?”

Blinking away the last of her tears, Rosalind nodded. “I saw it clearly at court. Court was horrible. I have never been so…”

“Ashamed?” Alyssa supplied, her gaze still wounded.

Rosalind’s expression twisted with regret. “But I didn’t understand. How could I have known?”

Sariel pulled a bench near to Rosalind and straddled it, resting his hands on his thighs. Accepting the reality of angels was only the first step. With Enos involved Sariel had no alternative but to make her enlightenment abrupt. “Angels are real.” He paused, waiting for her to meet his gaze. “And so are demons. The creature I spoke of earlier is
. He is ruthless and you must do exactly as we say or we will not be able to protect you.”

Her hand flew to her throat, her eyes wide and fearful. “What interest has a demon in me?”

“We don’t know yet, but you may have knowledge that can help us unravel his motives.”

Alyssa sat on the bench behind him. He could sense her depression and anxiety. She didn’t trust him, but her angelic nature understood what must be done.

Rosalind folded her hands in her lap and watched him cautiously. Not since their initial encounter in the church had he seen her so resigned. “Have you been approached by anyone you did not know, particularly men?”

“Not since we returned from court. Court was swarming with people we didn’t know. The purpose for being there was to encounter new people.”

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