Echoes in Eternity (The Pella Series Book 1) (81 page)

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Nieto Running Horse (the Cherub)
Often appearing as an old Pueblo Indian, Nieto is a cherub who is capable of traveling between the realms of the world, Eden and Hades. He is the guardian of the gates of Eden.

Phlegethon (Hade
One of the five rivers of Hades, a stream of fire and blood in Azaziel’s control coiling round the earth which flows into the depths of Tartarus.

A special force of skilled elite Nephilim guards only serving Alex.

Soul Searchers. They’re excessively beautiful, driven by a sinful curiosity and lust from love’s domain, they can detect the flaws, darkness, scars, strength, weakness, rot as well as beauty in each soul when its unguarded. Even if the soul is guarded, they can read the signs of a soul like a tracker. Though part of them is human, they’re different than angels and their powers are unique. Garnering their unique ability and their service as a unique breed of personal security specialists, having them in your service comes at a very steep price. Because of their affinity to souls of both human and Nephilim, they utilize the knowledge to keep their own kind safe and away from matters of men and of angels. Paul, Simon, Peter, Andrew and James are an elite force of Psyche led by Hedone.

Shamsiel (Marcus)
A Watcher and once the guardian of Eden served as one of the two chief aids to the archangel Uriel. He commanded over two million angels. Unlike his brothers, he fell in love with a daughter of man and had one child, a daughter from this union. His child Elissa was the only Nephilim born without sin. His human name is Marcus Duncan.

Beautiful winged-maidens who sing such sweet songs, the listeners forget everything and go to them to meet their demise and their eternal peril.

Stella (Baraqiel)
The ninth Watcher angel. She is the “lightening of God”, sister of Marcus. She is loyal to Elissa and Alex.

Tartarus (Tartaros)
Deep abyss where some of the Fallen Angels are punished. Marcus is sent there to be imprisoned after his Life for Life exchange in order to protect his daughter’s life. The fall to Tartarus takes nine days.

The Guardians of the Enochians who keep their identity secret and provide safety for both humans and the Nephilim’s mutual interests.

The Watchers
Also known as Grigori, the Watchers are “sons of God”, a total of 200 angels who are tasked to watch over mankind. But they lusted after the daughters of men and had children with them. The children who are born to them are known as Nephilim; half human, half angel. Because of their lustful coupling with daughters of men, the Watchers are fallen from grace and cast out of the Garden of Eden, becoming the Fallen Angels.

A colt born to Elissa’s mare Boreas, immune to the fire of Hades. He’s an immortal horse.

About the Author

Emine Fougner, linguist, analyst and a popular blogger at A Walk in the Clouds has fans in 185 countries around the world.

“I wanted to be an
 archaeologist in order to be able to have the skills talk to the ancient child who left her hand-print in the stone pillar of her mother’s sarcophagus in the necropolis of the ancient city of Laodicea. You could feel the grief of that small child in that single hand print.

Then I wanted to be an engineer, a space traveling engineer after I saw the Star Wars for the first time on TV. In fact, I nailed all my mother’s metal pots, and their lids to a mulberry tree, connecting them with wires and linking them to a ten foot antenna in an effort to create an array of my version of satellites to talk to the aliens ~as Star Wars indicated existed~ when I was nine years old.

I wanted to be a scientist who cured a disease like Pasteur did, or come up with an invention that benefited humanity.

I wanted to be kick-ass martial artists, a race car driver, a skydiver, a rock climber, become an explorer like Captain Cousteau, or float on a river running between the towering canyon walls in a canoe like Lewis and Clark.

In fact, I wanted to be many, many things, and thought that it was unfair that we had one lifetime to achieve all our ambitions.”

studied a lot & found it very unfortunate that we all have one lifetime to achieve all our ambitions. So, she became a linguist where she could utilize most what she had learned. Suffice to say that linguistics, translations & research in various languages forged constant learning, study of diverse topics & almost no redundancy. How could she not love it? In the end it led her to her purpose in life: Writing. So, what defines her?
Simple. Like Mark Twain said: "Explore. Dream. Discover."

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