Ecstasy Wears Emeralds

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Authors: Renee Bernard

BOOK: Ecstasy Wears Emeralds
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Praise for the Jaded Gentleman Series
Seduction Wears Sapphires
“An amazing read. I enjoyed it immensely . . . Ashe and Caroline are wonderful characters that made me fall in love with them from the beginning of the story.”
Night Owl Reviews
“A fine book, well crafted, well researched, and an entertaining romantic novel . . . Historical romance fans will be delighted, I have no doubt.”
The Book Binge
“What a refreshing new take on two people who from first sight are determined to detest each other . . . I was immediately engrossed with the fiery, witty dialogue and the curiosity of how this couple, who loathed each other upon their meeting, would come full circle to a beautifully shared love in the end.”
Fiction Vixen
Revenge Wears Rubies
“Sensuality fairly steams from Bernard's writing. This luscious tale will enthrall you. Enjoy!”
—Sabrina Jeffries,
New York Times
bestselling author
“If you're a fan of spicy hot romances mixed with a bit of intrigue and set in Victorian London, don't miss this one!”
The Romance Dish
“Galen's journey from emotional cripple to ability to love is a captivating, erotic romance.”
Fresh Fiction
More praise for the “grand mistress of sensual, scorching romance”*
“Sinfully sexy . . . Wickedly witty, sublimely sensual . . . Renee Bernard dazzles readers . . . Clever, sensual, and superb.”
“Scorcher! Bernard debuts with an erotic romance that delivers not only a high degree of sensuality, but a strong plotline and a cast of memorable characters. She's sure to find a place alongside Robin Schone, Pam Rosenthal, and Thea Devine.”
RT Book Reviews
“Very hot romance. Readers who enjoy an excellent, sizzling Victorian story are going to thoroughly enjoy this one.”
Romance Reviews Today

Madame's Deception
is shiverlicious! A captivating plot, charismatic characters, and sexy, tingle-worthy romance . . . Fantastic!”
Joyfully Reviewed
Publishers Weekly
“[This] steamy historical romance is a great debut for this new author . . . Filled with steamy and erotic scenes . . . The plot is solid and the ending holds many surprises . . . Tantalizing.”
—Fresh Fiction
Berkley Sensation Titles by Renee Bernard
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For the real Rowan we lost. If the universe holds any logic or beauty, somewhere out there, you are laughing and chasing the stars. When the wheel turns again, I hope you get to be a spoiled, fat, and happy prince.
For Geoffrey and my beautiful girls. There are no words for how much I love you. None.
How is it that with every book the list of people I need to thank just gets longer and longer? I'm hoping it's a sign of a life well lived and the blessings that come with knowing so many wonderful people. (And not the reverse, which would be that I'm losing my ability to keep it together unless there are more and more hands on deck.)
I want to thank my incredible editor, Kate Seaver, and the fantastic team at Berkley. It's been a dream to work with all of you, and I'm continually surprised with how easy you make it for me.
Thank you again also to Readers Entertainment/COS Productions and Sheila English for having me on board and giving me an excuse to laugh at least once a week on
Canned Laughter and Coffee
. You've created such a warm community for readers and authors to find each other, and I'm grateful to be a part of it.
We lost Geoffrey's father while I was working on this book, and for anyone facing the decline of a parent due to Lewy body dementia, you know what it was like. But I wanted to take this chance to thank the wonderful people at the care home Sunshine Manor, as well as Partners in Care and Hospice. Through it all, we were lucky enough to have stronger, wiser, loving shoulders to lean on . . .
My eldest is now the official darling of the ER at Marshall Hospital, so I can't forget to include all the nurses and doctors who are doing their best to keep me sane and convince my five-year old that she should be more careful. (The free teddy bears they give out seem to be working as an incentive in the wrong direction, if you ask me.)
My thanks to Lisa Richardson, who has become part of the family, for everything you do so gracefully and selflessly to keep us afloat and organized. The girls adore you, but I'm right behind them. You're beautiful inside and out, m'lady. Thank you for your friendship and support.
To my author friends, near and far,
thank you
just doesn't cover it. If I list you all, it will look like shameless name-dropping, but you help me to feel less isolated as I battle it out with my keyboard. You know who you are. I'm just eternally amazed that you answer my emails and take my calls and even pretend to know who
am. Thank you.
And just in case she feels left out, I want to thank my mom. I seem to be one fan of many when it comes to everything she's doing these days, volunteering at her local hospital, participating in social clubs, caring for others, and being the consummate friend; I'm breathless with fatigue just listening to her schedule. When I grow up, I want to be just like her.
And to all the readers who have continued to send emails and notes from all over the world—thank you! You literally make this all worthwhile, and I'm endlessly cheered and motivated to improve when I think of you. Thank you for picking up the books and for keeping romance alive!
What is the body? That shadow of a shadow of your love, that somehow contains the entire universe.
Winter 1859
“Bless you, Dr. West.” The woman's hands gripped his arm through his white shirtsleeve, desperation and grief giving her fingers an icy strength that guaranteed bruises would bloom later. “Thank you for staying so late!”
Rowan shook his head. “No need to say any of that, Mrs. Blythe. Jackson's resting comfortably now, and I'll be by in another day or two to see how he's coming along.” He reached up to cover her fingers with his gloved hand. “Send for me if he worsens. Ignore the hour and just send for me, Mrs. Blythe.”

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