Eden's Mark (9 page)

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Authors: D.M. Sears

BOOK: Eden's Mark
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Chapter Thirteen

              I flipped through the book not understanding a word of it. I had no idea how I understood it before and now; it was all a jumble of letters that made no sense.

“How am I supposed to help anyone when I can’t even read this book?” I dropped my head into my hands and felt the cave-like room shake. Bits of rock and dust fell from the walls and ceiling.

“What was that?” I looked at Koren on my shoulder. He chirped at me, but I couldn’t figure out what that meant.

Shadows are attacking, little one. Do not fear. They are trying to get you to come out by shaking the mountain. No matter what, stay inside.

Maiya’s voice sounded so confident and strong. I wish I knew her secret to staying calm. I was feeling tense and scared; no way would I be able to focus. I dug my hands into the fluffy loam and closed my eyes. The familiar rhythm of the earth flowed into my being and I let it wrap itself around me.

I have you protected, Eden. Have no fear. Maiya and I will not let anything harm you. Gregor is a force to be reckoned with. He will not let them pass as long as he lives.

Koren, if anything happens to anyone, I will never forgive myself.

Do not think that way. All will be well.

The mountain shook around us while I sat quietly trying to understand the book at my feet. Mother Earth’s song comforted me, and I had nothing left to do but ask her for help. “Mother Earth, please help me see what I need to see to keep my loved ones safe. I am scared and have no idea what I am doing, but you are all-loving and powerful. Please send me strength and knowledge to bring peace.” My wristed tingled in a bubbly way, and I felt a rush of energy buzz into my body.

I immediately flipped through the leather book until I came to a page that felt right. I placed my hands on the pages and closed my eyes, letting the page fill me with its words. As I turned the page, a sharp pain hit me like ice water. I grabbed my side and doubled over.

Gregor!  Are you ok?

Nothing, not one word. I waited for his response but nothing came back to me. I felt another laceration along my back causing me to jerk and fall forward on top of the book. Sweat rolled off my forehead as I lay there, feeling the ghost pains from Gregor’s wounds. I sucked in air between my teeth adjusting to the stinging pain.

“Koren, I am not going to sit here.” I made myself rise as another pain hit my arm and leg causing me to stumble. I caught myself on the wall and heard Koren chirping like crazy.

You need to stay here, Eden. I cannot protect you as efficiently if we are in a more open area. Gregor will be displeased if I let you leave the room.

Koren, I appreciate you wanting to keep me safe, but I have to do this. I love him!
I was shocked at my admission, but I did love him. I loved all of them and I was not going to be the reason they all got hurt. I pleaded with my eyes as I looked at the bird on my shoulder.

At least let me change to a bigger form.

Koren flew off me and landed a little ways across the room. His little bird body changed and contorted into the form of a vicious looking bear. Koren stood ten feet tall and was jet-black; the only color he had was a V going down his chest, the color of cinnamon. His nails on the front paws were curved and looked like knives as he stood on his back legs. His bear let out a grunt and then landed on all fours in front of me. I walked over and slide my hand through the thick fur, I grabbed a tuft and climbed on his back.

I drank the flask of liquid Val had given me and it tasted overly sweet, like nectar. The substance spread through my body with a chill, turning me invisible. I didn’t know how long it would last, but it would get me where we needed to be.

We bounded down the hall through rooms and to the passage. I was expecting to see Val in there, but she was gone. My heart raced in my chest as I searched for her. I jumped off Koren and he burst through the opening onto the flat rock of the mountain. He let a ferocious roar escape his lips and rushed a shadow near the edge. His large jaws snapped at the creature as he used his enormous paws to knock it off the mountain.

I saw Lex using a sword to fight off another and behind him was Val, using her spells to deflect magicks being hurled at them. I didn’t see Maiya or Gregor, but I could feel every scratch, puncture, and bite he was taking. I was frozen in place as I watched these things attack my family and friends.

My mind was blank as I watched the fight unravel. Too many shadows were here, more than seven. My family was bloodied by the creatures, leaving me angry and desperate to help them. My invisibility didn’t last long, a shade noticed me and came after me with gnashing teeth.

Lex saw it coming at me and threw a blade, barely scratching the rotting skin.              “Eden, go back inside!”

That was all it took. That one second of losing his concentration was going to cost him. The shadow he was fighting off took advantage of the distraction and sunk his pointy claws into my uncle’s chest. Bright red blood flowed out of the five holes he left behind. His eyes growing large, knees buckling under him, the creature swiping his tongue across the fountain of blood set me into a brief shock.

Horrified, I looked down at him and my whole body began to tremble and burn with rage. I let the feeling engulf me, giving in to the fire burning under my skin. No one would hurt my family if I had a say. I watched the red glow pulse from my birthmark, changing my features. My hair turned vibrant white and my eyes glowed tinted with red. The shadows stopped fighting Koren and Val and turned their attention to me.

I felt free. Electricity arced in my veins, fueling my energy. “I so got this.”

I rose into the air leaving a burn mark on the rock exactly where I had been standing. In my mind, I saw the words on the page from the book, allowing the script to etch itself inside my energy. Opening my palms, I let the fire flow. The orange and blue flames poured from my fingertips like lava with a force like no other. I aimed and funneled my rage at the shades in front of me.

Shadows fell to the ground writhing from the flames, their cries assaulting to the ears. Others tried to escape down the mountainside to no avail. I screamed my fury into the dark and it resonated into the air, sending shadows flying towards the forest below. I glided through the air after them, throwing fire as I followed. When they reached the trees, I lost them. Their bodies melded into the shadows in the forest concealing them from me.

I landed just before the tree line watching some of the shadows burn. I no longer felt Gregor or heard the mental calls from Koren. I stood there on the ground that had now caught fire from my heat searching for shadows. Off into the distance I heard a maniacal laugh. Low at first, barely audible, then as it grew louder, I saw a hooded figure emerge from the trees.

“So, this is the chosen one. Funny, I wasn’t expecting a child.” The hooded figure strode around me, their arrogance tangible.

“I see you have begun with the parlor tricks. You would think someone with your power would have incinerated us all at the beginning.” He stopped in front of me and I caught a glimpse of his violet eyes from the flames burning around us. “You are nothing but a scared child playing with magicks beyond your knowhow.” The man’s snake tongue licked his cracked lips.

“I am not scared. In fact, I am really pissed off! No one hurts my family without some payback.” I was seething now; no way was I going to back down. I grounded myself in the earth and pulled the energy up into me. I let the sweet cool breeze waft around me, and I glared coolly at the hooded figure.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING! That is a wielder and not one to be taken lightly. I told you to stay inside and keep safe. You have given them exactly what they want!

I felt Gregor’s anger at me but I shut it out.

I did what I needed to do. Lex could be dead because of these things. I will end them all if I have to and no one, not even you, will keep me from doing that.

I will not let you do this.

You can’t stop me, Gregor. You are hurt and weakened; I am too powerful for you right now.

I will not stand by and watch you get hurt.


I dropped the connection with him instantly and returned my focus on the wielder in front of me. I searched his darkened face and watched as his shades came to him, black spittle running down their mouths, white eyes glowing as they grinned at me.

stop you.” I put as much venom behind my words as I could and let the flames loose once more. I watched the snake-like tendrils of fire grow towards the wielder and shades, only to see them stop as if they hit a wall. I pushed with all the power I had but the shield never gave.

“You are too weak to break my barrier, child. You can’t get to us, so give up now. My leaders want to meet you. If you come with us now, we will ensure your safety until we reach them. After that…” he laughed a short vile laugh, “your fate is your own.” His violet eyes darkened and his clown mouth turn upwards.

“She will go nowhere with you, Mica.” Gregor stood beside me, worn and ready to collapse. The wounds covering his body burned and bled, letting his lifeblood spill onto the ground.

Why did you come? I have this under control.

Yes, it seems as much.
I heard the smirk in his tone.

We are with you too.
Koren and Maiya flew down and changed from bird forms to their natural selves on the other side of me.

No, all of you go back. They want me; no one else has to get hurt.

We will stay as long you intend to fight, Eden. You are still learning your potential and may need us.

Maiya was still calm and collected even though I saw blood stain her leather clothes.

“Ah, Gregor, it has been long since we last met.” Mica spoke in a saccharine voice that left a sick feeling in my gut. “This may turn out to be prosperous indeed, my friend.”

“We have not been friends for many years, Mica. Leave here immediately and I will make your end swift.” Gregor planted his feet in the ground and crossed his bare arms over his chest taking in a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

“You will kill me swiftly? I do not think you have the advantage here. Your little guest seems to be the bodyguard. It’s quite interesting.” His distorted smile dripped with ooze.

“ We want the girl, the rest of you are just fodder for my shades.” Mica laughed his strange, vile laugh and I saw lightning course between his fingers.

My body was faltering and my aura flickered as I stood there listening to the banter. I couldn’t wait any longer to make a move. I raised high above the others and sent a torrent of flames at the trees behind the master and his shades closing off their escape.

Mother, give me the energy I need to dispose of this vile thing.

Her answer was immediate and a new force energized my blood. I opened my hands and sent a ball of pure white energy at the barrier that had kept my fire out. I watched Mica fall backwards upon impact, but the field remained intact.

Mica got to his feet with that horrible sickening grin plastered on his face. “You are weak. You will never be able to tear my wards down.

I summoned every ounce of energy I had and took what Mother Earth offered. The energy ball was twice the size of the last and I hurled it at him once more. Gregor rushed to action. He grabbed shades on one side of Mica and began tearing them apart. Koren and Maiya had transformed into their wolves, ripping and tearing the shades, sending their pieces into the blazing inferno.

My body weakened as I watched from the sky. I had to hold on a little longer. The pandemonium was almost over.

The ball of energy hit Mica’s shield with such force it shattered his ward and ignited him. He screamed as his body burnt until all that was left was a smoldering spot of tarlike ooze.

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