Eden's Pleasure (Pulse Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Eden's Pleasure (Pulse Book 1)
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“You have your own parking space?”

“You find it a bit pretentious?” he asked. “I fund the school, therefore I attend piano recitals to see how well my money is being spent. I have a love of the arts.” He got out of the car, opened her door, and took her hand to help her out.

“Do you play?” She was now very curious. “I’d love to hear you play.”

“That won’t happen. I don’t play anymore,” he brusquely concluded. “I studied piano here for several years. When I graduated, I decided to give something back to the school so that those needing financial assistance could have the opportunity to study music.”

“You’re a generous man, Mr. Dean.”

“You will find that I am very generous in many, many ways, Miss Fox.” He glared into her eyes, the corner of his mouth lifting into a wicked little smile.

Eden bit the inside of her lower lip. A blush flooded her face, red hot with color. “There’s that blush I love so much.”

“Chase, stop it,” she said, holding her hand against her hot cheek.

“Miss Fox, I’m afraid we have a slight technicality here,” he said with a raised brow, challenging her playfully. “This has absolutely nothing to do with business.” She glared at him, pulling her hand away from his grip while furrowing her brow.

“Relax Eden, I’m just playing with you. I haven’t forgotten that we are here as friends
But you looking like that…” His eyes scanned her body. “…Makes it very hard to keep my focus and think of you as just a friend.”

He reached over and took a gentle grip on her hand, smiling his melt-her-into-a-puddle smile that she couldn’t resist. She followed as he headed to the entrance of the building. They made their way to his reserved seats, front row and center in the upper balcony, and she settled in, gazing at her surroundings.

The great hall was amazing with its spectacular wooden paneled walls and ceiling. The audience seating was situated in a crescent shape around the orchestra pit and stage. From their seats, they looked down on the large stage featuring only a single Steinway, a highly polished baby grand piano and bench, at center stage. It was angled so that, from all views, you could see the performance.

When the lights dimmed, Chase leaned closer to Eden, taking her hand into his. He ran his thumb over her knuckles, placing her hand onto his lap. A young woman in a soft yellow, silk gown sat at the piano. After a dramatic pause, Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 sang through the air, her entire body moving gracefully as her fingers glided over the keys.

Eden could feel Chase’s fingers moving in rhythm to the music. She looked down to watch his long and well-manicured fingers. They were soft, yet there was strength about his touch. She found herself day dreaming of his hand gently molding to her breast, pressing deliberately against her nipple. The applause roaring from the audience caused her to jump from her thoughts. Chase squeezed her hand, looking at her surprised by the sudden jolt.

“Are you alright?” he asked her with concern.

“I’m fine. Sorry, lost in a thought.”

“Did you wish to share that thought?” he asked, intrigued.

“I don’t think so. Thanks anyway.” she smirked, looking away towards the next performer’s entrance.

“Naughty thoughts during a piano recital? Why, Miss Fox, there’s a whole other side to you, isn’t there?”

She raised a finger to her lips and blew out a quiet shhh in his direction, causing him to purse his lips tightly together to contain his laughter.

After the final performance of the evening, and the many ovations, they sat waiting for the crowd to dispense before heading to the car.

“Did you enjoy the recital?” Chase asked, stretching his arms over his head while shifting his head from side to side.

“I really did. They’re all so talented. I wish that I had learned to play when I was young.”

“Yes, because you’re so old,” he snickered. “You know that you’re never too old to learn new things.”

“I’d love to hear you play sometime.”

“I told you, I don’t play anymore,” he explained, and the smile left his face.

“Why not?” she pushed.

“I just don’t. Please leave it at that.” He seemed to become irritated by her questioning. Standing and running his hand through his hair, he reached out his hand to her and headed to the exit.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized, a little nervous at irritating him, as he dragged her along with him, down the winding staircase without a word, not even a glance over his shoulder. Then he stopped in his tracks.

“No, you shouldn’t be sorry. I’m the one that’s sorry, for being an ass with you,” he apologized, wrapping his arms around her and resting his chin on top of her head. “Come, I’ll take you home.”

When they arrived at her apartment, he helped her from the car and walked her to the elevator with his hands in his pockets. A sure sign from experience that something was bothering him, the lack of his touch made her feel cut off from him. When the elevator doors opened, she reached out and took his hand, forcing him inside. Eden walked into the apartment, but Chase stood in the doorway, making no attempt to enter.

Eden came to him and reached her hand up to his face, and then caressed his cheek. “Come in and sit. I’ll make us tea,” she insisted.

She filled the kettle and placed it on the ring of the stove to boil before taking a seat beside Chase on the couch. His silence was killing her; he was normally the one that initialized the conversation.

“You’re so quiet Chase,” she said, feeling guilty for upsetting him. “I upset you.”

He looked at her with silent eyes, his mind seemingly a million miles away.

“I said something wrong, and I’m so sorry.” She sounded fraught with embarrassment, resting her forehead on his shoulder, letting out a sigh.

Chase tenderly gathered her into his arms. “Don’t ever be sorry, baby. I’m being an ass again. Here you are sitting next to me, looking so beautiful, all dressed up in that sexy red gown. I’m ruining what should have been a great evening for you.”

He closed his lips delicately over hers, holding there for endless minutes. The whistle from the kettle sounded and he broke from her lips, breathlessly staring into her half lidded eyes. Eden jumped up and ran over, removing the kettle and turning off the ring before leaning against the stove.

Just when she thought she had regained her composure, Chase pushed up against her, holding her hands down to her sides while touching his lips to the soft skin just under her ear, kissing her repeatedly. His lips were magical against her skin, sending waves of electricity through her body. Her knees grew weak under her weight, causing her to melt under his ministrations.

Before she knew what was happening, Chase had swept her into his arms and carried her to the couch. Placing her gently down and kneeling over her, he caressed his lips down her chin to the notch of her neck.

Her breathing was quick, and her head whirled as he ran his tongue up to her chin and over to her ear. “Your salty skin tastes so good, baby!”

His voice awoke her from her reverie. Her body pressed deep into the cushions and no air movement made her aware that she was trapped under his weight. It was like her many nightmares haunting her. Eden pushed his shoulders in a frantic attempt to move his large frame.

“Stop!” she shouted.

Chase pulled back and promptly helped her to sit up. He dropped to his knees in front of her and took her frightened face into his hands, staring deep into her eyes. “Jesus, baby, are you okay? Did I do something to hurt you?” He moved his face closer to hers.

“Just hold me,” she begged as tears started to fall.

“I will. I’m not going anywhere.” Chase moved himself on to the couch, shifting her from her seat, placing her onto his lap, and held her as he removed her shoes, she curled into a ball.

Eden woke in Chase’s arms several hours later. He was sound asleep, his head tilted back, with his hands holding her tight to his chest. She didn’t want to wake him, but she was in an awkward position and her back ached terribly. She needed to stand and stretch. Eden took his hands, and carefully, slowly separated them. When his hands lay at his sides, she uncurled her feet and tried to slide off his lap. He stirred, setting her free. Chase moaned her name and she turned to look, but he was still asleep.

In her room she undressed, slipping into her pajamas and robe, then washed her tear stained face, feeling like a first class boob for blubbering. She quaked at the thought of facing him and trying to explain something that she had no idea how to explain. She just couldn’t bring herself to tell anyone, especially him.

Chase was lying across the couch on his back now, with one hand over his head and the other resting on his stomach. He looked so peaceful. She stood and watched him sleep, beautiful and warm.
He could have been the perfect match for me
, she thought to herself,
if only we didn’t
work together
. He made her feel safe, he was sexy, kind, and oh so attentive.

You have him here and now!

Very careful not to disturb him, she grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and spread it over them both the best she could. She snuggled into his side and inhaled his aroma. His arms wrapped around her and he moaned softly, adjusting his position. Listening to his heartbeat, she closed her eyes, thankful that he was there to hold her.




Chase opened his eyes in the bright morning light and felt her body molded into his side. He smiled. Her bare leg was draped over his crotch, pushing against his morning wood, just the right way to make him come to life. Her arm was slid under his shirt, lying across his chest. The touch of her flesh to his was like hot silk. She breathed softly. He could feel her heart beating its gentle rhythm against his rib cage. This was heaven. He wanted to run his hands all over her, but fought the urge and enjoyed her warmth.

What was it about this woman that lay quietly with him? So infuriating at times, but everything he wanted. Everything he needed. Eden had a playful, dominating sexuality that he found most arousing. Never had a woman dominated him, but then he never desired a woman to dominate him. The idea of allowing Eden to take him over sexually somehow allured him.

He now knew from her breakdown last night that Eden had somehow been hurt badly. Eden wore a thin veil of disguise, she was broken. He made a private promise to help repair her soul.

Eden started to stir, to his dismay. He knew she would pull away from him, placing an agonizing distance between them. Moving her arm, she discovered it was hooked inside his shirt and pulled it out, looking up to see him smiling slyly down at her.

Upon seeing her naked leg thrown over him, and feeling his morning hard-on against her inner thigh, she snatched her robe over herself and avoided eye contact. “You do realize that I have seen you naked. It was dark, but I’ll never forget it,” he disclosed. She put her hand on his chest and started to push away, but he held her tight.

“Should we talk?” he asked her in a slow gentle tone.

“Talk about what?” she asked him, still trying to remove herself from his grip, knowing full well what he was asking her.

“Last night. Something brought you to tears, and I don’t think that it was just me.”

He released his hold, and she stood before him adjusting her robe, eyeing it to make sure she was covered properly. “It wasn’t you. Please let it go?”

Chase went into the washroom to relieve himself and freshen somewhat, giving her a decent amount of time to regard his questioning. He came into the living room and watched her standing at the window.

“Eden, talk to me.” He sat and moved over to make room for her beside him, but she remained standing uncomfortably.

She was getting frustrated more with herself than his questioning. “Please, Chase, I can’t…I just can’t.” She couldn’t tell him, she had no idea how, nor the desire to.

Walking into the kitchen, she proceeded to fill the coffee maker and turned it on. The room soon filled with the pleasant aroma. Chase joined her, standing only inches away. “Okay, baby, I won’t push it,” he said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Eden filled two coffee cups and placed them on the breakfast bar, along with a small pitcher of cream and a bowl of sugar. She handed Chase a spoon, he touched her fingers and looked up at her from his seat before taking it.

“Chase, you need to stop doing this. We are friends. We can’t be any more than that. I don’t want a relationship. I don’t need a relationship.”

“Who said anything about a relationship? We have great sex. Surely you can’t deny it?” he asked her sternly, waiting for an answer.

“We just can’t,” she insisted. “I love being with you, but it can only be as friends. We work together for God’s sake. I could get fired. You’re a wonderful man. You should be with someone that can give you everything that you want. I’m afraid that’s not me…I’m sorry.”

“Why does every moment have to be so hard and complicated with you? This should be easy. There’s a distance between us, Eden, and you’re the one placing it there. You have this wall built up around you,
making it hard. Be honest with yourself.”

Chase stood and brushed his hand over her cheek before he shrugged on his tuxedo jacket. He opened the door and looked over at her with blazing eyes.

“Goodbye, Eden…I’ll see you at work.” He didn’t try to conceal his temper.. She felt a tug at her heart as the door closed behind him. Closing doors and walking away, why did it always end up the same way?




Chase pulled into his designated underground parking space and turned off the engine. He sat back in the seat pondering his next move, his fingers turning white from the death grip he held on the steering wheel. Eden was driving him mad with this
bullshit. He hated lashing out at her. Being cruel and vicious wasn’t how he wanted to be. Yet she could elicit unscrupulous behavior from him, the sort he’d never envisioned before.

Infuriating was the only word to describe this angel in heels. This red hot temptress stirred up all his needs and wants into one colossal steaming caldron of greediness. Like the wickedest witch from some erotic fantasy land beyond his wildest imagination.

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