Read Edge of Love Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #romance, #chick lit, #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemopary, #na romance, #contemopary womens fiction

Edge of Love (2 page)

BOOK: Edge of Love
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A smile crept across my lips but I
tried to fight it. I leaned back in my seat and sighed. Now that I
came, I felt satisfied and sleepy. That was a really good fuck, one
of the best we ever had. We’ve had sex in public places, but this
was our first time screwing on a plane.

Sean leaned toward me and kissed me on
the forehead. Then, he pressed his lips against mine and kissed me
gently. When he pulled away, he rubbed his nose against mine while
he looked into my eyes. I felt my heart melt at the sight. It was
obvious how much Sean loved me. He knew when to be aggressive and
dominant when we fucked like rabbits in spring, but knew when to be
gentle and loving when we made love. It was the perfect

He smiled at me. “You feel better

I felt my cheeks blush. Even though I
was satisfied, I was embarrassed by my previous behavior. I really
was acting like a total slut. I nodded but didn’t speak. He kissed
me on the forehead again. “I love you.”

My heart constricted at his words. “I
love you, too.”

I’m glad I please you so

I smiled. “Well, today was a great
performance but it doesn’t change anything. We still aren’t having
sex at your mother’s house.”

Sean rolled his eyes then leaned back
in his chair. “I’ve had sex with tons of women at my parents’

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Is that
supposed to persuade me? Know your audience, Sean.”

He sighed. “Fine. We’ll stay at a
hotel. But I have a feeling my mom won’t allow it no matter how
much we argue with her. It’s inevitable.”

I leaned closer to him. “Just be

He smiled then grabbed my hand,
placing it over his erection. “Like I am with you?”

I hit his shoulder. “Don’t be

Sean pressed his lips against my neck
and kissed me gently. His mouth stopped at my ear. “You like it
when I’m gross.” He continued to kiss me.

I felt eyes bore into me and knew I
was being watched. I looked across the aisle and met the gaze of
the woman who was glaring at me earlier. Her look of disapproval
had increased by tenfold. Sean placed his hand on my thigh then
trailed his lips to my chest.

The anger ignited in my body as I
looked at her. Without thinking before speaking, I said, “Yes, we
screwed in the bathroom. Get over it.” Sean pulled away and looked
at me, shocked that I just announced our transgression to everyone
in our vicinity. The other passengers started whispering to one
another as they listened to my words. Within a few seconds,
everyone was talking about it. The pretentious woman finally looked

Sean smiled then shook his head. “Such
a slut.”



Sean and I were standing at the
luggage claim, waiting for our bags to come through the conveyor
belt. I saw the old woman on the other side of the room. She
glanced at us every few seconds while she waited for her bags to be

Sean caught my look. “Will you let it

I shook my head.

He sighed. “In her defense, what we
did was wrong.”

I’ll remember that when
you want to get laid on the return flight home.”

He smiled. “We can play this game as
many times as you want. I’ll always win. I promise you.”

A small smile lifted the corners of my
mouth. Sean wrapped his arms around my waist and looked down at me.
“Babe, let it go.” He pressed his forehead against mine and looked
into my eyes. “I think you need to get fucked again.”

I smiled. “I always need to get

That’s my

I wrapped my arms around his neck then
buried my face into his chest, escaping from reality for a moment.
I wasn’t looking forward to seeing his parents. I loved them
dearly, but I wasn’t sure how supportive they would be of our
engagement. Sean hadn’t been broken up with Penelope for very long,
and his parents might think we rushed into this too quickly. I knew
they loved Penelope for Sean. Would they love me just as

Sean rested his head on top of mine
while he waited for our luggage to reveal itself. We said nothing
for a long time. I moved into Sean and tried to forget about his
parents. Even if they weren’t supportive, it wouldn’t change
anything. Sean would marry me today if that’s what I

When he spotted our luggage, he
released his hold on me and retrieved our bags from the conveyor
belt. He hoisted them over his shoulders and held the bags in both

I can carry mine.” I
reached out to grab my luggage, but Sean moved away.

My fiancé doesn’t carry
anything.” He left the room and walked down the hallway. I walked
beside him as he carried all of my belongings. I didn’t need all
the items I brought on this trip, but I always over-packed. I knew
how heavy everything was and felt guilty for letting Sean carry it

When we walked outside, I waved down a
cab. Sean placed everything in the trunk then sat down beside me in
the backseat. He told the driver the address then placed his arm
over my shoulder, holding me close to him. I wrapped my arm around
his waist and leaned into him, smelling the scent of his

Sean placed his hand on my thigh.
“Round two?”

I smiled. “It will have to wait for
the hotel.”

He slipped his hand underneath my
dress. “But I can start to get you ready now.”

I pulled his hand away. “I don’t want
to be horny when we see your parents.”

You are going to be

You’re such a cocky

He shrugged. “And you’re a kinky

That’s different. I only
act that way toward you. You’re a cocky asshole to

Actually, no. I just act
that way around you.”

Lucky me,” I said

We drove from the airport
and headed for the coast. Sean’s parents had a lot of
a lot
. They
owned a beach house right on the sand. It wasn’t even a house, but
a mansion. One of the things I liked about Sean was his humbleness.
If you never knew his parents were rich, you never would have
guessed it. He never mentioned it, nor did he act like a brat.
Instead of joining the family business, he moved to New York and
found his own living. It made me more attracted to him than I
already was. I respected him. And I was never interested in his
money. I loved the small apartment we had in Seattle. It was
perfect for the two of us.

Sean played with my engagement ring
and watched the diamonds catch the light. Not only did I love the
ring because of its apparent beauty, but because my entire family
had customized it together. When I looked at it, I didn’t just
think of Sean but our entire life together. I finally had what I
always wanted—a real family.

You know what I hate
about our relationship?” he asked.

The question startled me. I didn’t
know what he meant, but it didn’t sound good. “What do you

How turned on I get being
around you. Most of the time, I can’t think about anything else but
being with you.”

I sighed in relief. “I love that about
our relationship.”

He smiled mischievously. “Yeah, I
already knew that.”

I hit him on the shoulder. “I mean it.
I love that you’re my best friend and the best sex I’ve ever

Really? You have my

Don’t be an ass. You
already knew that.”

But I don’t mind hearing
it again.” He kissed me on the forehead. “You know you’re the best
I’ve ever had, right?”

I found that hard to believe. He’d
been with so many women, especially Penelope, one of the most
beautiful women I’ve ever seen. “I find that unlikely.”

Sadness crept into his features.
“Babe, I wouldn’t lie to you. I’ve been with a lot of women but
none of them compare to you.”

Not even

He kissed my forehead. “There’s no


He pressed his forehead against mine.
“I’ve never been more satisfied than I am with you. I’m not going
to lie. I enjoyed being with Penelope, but she never wanted to fuck
like you do. Your spontaneity and aggression is unbelievable and

I smiled. “So you don’t think I’m a

He laughed. “I didn’t say

Well, we screw all the
time because I’m a hot piece of ass.”

Then that means I’m a hot
piece of ass, too.”

I shrugged. “You’re not bad to look

He laughed. “It didn’t seem that way
on the plane.”

I was just

His eyes grew soft as he looked at me.
“Only for me, right?”

I grabbed his face and kissed him
gently, running my fingers through his hair. I was lost in his eyes
when I realized that the car had stopped. We were parked in the
roundabout before the three story mansion. The building was brown
and covered in vines that reached up to the windows. Flowers and
trees were scattered everywhere in front of the house. It was one
of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. I still couldn’t
believe Sean grew up here.

This place must have been
a babe magnet,” I said.

He smiled. “Why do you think I lost my
virginity when I was fifteen?”

I laughed. “I thought it was because
you are a good looking stud.”

Well, that helped, but I
think the house tipped the scales.” He looked at me. “I wonder if
it will have the same effect on you.”

Not if we sleep

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever,
Scarlet. If we stay here, we’re going to make love every night
despite your protests. I’ll wake up in the middle of the night to
you riding me.”

There’s that cockiness

He smiled. “Are you ready?”

I sighed. “I guess.”

Sean paid the cab driver then opened
the door. He grabbed our luggage from the trunk and placed it on
the ground. I was about to reach down and help him when the front
door opened.

They’re here,

I looked up to see his mother walking
toward us. She wore a pencil skirt and a blue blouse. Her long
brown hair reached down to her shoulders. An ordinary white gold
necklace hung around her throat and contrasted against her pale
skin. A matching bracelet was around her slender wrist. She was
beautiful, graceful, and elegant. I always loved his mom like my

Hello, Diane.” I smiled
at her then embraced her. She held onto me for a moment before she
kissed me on the cheek.

We’re so happy you’re
both here. We haven’t seen you since Christmas.”

I apologize for both of

And Seattle?” she asked.
“What’s in Seattle?”

My family.”

Sean walked toward his mother and
hugged her. He was much taller than the petite woman, and his arms
circled around her easily. “Hello, mother.”

Hello, honey.” She kissed
him on the cheek. “I missed you.”

I missed you too,” he

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I
turned to see his father grinning down at me. He reminded me of
Sean. They had similar features, and they were the same height and
the same build. There was no doubt they were related.

Hello, Scarlet.” He
pulled me in for an embrace. “You are as beautiful as

I smiled. “Thank you,

I speak the truth.” He
turned to Sean. “Give your old man a hug.”

Sean stepped toward him and hugged his
father tightly. He patted him on the shoulder. “You’re looking old
as hell, dad.”

Andrew laughed. “Well, you’re going to
look like me someday.”

I hope not.”

Andrew looked at his wife. “Well, as
long as you don’t pick a wife as crazy as your mother you should
have better odds.”

Diane patted his arm. “You love me,

He sighed. “Unfortunately.”

I chuckled to myself. They were so
cute together. They had been married for twenty years and they were
still happy together. They teased each other, but I knew they did
it because they loved each other.

Let me help with the
bags,” Andrew said. He grabbed two suitcases and carried them to
the front door. Sean trailed behind him with the remaining luggage.
When we got inside, Andrew started to move up the stairs. I glared
at Sean and he caught my look.

Dad, let’s leave the bags
by the front door.”

Diane’s eyes widened.

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