Read Edge of Moonlight Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Fiction

Edge of Moonlight (10 page)

BOOK: Edge of Moonlight
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Jensen put his arm around her and she let her head fall back against his shoulder.

God, she was pitiful. And apparently easy to read.

“No problem, hon. You staying?”

She sighed. “I’m staying.”

“Then maybe you wanna give Kyle and the guys a call, let them know what’s going on. They’re gonna need to know. Better if it comes from you.” Yeah, she knew that but she’d been avoiding thinking about making those phone calls. Especially the one to Kyle.

He was her commanding officer but in the months since she’d become
, he’d become more than that. To say she worshipped the guy would be overstating the case.

But maybe only a little. Didn’t matter that Nic and Duke felt the same way about him.

She didn’t want Kyle, Nic or Duke to see her like this, pining away over an

Duke already worried about her because of the shifting problems.

This would just make him nuts.


Sighing again, she nodded. “I’ll call. Just…give me a few minutes, okay?”

“No problem. So, you want coffee?”

“How about some peach schnapps and orange juice?”

Jensen actually cracked a smile. “Part of a complete breakfast. Pancakes too?” She returned his smile. “Chocolate chip?”

“What else?”

She fluttered her eyelashes at him, feeling a tiny bit of weight fall off her shoulders.

“I think I love you.”

He hip-bumped her and headed for the cabinets. “Get in line.”

* * * * *

From the doorway of the bedroom, John watched the exchange between Kaine and Jensen.

His jaw locked as he tried not to let irrational anger get the best of him.

When he’d stepped away from the bed so Nica could hold her hands over his sister’s body and do whatever the hell she was doing, he’d immediately looked for Kaine.

He couldn’t leave Evie alone but he wanted Kaine here beside him. He refused to examine why too closely.

He’d seen her standing at the window in the kitchen, staring out into the dark. The expression on her face had torn at his gut. He’d wanted to go to her but Jensen had beaten him to it.

The guy obviously cared for Kaine. John saw it in the way he put his arm around her shoulders.

And if John hadn’t been absolutely positive that Jensen was totally committed to Nica, he would’ve broken the guy’s arm.

Jesus, he’d gone over the deep end.

Tearing his gaze away as Jensen released Kaine and started opening cabinets, he forced his attention back to Evie.

And nearly swallowed his tongue when he saw the blue glow emanating from Nica’s hands.

Holy shit.

His lungs shuddered to a stop and he had to make a forceful effort to draw in air.

Magic. Holy fuck, she was using magic on his sister.

“John, hey, you need to breathe, man. Your sister’s in good hands.” Tanner’s voice registered and John actually understood what he was saying but he couldn’t answer.

There was static in his brain, white noise that drowned out rational thought.

“Nica will find out what’s wrong with her,” Tanner continued. “She’s damn good at what she does.”

she doing?”

“Well, since I didn’t grow up knowing about magic, I’m still not real sure how it all works, but I think right now she’s just checking things out.” John finally pulled his gaze away from Nica and Evie to look at Tanner. “So you’re not like Kaine and Nica?”

He shook his head. “They call us
. The Etruscans call anyone who doesn’t have magical blood

His gaze narrowed as his brain started to slowly kick over. “Etruscans? Like Italians.”

Tanner nodded. “They came from Italy originally, yeah. But their civilization has been around for more than three thousand years. Look, I know it’s a lot to take in all at once but you’ll get used to it.”

John shook his head, though he wasn’t saying no to anything. It was more like he was trying to shake some sense into his head. And not having much luck.

Etruscans, huh? He filed away that piece of information to talk to Kaine about later.

He’d have a hell of a lot of questions for Kaine later but right now he needed to be here.

With Evie.

Several long minutes later, the glow suffusing Nica’s hands gradually disappeared and the healer or whatever the hell she called herself finally opened her eyes.

She sighed, twisted her neck as if it were stiff and rubbed her hands together as if to warm them. Tanner walked over to her and put his arms around her.

Nica sank back against him tilting her head to the side so he could press his lips to her neck. She drew in a deep breath then slowly released it.

As she lifted her head to look at him, his heart sank at her grim expression.

“Just tell me,” he said. “Whatever it is…”

“I will.” Nica nodded. “I just think we should sit down first.”

* * * * *

“So, the magic is affecting her nervous system? And if it gets worse, she could die.” Nica frowned as if that wasn’t exactly right. “Basically, yes, that’s what I think. I’d like to call in one of our doctors so I can talk to him but that’s my initial thought, yes.” Christ, another witch doctor? “And this is the result of some spell the woman who kidnapped us put on her?”

“A series of spells, yes.”

Rage boiled in his gut as he sat on a comfortable chair in Nica’s living room. Nica sat on the couch in front of him, flanked by Tanner and Jensen. She held Tanner’s hand while her other rested on Jensen’s leg. She hadn’t stopped touching them since they’d sat down. John had the sense she needed the contact, as if she was…recharging. Why the hell he thought that, he didn’t have the slightest. Maybe she just liked touching them.

Behind him, he heard Kaine pacing and he wanted to grab her and force her to sit here with him. He needed an anchor. He had so much shit going through his head right now, he could barely think straight.

As if he’d called to her, Kaine walked over to stand next to him. Her hand fell on the arm of the chair, only inches from his elbow. He wanted her to touch him, needed the contact.

Which was why he didn’t reach for her.

“Do you want me to call Dane?” Kaine’s fingers curled into the chair.

“No, I’ll do that.” Nica smiled at her. “But you need to call Kyle. Let him know what’s going on.”

“Who’s Kyle?” He looked up at Kaine but she was staring at the floor, nodding.

And looking like she was going to be sick.

“He’s my…commanding officer.”

“You’re in the service?”

Finally she looked at him and those deep brown eyes hardened. “Not in any you’d recognize. I need to go make that call now.”

He nearly grabbed her arm as she strode by on her way to the front door. The tension had returned to her shoulders, and she held herself ramrod straight. She didn’t want to call this guy, whoever the hell he was. Would she be in trouble?

So many unanswered questions.

“John. John?”

He looked back to Nica, still holding onto her men.

“Dane Dimitriou has a medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He’s well versed in human anatomy as well as, uh, other forms.” She sighed, shaking her head. “I know this all sounds so cryptic and I don’t want to scare you. It’s just that, well, you’re
, and there are things you don’t know. Things it’s in your best interest not to know.”

“My best interest is knowing how to cure Evie. Can you do that?” Nica looked him straight in the eyes. “I’m not sure. I don’t recognize all of the spells. If I knew exactly what had been done to her, maybe then I’d have a better idea of how to treat her. How to untangle the spells.”

“What if you had the woman who did this to her? What if she told you what she’d done?”

“Then we’d be a hell of a lot closer to finding out how to treat her.” Nica’s gaze narrowed on his. ”Are you telling me you know where the woman is?”

“No, I don’t.” Which wasn’t a complete lie. He didn’t know exactly where she was.

But he had a lead. One he would follow up on as soon as he met this doctor Nica wanted to call to treat his sister.

He’d have to leave Evie here and that made his heart nearly freeze in his chest. But he didn’t have a choice and he trusted Nica. No idea why. He just did.

And when he got his hands on the woman who’d done this to his sister, she’d give him answers. He’d make sure of it.

* * * * *


“Kaine? What’s wrong?”

Might as well just rip off the bandage. “John Simmons and his sister are at Nica’s. I picked up John in a bar. We had sex and as I was sneaking out the door of his apartment, Evie caught me and had a magical meltdown. The
’s spells didn’t work on her. She still has power and Nica is going to have Dane come take a look at her. You need to come do damage control. I can’t…”

The words stopped in her throat and stuck there until she could barely breathe.

, she didn’t know what to do. Everything was fucked up and it was all her fault.

“I just can’t…”


She needed to run, wanted the comfort of her pelt but even that was denied to her.


Kyle’s voice snapped her back to the moment. “Yes, sir.”

Baciami il culo
. Don’t flake out on me now. I’ll be there in half an hour. Don’t go anywhere.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Fuck the sir shit,” Kyle growled. “You’re freaking me out. Just stay put.” He hung up without another word and Kaine slid her cell phone back into her pocket.

She’d freaked out Kyle. Great. Just great. She swore she’d never seen the man ruffled, much less freaked. But she’d managed to do it.


With a tired sigh, she fell into one of the wicker chairs on the porch and studied the pale sky as the sun got ready to rise. The cool air served to calm her nerves, at least a little anyway.

But her stomach rolled and her temples throbbed.

Kyle was going to kick her ass and rightfully so. This was her fault.

She should have stayed away like Kyle had told her to. When John had approached her at the bar, she should have blown him off instead of being selfish. Instead of feeding her infatuation by having sex with the man.

But, oh Blessed Goddess, the sex had been amazing.

She wanted—

The front door opened and John walked out. He turned his head to look right at her, as if he knew where she was.

He looked tired. Which made sense. He’d only gotten a few minutes of sleep.

Which was more than she’d had.

“Nica’s calling the doctor now. I assume you talked to your…Kyle?”

“Yes, he’ll be here in a half hour. Probably less if he lets Tam drive.”


“His mate.”


John released a hard sigh then walked to the chair next to hers but instead of sitting in it, he dragged it directly in front of hers so when he sat in it, all she could see was him.

“I think it’s time for a few more answers, Kaine.”

Yeah, it was probably past time but she shook her head. “You’ll have to ask Kyle.”

“First I had to talk to Amity.” His gaze pinned her to the chair. “Now I have to talk to Kyle. You can’t speak for yourself?”

She felt tears prick the corners of her eyes but she forced them back. “Depends on what you want to know. We have strict rules about what we tell outsiders.”

“You mean

Her eyebrows rose. “How do you know that word?”

“Tanner told me. He also told me you’re Etruscan.”

All relatively innocuous facts. “Yes.”

“Are you like Nica? Can you do what she does?”

A little stickier now. “I can control power, yes.”

His gaze narrowed. “But you’re not like Nica.”

“Look, John, my people have very strict laws about what information we give

For very good reason.”

“So you can sleep with them but you can’t tell them what you are?” She tried to conceal her flinch but wasn’t sure she succeeded because John’s eyes narrowed even more. The man was a trained SEAL. He was smart, strong and not used to taking bullshit from anyone.

She wanted to tell him everything. Wanted to spill her guts and hope like hell he didn’t look at her like she was an animal.

But she didn’t want to hurt again like she had when he’d made the decision three months ago to have every memory of her and the Etruscans wiped from his mind.

“Yeah, I can fuck them.”

Her harsh statement didn’t seem to have any impact on him at all. “Did you use magic on me to make me want you?”

He should just shoot her with silver bullets, she decided. It might hurt less. “Do you think that’s the only reason why you would have?”

“No. I don’t. Jesus Christ, Kaine. I saw you in the mirror at the bar and I wanted you. It was like a match to gasoline. I never wanted anyone that much that fast. So give me a break here, would you? It’s been a fucked-up night.” John slumped back into the chair, his eyes closed as one hand lifted to rub his temples, as if he had a headache. Which he probably did.

Before she knew what she was doing, she reached for him, for the hand clenched around the arm of the chair. Her fingers slid against his and he spread his fingers to lace them together.

“I’m sorry.” She was. Totally and absolutely sorry he had to deal with this.

His eyes opened and she got caught in that green gaze. She fell into the warmth she saw there, in the heat. For her. There was worry, too, for Evie. But right now, he only had eyes for her.

“Come here.”

Her mouth dried at the command in his tone. She was a soldier. She took orders from her superiors. But she’d never been much for blind obedience.

Still, she let him tug her to the edge of her chair as he leaned forward. He moved slowly, like he didn’t want to spook her but she wasn’t spooked.

More like mesmerized.

She stared into his eyes until the very last second before his lips touched hers. Then she let her eyelids fall and the touch of his lips wiped away everything but his taste.

BOOK: Edge of Moonlight
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