Read Edge of the Heat 5 Online

Authors: Lisa Ladew

Edge of the Heat 5 (29 page)

BOOK: Edge of the Heat 5
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Sara felt heat flare through her body at his comment. Her nervousness fell away. Passion took its place. In her head, she said “It’s OK,” but no words came out of her mouth. She wanted to turn and face him but she just couldn’t quite bring herself to do it. But she could touch him. She reached backwards and curled her wet hand around his thick cock, squeezing and pulling. He moaned at her touch and moved closer. Gratified by his response she leaned into him, and ran her hand up and down his length, then pulled him against her body. The hot water beat down on them both, feeding the heat between them. Suddenly she wanted out of the confines of the tub. She felt she could face him now. She wanted to face him. See his face, watch his expressions, see his body react to hers.

She turned, rubbing her slippery body against him, delighting in the absence of friction. The naked, greedy hunger on his face made her suck in a breath. He drank her in with his eyes. He stared into her soul. Sara felt a little scared and wondered what he was seeing. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered, tiny rivulets of water running down his face, making him beautiful too. She melted more at his words. Standing there in the shower with the strongest, yet softest man she’d ever met, she felt that she’d never known such a perfect balance between give and take, aggression and vulnerability, firmness and softness, taking and yielding. 
I love you Jerry
, she said in her head, caught in the moment.
I love you too
, his warm eyes told her. She captured his mouth with her own and kissed him till she felt she was drowning. Words weren’t necessary, she knew.

Sara turned around, savoring the slippery sensation of her skin against his. She turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. He followed, grabbing a fluffy white towel and wrapping it around her. Tenderly, he dried her face, then squeezed the water out of her hair with another towel. He knelt to dry her legs and feet and her heart melted again and again.

He maintained eye contact with her while drying himself. Her eyes felt locked to his, his willing prisoner. When had he taken over? She didn’t know. She didn’t care. He dropped his towel and pulled her out of the bathroom. She followed, limply, leaving behind her own towel.

At the bed, he turned to look at her. He dipped his head and started with her neck, slowly kissing down the length of it, while his hands twined in her hair. She pulled him close, feeling her body respond fiercely to his touch. Between her legs throbbed and ached and called for release. His kisses heated up, and trailed down her body. Gently, he pushed her backwards onto the bed. She scooted to the center and watched him watch her. He came to her like a large jungle cat, slowly, purposefully, until his body reclined between her legs.

He focused his attention on her breasts, a low rumble of approval sounding in the back of his throat. Sara knew her breasts were smaller than society said was attractive, but Jerry drank them in like they were a fine wine. He caressed them like they were the softest silk, running his thumbs lightly over her nipples until she could feel each touch create an electric connection from her breasts to her clit. She wondered if it were possible to orgasm from just nipple stimulation. Then all thought was driven from her mind as Jerry took first one nipple, then the other gently into his mouth and swirled his tongue in a circle.

Sara could feel his erection nudging her sex every time he shifted his weight. She desperately wanted to have it inside her. She shifted her position and tried to pull him in closer. He resisted, and turned his attention to her other breast. She moaned in frustration as his lips left her skin, then in ecstasy as they connected again. She put a hand between them and grasped his cock again, thrilling at the weight of it. She pulled on him lightly, trying to guide him inside her. He let her push the very tip between her inner folds, her breath held in anticipation, and then he pulled away, trailing more kisses down her stomach.

Sara froze. Her mind whirled with skittish thoughts. She’d never had that done to her. Nervous energy radiated out her limbs. His kisses reached her lower belly, sending delicious sensations up and down her body. Her every nerve ending suddenly felt enlarged, engorged, ready for so much more. His kisses trailed lower, and she felt his hot breath on that sensitive bundle of nerves that was normally so well hidden.

Exquisite pleasure erupted from her core. She couldn’t bear it. She arched her back and a high, breathless whimper poured out of her throat. The pleasure built higher and higher until she felt she would go mad. The very peak of bliss slammed into her, then broke. The sensation rode waves of contractions through her very center, then broke, receded, and returned. She remembered to breathe, and her body collapsed onto the bed.

When her mind finally allowed her a coherent thought she tried to piece together what he had done. She couldn’t. All she knew was she would do anything to get him to do it again. She tested her eyelids to see if they would obey her commands or if they were as short-circuited as the rest of her body. They fluttered open and she saw the hard panes of Jerry’s face broken into a self-satisfied grin. She would have laughed at that grin if she had any muscle control, but instead she just closed her eyes again and waited to see what was coming.

She could fell him moving upwards in the bed. He placed a chaste kiss on her belly, and then laid next to her, his head on her arm. She could feel his erection on her hip. Hard as ever. She wanted to feel it. To touch it. Maybe to kiss it and lick it. It was just so ... so masculine. But she’d wait until she got her breath back first.

Jerry ran his fingers through her hair, and lightly down her body, raising goosebumps from her head to her toes. She reveled in his gentleness and thought again that she loved him. She refused to think of anything else. This moment was for them.

After a moment, she reached her hand to his cock and curled her fingers around it, letting him know she was recovered. He pushed up on his hands immediately and moved his body between her legs. He watched her face and waited, still. Finally she determined he was waiting for her permission. “Take me Jerry,” she whispered. “Love me like a boyfriend would.”

“I do love you, you know,” he said, his gaze unwavering. “I think I’ve loved you since the first day I met you.” Hot tears sprang to her eyes. As they overflowed and ran down her temples to her hair, he paused long enough to kiss them away, then he returned between her legs. Gently, as gently as the wind kisses a butterfly, he pushed inside her. She felt herself stretch deliciously. It seemed to go on forever. He nudged forward a centimeter at a time, losing himself in her eyes. She felt hopeless longing for a lifetime of this build in her mind. She pushed it out of her mind and clung to him, urging him on.

They found a rhythm, a melody written just for them. Sara felt another orgasm building. She struggled with it, trying not to be done so quickly. Jerry leaned closer. “Come for me baby,” he whispered into her ear. Sara tensed beneath him a final time and felt herself detonate again. Her pleasure exploded in a thousand pieces and a million parts that flew out from the center of her. She bit her lip and tried not to scream out her satisfaction. As she collapsed for the second time she felt Jerry thrust hard inside her and stiffen. A low noise came from his throat. She watched his face, wanting to see his pleasure fly across it. He shook slightly over top of her, then dropped to the side, being careful not to crush her. She bit back a cry at the broken connection between their bodies. She had wanted it to last forever, even if she knew it could not.


he next four days passed in a rapturous blur to Sara. They shopped for clothes and necessities. They ate all their meals in the motel, sometimes while naked - just trying to restore their energy levels between lovemaking sessions. In each early evening, before the sun went down, they prowled the ghettos of Las Vegas looking for illegal guns. A lot of them. Sara also found an identity dealer who made her a fake driver’s license, so she could access her $50,000 trust. They bought an open cargo truck and rented a storage bay for it.

They were robbed at knife point twice, both times on D street. The first time Sara handed over a wad of cash that, to Jerry,  looked like she had kept in her front pocket for just that purpose. The nervous young male looked at it and took off running. Sara didn’t say a word, just kept walking.

The second time, Sara took the knife off the man and kicked him in the dirt before Jerry even knew they were being mugged. The man made a move under his shirt and Sara produced her gun. He fled faster than the first guy. Jerry looked around to see if anyone noticed, but no head had turned. He pulled Sara to him and whispered, “Does it say something horrible about me that I was turned on by that?” A hint of a smile playing on her lips, Sara said they should head back to the motel in case the guy decided to come back with friends. They barely made it into the room before Jerry pressed her against the wall and stripped her clothes off. His normal gentle approach morphed into something harder, faster, rougher. Sara found she couldn’t get enough of this new level of passion, and she spurred him on by whispering “fuck me” into his ear over and over again. She bit his shoulder when she came to keep from screaming.

On the 5th day, Sara woke with dread pinning her to the mattress. Everything was done. Tonight was the night. Even if everything went perfectly and she and Jerry made it out of tonight still alive, and not in handcuffs, she would not leave Las Vegas with Jerry. Good guys didn’t spend their lives with broken, disheartened murderers. She knew what she was even if he didn’t.

She watched him sleeping deeply next to her and felt like her heart might rip right out of her chest.

Chapter 36

awk leaned over his keyboard, his fingers moving deftly. Craig watched him in silence, uncharacteristically stewing about what that woman had gotten Jerry involved in.

Hawk leaned backwards in his chair and stretched. “There. It’s done. I’ve compressed all of Lionel’s instructions and sent them to Jerry’s phone. It actually looks quite simple since Lionel did all of the leg work. He batched all of the signal frequencies that Sara asked for together. All she has to do is type in a few commands to the software.”

He looked back at Craig. “We could have done it for her.”

could have
, but how do we know that we should? I can’t believe we’re going along with this at all,” Craig said grumpily. He couldn’t help but feel that he was failing Jerry right now, sitting in this hotel suite doing nothing. Craig thought about the monumental sacrifices Jerry had made for him and for Emma. About the gunshot Jerry took. About Jerry’s mangled leg. All because Craig had asked him to wear a concealed weapon to protect Emma.
And after all that you are just sitting here in a hotel room while some stranger gets him involved in God-knows-what trouble.

Craig pushed out of his chair and paced the room, disgusted with his inaction.

“Come on Craig,” Hawk said. “Jerry is a smart guy. There must be a good reason for all of this.”

“Maybe he thinks there
a good reason, but really that woman is just setting him up to take some sort of fall for him. Or maybe she’s blinding him with sex so he can’t think straight at all!”

Hawk watched him thoughtfully. “Maybe. Was that the vibe you got from them?”

“I don’t know.” Craig clenched his fists in frustration. “Emma says they’re having sex for sure. I don’t know how she knows but I believe her. She’s known Jerry for a long time. And women just seem to
about those things, you know?”

Hawk nodded but Craig wasn’t looking at him. He just kept talking.

“I just wish we knew who she
. She carries herself like a cop, but she’s not in any database in the country as having ever been a cop or an agent or even military.”

“We’ve been over this before. She probably changed her name,” Hawk said.

“But why? What is she hiding? And how bad is it all going to turn out for Jerry” Craig mused out loud, for the hundredth time. He stopped in front of Hawk. “Look man, I don’t want to watch whatever they are going to do on the TV with the rest of the world. I want to know what’s going on. What if she’s legit and they need our help? Or what if she’s bullshit and we can get Jerry out before it explodes in his face?”

“I know Craig, I know. We’ll just have to keep looking. I’ve got facial recocgnition software running right now. Maybe that will turn something up.”

“You have a picture of her?”

“Yeah, there was one from our wedding photos. Jerry wanted her to be in it.” Hawk flipped around in his chair and pressed a few keys, pulling up the image. Craig squinted at it.

“It’s not great though, is it? She turned her face partially away from the camera and her hair covers a lot of it,” Craig said.

“No, it’s not great. I already got a result of nothing found, but I’m running it again with wider parameters.”

Craig grunted. “Which means you’ll get a ton of false positives probably."

“Yep, but it’s all we’ve got right now,” Hawk said. “If only we had a better picture.”

The door opened and Emma and Vivian walked in, laughing and carrying bags of Chinese food. “A better picture of who?” Vivian asked.

Hawk shot out of his chair and grabbed the bags out of her hand, placing them on the table. He gave her a soft kiss and said, “Of Sara, we’re trying to figure out who she is.”

“I’ve got one,” Emma said. “On my phone.” She pulled out her phone and tabbed through her gallery. “Here.” She handed the phone to Hawk. Craig crowded over his shoulder to see it too.

“Perfect,” Hawk breathed.

It was a full face picture. Jerry was whispering something in her ear and her eyes were wide, her mouth breaking into a smile.

Hawk flipped around again with Emma’s phone. In 5 minutes he joined the rest of them at the table to eat. Craig raised his eyebrows. “It takes awhile. Could be all day,” Hawk responded.

Craig made a face but nodded and kept eating.

BOOK: Edge of the Heat 5
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