Eighty Days White (34 page)

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Authors: Vina Jackson

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction

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Writing and publishing the Eighty Days series has been an exhilarating adventure from the moment the two authors who make up Vina Jackson met by total coincidence on a train heading west.

Many people must be thanked for their contribution, assistance, support and trust along the road. These of course include our redoubtable agent Sarah Such at the Sarah Such Literary Agency; our publishers at Orion, Jon Wood and Jemima Forrester; our foreign rights representative Rosie Buckman; and the various overseas publishers who took us on. They all paved our way onto the bestseller lists and our success would not have happened without any of them.

A large number of personal friends, partners, ex-partners, close and remote family have also been instrumental in the inspiration behind Eighty Days but cannot be named as the dominant publishing powers feel that, at this stage, both our identities should remain cloaked in mystery. But let it be known that their importance was paramount. You all know who you are!

One half of Vina Jackson also owes a major debt to their kind employer who made the journey easier, along with Gideon K of Black Hay for creative and musical encouragement; Kaurna Cronin, a busker who doesn’t even know Vina
walked by on one sunny Berlin morning while researching
and stopped to listen to his amazing rendition of Springsteen’s ‘I’m on Fire’; Scarlett French for Florence and riding boots; Garth Knight for his inspirational ‘Enchanted Forest’ images; Matt Christie for photography; Sacred Pleasures for support and technical advice; Ella Vakkasova for verifying geography in Kreuzberg and recommending Café Matilda; and Verde & Co in Spital-fields for providing a cosy stool and the best flat whites in London.

The other half of Vina Jackson wishes to thank Kristina Lloyd for verifying our knowledge of the geography of Brighton, and Richard Kadrey, author of the splendid Sandman Slim series and also a great fetish photographer in his own right, for inadvertently providing us with the House of Bamboo Dolls, which behind his back we moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco and turned into a somewhat different place altogether in the process.

The Eighty Days series currently comprises five novels and one short story, and it’s at this stage that we leave Summer, Dominik, Lauralynn, Luba, Chey, Lily, Liana, Leroy, She, Grayson, Viggo, Dagur, Neil and many others who have become close to our hearts. But Eighty Days will return soon with a whole new raft of characters, bigger and better than ever.

Watch those bookshelves!

Vina Jackson, December 2012

Vina Jackson is the pseudonym for two established writers working together for the first time. One a successful author, the other a published writer who is also a city professional working in the Square Mile.

Get to know more about Vina Jackson at
and on Facebook, or follow her on Twitter @VinaJackson1.

Also by Vina Jackson
Eighty Days Yellow
Eighty Days Blue
Eighty Days Red
Eighty Days Amber
Eighty Days White



First published in Great Britain in 2013 by Orion Books.
This ebook first published in 2013 by Orion Books.

Copyright © Vina Jackson 2013

The right of Vina Jackson to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All characters and events in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN: 978 1 4091 2910 3

Orion Books
The Orion Publishing Group Ltd
Orion House
5 Upper St Martin’s Lane

An Hachette UK Company


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