Electric! (18 page)

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Authors: Ava McKnight

BOOK: Electric!
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“Two years is
new, Cass. You know this guy. You
trust this guy. You really, really
this guy.”

All of that was true of course. The very reason she’d
invited him into her rental when she should have sent him on his way—how
difficult would it have been to call the Town Car driver and have him return
Chase to the country club?

And what about the sexy things she’d allowed him to do to
her? He’d tied her up, for God’s sake!

She’d loved every single second of it. Wanted more, even.

“This sucks.” She took a big gulp of martini. The alcohol
burned her throat and stomach, giving her something to focus on other than the
way everything had turned upside-down with Chase.

“Look,” Meg said in a placating tone. “The way I see it, you
have to figure out how to work with Chase—regardless of who’s the boss—and have
a relationship with him as well. Because it’s quite clear you’re as blown away
by him as he is you. Flying all over the damn country, as you put it, isn’t
doing either of you any favors.”

“What do you suggest?” she countered. “That I throw in the
towel and give up this chance to be the first female Vice President of
Accounts? You do realize that there’s only one woman on the executive floor. I
want that job, Meg. I want that office.”

“You want Chase too, right?”

“At this point, that goes without saying.”

Meg reached for her glass. Eyeing Cassidy over the rim, she
said, “I don’t envy the position you’re in, even if I’d once bitched about no
man looking at me the way Chase looks at you.”

“The painful fact is, I know absolutely nothing about being
in a relationship and here I am with the possibility for it while embroiled in
one of the worst conceivable scenarios.”

“If you want him as bad as you want this promotion, Cass,
you’ll figure out how to have both.”

Oh so much easier said than done.

But Meg had a point.

* * * * *

Chase chuckled when a private courier service arrived on his
doorstep with a pizza and a six-pack of his favorite local microbrew. He tipped
the dude and opened the accompanying note.

It’s actually more difficult to get booze delivered in
Arizona than one might expect. Enjoy! Cass

“Crafty,” he mumbled under his breath. She’d hired a courier
to pick up the pizza and the beer.

To the driver, he asked, “Strangest delivery you’ve made
thus far?”

“Hell, no,” the guy said with a laugh. “I’ve picked up new
panties at Nordstrom and delivered them to a Cardinals football player at five
in the morning so his one-night stand could leave his mansion with a clean
thong—without having to wear one of his wife’s. I’ve transported a captured
rattlesnake trapped in an ice chest to a snake sanctuary for location
replacement. He was damn pissed-off and scared the fuck out me because I kept
thinking he was gonna break free of that locked lid.” He lowered his voice and
said, “I’ve picked up illegal Cuban cigars in Nogales, Mexico and smuggled them
across the border for some rich guy’s poker party. That ain’t even the half of
it, Jack.”

“Heh.” Chase accepted his delivery and tried to tip the
courier, but Cassidy had taken care of that too.

It was Sunday afternoon and he had the baseball game on,
happy to see the Diamondbacks were crushing the Rockies. He settled on the
sofa, set the box on the coffee table and flipped open the lid. Still piping

After a couple bites of the double-cheese supreme—another
favorite—he popped the top off a bottle and sucked down the lager.

Cassidy had obviously made the delivery arrangements
earlier, since she was currently on a flight to Hartford. She’d made his
softball game in the morning, which had subsequently made his day, especially
when she’d been so impressed over his grand slam in the seventh inning. She’d
let him drive her to the airport—a total shock because that just screamed
Yet she hadn’t freaked. And her goodbye kiss had been fucking hot.

He called her later. “Nice surprise at my front door today,”
he said when she answered.

“I thought it’d be a good complement to the game.”

“You know me well.” An interesting revelation. He was always
going out of his way to prove he knew
well, not giving much thought
to exactly how familiar she was with his interests and habits. “How’s
Connecticut?” he asked.

“Beautiful spring weather. We just got in from dinner. Dad
recommended Tresca for Italian tomorrow night in Boston. Have you been?”

“Great restaurant. Owned by Ray Bourque, a former Canadian
hockey player. You’ll like the osso bucco, though the seafood and pasta are
outstanding as well.”

“Sounds as though I’ll have a tough time deciding.”

“See, this is when it’s great to have someone with you who
will share. That way you get more than one option.”

“Sadly, I’m used to dining alone when I’m not with clients.
And asking if they share is, of course, out of the question.”

He laughed. “That could make for awkward conversation.
Although, as much as your clients adore you, I suspect you could pull it off.”

“Speaking of… How are things going on your end?”

“Not bad at all. A lot of my insureds sound shocked to hear
from me pre-renewal period. But I’ve learned a few things about their evolving
businesses, as you continually remind me, that help me to put thought into how better
to serve their needs.”

“And I’m sure they appreciate your interest, Chase.”

They talked a bit more before he let her go, since she was
ahead of him time-wise and had a flight in the morning.

The next day, he caught her mid-afternoon, in between meetings.
It was trickier to hook up with her for a couple of days after that, given her
flights and schedule. But Chase always left a text. Just so she knew he was
thinking of her.

* * * * *

On Wednesday evening, Meg called Cassidy, her voice an
octave higher than usual. “Are you sitting down?”

“Yes. I’m at Pied à Terre in Miami and
it. I
am literally eating my way along the East Coast.”

“And landing accounts as you go. Your Willamette Valley
winery is signing the policies Underwriting finished. Piper Industries will be
in the office on Monday to discuss quotes. They want to meet personally with
McClellan, since they’re previous insureds and have a relationship with him.
Rumor has it, they’ll be back on board as soon as their current policies
expire. A couple smaller accounts are in the bag, all creating a crazy buzz
around this place and excitement over our next quarterly bonuses. But, I have
even bigger news.”

Cassidy sipped her merlot and said, “Lay it on me.”

“Pryce Shipley’s office finally called. He’ll give you a
half-hour for a meet-and-greet on Friday morning before his flight to Milan.
Epperson-Langley is going global and this promotion will be yours, for sure, if
you can pique his interest enough to get him to discuss terms.”

“Holy cow.” She set aside her glass. “This is the best news
ever, Meg. I need this account—especially with the global aspect. At the very
least, I need my foot in the door to prove I have the chance to land this

“Eight a.m. sharp at his office. I’m already changing your
flights. You’ll have to fly to Pittsburgh tomorrow immediately following your
afternoon meeting in Miami. After you meet with Shipley, you’ll hop a plane to
Philly for your three o’clock with Dawson, LLC.”

Admittedly, Cassidy was exhausted from her current itinerary
and this addition would make her scramble even more. But it was worth it.

“Meg, you are so awesome.”

“Just doing my job.” Cassidy heard the smile in Meg’s voice.
She knew that if Cassidy moved to the executive floor, Meg would be moving with
her. It was a no-brainer. Cassidy couldn’t survive without her. “So what are
you going to do with all the frequent-flyer miles you’re racking up? Actually
go on vacation?”

She thought of her conversation with Chase about getting
away for another weekend. She’d suggested Oregon. It’d be a great escape, but
she wondered now if they’d have the time for it in the coming months.

“No plans yet,” she said.

After finishing up her call with Meg, along with her
pan-seared foie gras appetizer and roasted Rohan duck with confit, she returned
to the hotel for more work.

The following evening, she was in Pittsburgh at the Fairmont
Hotel. Her flight had been delayed, so she’d landed late and had missed her
dinner reservation. Thankfully, it wasn’t with a client.

As she considered her dining options, there was a knock on
her door.

“Room service!” A man called out on the other side.

Cassidy opened her door and said, “Sorry, wrong room. I
didn’t order anything.”

He consulted his small black folio and asked, “Miss


“Then this is for you.” With great fanfare, he swept his
hand toward the cart draped with white linen and announced, “Cristal, an antipasto
board, fruit and chocolate crème brûlée.”

Her brow jerked up. “Crème brûlée, you say?” A total
weakness. She might not enjoy bopping from town to town, but the food was to
die for. ’Course she’d eventually have to step on a scale, but that would wait
until she got back to Scottsdale.

“Mr. Logan took the liberty,” the waiter explained. “He’s
one of our regulars. May I enter?”

“Sure.” She stepped aside, a smile on her face. Chase
must’ve heard from Meg that her flight was delayed and ordered her goodies to
make up for airplane food.

The server unveiled all the treats, popped the cork on the
champagne and splashed a sample into a glass for her to taste. With her nod of
approval, he filled the crystal flute and lit the candles on the table. A small
bouquet of red and white roses provided the centerpiece. All in all, a very
lovely presentation.

“If you’ll sign for me, please,” the gentleman said. “Mr.
Logan has taken care of everything, including the gratuity.”

Her stomach fluttered.

Hell of a man.

She gave him her signature to confirm delivery and then
thanked him. When she was alone, Cassidy surveyed the bounty and plucked a fat
chocolate-covered strawberry from a silver platter. She nibbled a bit more and
was about to call Chase when another knock came.

Opening the door, she found a slim blonde in a white
esthetician’s jacket standing on the threshold. Beside her was a table folded
in half.

“Miss Reynolds?”


“Mr. Logan thought you might like a massage.”

Doesn’t he think of everything?

“Strictly voluntary,” the young woman quickly added. “I’ll
understand if you’re too tired from your travels.”

What woman passed up a massage? Especially one arranged for

“Please, come in,” Cassidy said.

The masseuse expeditiously set up the table, draped it with
a crisp sheet, added a second one and folded it back halfway. “Would you like
music?” she asked.

“That would be nice.”

She produced a CD and put it in the player on the
nightstand. The lighting was already dim because Cassidy hadn’t bothered to
turn on more than the floor lamp in the far corner. A relaxing setting.

“If you’d like to use one of the bath sheets in the restroom
or the robe…” The woman prompted her.

“Right. I’ll just be a minute.”

“Don’t forget to take off your jewelry.”

She ducked into the bathroom and stripped down. Then she put
on the robe and returned to the sitting area of her suite where the table sat.
She removed the robe and slipped under the folded sheet.

Fifty minutes later, Cassidy was relaxed and her muscles no
longer held the tightening that came with travel and stress. After the masseuse
left her, she sipped more champagne and enjoyed the crème brûlée as she lounged
on the sofa that faced the wall of windows. The city was all lit up and Cassidy
considered that maybe a little jet-setting every now and then wasn’t such a bad

As she noshed on the antipasto, she called Chase.

“How was the massage?” he asked without preamble.

“Divine. I’d contemplated a bubble bath to ease some
tension, but this is infinitely better. Really, Chase, I’m floored. Everything
is wonderful. I feel so spoiled.”


Warmth ribboned through her. Cassidy liked his bad-boy side,
no doubt about it. But this sensitive, caring side…? It melted her heart.

“You really are fantastic,” she told him, emotion swelling
in her throat. Longing rose within her as well. “I wish you were here. That
would make the evening perfect.”

“If I were there, babe, you wouldn’t get any sleep. And
rumor has it, you’ve got a meeting in the morning with Pryce Shipley.”

“Good news spreads fast. I was going to tell you tonight. It
happened rather unexpectedly.”

“Congratulations. I hope you spark his interest, Cass. It’d
be great to have E-L back. Big coup, in fact.”

“Believe me, I know how critical this meeting is.”

“Nail it, okay?”

She smiled.

“Seriously, Cass. I want you to. So finish your champagne
and go to bed. Get a good night’s sleep and slay tomorrow’s meeting.”

The backs of her eyes prickled. “You really are amazing,
Chase. To want me to succeed like this.”

“You’re rooting for me too, babe. Otherwise, you wouldn’t
have given me all of that great advice to improve my customer-service skills.
It’s paying off.”

She was quiet a moment as more emotion crested over her.
They made such an awesome team, in and out of the office. They knew each other
so well. More than she’d imagined possible until they really started to take
their attraction seriously.

In all honestly, Cass had to face the fact that what they
shared was so much more than scorching chemistry. She had deep, deep feelings
for Chase. Feelings she’d never felt for anyone else.

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