Electric Moon (29 page)

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Authors: Stacey Brutger

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #contemporary fantasy, #Kick-Ass Heroine, #paranormal romance, #Electric Moon, #Romance, #Lions, #Brutger, #Conduit, #stacey brutger, #Murder, #Tigers, #Bears, #alpha, #Magic, #Urban, #A Raven Investigations Novel, #Wolf, #Witches, #Moon's Call, #urban fantasy, #Vampires, #Action & Adventure, #werewolf, #Myster, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Shapshifter, #Electic

BOOK: Electric Moon
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Raven gazed at the bed in question. His wounds were smaller,
but still not where they should’ve been.

“You aren’t harming him.”

Raven’s head snapped up.

She couldn’t speak.

Couldn’t move.

“Taggert, I mean.” Digger glanced up from his desk. “I’ll
admit that he is adapting, changing, but that’s not a bad thing. In Taggert’s
case, it might be a blessing. You are making him stronger and that’s something
he needs to survive in this new world.”

Raven blanched at the doctor’s grim explanation. To hear her
worst fear confirmed. “Is there any way to reverse what has been done to him?”

Digger studied her for a minute. “I wouldn’t suggest it, nor
would I advise halting whatever you’re doing. You think you’re harming him. In
fact, I would say the opposite. You are the only thing keeping him alive. He is
a weak shifter without anything to offer. Whatever you’re doing to him has
strengthened his bond with his wolf.”

“What about the long term effect or overexposure?” As she
knew from recent experience, it was very easy to kill a man.

Digger shrugged as if the choice was up to her, but it had
gone far beyond that. “Only time will tell, but we know what will happen if you
stop. He could very well lose his wolf.”

A death sentence to any shifter.


 Chapter Thirty



recent attack had more consequences than Raven could’ve ever predicted.

Her animals had yet to return.

In fact, she couldn’t feel them at all. In their place was a
coldness that she couldn’t shake. It invaded her bones like all the warmth had
been sucked out of her.

She had one guess by what.

Her core had been damaged by the magic, and the damn
creature was stealing every spare ounce it could grab.

Raven kept to her rooms until it was time to leave for the
conclave. She wasn’t hiding, but she feared if the others found out how
defenseless she really was at the moment, they would forbid her to attend.

Nothing would stop her from claiming Jackson tonight.

She would be walking into a room full of the most powerful
shifters without a weapon. She just hoped none of them could tell that she was
virtually defenseless. The vulnerability of being so exposed was not a
comfortable feeling.

If Scotts and other
felt that way around
paranormals, no wonder the distrust remained so rampant between the races.

She opted not to arm herself. It would be seen as weak and
draw attention, but she did grab her badge. She wore a slim fitting black
outfit, knee-high boots, gloves and her necklace.

With a few more twists to hide her distinctive hair, she was
ready to go. Downstairs, Aaron waited for her, and she pulled up short. His
hair was trimmed and spiked, like when they’d first met, his clothes pressed. Every
inch the alpha’s son. She hadn’t realized how relaxed he’d become from the uptight
teen he’d been not so long ago. That’s when she understood.

“You won’t be returning, will you?” It surprised Raven how
much she would miss having Aaron near and more than just for the blessing of his

A small smile kicked up the corner of his lips. “After I
pass the test, my place in the pack is unassailable. Any personal attack on me
would be constituted as an attack on the pack and will be dealt with

She couldn’t detect even the slightest injury he’d sustained.
“Will your wounds affect your presentation?”

He brushed his hand down the front of his chest, slightly uncomfortable
looking in his old role. “No. If anything, the change will speed the healing.”
He wandered closer, every inch of him alert and on edge, the way he was before
he’d arrived. “If I don’t get a chance to say it later, I want to thank you for
taking such good care of me. I’m honored that you’ve allowed me into you pack,
if only for a few days. For saving my life. If you need anything, don’t
hesitate to call upon me.”

The last part sounded like a formal pledge. Raven bowed her
head. “It was a pleasure. You know where to reach me if you need me.”

But instead of answering, Aaron continued to stare at her.


“You would have helped me even without the offer of
Jackson.” It wasn’t a question.

Uncomfortable under his regard, Raven shrugged. “Who can

“A word of caution, then. Don’t let the conclave take advantage
of you. Don’t let them ruin the good of what you’re doing.”

Jackson entered through the kitchen before she could reply.

The brightness in Aaron’s eyes dimmed, returning to normal.

Even Jackson was dressed for the occasion, suppressed energy
swirling around him. “Ready?”

Raven wasn’t sure anymore. Her pack was coming together, but
her power and animals were failing her when she needed them most. She couldn’t
keep her pack safe without them. “As I’m ever going to be.”

The ride to
was made in silence, all of them edgy,
waiting for one last attempt from Vivian. She studied the shadows for any signs
of attack.

Everything appeared blessedly calm as they parked. The
rumble of the engine died. Before they entered the club, she put her hand
against the door to prevent them from going further. “I want to make sure this
is something you want.”

Jackson shot to attention as if poked with a cattle prod,
and Raven wondered what faux pas she’d bumbled into now.

Instead of answering, Aaron walked up to her and gave her a
quick hug, ignoring the way she stiffened. “I’ll be fine. My alpha is on the
other side of the door waiting for me.”

Feeling awkward, Raven followed Aaron and Jackson inside.
And indeed, Kevin was waiting. He didn’t look anxious or tense. Not that anyone
would notice. It wasn’t until he spotted Aaron that she saw the stress drop

He rose to his feet, along with three of his people. They
cleared a path through the crowd, which consisted of a mixture of alphas, enforcers
and so many teenagers, it felt like the rave all over again. There was a hushed
excitement and expectation in the air. And surprisingly, a slight undercoating
smell of fear.

“So many.”

Aaron scanned the crowd. “Most are here to watch and offer
support. Two others will be changing with me tonight. A shifter only gets three
chances to crest. The alpha chooses when you are eligible, when they think you
have the best chance at the change.

“A shifter has until the age of nineteen to complete the
last two attempts.”

“What about Jase and the boys?”

“They won’t have to go through the public version unless
they find a pack. Rogues usually crest early, but being around the pack will
slow their progress. Just being in the house will give them a few months.”

Raven cast him a cursory look, marveling at his confidence.
There was no doubt in him that he would crest tonight.

Aaron gave her a nudge, silently telling her not to worry.

Kevin came to stand before them. “It’s good to see you.”

Though he spoke to her, all his focus was centered on his

“You, too, though I thought I would find more resistance.”

Kevin’s face darkened, and he smiled in a rare show of
emotion. “After it came to my attention what my lovely mate had orchestrated
last night, I planned my own entertainment for her.”

There was no doubt in Raven’s mind that whatever he’d had in
store for Vivian wouldn’t be pleasant, not if his smile was anything to go by.
He was not the type of person she wanted on her bad side.

“Do the terms of our agreement meet with your satisfaction?”

“Yes.” Kevin held out his hand to his enforcer, then pulled
Jackson in close and thumped him on his arm. “I’m going to miss your company,
old friend. If you’ve changed your mind...”

Jackson pulled away and shook his head, the suppressed
emotions on his face dropping years from him. “I can’t serve two masters.”

Kevin was all alpha when he faced her. “I release my claim.
From here on out, he’s yours.” Then with a nod, he disappeared back into the
crowd. Aaron flashed her one last mischievous grin before being swallowed by
the mill of young people.

Without Aaron or Taggert as a buffer, there was an
awkwardness between her and Jackson. He stared at her with an unwavering
intensity that made her want to check to make sure she hadn’t put her underwear
on over her clothes.

Though weak, a cord of current licked under her skin,
awakened as if her power couldn’t wait to claim him, either.

A commotion at the other end of the room drew her attention.
Eager for the distraction, not ready to face the expectation on Jackson’s face,
she searched for the source of the unrest.

“Did you want to stay longer?” The repressed hunger in his
voice snagged at her heart.

He had his freedom now.

He could go anywhere.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

“No.” Jackson moved closer, narrowing the space between them
until only they existed. “Want is too tame of a word.”

Raven’s spirits plummeted then rose so quickly, she was left
light-headed. He wanted her to claim him. To have a man like Jackson select
her, after she had nothing for so long, made her feel precious.

“I’m sorry for the interruption, but Raven, may I speak with
you in private?” Raven whirled, having so completely fallen under Jackson’s
spell, she’d forgotten they were in public. It took her frazzled mind a few
seconds to recognize Durant.

Then she slammed back to earth with a nasty thump as their
surroundings intruded. Trouble brewed in Durant’s eyes. When she looked back at
Jackson, Durant held out his hand. “It’s important.”

His agitation ate away at her composed. Beneath the surface,
his cat twitched, his eyes glowed before ruthlessly repressing both. Something
disturbed him so thoroughly it broke through his phenomenal control.

“Go. This can wait. I have no intention of going anywhere.”

Raven squeezed Jackson’s arm, still hesitant to leave. This
wouldn’t be like last time. Jackson would be waiting for her when she returned.

Durant had no such qualms. At Jackson’s permission, he
snatched her hand and dragged her into the crowd.

The atmosphere of the club had changed, harsh whispers
pricked her ears.

Piercing stares were directed her way.

Some judging, others suspicious.

“What’s going on?”

“You need to see this.” His grip tightened painfully. “Be
careful. They want someone to blame. Don’t let them corner you into anything.”

“Blame?” Then she smelled it.

Blood and a lot of it.

No longer needing to be pulled, she shoved her way to the
front. People parted reluctantly.

The council members stood outside of the bathroom. The
unnerving part, they stopped talking the instant she came into view.

It only took a quick glance into the red-washed room to know
what had happened. Raven cursed her luck to have a woman die at the conclave.
Bad enough the death was brought here but female shifters were considered

No one could allow the murders to go unanswered any longer.

Blood dripped from the ceiling. Pulp slid down the walls. There
were no signs of clothes except for a few scattered pieces of a skirt. Raven
couldn’t smell the blood anymore over the raw scent of meat and bile.  

“Lock down the club. Don’t let anyone leave. Detain anyone
who tries.”

“This is the case you’ve been working on?” Durant sounded

The older wolf on the council inhaled sharply, his eye gone yellow.
“And you brought this here.”

Raven narrowed her eyes, offended by the implications. “Of
course not. I warned the council that this could happen.”

“Well, you didn’t do a very good job stopping it, did you?”
The old man bared his teeth, completely convinced she should be held

Donaldson raised his hand. “Now you have our complete attention.”

That was so not what a person wanted to hear from the leader
of the conclave. “There is a new drug on the market, a twin of the one out a
few weeks ago. This one allows a shifter the characteristics of an alpha.”

“Impossible.” The wolf looked down his nose at her,
dismissing her without bothering to listen to proof. The old curmudgeon.

“But the drug reacts to some shifters,” she nodded to the
bathroom, “that way.”

“Why would she take the drug?” Donaldson sounded skeptical.
“Females have their own power. Being an alpha for a few hours won’t gain her
any standing in the pack.”

Only one reason came to mind.

“A mate.” Raven whispered the revelation, staring into the
small room. A shattered mirror littered the room like diamonds shining amongst
the gore. She made no move to enter. “I’ll need to call the cops.”

“We have our own ways to handle these things.” The cat
leaned against the wall, but there was nothing lazy in his pose. She had no
doubt that he would love to be one of the people to hunt for the killer.

Anger simmered in her gut. “This could’ve been prevented if
anyone had bothered to listen sooner. As much as I want to agree with you, this
is not something that we can just pretend never happened. The police—”

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