Elemental (6 page)

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Authors: Kim Richardson

BOOK: Elemental
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David’s companion screamed and desperately tried to wipe it off. But it was no use. His entire body dripped in the demon’s blood. A moment later he fell over like a bowling pin and was still.

The demon whirled around and locked eyes with Kara. It made its way towards her.

“Over here! You oversized bug!”

David threw himself in front of Kara. He slashed and stabbed at the creature with his blade. In one rapid movement he hurled his Soul Blade into the creature’s neck. Spurts of black blood escaped through the wound. It stumbled. Its eyes rolled back in its head. David saw his opportunity and took it. He brandished another blade from inside his jacket, leapt forward and slashed at the demon’s neck.

It took three full strokes to cut off its head. The headless demon teetered momentarily on the spot. Then it collapsed. It twitched and jerked. A mixture of black and green liquid spilled from its severed neck. Within seconds the demon’s body was nothing but a bubbling puddle. It slowly evaporated until nothing remained.

Everything felt like a dream to Kara. Her vision blurred. David looked up and then ran over to her.

“She’s in bad shape, David,” Kara heard the other guardian say. “I don’t know what this sticky stuff is. I’ve never seen it before. She’s like in a cocoon or something. And it looks like the demon’s blood did a number on her. It’s eating away at her. She won’t last long like this. We have to get her back to Horizon—and fast.”

David gently touched her cheek with his fingers.

“Kara,” he whispered. “Kara, stay with me. You’re going to be okay. I promise. Kara? Don’t close your eyes! Stay with me! Kara!”

Kara wanted to stay awake more than anything. She tried to answer back, but nothing moved. And as she tried to muster the strength to smile—the darkness took her.



Chapter 5

A new post






. The archangel, Raphael forced her to stay in the healing chambers for several days so that she could monitor her progress.

Kara didn’t remember much. She did not want to remember that she had caused Tom’s death. The demon had caused a great deal of damage to her angel core, maybe she couldn’t remember. She wasn’t sure.

Kara pleaded to be released—that she was being held prisoner. She explained to Raphael what the demon that had attacked her looked like—they had never seen or heard of such a demon. Was it a new breed? Was someone or something breeding them?

Raphael finally released Kara from her protective custody on condition that she meet with the archangel Gabriel at Operations. She set off quickly for the quiet of the dunes.

As she treaded through the soft red sand, Kara heard running footsteps behind her. Her body tingled when David jogged up to her.

“Hey! How are you feeling?” He smiled. “I was just looking for you on level three…so Raphael finally let you out of her cage. I was beginning to think she’d kidnapped you.”

He smiled again, but Kara could see concern, almost fear, flash for a second in his eyes.

She brushed a long strand of hair behind her ear. She bit her lip. She didn’t know how he felt about her anymore. She didn’t want him think she was too happy to see him.

“Yeah, finally. I think she took my well-being a little too seriously,” Kara forced a laugh and hoped David didn’t notice the shakiness in her voice.

David sighed. “Well, I’m glad you’re okay. I was really worried. You were barely holding up your M suit—I wasn’t sure you were going to make it.”

Unease flashed in his face again.

Kara started to grow uncomfortable. She averted her eyes.

“…but I did.” Something nagged in the back of her mind. “Hey, how did you know I’d be at my mom’s apartment? Did you follow me? —Don’t get me wrong, if it weren’t for you I’d be dead, and I’m grateful. But how did you know I’d be there?”

David scuffed up some red sand with his foot. “Because I’m psychic, babe.”

Kara listened nervously as he continued, “Well, I’d like to think I know you a little. I had a feeling you’d take the first chance you got to check up on your mom. And it appears I was right.”

A sudden anger spread across David’s face. “It turns out—so did the demons.”

Kara started to feel frightened again. “What? What do you mean?”

“It seems the demons were waiting for you. It was a trap, Kara.”

Kara remembered a tall handsome man with short manicured black hair and a cunning demeanor. She could see hunger in his eyes. She could hear the roar of black lightening and recall, for a moment, the excruciating pain as her body burned.

“Asmodeus! He’s still alive! It has to be him. He wants to suck the elemental power out of me, and then kill me!” Kara realized she was shouting.

“I don’t know if the demon lord is still out there. But something is breeding new demons. Those damned things back at your apartment, we’ve never seen anything like them before. They’re like part insect and part humanoid—nasty freaking creatures—and really hard to kill. And someone or something is definitely after you.”

David must have read the fear in her eyes, for he put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Kara. I’m here to protect you.”

Somehow that didn’t really comfort her.

“Asmodeus wanted the elemental power from the little boy I saved from him, and now he wants it from me.” Kara shook her head. “But—that still doesn’t explain how my mother—” Kara looked at David.

He looked away. His face narrowed. She studied his expression. She knew that whatever he was about to say would be bad.

“We weren’t a hundred percent sure at first…but now—with the attack at your apartment—it proves that the demons are after you. They used your mother as bait. We don’t know where your mother is, Kara. I’m sorry.”

“What! No…you’re lying. I don’t believe you. You said she was protected. That there was a team watching over her.”

David jammed his hands in his pockets. He stared at the ground. “I’m sorry you have to find out like this. But it’s the truth. She’s gone. I’m sorry.”

Kara hit David in the chest. “It’s not true! It can’t be. Why are you doing this to me?”

David grabbed her wrists and held her. “It is true. Kara she’s gone—”

“No!” Kara fought against David’s hold and cursed. Her throat tightened, and she sobbed. She fell to her knees.

David knelt down beside her. He took her head in his hands.

“Listen. Ramiel told me that your mother’s soul is still alive. It’s still shinning—her life source lives. That means her mortal body is gone, but her soul is not dead.”

“Are you sure?” Kara raised her head in relief and looked up beyond the rolling red hills, half expecting to see her mother.

“We think they took her.” David’s eyes glistened. “We don’t know why, but it has to have something to do with you. That demon in your mom’s apartment wanted to take you somewhere. It wrapped you up nice and tight. It wasn’t planning on killing you, Kara.”

“So, my mother’s soul is still alive. It’s out there, in the demon realm? Are you sure?”

“It has to be. Otherwise it would have made its way back here. Her soul is trapped somewhere, I’m sure of it.”

“So we have to go get it!” Kara jumped to her feet. “We have to save my mother.”

David lifted his hands in protest. “Whoa…hang on, cowgirl! It’s not that simple. You don’t just walk into the demon realm and ask for it back. You’ll need a plan of attack and an army with you. Besides, we don’t know how to get in.”

“Aren’t there doorways or something? There must be, otherwise how can the demons travel to Earth?”

David smiled kindly. “Well, we know of portals that they use. But they’re never open long enough. I’ve never heard of an angel crossing over. I’m not sure it can be done.”

“It can be done!” Kara said crossly. “And it will be done. I’m going to save my mother, with our without your help!”

“Okay, okay, keep your panties on,” he laughed. “I never said I wouldn’t help you.”

“You said it couldn’t be done.” Kara crossed her arms on her chest.

David sighed. “I said I’m not
it can be done, not that it couldn’t. There’s got to be a way. We’ll have to talk to Gabe about this. I’m sure the big boy has some ideas. And speaking of his royal sexiness, he wants a word with you. Probably to discuss what happened at the apartment.”

Kara flinched as she thought of Tom. She knew his desperate screams would haunt her forever.

“Are they going to punish me for what happened to Tom?”

David shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe. I don’t think Gabe’s too happy about it. But since it’s you—maybe he’ll make an exception.”

The archangel Gabriel was the pit bull amongst the rest of the archangels. She searched down the hills and recognized the great white tent. What would happen to her? She was responsible for the death of a rookie.

“Kara are you okay?”

David’s words shook Kara out of her trance. “Yeah. I’m fine. We should get going, they’re waiting for me.”

She walked down the slight slope.

“You don’t look fine.” David caught up beside her. “We’ll find your mother’s soul. I can promise you that.”

Kara lowered her eyes. “It’s not just that. I got Tom killed today! It’s my fault his dead—and now I’m going to pay the price!” She wanted to kick herself for being so foolish.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself. I would have done the same.”

“You’re just saying that to make me feel better—but it’s not working.”

“No,” said David, his voice growing louder. “I would have done the same. But I would’ve probably stopped at a pub for a beer or two afterwards, and you know it!”

Kara searched David’s face. She knew he spoke the truth, and she let herself relax a little, even if it was only for a moment. But with every step closer to the white tent, Kara felt increasingly uneasy.

The death of Tom weighed heavily on her—she had broken the rules and ignored her mission for her own selfish agenda. And now she would pay for the consequences. Was she to be exiled forever from Horizon? Banished to a fate with the demons?

Already on thin ice with most of the members of the High Council and a large part of the Legion still believed her to be a demon spy. Tom’s death on her first assignment only added more fuel to their suspicions.

She clenched her fists and pressed on. They passed a group of guardian angels. Kara kept her eyes on the ground. Her shame materialized in tiny uncontrollable spasms. Too soon David and Kara reached the great white tent.

The archangel Gabriel sat patiently behind the great table. Oracles rolled above their crystals balls and attended to the many guardians waiting for their next assignments. Gabriel watched Kara approaching. His face was unreadable. Somehow, that made her feel worse. If he had looked mad, at least she could prepare herself.

“Kara Nightingale. How good of you to join us. I was beginning to think you wouldn’t come.” Gabriel’s voice boomed over the general noise in the tent. Kara’s mouth was glued shut.

“Hey—what’s up Gabe.” David brushed past Kara and put himself first. “You look great! Have you been working out? Look at those bulging muscles.” He lifted a playful eyebrow.

Gabriel’s forehead rippled in a scowl. “Mind your tongue, David McGowan. I’m not in the mood for your foolishness.”

“Ah—come on now. I was just playing nice, your worship. You know you’re right. I am being foolish—no one is as good looking as me.” He brushed his fingers through his tousled blonde hair.

Kara rolled her eyes. She realized in the moment of silence that followed that Gabriel was struggling to stay calm.

His face darkened. “You disobeyed our laws and forfeited your assignment. As a result of your bad judgment, Kara, two angels have lost their lives.”

Kara opened her mouth to protest, but she shut it immediately because she knew that guardian angels had died trying to save her. She dropped her eyes to the ground.

“The punishment for such behavior,” continued Gabriel, “is a trip to Tartarus for an undetermined period of time.”

Kara flinched. She had never heard of Tartarus. She suppressed images of angels being tortured in a deep dark dungeon. A prison is a prison, she realized. It wasn’t good. She couldn’t even begin to fathom what an undetermined period of time would be in Horizon.

The ground near her feet moved slightly. Her body swayed. David held her arm and steadied her.

“Surely, your holiness can understand that the circumstances surrounding these incidents mean that Kara is not responsible for them,” David said, his voice rising. “The deaths of the two guardians is unfortunate, I agree. But Kara encountered a new breed of demon. They used her mother as bait.” He stepped forward.

“This isn’t her fault!” He shouted.

A slight breeze lifted Kara’s hair off her neck. In the distance, she could hear the faint clatter of weapons from the training tents. She clamped her trembling hands into fists.

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